Title: ASTRONET Coordinating strategic planning for European Astronomy
1ASTRONETCoordinating strategic planning for
European Astronomy
- Astronomy largely depends on big facilities
- Co-operation has made European astronomy a leader
in the field - Defending this position will require a new
generation of infrastructures that are feasible
only at the European or even global level - gt budgets frame(s) to build and operate
large-scale infrastructures ? - To convince our national authorities and other
decision making bodies on our needs, we have to
build a European strategy in astronomy - A global scientific vision of the future of
European astronomy - A roadmap for the coordinated development of
ground and space based infrastructures for
astronomy in Europe (incl. RD and key
technologies) - Develop durable procedures for cooperation and
coordination btw agencies - ASTRONET is a tool to organize this European
strategic planning
3ASTRONET partners (as of June 2005)
- Participants
- INSU (France, Coord)
- BMBF (Germany)
- ESO (International)
- INAF (Italy)
- NOTSA (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden)
- MEC (Spain)
- NWO (NL)
- Associates
- ESA (International)
- MPG (Germany)
- gt80 European astro
- open to new participants and/or associates
- 1 vote/country
4ASTRONET Workpackages
- Networking
- A science vision for European astronomy
- A roadmap for the development of infrastructures
for European astronomy - Coordinated actions to strengthen AA in Europe
- Consortium management
- Consortium coordination
5WP 1 Networking (INAF)
- Objectives
- establish a forum for regular consultations
between national and international funding
agencies for European astronomy, including ESF
and ERC - integrate all qualified and interested partners
in ASTRONET as full participants or Associates - establish a forum for regular consultations
between ASTRONET and related European networks,
I3 consortia, and Design Study projects in
astronomy and particle astrophysics as well as
with EAS and EGU. - Tasks
- 1.1 Systematic exchange of information between
agencies interactions with ESF and ERC link
with EAS and EGU (INAF) - 1.2 Integration of new Participants and
Associates (NOTSA) - 1.3 Link with the I3, DS and astroparticle
physics (PPARC) - 1.4 Propositions on evolutions of ASTRONET (INSU)
6WP 2 A science vision for European astronomy
- Objectives
- Census of European Astronomy Resources and
Scientific Strategies - (institutions, personal, training, financing,
evaluation, access to infrastructures) - Construct a Science Vision for European Astronomy
- Make recommendations for European astronomical
development in the world global context - Tasks
- 2.1 Census of present European astronomical
forces (ESO) - 2.2 European Science Vision for Astronomy (NWO)
7WP 2 A science vision for European astronomy
- How to build the Science Vision ?
- Scientific vision Working Group, including all
representatives - Inputs Census (incl national strategies, cf EAS
2004) thematic panels - Collect relevant existing thematic panels
reports, launch new panels when needed. Cosmic
Vision is a major component - Close contact with WP3
8WP 3 A roadmap for the development of
infrastructure for European astronomy (PPARC)
- Objectives
- Starting from the Scientific Vision, produce a
plan for the development of infrastructure for
European Astronomy over the next 10-20 years
 the Roadmap . - Engage stakeholders to develop an implementation
plan for the Roadmap. - Co-ordinate the implementation plan for the
Roadmap internationally by engaging with top
level European and global bodies e.g. ESFRI
OECD GSF. - Tasks
- 3.1 Produce a plan for the development of
European astronomy over the next 10-20 years
 the Roadmap (PPARC) - 3.2 Identify means to implement the Roadmap
(INSU) - Includes enabling technologies, development of
multilateral facilities, mechanisms for
collaboration especially beyond Europe,
interactions with ESFRI and OECD GSF
9WP 3 A roadmap for the development of
infrastructure for European astronomy
- How to build the Roadmap ?
- Science vision as input
- Input from advisory panels and Symposium
- Possible panels
- ? High energy astrophysics from space.
- ? Ultra-violet, optical infrared astronomy from
space. - ? Ground based optical infrared astronomy
- ? Radio sub-millimetre astronomy
- ? Solar astronomy.
- ? Survey astronomy
- Theory, computation
- Virtual Observatory
- Particle astrophysics
- Education, training outreach.
- Panel members include I3 representatives
- Team (Task leader, panel chairs, key participants
from WP2) makes recommendations to the Board
10WP4 Coordinated actions to strengthen Astronomy
and Astrophysics in Europe (BMBF)
- Objectives
- Status quo of research processing and funding in
AA - Identify formal, legal, administrative barriers
to cooperation / joint programs - Develop a common action plan for future
cooperation - Develop common evaluation procedures, rules of
good practice, standards for the implementation,
management, and administration of future medium
or large size projects or infrastructures in
astrophysics - Create a template for a call for proposals on a
coordinated research activity - Launch a call for proposal
- Tasks
- 4.1 Investigation of formal and legal barriers
for a European wide cooperation (BMBF) - 4.2 Establishment of common evaluation procedures
and standards for projects and infrastructures
(BMBF) - 4.3 Test implementation of a coordinated European
research programme (NWO)
11WP5/6 Consortium Management and Coordination
- 5.1 Project management
- 5.2 Implementation and maintenance of
communication tools - 5.3 Organisation of meetings
12Key deliverables and milestones
- T0 1 Kick-off
- T0 6 Census of existing national surveys
(organization, resources, scientific priorities) - T0 9 Start of a Web-based discussion forum on
the future scientific challenges - TO 12 Introduction of new participants
- T0 15 Symposium on the scientific challenges
of space ground-based astronomy in the next 20
years - T0 18 Science Vision for European Astronomy
final Report, Vision Recommendations - T0 22 Census on national research processing
and funding - T0 30 Roadmap Review Symposium
- T0 30 Workshop on future evolution of Astronet
- T0 34 White book on the implementation of
common structure standards - T0 34 Launch of a test call for proposals for
targeted coordinated pan European activity - T0 36 Roadmap for infrastructures
13ASTRONET organisation
- Reviews the project takes strategic decisions,
nominates new members experts - Composition 1 rep./participant 1 rep.(without
vote)/associate - open sessions with I3, DS, and ASPERA if selected
- ASTRONET Executive Committee
- Implement the program following Board decisions
reports to the Board - Composition Project coordinator, Project
manager, WP leaders, Board chairperson
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15ASTRONET status
- ASTRONET has been  recommended for fundingÂ
- 399 P.month 2.5 Meuros
- End of negociation phasis
- Start date TBD (Sept. 1st ?)
- ASTRONET duration 4 years
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