2 Education is one of the occupational fields more
exposed to cultural, political and
administrative criteria That factors provoke a
remarkable diversity in certain occupations
among the different countries - directive
functions, are very different from the
educational ones, or must we understand those as
essentially part of these? - the
Post-secondary education teacher, In any
educational systems is very stumped
3 Education, Research and Personnel include
more professions than simple occupations Are
the first reductible to the seconds, or the
occupation is additional and ulterior to the
profession? - There are some cases of two
kinds - Other professions are of second kind,
but also include an occupation very general that
keeps the name of the profession (as
psychologist). - In other cases, a profession
has two occupational dimensions, as the
researcher one.
4 Technological innovation ask for changes of
organisational order. At he area of Human
Resources, it seems affect the profiles of
technician and of the clerk. Information
technologies have led to integrate many tasks
that before demanded a great administrative
work, and have made so easy the execution that
they can be carried out by clerks or by