Facing the Storm? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Facing the Storm?


Facing the Storm? Teacher Educators, Higher Education and Government Policy for Teacher Education in the Twenty First Century Professor Jean Murray, The Cass School ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Facing the Storm?

Facing the Storm?
  • Teacher Educators, Higher Education and
    Government Policy for Teacher Education in the
    Twenty First Century
  • Professor Jean Murray, The Cass School of
    Education, University of East London.
  • Presentation for the University and College
    Union, London, 2nd November 2010

The Battleground
  • The part of the field which we are to examine has
    long been a battleground for the expert, and many
    questions call for discussion. What, for example,
    should be the purpose of professional training?
    its character and duration? Where should it be
    given and by whom? .... At what age should it
    commence? and is a system of apprenticeship
  • Lance Jones - The Training of Teachers in England
    and Wales
  • 1923

A Future Vision a model of training for twenty
first century teachers?
  • Teaching is a craft and it is best learnt as an
    apprentice observing a master craftsman or woman.
    Watching others, and being rigorously observed
    yourself as you develop, is the best route to
    acquiring mastery in the classroom. (Gove,
  • We will reform teacher training to shift trainee
    teachers out of college (sic) and into the
    classroom and to shift resources so that more
    heads can train teachers in their own schools
    (Gove, 20106).

Out of the Pedagogical Museum the teacher
training college
Apprenticeship learning and teaching in the
nineteenth century
Back to the Future? Re-visiting old ideas... (1)
  • Attacks on HEIs as remote, limited in the
    training provided and overly theoretical
  • 1890s, 1960s, 1980s 1990s ( 2010)
  • Dangers of school-based apprenticeship model
  • 1880s, 1920s, 1970s, mid 1980s mid 1990s (

Back to the Future? Re-visiting old ideas... (2)
  • teacher trainees (should) spend their first
    year in schools apprenticed to a master
  • Coz, C B Boyson, R (Eds) (1977) Black Paper.
    London Temple Smith
  • We believe that there is no such thing as a
    qualified expert in education, and no coherent
    discipline of education theory. Teaching, like
    business, is a form of practical knowledge.
  • The Hillgate Group (1989) Whose Schools? A
    Radical Manifesto.
  • London The Hillgate Group

Discourses of Derision 1980 / 1990s
  • The majority of teacher training courses are
    intellectually feeble and biased
  • They are overly concerned with topics such as
    race, sex, class and even anti-imperialist
  • Their preoccupations appear designed to stir up
    disaffection, to preach a spurious gospel of
    equality and to subvert the entire traditional
  • Hillgate Group (19895) Whose Schools? A Radical
  • London The Hillgate Group

A teacher educator?
A teacher educator?
Discourses of Derision modern takes
  • ....the system has been brought low by poorly
    qualified, trained and motivated teachers,
    supported by their unions.
  • No single thing is more urgent, or more
    neglected, in education policy today than to put
    a bomb under teacher training and the outdated,
    lazy orthodoxy that has almost wrecked English
    teaching traditions. Thats what is most needed.
    Teacher training, teacher training, teacher
  • Minette Marrin in the Sunday Times, October 18,
  • Accessed at http//www.minettemarrin.com/minettema
    rrin/the_sunday_times/ 23rd November 2010.

Fitness for Purpose? Apprenticeship Learning in
Teaching in the Nineteenth Century (but not the
Fitness for purpose in twenty first century
....and for twenty first century teachers and
student teachers
Global and national challenges for the teaching
  • Being a teacher is a complex and demanding
    profession ...
  • Teacher education is the key to better qualified
    teachers who are able to educate pupils and
    teachers for the demands of the 21st century
  • OECD (2005) Teachers Matter.

Joining up Professional Learning over the Life
Course key questions
  • What is involved in teaching well and effectively
    over a career? Pupil learning, teacher well-being
    and learning, sustaining of teacher
  • So what is involved in ITE as the process during
    which the foundations of professionalism are

Teacher education the Janus-faced enterprise
Mis-leading dichotomies and simplistic judgements
  • Practice good theory bad (or vice versa)
  • School-based ITE good HE-based ITE bad (or
    vice versa)
  • Workplace learning relevant out of workplace
    learning irrelevant
  • Implicit learning grounded explicit learning
    out of the workplace difficult to apply /
  • Immediately relevant learning good learning
    with longer term relevance bad

Teacher Professionalism for the Current Century
  • Teachers able to
  • meet the learning needs of increasingly diverse
    bodies of pupils who are taught in increasingly
    diverse ways
  • meet and anticipate the challenges which social
    and political changes bring to education
  • promote innovation
  • take personal and collective responsibility for
    continuous professional learning
  • meet the learning needs of neophyte professionals
    and experienced colleagues
  • Based on
  • decisions about evidence-informed practice, local
    needs and the broad socio-cultural and political
    contexts within which the school operates

Traditional models of apprenticeship (1)
Traditional models of apprenticeship (2)
Traditional models of apprenticeship (2)
  • Induction apprenticed to a master plumber 4
    days a week learning by watching and then doing
  • Attendance and study at college 1 day a week to
    gain qualification reading set texts on how
    to, trade manuals, health and safety guidance
    etc etc
  • CPL reading of new product publicity, new
    guidance on how to fit products. Plumbing Today.
  • Occasional discussions with fellow plumbers /
    builders / customers on new developments.
  • Teach yourself new techniques trial and error.

Workplace Learning a panacea for all ills?
  • Emphasises value of experiential knowledge above
    other sources of knowledge generation
  • In teaching adds to the over-valuation of
    classroom teaching as an activity
  • Sees immediate learning in the workplace as most
  • But doesnt always acknowledge that not all
    workplaces can provide the necessary conditions
    for learners to be novices nor the variety of
    contexts required for full professional induction
  • Emphasises the importance of the community
    inducting the newcomer and drawing her/him into
    established practice
  • Strengthens immediate and local knowledge in
    teaching but does not always acknowledge the
    broader context or add to the overall development
    of the profession as a whole

The Cultures of ITE and Collegial CPL in Schools
as Workplaces
  • Cultures strong in some schools but generally
    still weak across the system as a whole
  • Not all schools participate in ITE or have
    sustained commitment to collegial CPL
  • Schools priorities firmly focused on pupils
    first and foremost
  • Pressures and pace of school life may make little
    space for workplace learning
  • Mentoring and school-based teacher education
    roles still not fully recognised or accredited
  • Risk of reproducing only local and experiential

Teacher Educators the hidden profession
  • A generation of teacher educators closer to and
    more knowledgeable about the school sector than
    ever before -
  • Overview knowledge of schooling, including but
    going well beyond experiential knowledge
  • Scholarship and / or active research engagement
  • 2nd order pedagogy and practice, including
    student support
  • Development of practical theorising skills with
    student teachers
  • Often caught between a rock and a hard place in
    terms of fitwith HE workplaces and traditional
    constructions of academic roles

Teacher education the Janus-faced enterprise
The Faces of Janus looking at, not looking away
  • Neither schools nor HEIs - as the two faces of
    Janus in teacher education - currently bring
    their full power to ITE and collegial CPL
  • Tacit divisions, judgemental stances, derision
    and lack of recognition based on old (and
    sometimes outdated) visions of teaching and ITE
    abound under the rhetoric of partnership
  • ITE clearly needs the contributions of both
    schools and HEIs to create a coherent and viable
    national system of ITE fit for the 21st century
  • Apprenticeship models alone cannot provide this
    nor can an ad hoc model of school-centred

Strengthening the HE Contribution (1)
  • Re-clarification of what we mean by reflexivity,
    enquiry, scholarship research in ITE, CPL and
    Schools of Education
  • Values base of ITE and CPL work in HE is
  • Use this understanding to re-think the place of
    academic activities in Schools of Education
    stakeholder / user engagement impact?
  • Create communal structures and scaffolds across
    schools for the development of evidence-informed
    reflexivity from student teacher to experienced
  • Allow time to do this.
  • Centre teacher development around a scholarly
    knowledge base about learning and teaching in
    educational institutions and communities (true

Strengthening the HE Contribution (2)
  • Articulation of panoply of scholarship and
    research activities, their purposes and how they
    are manifested as processes and products
  • Teacher educators standing at the forefront of
    their discipline (Furlong, 2009)
  • Highlight and disseminate 2nd order practice
  • Generate and disseminate products of teacher and
    teacher educator scholarship in conventional and
    new media
  • Join forces with other professional education
    fields in HE (nurse education, social work

Strengthening the School Contribution
  • Participation in ITE and collegial CPL becomes
    the required norm for schools and is seen as
    integral to teachers career development
  • Values base of ITE and CPL work is clarified.
    Challenge the dominance of experiential knowledge
    in teaching.
  • Role of mentors and of school-based teacher
    educators is fully recognised, accredited and
    linked to further study opportunities (generation
    of scholarship). Recognition of 2nd order
    practice androgogy as well as pedagogy. Award
    of clinical practitioner role?
  • Teachers have opportunities throughout their
    career for further development through formal
    academic study and the generation of personal
    scholarship and research
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