Title: Dating Q
1Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
2Whats the Big Deal with Dating?
3Whats the Big Deal with Dating?
Why do people date?
Its all about ________.
4Whats the Big Deal with Dating?
What are your needs?
Rearrange your needs into the three categories
spiritual, emotional, and physical.
5Whats the Big Deal with Dating?
Mark 23-12 What spiritual needs did this man
have? What emotional needs did this man
have? What physical needs did this man have? How
did Jesus meet his needs?
6Whats the Big Deal with Dating?
1 Thessalonians 418 __________________________ Ja
mes 516 __________________________ John 1335
__________________________ Galatians 62
confession prayer
bear one anothers burdens
7Whats the Big Deal with Dating?
1 Corinthians 1225 __________________________ He
brews 1024 __________________________ 1 John
311 __________________________
have concern
encourage to love service
8Whats the Big Deal with Dating?
9Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
10Who are You Looking for?
11Who are You Looking For?
What do you look for in a date?
12Who are You Looking For?
List the godly characteristics of the men in
these verses 1 Peter 37-9 1 Timothy 51-2 1
Timothy 38-9
13Who are You Looking For?
Check out what these passages say about being a
woman of God 1 Peter 31-6 Proverbs
3110-30 Titus 24-5
14Who are You Looking for?
15Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
16Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
17Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
Do you believe you have a soul mate?
18Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
Look at how God worked in Isaacs life in Genesis
24. 1 This servant believed that God had
________________ a wife for Isaac. (v. 14) 2
Abraham believed that God would
______________________ to help him find a wife.
(v. 40)
send an angel
19Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
3 Rebekahs parents believed God
______________________ for her to become Isaacs
wife. (v. 50-51)
20Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
Check out the Book of Ruth and her love
story. 1 Ruths first husband, Malhon, led her
to _______________. (116) 2 After Malhon died,
Gods law said she should marry her ____________
_________________________. (43-5)
21Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
3 After the person who should have married Ruth
refused, Ruth married ________________. (49-10)
22Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
Check out Hoseas love story. 1 God asked Hosea
to marry a woman who would ___________________.
(12) 2 Hosea obeyed God and chose to marry
_____________. (13)
cheat on him
23Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
How do you find that special someone God has for
you? Return to the story of Isaac in Genesis 24.
1 Choose someone with a __________________
foundation. (v. 3-4) 2 ____________ for God to
bring you someone. (v. 12)
24Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
3 Look for someone with a _________________
heart. (v. 13-14)
25Does God Have Someone Picked Out for You?
26Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
27How Do You Build a Spiritual Relationship?
28How Do You Build a Spiritual Relationship?
What kinds of things do you like to do on a date?
29How Do You Build a Spiritual Relationship?
How do you keep your dating relationship
God-centered? Here are 4 dating secrets 1
Spend time _______________ with God. (James
513, 16) 2 Spend time ______________ with
God. (Luke 516)
30How Do You Build a Spiritual Relationship?
3 Give God ______________. (Luke 646) 4
_________________ God together. (Matthew
31How Do You Build a Spiritual Relationship?
32Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
33Do You Believe In Love at First Sight?
34Do You Believe In Love at First Sight?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
35Do You Believe In Love at First Sight?
1 At first, Jacob and Rachels relationship
began with a __________________ attraction.
(2917) 2 Their relationship soon was based
on an ___________________ attraction. (2918-20)
36Do You Believe In Love at First Sight?
3 After they were married, _______________ set
in. (301-2) Rachel became _____________. Jacob
became ______________. 4 Their
_____________________ lasted to the end. (331-2
37Do You Believe In Love at First Sight?
38Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
39What Do You Need?
40What Do You Need?
What are your emotional needs? Here are two of
your greatest emotional needs that often go
overlooked ___________ and ________________
41What Do You Need?
When you trust or do not trust, you usually judge
someones ___________________ (1 Timothy
38-11) ___________________ (Hebrews 116)
42What Do You Need?
- Here are just a look at some of the trust
dilemmas that people face - Can I trust _________ person?
- Can I trust that I am ________ ____________
for a Christian relationship? - Can I trust ___________?
- Can I trust ________?
43What Do You Need?
What do these verses say about listening? Proverbs
1215 Proverbs 3128,31 1 Timothy 37
44What Do You Need?
45Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
46What Do You Say?
47What Do You Say?
What kinds of things do you talk about on a date?
48What Do You Say?
Girl Tendencies
Girls talk to get information and to connect or
to gain rapport. They talk about people rather
than things. They convey feelings and details.
They are relationship oriented.
49What Do You Say?
Boy Tendencies
In general, boys talk to give information or to
report. They talk about things -- school, sports,
and food -- rather than people. They convey
facts, not details. They are goal-oriented. They
focus on solving problems.
50What Do You Say?
List the communication principles found in the
following verses Proverbs 3128 Proverbs
2813 Proverbs 1813 Proverbs 1113 Proverbs
1219 Proverbs 1218 Proverbs 1628 Proverbs
51What Do You Say?
Emotional Benefits Saying the right things in the
right ways lead to your partner
being __________________________ ________________
__________ __________________________
52What Do You Say?
53Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
54How Do You Know if Someone Really Loves You?
55How Do You Know if Someone Really Loves You?
How do you know if someone loves you?
How does a person learn to love?
56What Do You Say?
Show Me Love Here are three ways in which people
show other people love __________________________
__________________________ ______________________
what they say
what they do
57How Do You Know if Someone Really Loves You?
Check out Gods pictures of love in 1 Corinthians
58How Do You Know if Someone Really Loves You?
59Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
60How Do You Keep the Relationship Together?
61How Do You Keep the Relationship Together?
Whats the hardest thing youve ever had to do to
maintain a relationship?
62How Do You Keep the Relationship Together?
Gods Super Glue God offers one thing that will
keep relationships together and strong. Check
out the answer in Ephesians 521 ________________
63How Do You Keep the Relationship Together?
- What it is.
- _____________________________
- _____________________________
yielding your rights
willing to suffer
64How Do You Keep the Relationship Together?
- What it isnt.
- _____________________________
- _____________________________
- _____________________________
- _____________________________
use and abuse
dont get to voice your opinions
65How Do You Keep the Relationship Together?
Peter offers these submissive tipsfor both women
and men in 1 Peter 31-7 Women
Men _____________ _____________ ________
_____ _____________
quiet spirit
66How Do You Keep the Relationship Together?
67Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
68What are You Waiting For?
69What are You Waiting For?
List all the physical needs you have.
70What are You Waiting For?
Sex principles from Genesis 2 1 You are not an
_______________ (218-20) 2 Best in
_________________ (224) Hebrews 134 by
definitions ______________________
71What are You Waiting For?
3 Sex is about becoming ________ (224)
72What are You Waiting For?
God gives at least three reasons why sex is so
good. 1 Sex is ___________________ 2 Sex
creates ______________ 3 Sex is
fun and romantic
73What are You Waiting For?
74Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
75How Far is too Far?
76How Far is too Far?
Where would you draw the line? How far is too
77How Far is too Far?
sexual boundaries principles 1 Avoid
___________________ ___________________ . (1
Thessalonians 43-5) 2 Dont look
__________________ . (Matthew 2527-30)
78How Far is too Far?
You are probably going too far when you
experience sexual _________.
79How Far is too Far?
How can you stay pure and not go too far? 1
Determine where you are going to
________________________ before you are on a
____________. 2 ________________ about your
boundary with your date.
draw the line
80How Far is too Far?
3 Take it _________________. 4 Take steps
__________________ when you feel like you are
about to go too far.
81How Far is too Far?
82Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask
83What if You Have Already Gone too Far?
84What if You Have Already Gone too Far?
List 5 Reasons You Should Wait
85What if You Have Already Gone too Far?
Set a Game Plan 1 You do not have to
___________. 2 Let Jesus and others meet your
86What if You Have Already Gone too Far?
3 Choose to date someone for ___________________
___ than because he/she is HOT, will say yes,
and your friends will like him/her. 4 Meet each
others _____________ needs first, then
_______________ needs, and last
___________________ needs.
deeper reasons
87What if You Have Already Gone too Far?
88Dating Q AWhat You Have Always Wanted to
KnowBut Were Afraid to Ask