Module on Constraints - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Module on Constraints


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Module on Constraints

Module on Constraints
  • The module consists of 4 courses depicted below
    and of 3 ECTS each.
  • Course Topics in Finite Domain Constraints
  • Dates 20 Feb 17 Mar
  • Lecturer Pedro Barahona
  • Course Constraints over Sets and Optimisation
  • Dates 20 Mar 13 Apr
  • Lecturer Francisco Azevedo
  • Course Constraints on Continuous Domains
  • Dates 17 Apr 12 May
  • Lecturer Jorge Cruz
  • Course Fuzzy Constraints
  • Dates 15 May 9 Jun
  • Lecturer João Moura Pires

Constraints Finite Domains
  • Course Topics in Finite Domain Constraints
  • Implementation of constraint solvers indexical
    constraints. Constructive approach for combining
    constraints. Constructive disjunction, and
    cardinality constraints. Global constraints
    their specification and implementation.
    Redundant constraints advantages and
    disadvantages of their use in scheduling,
    planning and other resource management
  • Course Constraints over Sets and Optimisation
  • Representation of sets and multisets. Set
    variables and set features (maximum, minimum and
    cardinality). Operations on sets (set union,
    intersection, difference, disjointness,
    complement), related constraints and their
    propagation. Sets of sets representation with
    union functions. Set constraint solvers Conjunto
    and Cardinal. Applications Set covering and
    partitioning, timetabling, digital circuits.
    Comparison with SAT. Optimization. Branch and
    bound and local search.

Constraints Finite Domains
  • Course Constraints on Continuous Domains
  • Representation of continuous domains (intervals,
    boxes) and basic operations. Interval analysis
    interval arithmetic, interval extensions of real
    functions and the interval Newton method.
    Constraint propagation narrowing functions and
    constraint projections. Constraint decomposition
    method and Newton constraint method. Consistency
    criteria for continuous domains local
    consistency (interval, hull and box) and higher
    order consistency (3B, bound and global hull).
    Introduction to differential equations..
  • Course Fuzzy Constraints
  • Introduction to fuzzy sets theory and to
    Possibility Theory. Generalization of CSP to
    FCSP. Fuzzy constraints and their dual
    interpretation. Min-FCSP. Constraint propagation
    in min-FCSP. Solving min-FCSP. Refining min-FCSP
    by discrimin and leximin-FCSP. Complexity issues.
    V(alued)-CSP and S(emiring)-CSP as general
    frameworks. Special cases of these general
    frameworks (Min-FCSP, Sigma-CSP, Max-CSP and
    Lexicographic CSP) their complexity.

Constraints Finite Domains
  • Evaluation
  • Final Grade Average of the 4 modules
  • Type of Evaluation Typically take home exam
  • Timetable Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1030
  • Room 232 (usually sometimes in a lab)

Constraints Finite Domains
  • Constraint Solvers
  • Indexical Constraints
  • Bounds, Node and Arc Consistency
  • Reified Constraints
  • Disjuctive Constraints
  • Ask Tell Constraint Mechanisms

Indexical Constraints
  • A key issue in Constraint (Logic) Programming
    system, is the implementation of the underlying
    Constraint Solvers. A number of features of these
    solvers must be taken into account
  • The ease in representing domains and generic
  • The possibility of controling constraint
    propagation in the ways appropriate to the
  • The possibility of combining simpler constraints
    into more complex constraints
  • The transparency of the implementation
    (glass-box) allowing the users to acceed the
    primitive constraints in order to implement user
    specific constraints and variable and value

Indexical Constraints
  • An adequate way of satisfying all these
    constraints has been the use of constraint
    solvers based in indexical constraints.
  • This is, for example, the methodology adopted in
    the implementation of SICStus (as well as GNU
    Prolog), specifically in their finite domains
  • Indexical constraints have a compact and
    integrated approach to representing both the
    domains and the constraints of the problem
  • To be useful, indexical constraints require that
    variables domains have an ordering. In fact,
    SICStus requires that the domains are finite
    subsets of the integers.
  • Since most constraints are arithmetic, constraint
    proagation aims in general at achieving bounds

Indexical Constraints
  • Introductory example
  • Let us consider the non-strict inequality
    constraint, ?, applied to variables A and B whose
    initial domains are respectively 2000 to 5000 and
    1000 to 4000. In SICStus syntax
  • A in 2000..5000, B in 1000..4000, A lt B
  • This example will enable an analysis of the
    advantages and disadvantages of the possible
    implementation methods, namely to issues such as
  • Maintaining the variables domains
  • Representing the constraints
  • The adequate propagation of these constraints

Indexical Constraints
  • A in 2000..5000, B in 1000..4000, A lt B
  • Concerning the domains, a first issue is whether
    to adopt a representation by intension or by
    extension. Notice that during propagation domains
    may only be reduced, they never increase!
  • The representation by extension maintains
    explicitely, in some data structure, all current
    values in the domains. As domains may only
    decrease, such data structure may be static, for
    example a Boolean vector (bit array).
  • Such option suffers from many disadvantages. For
    example detection of failures (i.e. empty
    domains) requires either the traversal of the
    whole data structure (3000 memory positions!), or
    the maintenance of bit counters.

Indexical Constraints
  • A in 2000..5000, B in 1000..4000, A lt B
  • Given the importance of an effective detection of
    failures, and the memory overhead (domain values
    may usually be represented in a more compact
    form) it is thus more adequate, for a general
    purpose solver, to adopt a representation by
  • In the beginning, one may always consider
    explicit limits for the domains, all that is
    required in domains declaration.
  • Detection of failure is then very simple the
    upper limit of a domain cannot be less than the
    lower limit.
  • This representation is most efficient when
    domains are kept convex (i.e. with no holes) by
    maintaining simple bounds consistency.

Indexical Constraints
  • A in 2000..5000, B in 1000..4000, A lt B
  • Most usual constraints maintain such convexity,
    namely inequality (and equality) constraints on
    arithmetic expressions.
  • Constraint A lt B is satisfiable as long as the
    minimum value of the domain of A (in short, the
    lower bound of A) is not greater than the upper
    bound of B.
  • On the other hand, no value from the domain of A
    may be higher then the upper bound of B, i.e. the
    upper bound of A must be no greater than the
    upper bound of B. Similarly, the lower bound of B
    must be not less than the lower bound of A).

Indexical Constraints
  • A in 2000..5000, B in 1000..4000, A lt B
  • As these operations are quite common (e.g. in
    numerical applications), it is necessary to make
    the appropriate connection between these
    operations on the upper/lower bounds and the
    constraints that enforce them to achieve the
    adequate propagation.
  • In indexical constraints, this link is achieved
    by specifying domains bounds as a function of
    other bounds.
  • Constraints are thus represented by expressions
    on the variables bounds. Since the domains can
    only be reduced, such constraints are implemented
    by representing the bounds of variables as a
    function of the bounds of other variables and
    max/min operations to implement intersection.

Indexical Constraints
  • A in 2000..5000, B in 1000..4000, A lt B
  • Posting the constraint A lt B changes the
    initial domains of variables A and B
  • Domain of A 2000 .. 5000 ? inf .. max(B)
  • ... i.e. max(A) min(5000, max(B)) max(B)
  • Domain of B 1000 .. 4000 ? min(A) .. sup
  • ... i.e. min(B) max(1000, min(A)) min(A)
  • The constraint is thus implicitely maintained as
  • A in 2000 .. 4000 ? inf ..max(B)
  • B in 2000 .. 4000 ? min(A) ..sup

Indexical Constraints
  • A in 2000..5000, B in 1000..4000, A lt B
  • The implicit constraint representation
  • A in 2000 .. 4000 ? inf ..max(B)
  • B in 2000 .. 4000 ? min(A) ..sup
  • also allows the intended propagation. Whenever
    the upper bound of B changes (i.e. decreases!),
    such condition is propagated to variable A, whose
    upper bound also decreases (from 5000 to 4000).
    Comparison with the lower bound of A (2000)
    detects when the domain of A becomes empty !
  • Propagation from A to B is similar. Any change in
    the lower bound of A is propagated to the lower
    bound of B. Changes in As upper bound and Bs
    lower bound are not propagated.

Indexical Constraints
  • Propagation may be observed in the introduction
    of a new variable C, constraining B,
  • C in 3000..3500, B C
  • 0 A in 2000 .. 4000 ? inf ..max(B)
  • B in 2000 .. 4000 ? min(A) ..sup
  • Upon posting the domain of C
  • 1 C in 3000 .. 3500
  • Upon posting the constraint B C
  • 2a C in 3000 .. 3500 ? min(B) .. max(B)
  • 2b B in 2000 .. 4000 ? min(C)..max(C) ?
  • 2000 .. 4000 ?
    max(min(C),min(A)) .. min(max(C),sup)
  • 3000 .. 3500 ? max(min(C),min(A)) ..
  • 2c A in 2000 .. 3500 ? inf ..max(B)
  • Simplifications are made, if possible. The upper
    bound of B is simplified, but not its lower bound
    (the greater of the lower bounds of A and C is
    not determined yet).

Indexical Constraints
  • Of course, the user must not be concerned, in
    general, with this low level implementation.
  • The most usual constraints, concerning the usual
    arithmetic operations and relational operations,
    are directly compiled in indexical constraints.
  • For example, constraint A B C is compiled
    in the following indexical constraints
  • C in min(A)min(B) .. max(A)max(B)
  • A in min(C)-max(B) .. max(C)-min(B)
  • B in min(C)-max(A) .. max(C)-min(A)
  • Notice the monotonic nature of domain operations.
    The lower bound of A increases with the increase
    of the lower bound of C and the decrease of the
    upper bound of B.

Indexical Constraints
  • The previous examples show that the type of
    consistency maintained by indexical constraints
    in constraints of equality ( ) and
    inequality, strict or not, ( lt , lt , gt and
    gt ) is, by default, bounds (or interval)
  • The default compilation of the constraints only
    affects the bounds of the domains of the
  • Nevertheless, there is the possibility of
    imposing other types of consistency adequate for
    many other constraints, namely node consistency
    and arc consistency.
  • These types of consistency have only interest
    when it is important to consider concave domains
    (with holes), as for example in the queens and
    graph colouring problems.

Indexical Constraints
  • Concavities are possibly introduced by
    disequality constraints (\). Let us consider,
    for example,
  • A in 1..9, B in 3..5, A \ B
  • This disequality constraint has to be represented
    through set complement operations, not
    intersection. Adopting SICStus syntax
  • A in \dom(B) and B in \dom(A)
  • This operation raises problems regarding
    monotonicity, since when the domain of one
    variable decreases the domains of the other would
  • A in 1 .. 9 ? \dom(B)
  • B in 3 .. 5 ? \dom(A)

Indexical Constraints
  • A in 1..9, B in 3..5, A \ B
  • A in 1 .. 9 ? \dom(B) B in 3 .. 5 ? \dom(A)
  • For this reason, complement operations are
    frozen until the domains to be complemented are
    reduced to singletons.
  • This actually implements node consistency, the
    most useful criterion to handle disequality
    constraints (in isolation).
  • When the domain of B becomes a singleton, B 3
    for example, the domain of A becomes concave,
    being represented by set union. In SICStus
  • ?- A in 1..9, B in 3..5, A \ B, B 3,
  • B 3, S 3, A in(1..2)\/(4..9) ?

Indexical Constraints
  • Arc consistency requires that whenever the domain
    of a variable (not only its bounds) is changed, a
    check is made on whether the other variables
    still maintain support.
  • (Generalised) Arc consistency is thus implemented
    by specifying in the indexical constraints the
    domain of the other variables.
  • For example, in SICStus syntax, if it is required
    to maintain arc consistency on the previous sum
    constraint, the constraint can be specified by
    the user by means of the following FD predicate
  • sum(A,B,C)
  • A in dom(C) - dom(B),
  • B in dom(C) - dom(A),
  • C in dom(A) dom(B).

Indexical Constraints
  • User defined constraints in SICStus (by means of
    FD predicates) is thus similar to the predicate
    definitions in Prolog, with a different neck
    operator ( rather than the Prolog operator
  • There are however some differences, namely there
    are no alternative clauses, i.e. no
    backtracking in constraint definitions.
  • Using the previous definition we would get,
  • ?- A in 1..6, A\3,A\4,A\5, B in 1..2,
  • A in(1..2) \/ 6, B in 1..2, C
    in(2..4)\/(7..8) ?
  • AB C ? C in 1..8
  • ?- C in 1..9, C\5,C\6,C\7, B in 0..2,
  • C in(1..4)\/(8..9), B in 0..2, A
    in(-1..4)\/(6..9) ?
  • AB C ? A in -1..9

Specifying Indexical Constraints
  • Indexical expressions may only appear in the
    body of FD predicate definitions. Such
    limitation is due to the different execution
    mechanisms between the host language (Prolog) and
    the FD module in SICStus. In fact, given the sum
  • sum(A,B,C)
  • A in dom(C) - dom(B),
  • B in dom(C) - dom(A),
  • C in dom(A) dom(B).
  • it is intended that, in the FD module, the
    domains of A/B/C are re-evaluated by updates on
    the domains of C,B/C,A/A,B.
  • In contrast with Prolog execution, the primitives
    appearing in indexical expressions (e.g. dom,
    max, min, etc) should be regarded as reactive
    agents (to changes).

Specifying Indexical Constraints - Terms
  • In addition to the primitives already
    examplified, indexical expressions may be formed
    with FD terms. Being X a domain variable and D(X)
    its current domain, the basic FD terms are
  • min(X) minimum of D(X)
  • max(X) maximum of D(X)
  • card(X) cardinality of D(X)
  • X value (integer) of X. The expression is only
  • evaluated when X is instantiated.
  • I an integer
  • inf minus infinity
  • sup plus infinity

Specifying Indexical Constraints - Terms
  • FD terms, basic or not, may be combined through
    arithmetic operators into compound FD terms.
    Denoting by T1/T2 arbitrary FD terms, and by
    D(T1)/D(T2) their current domains, the
    following compound terms may be formed (and
    evaluated by interval arithmetic)
  • -T1 I-negation of D(T1)
  • T1T2 I-sum of D(T1) and D(T2)
  • T1-T2 I-difference of D(T1) and D(T2)
  • T1T2 I-product of D(T1) and D(T2), D(T2) gt 0
  • T1/gtT2 D(T1) div D(T2), with outbound rounding,
  • T1/ltT2 with D(T2) gt 0
  • T1 mod T2 D(T1) mod D(T2)

Specifying Indexical Constraints - Ranges
  • FD terms are used in indexical constraints to
    define ranges for the domain variables, that must
    be intersected with the current domains of these
    variables. In general, indexical constraints take
    the form
  • X in R
  • where R is a range defined by the following
  • The basic ranges are the following
  • dom(X) D(X)
  • T1,...,Tn set of terms Ti
  • T1 .. T2 interval bound by terms Ti
  • where X denotes a domain variable and Ti an FD
    term. Other terms may subsequently be obtained by

Specifying Indexical Constraints - Ranges
  • Denoting by Ri a range and by D(Ri) the
    corresponding domain, the following operators are
    used to compose terms
  • R1/\R2 intersection of D(R1) and D(R2)
  • R1\/R2 union of D(R1) e D(R2)
  • \R1 complement of D(R1)
  • R1R2 (T2) I-sum of D(R1) and D(R2) (or D(T2))
  • -R1 I-negation of D(R1)
  • R1-R2 e R1-T2 I-difference of D(R1) and D(R2)
  • R1 mod R2 (T2) I-mod of D(R1) and D(R2) (D(T2))
  • R1 ? R2 if R1 \ ? then D(R2) else ?
  • unionof(X,R1,R2) union of D(Sk) each Sk is
    obtained from R2 replacing X for the k-th
    element of R1.

Indexical Constraints Example (1)
  • Example 1 adjust(X,Z,K,N)
  • For variables X and Z, with domain 1 to N, make X
    to be shifted from Z by a value K (0lt K lt N),
    with rewrapping.
  • This kind of adjust enables that, while
    enumerating Z in the standard increasing order,
    X is enumerated with the shifted ordering.
  • For example, let us assume N 15 and K 5, i.e.
  • while Z is enumerated with the standard
    increasing order
  • X is enumerated with the order shifted by 5

Indexical Constraints Example (1)
  • Example 1 adjust(X,Z,K,N)
  • Notice that X((ZKN-1)mod N)1 and
    Z((X-KN-1)mod N)1. For example, for Z 7 ? X
    12 as intended
  • X (7515-1) mod 15 1 26 mod 15 1 11 1
  • Z (12-515-1) mod 15 1 21 mod 15 1 6 1
  • Hence, we may formulate the correspondence
    between X and Z with the following specification
  • Solution 1 adjust(X,Z,K,N)
  • X in ((dom(Z)KN-1) mod N)1,
  • Z in ((dom(X)-KN-1) mod N)1.

Indexical Constraints Example (1)
  • Example 1 adjust(X,Z,K,N)
  • In fact, the mod operation is unnecessary, if X
    and Z are defined over 1..N. All that is required
    is, for each value Z to add K. Since this may
    result above the upper bound of X, sometimes N
    must be subtracted.
  • For example
  • for Z 7 X1 7 5 12 and X2 7
    5 - 15 -3
  • for Z 11 X1 11 5 16 and X2 11
    5 - 15 1

Indexical Constraints Example (1)
  • By using the union of the two intervals, one
    resulting from simply adding K and the other by
    adding K and subtracting N, the adequate value of
    X is thus obtained. This leads to the simpler
  • Solution 2 adjust(X,Z,K,N)
  • X in (dom(Z) K) \/ (dom(Z) K -
  • Z in (dom(X)- K) \/ (dom(X)- K N).
  • Left as Exercise Enumerate Y from centre to the
    edges as below.

Indexical Constraints Example (2)
  • Example 2 no_attack(L1,C1,L2,C2)
  • Two queens, placed in rows L1 and L2 (constants)
    and columns C1 e C2 (domain variables) should not
    attack each other, i.e.
  • C1 \ C2 and L1C1 \ L2C2 and L1C1
    \ L2C2.
  • Solution 1 no_attack(L1,C1,L2,C2)
  • C1 in \(C2 \/ C2L2-L1 \/
  • C2 in \(C1 \/ C1L1-L2 \/ C1L2-L1).
  • In such approach, as the domain variables appear
    in a negative context (\C) the constraint is
    frozen until C is instantiated. Hence, this
    formulation guarantees the maintenance of node
  • In alternative, one may specify arc consistency.

Indexical Constraints Example (2)
  • Example 2 no_attack(L1,C1,L2,C2)
  • Solution 2 no_attack(L1,C1,L2,C2)
  • C1 in unionof(Y, dom(C2), \(Y \/
    YL2-L1 \/ YL1-L2)),
  • C2 in unionof(X, dom(C1), \(X \/
    XL1-L2 \/ XL2-L1)).
  • Here, we get arc consistency by allowing a queen
    to be in a position that is not under the attack
    of at least one possible position of the other
    queen, which supports the former.
  • For example, the domain of C1 is obtained by the
    union of all values that are safe for some
    value in the domain of C2, through a range
    expression that takes in turn all values of the
    domain of C2, renaming them as Y
  • C1 in unionof(Y,dom(C2),...).

Indexical Constraints Example (2)
  • Example 2 no_attack(L1,C1,L2,C2)
  • The third approach below optimises arc
    consistency in this problem. Taking into account
    that a position in a queen is always supported by
    a queen with 4 or more positions available, arc
    consistency is only evaluated when the
    cardinality of the domain drops below 4.
  • Solution 3 no_attack(L1,C1,L2,C2)
  • C1 in ( 4..card(C2)) ?
    (inf..sup) \/
  • unionof(Y,dom(C2),\(Y
    \/ YL2-L1 \/ YL1-L2)),
  • C2 in (4..card(C1)) ?
    (inf..sup) \/
  • unionof(X,dom(C1),\(
    X \/ XL1-L2 \/ XL2-L1)).
  • In fact, C1 is constrained to be either inf..sup
    (when the cardinality of C2 (card(C2) is gt4) or
    unionof(Y,... ), otherwise.

Disjunctive Constraints
  • In general, the execution of a CLP problem
    includes a search phase with backtracking on the
    enumeration of the variables when the constraints
    and their propagation is not sufficient to
    eliminate redundant values from the variables
  • This backtracking occurs in the enumeration
    phase, when all the constraints are already
    posted, i.e. There is no backtracking on
    constraint posting.
  • However, when constraints are specified by
    intension, the most natural way to combine them
    is through the disjunction of the different
  • One must then identify the best way to specify

Disjunctive Constraints
  • Example
  • Given two tasks, T1 and T2, with starting times
    S1 and S2 and duration D1 and D2, garantee that
    they do not overlap.
  • A natural implemention of this constraint is
    through the equivalent disjunction
  • T2 does not start before the end of T1 or
  • T1 does not start before the end of T2
  • The specification of this constraint, namely the
    disjunction of the alternatives, may use the
    usual disjunction of Prolog clauses (and the
    associated backtracking)
  • disjoint(S1,S2,D1,D2) - S1 D1 lt S2.
  • disjoint(S1,S2,D1,D2) - S2 D2 lt S1.

Disjunctive Constraints
  • Problem(Vars)-
  • Declaration of Variables and Domains,
  • Specification of Constraints,
  • Labelling of the Variables.
  • This formulation raises the problem of
    interaction between backtrack mechanisms made
  • On the phase of specification and posting of
    constraints and
  • On the enumeration phase of the variables.
  • With k non-overlaping tasks, there are k(k-1)/2
    combinations of precedence between pairs of
    tasks. With 50 tasks, k 50, there will be
    5049/2 1225 constraints and 21225 ways of
    combining them (in fact only 50! are distinct).

Disjunctive Constraints
  • Problem(Vars)-
  • Declaration of Variables and Domains,
  • Specification of Constraints,
  • Labelling of the Variables.
  • Hence the two alternatives
  • Either 1 single problem with k variables, with
    complexity O(dk) or
  • a model with alternative problems on the same
    variables leading to k! problems on these
    variables, with complexity O(k! dk).
  • Although each of the k! problems in the second
    model are more constrained than the single one of
    the first model, the huge number of problems
    corresponding to an ordering of the task makes
    this formulation very inneficient.

Reified Constraints
  • A better formulation uses a single specification
    of all the constraint alternatives, avoiding the
    backtracking of multiple constraint definitions.
  • Such formulation can be obtained through
    constraints reification.
  • The basic idea of constraint reification is to
    associate its satisfaction to a boolean variable
    0/1, and make this variable accessible to the
    program level.
  • For example associating constraints C1 and C2 to
    boolean variables B1 and B2, the disjunction of
    these constraints may be specified by means of
  • B1 B2 gt 1

Reified Constraints
  • Once defined this basic meta-level mechanism of
    reified constraints, its scope can be enlarged
    for other types of combinations of constraints,
    namely those requiring some countings.
  • For example, if from the 20 constraints C1,...,
    C20 at least 10 must be satisfied, instead of
  • C1020 184 756 alternative combinations of 10
    out of 20 of the C1 to C20 constraints
  • the only additional specifications required are
  • the 20 constraints, C1 to C20
  • the constraints reification to Boolean variables
    B1 to B20
  • the counting constraint B1 B2 ... B20 gt

Reified Constraints - Ask Tell Mechanisms
  • To efficiently exploit the correspondance between
    a constraint C and a Boolean variable B, Ask
    Tell mechanisms must be defined
  • Tell mechanisms
  • Tell(C) - Post the constraint
  • Tell(C) - Post the negation of the constraint
  • Ask mechanisms
  • Ask(C) - Check the entailment of the constraint
  • Ask(C) - Check the entailment of its negation.
  • For example, to impose that one and only one of
    constraints C1 and C2 is satisfied all the 4
    above situations must be implemented.

Reified Constraints - Ask Tell Mechanisms
  • Ask(C1) / Ask(C2) succeeds
  • Once detected the satisfaction of one of the
    constraints, the negation of the other constraint
    must be posted, i.e. tell(R2) / tell(R1).
  • Ask(C1) / Ask(C2) succeeds
  • Once detected the satisfaction of the negation
    of one of the constraints, the other constraint
    must be posted, i.e. tell(C2) / tell(C1).
  • It is thus important to see how reified
    constraints, and the underlying AskTell
    mechanisms may be specified, not only in built-in
    predefined constraints, but also for user defined

Specification of Ask Tell Mechanisms
  • In SICStus the association between constraints
    and boolean variables is specified through the
    built-in operator ltgt
  • C ltgt B.
  • where B is the boolean variable and C the
  • Some built-in constraints are pre-defined. Such
    is the case of linear numerical constraints. As
    an application, tasks non-overlapping as
    described before can be specified with no
    alternative clauses as
  • disjoint(S1, S2, D1, D2) -
  • (S1 D1 lt S2) ltgt B1, T1 before T2
  • (S2 D2 lt S1) ltgt B2, T2 before T1
  • B1 B2 gt 1.

Specification of Ask Tell Mechanisms
  • For constraints defined by the user, the
    appropriate Ask Tell conditions must also be
  • For instance, let us consider the constraint of
    difference between two domain variables.
  • The two Tell mechanisms are imposed by
    propagating indexical specifications, that
    include both the positive definitions (),
    already known, as well as the negative
    definitions (-)
  • x\\y(X,Y) x\\y(X,Y) -
  • X in \Y, X in dom(Y),
  • Y in \X. Y in dom(X).

Specification of Ask Tell Mechanisms
  • The Ask mechanisms are imposed by checking
    indexicals, both positive (?)
  • x\\y(X,Y)?
  • X in \dom(Y).
  • and negative (-?)
  • x\\y(X,Y) -?
  • X in Y.
  • The intended behaviour to propagating and
    checking indexicals, imposes some constraints on
    the expressions that can be used on the body of
    the definitions, as well as to their execution.
  • Some of these limitations are presented next.

Ask Tell Propagation
  • Propagating Indexicals (Trigger)
  • A Propagating Indexical X in R is scheduled for
    execution whenever
  • It becomes monotonic for the first time
  • It is rescheduled whenever, for another variable
    Y appearing in R
  • The domain of Y is changed and Y appears in R in
    the form card(Y) ou dom(Y)
  • The upper/lower bounds of Y change and Y appears
    in R in the form max(Y)/min(Y).

Ask Tell Propagation
  • Propagating Indexicals (Result)
  • Given some variable X referred to in an indexical
    constraint, and denoting by M(X) the value of the
    constraint in the current state of memory and by
    I(X) the interval between the lower and upper
    bounds of X, then
  • If M(X) is disjoint from I(X), there is a
  • If I(X) is within M(X), there are no values in
    the current domain of X incompatible with the
    indexical constraints, whose execution is
    suspended, until the situation becomes ground.
  • Otherwise, the indexical constraint is added to
    the constraints over X, whose domain will be

Ask Tell Propagation
  • Propagating Indexicals Examples
  • Example 1 Constraint X in \Y in the positive
    propagating indexical is suspended until it gets
    monotonic, i.e. until Y gets instantiated.
  • In this case, the constraint is either
    contradictory, or is propagated, pruning the
    value of Y from the domain of X.
  • Example 2 Constraint X in dom(Y), in the
    negative propagating indexical is inherently
  • Whilst Y has values in its domain, X is getting
  • If the domains of X and Y become disjunct, then
    the negation of the constraint of difference
  • When the domain of Y gets ground, then so does
    the domain of X and the constraint succeeds.

Ask Tell Propagation
  • Checking Indexicals (Trigger)
  • A checking indexical X in R is triggered for
    execution in the following conditions
  • It becomes anti-monotonic for the first time
  • It is rescheduled whenever,
  • The domain of X has been pruned or got ground
  • The domain of another variable Y, appearing in R
    in the form card(Y) or dom(Y), is pruned
  • The upper/lower bounds of another variable Y,
    appearing in R in the form max(Y)/min(Y), is

Ask Tell Propagation
  • Checking Indexicals (Result)
  • Given some variable X referrred to in an
    indexical constraint, and denoting by M(X) the
    value of the constraint in the current state of
    memory and by I(X) the interval between the lower
    and upper bounds of X, then
  • If I(X) is contained in M(X), then no value of X
    may turn the constraint false, as M(X) may only
    increase size (anti-monotonic). Hence the
    constraint is entailed.
  • If I(X) is disjoint from M(X) and M(X) is ground
    then the constraint may no longer be satisfied,
    and is disentailed.
  • Otherwise, the checking indexical is suspended.

Ask Tell Propagation
  • Checking Indexicals Examples
  • Example 1 Constraint X in \dom(Y) in the
    positive checking indexical is inherently
    anti-monotonic (the values of \dom(Y)may only
    increase as dom(Y) decreases during execution).
  • Hence, the positive checking indexical succeeds
    as soon as the domain of X has no elements in
    common with the domain of Y.
  • Example 2 Constraint X in Y, in the negative
    checking indexical only gets anti-monotonic when
    Y becomes ground to some value.
  • Whilst X has this value in its domain the
    constraint suspends.
  • If X only has this value in its domain the
    negative checking succeeds, i.e. the constraint
    of difference fails.

Ask Tell - Example
  • Example Strict Inequality Constraints
  • As can be checked easily, the following
    definitions of propagating and checking
    indexicals are adequate to reify a constraint of
    strict inequality of the form
  • x\\lty(X,Y) ltgt B
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