Title: Establishing Sustainable Coaching Capacity at District and State Levels
1Establishing Sustainable Coaching Capacity at
District and State Levels
- Marla Dewhirst
- Don Kincaid
- What do we know about coaching?
- What do coaches do?
- What are the models of coaching?
- What are the training and technical assistance
activities that support a network of coaches? - What systems issues impact the development of a
state-wide coaching network?
3Research on Coaching
- Coaching in general
- Most critical factor in successful implementation
(Denton, et al, 2003) - Expert in content, techniques and rationales
- Characteristics (McCormick and Brennan, 2001)
- Encouraging, supportive, committed, sensitive,
flexible, respectful, enthusiastic, diplomatic,
patient, willing to share
4Research on Coaching
- Coaching in general (cont.)
- Impacted by(McCormick and Brennan, 2001)
- Time allotted
- Reluctance to seek information
- Role confusion
- Feeling of inadequacy
- Poor match
- Lack of availability
5Experimental Research on Coaching
- Implementation in educational settings occurs
when training is combined with coaching (Joyce
Showers, 1996) - Staff training of little impact on performance
without coaching (Ager OMay, 2001) - Coaching increased sustainability of practices
from 24 to 84 (Fixxen Blase, 1993)
6Experimental Research on Coaching
- Some basic research on direct behavioral
consultation shows promise in producing
treatment integrity and increases in teacher
skills at Tier 3 (Sterling, et al, 2002, Moore,
et al, 2002) - No experimental analyses of functional components
of coaching in general (Fixxen et al, 2007) - No research on coaching in SWPBS
7Roles of a Coach
- Four main roles (Spouse, 2001)
- Supervision
- Teaching while engaging in practice activities
- Assessment and feedback
- Provision of emotional support
8Florida Coaching Prerequisites
- Fluency with knowledge use of PBS concepts
- District endorsement
- Agreement to work with a school leadership team
that is committed to completing the 3-day
School-wide PBS Training - Agreement to collaborate with and meet within the
district for monthly Coaches Meetings - Agreement to collaborate with and meet regionally
at least once per year with others in a
coaching/facilitation role (for state-wide FL-PBS
Training) - Demonstrated experience capacity to problem
solve, collaborate, communicate, etc. with adults
9Floridas Basic Coach Skill Requirements
- Experience conducting small group skill training
sessions with adults. - Familiarity with typical classroom and school
structures, operations, policies, etc. - Familiarity with general discipline, classroom,
behavior and instructional management, and
curriculum - History of consistent, accurate, and effective
follow through with commitments - Experiences working with individuals or groups
from diverse backgrounds (e.g., parents,
students, agency representatives, community
members, educators) - Experience with facilitating team meetings
- Rudimentary computer hardware and software skills
10Floridas Roles and Responsibilities
- Describe and promote the features, practices,
systems of the PBS approach across 3 Tiers - Facilitate the strategic problem-solving of PBS
teams - Help identify team member roles
- Attend and participate in trainings and meetings
- Guide implementation efforts with fidelity
- Assist in data collection/analysis and
11Models of Coaching
- Internal
- External
- 1 per school vs multiple schools
- External and Internal
- Dual Coaches/Assistant Coach
- Coach vs Team Leader
12Training of Coaches
- Assessment
- ID potential coaches
- Identify needs
- Coaches Self Assessment
- Coaches Questionnaire 2008
13Training of Coaches
- Matching Training and TA to State/District
- Professional Development Systems
- Model of coaching may impact training
- State, district and school training
14Number of Illinois Schools Districts Adopting
15Number of Illinois Districts Adopting PBIS
Number of External Coaches as of June 30, 2008
16Capacity Building Where did these new coaches
come from?
- Letter of Commitment required them
- District Readiness Checklist documented them
- .2 FTE (1 day per week) per 5 Schools
- looking outside of the district to Special
Education Coops, Regional Offices of Education
when necessary and logical
17Guidance IL External Coach Rubric of Skill
- Tasks Daily Activities
- Training Topics Build Fluency
- PBIS University Courses Skill Building
- Resources Foundation
18Training Course Description Document
- Training Sequence
- Course Descriptions
- Offer two training sequences per year of all
19Integrity Phases of Implementation
- Schools determine their placement in Tier 1 /
Universal, Tier 2 / Secondary and Tier 3 /
Tertiary with progress monitoring and evaluation - External Coaches and PBIS State Technical
Assistant Coordinators provide support in
determining Phases
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- Review the handout material
- Turn to your shoulder partner
- Discuss 2 strengths and 2 needs of your system
for developing Coaches - Ask another pair close to you for their insights
on your needs - Write down a next step to share with your team
23Training of Coaches
- Curricula in Florida
- Preparation packets for new coaches
- Meetings during initial SWPBS training
- Annual Training
- Intervention Resources RtI How to use a
problem-solving strategy and data to determine
Tier 1-3 interventions. Emphasis is on how to
select interventions and use available resources.
- Effective Coaching Topics covered include
Talking about PBS, Facilitating team meetings,
Training options for your team, Evaluation
procedures and tools, Next steps with your team.
Resources for continuing professional development
will be provided. - Skill-Building Team Dynamics Skill-building
for effective coaching. Creating a culture of
positive relationships. - Coaches Forum problem-solving and Q A
24Training of Coaches
- Coaches meetings
- August Getting started on
the right foot (kick-off, training, rewards,
etc.) - Review end of
year BOQ or Action plan for new school - Do yearly
Implementation schedule - September Effective Coaching
- Data systems
for Tiers 1-3 - October Training on
Mid-year 1 evaluations - Using Data to
make decisions - November How to use the
Mid-year report to provide feedback to team - Review
problem-solving process - December Team facilitation
strategies - Providing
input to DC regarding District Planning Meeting - January Review training on
Mid-Year 2 evaluations - Review DVD on
RtI and Behavior - February Roles of coaches in
Tiers 1-3 - Preparing for
the FCAT - How to use
the Mid-year report to provide feedback to team - March Model School
application process - April Sustaining PBS
25Technical Assistance to Coaches
- Florida
- Initial attendance at district coaches meeting
- Format and process for monthly meeting
- Direct TA and practice at school site
- Web-based training and TA
- http//flpbs.fmhi.usf.edu/
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29Systems Issues
- Coaches Turnover
- Fiscal Support
- RtI and PBS Coaches