Nervous System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nervous System


Chapter 13 Nervous System The peripheral nervous system (PNS) Cell body and dendrites in CNS or ganglia Axons or neurons project from the CNS and form the spinal cord ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nervous System

Chapter 13
  • Nervous System

Points to Ponder
  • What are the three types of neurons?
  • What are neuroglia?
  • What is the structure of a neuron?
  • What is the myelin sheath? Saltatory conduction?
    Scwhann cell? Node of Ranvier?
  • Explain the resting and action potential as they
    relate to a nerve impulse.
  • How does the nerve impulse traverse the synapse?
  • What are the two parts of the nervous system?
  • What 3 things protect the CNS?
  • What are the 4 parts of the brain and their
  • What is the reticular activating system and the
    limbic system?
  • What are some higher mental functions of the
  • What are the 2 parts of the peripheral nervous
  • Be able to explain the abuse of several drugs.

The Nervous System
  • Allows for communication between cells through
    sensory input, integration of data and motor
  • Two major divisions
  • Central Nervous System (CNS)
  • brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
  • nerves outside of the CNS
  • 2 cell types
  • Neurons
  • transmit nerve impulses in nervous system
  • Neuroglia
  • support and nourish neurons

Functions of the Nervous System
  • Nervous System receives sensory input
  • - Sensory receptors generate nerve impulses that
    travel by way of the PNS to the CNS
  • CNS performs integrations
  • - Sums up the input it receives from the body
  • CNS generates motor output
  • - Nerve impulses from the CNS go by way of the
    PNS to the muscles and glands

Expanding on neurons
13.1 Overview of the nervous system
  • 3 types of neurons
  • 1.Sensory takes impulses from sensory receptor
    to CNS
  • Detect changes in the environment
  • 2.Interneurons receive information in the CNS
    and send it to a motor neuron
  • Sum up all the nerve impulses received from
    sensory neurons and other interneurons before
    communication with motor neurons
  • 3.Motor takes impulses from the CNS to an
    effector (i.e. gland or muscle fiber)
  • Effectors carry out our responses to the
    environmental changes

Neuron Structure (Ch 4 review)
  • Cell body main cell where organelles and nuclei
  • Dendrite many, short extensions that carry
    impulses to a cell body
  • Receive signals from sensory receptors or other
  • Signals result in nerve impulses that are
    conducted by an axon
  • Axon (nerve fiber) single, long extension that
    carries impulses away from the cell body

The Structure of Neurons
Figure 121
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The Myelin Sheath
  • A lipid covering on long axons
  • Functions
  • Increase the speed of nerve impulse conduction
  • Nerve insulation
  • Nerve regeneration in the PNS only
  • When severed, myelin sheath remains and serves as
    a passageway for new fiber growth
  • Neuroglia cells involved in Myelin Sheath
  • Schwann cells in the PNS
  • Oligodendrocytes in the CNS
  • Nodes of Ranvier
  • gaps between myelination on the axons
  • Saltatory conduction
  • conduction of the nerve impulse from node to node

Gray Vs. White Matter
  • Gray matter in CNS
  • Contains no myelinated axons
  • White matter in CNS
  • Contains myelinated axons

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The Nerve Impulse Resting Potential
  • Voltmeter
  • Allows us to measure the potential difference
    between two sides of the axonal membrane (plasma
    membrane of the axon), expressed in term of
  • Resting potential when the axon is not
    conducting a nerve impulse
  • More positive ions outside than inside the
  • There is a negative charge of -65mV inside the
  • More Na outside than inside, More K inside than
  • Unequal distribution due to sodium-potassium pump
  • Active transport of 3Na out and 2K into the
  • Membrane is permeable to K but not Na
  • More positive ions outside the membrane than
  • Large, negatively charged organic ions in the
    axoplasm contributes to negative charge inside
    the membrane

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The Nerve Impulse Action Potential
  • Action potential rapid change in the axon
    membrane that allows a nerve impulse to occur
  • If stimulus causes axonal membrane to depolarize
    to certain level called threshold, action
    potential occurs
  • Steps for Action Potential
  • 1. First, Sodium gates open letting Na in
  • Depolarization occurs
  • Interior of axon loses negative charge (40mV)
  • 2. Secondly, Potassium gates open letting K out
  • Repolarization occurs
  • Interior of axon regains negative charge (-65mV)
  • 3. Resting potential is restored by moving
    potassium inside and sodium outside
  • Wave of depolarization/repolarization travels
    down axon

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Propagation of Action Potentials
  • Two Methods
  • Continuous propagation
  • unmyelinated axons
  • Saltatory propagation
  • myelinated axons

Propagation of Action Potential
  • Continuous Propagation
  • Unmyelinated axons
  • Whole membrane depolarizes and repolarizes
    sequentially hillock to terminal

Continuous Propagation
Figure 1214 (Step 2)
Propagation of Action Potential
  • 2. Saltatory Propagation
  • Myelinated axons
  • Depolarization only on exposed membrane at nodes
  • Myelin insulates covered membrane from ion flow
  • Action potential jumps from node to node
  • Faster and requires less energy to reset

Saltatory Propagation
Figure 1215 (Steps 1, 2)
Saltatory Propagation
Figure 1215 (Steps 3, 4)
The synapse
13.1 Overview of the nervous system
  • A small gap between the sending neuron
    (presynaptic membrane) and the receiving neuron
    (postsynaptic membrane)
  • Transmission is accomplished across this gap by a
    neurotransmitter (e.g. ACh, dopamine and
  • Neurotransmitters are stored in synaptic vesicles
    in the axon terminals

Transmission across the synapse
  • Nerve impulse reaches the axon terminal
  • - Close to dendrite or cell body of another
  • 2. Calcium ions enter the axon terminal
  • - stimulate synaptic vesicles to fuse with
    presynaptic membrane
  • 3. Neurotransmitters are released
  • - diffuse across the synapse and bind with the
  • postsynaptic membrane via specific
    receptors that
  • inhibit or excite the neuron
  • - Excitation
  • - neurotransmitters cause Na gates to open,
    and Na
  • diffuses into the receiving neuron
  • - Inhibition
  • - neurotransmitters cause K to enter the
  • neuron

Transmission across the synapse
  • Neurotransmitter removal from the cleft, either
  • 1. Enzymes that rapidly inactivate the
  • 2. Sending membrane rapidly reabsorbs the
    neurotransmitter for
  • - repackaging in synaptic vesicles
  • - molecular breakdown

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Neurotransmitter Molecules
  • Acetylcholine
  • act at neuromuscular junctions excites skeletal
  • Inhibits cardiac muscle
  • excites or inhibits smooth muscles and glands
  • Norepinephrine
  • excites smooth muscle
  • Important to dreaming, waking, and mood
  • Serotonin
  • Involved in thermoregulation, sleeping, emotions,
    and perception
  • Decreased levels of norepinephrine and serotonin
    is linked to depression

  1. Block the release of neurotransmitters
  2. Mimic the action of a neurotransmitter
  3. Block the receptor
  4. Interfere with the removal of a neurotransmitter
    from a synaptic cleft

  • Block the release of a neurotransmitter or modify
    a neurons response to a neurotransmitter
  • Caffeine
  • - Interferes with effects of inhibitory
    neurotransmitters in the brain
  • Substance P
  • - Released by sensory neurons during pain
  • Endorphins
  • - Block release of substance P, natural painkiller

Synaptic Integration
  • Integration is the summation of the inhibitory
    and excitatory signals received by a postsynaptic
  • This occurs because a neuron receives many signals

The nervous divisions
  • 2 divisions
  • Central nervous system (CNS)
  • Brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
  • Nerves and ganglia (cell bodies)

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The central nervous system
  • Consists of the brain and spinal cord
  • Both are protected by
  • Bones skull and vertebral column
  • Meninges 3 protective membranes wrap around CNS
  • Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) space between
    meninges is filled with this fluid that cushions
    and protects the CNS
  • Also contained in the ventricles of the brain
  • Both made up of 2 types of nervous tissue
  • Gray matter contains cell bodies and
    nonmyelinated fibers
  • White matter contains myelinated axons

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  • Interconnecting chambers that produce and serve
    as a reservoir for CSF
  • Lateral Ventricle (2)
  • - Left and Right Cerebral hemisphere
  • Third Ventricle (1)
  • - Diencephalon (Hypothalamus and thalamus)
  • Fourth Ventricle (1)
  • Brain stem and cerebellum
  • Connects to central canal of spinal cord

The CNS Spinal cord
  • Extends from the base of the brain through
    foramen magnum and along the length of the
    vertebral canal formed by the most vertebrae
  • Functions
  • Provide communication between the brain and the
  • Center for reflex arcs
  • Act as gate control flow of pain messages from
    peripheral nerves to brain
  • Pain message may pass to the brain to be
  • Pain message may be blocked from reaching the

The CNS Spinal cord
  • Nerves project from the cord between the
  • Central canal and meninges contains CSF
  • Gray matter is in the center is a butterfly shape
  • Portions of sensory neurons, motor neurons, and
    interneurons are found here
  • Dorsal root of spinal nerves contains sensory
    fibers entering the gray matter
  • Ventral root of a spinal nerve contains motor
    fibers exiting the gray matter
  • White matter surrounds the gray matter
  • Ascending tracts ? info to brain
  • Descending tracts ? info from brain to motor

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Reflex Arcs Single Reflex
  • Spinal cord is the center for reflex arcs
  • Rapid, automatic nerve responses triggered by
    specific stimuli
  • Used to maintain homeostasis
  • Simple reflex
  • Sensory perception in, motor response out

5 Steps in a Neural Reflex
Figure 1314
Reflex Arcs for Internal Organs
  • Blood Pressure, if low
  • Detected by carotid arteries and aorta
  • Generate nerve impulses that pass through sensory
    fibers to the cord
  • Travels ascending tract to cardiovascular center
    in the brain
  • Nerve impulse passes down a descending tract to
    spinal cord
  • Motor impulses cause blood vessels to constrict
    to rise blood pressure

The CNS Brain
13.2 The central nervous system
  • 4 major parts
  • Cerebrum
  • Diencephalon
  • Cerebellum
  • Brain stem

13.2 The central nervous system
The brain Cerebrum
13.2 The central nervous system
  • Last center to receive sensory input and carry
    out integration before commanding voluntary motor
  • Consists of
  • Cerebral hemisphere
  • Cerebral cortex
  • Primary motor and sensory areas of the cortex
  • Association areas
  • Processing centers
  • Central white matter

1. The brain Cerebrum the lobes
  • Cerebrum largest portion of the brain
  • Longitudinal fissure (deep grooves called sulci)
  • divides the left and right cerebral hemispheres
  • Corpus callosum
  • connects the two hemispheres via a bridge of
  • Sulci divide cerebrum into 4 lobes/hemispheres
  • Frontal lobe
  • primary motor area and conscious thought
  • Temporal lobe
  • primary auditory, smell and speech area
  • Parietal lobe
  • primary somatosensory and taste area
  • Occipital lobe
  • primary visual area

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The brain Cerebrum the cerebral hemispheres
1. The brain Cerebrum the cerebral cortex
  • Cerebral cortex thin, outer layer of gray
  • Accounts for sensation, voluntary movement, and
    all the thought processes we associate with
  • 1. Primary motor area voluntary control of
    skeletal muscle
  • In the frontal lobe before the central sulcus
  • 2. Primary somatosensory area sensory
    information from skeletal muscle and skin arrive
  • Dorsal to the central sulcus in the parietal lobe
  • Primary taste area ? taste sensation
  • Primary visual area ? occipital lobe receives
    info from eyes
  • Primary auditory area ? temporal lobe receives
    info from ears
  • Primary olfactory area ? temporal lobe receives
    info for smell

Cerebrum the cerebral cortexPrimary Motor area
and Primary Somatosensory area
1. The brain Cerebrum the cerebral cortex
  • 3. Association areas integration occurs here
  • Premotor area organizes motor functions for
    skilled motor activities
  • Primary motor area sends signals to the
    cerebellum, which integrates them
  • Somatosensory association area processes and
    analyzes sensory information from the skin and
  • Visual association area associates new visual
    information with previously received visual info
  • Auditory association area associates new auditory
    information with previously received auditory

1. The brain Cerebrum the cerebral cortex
  • 4. Processing centers perform higher level
    analytical functions including Wernickes and
    Brocas areas both involved in speech
  • Prefrontal areas receive info from other
    association areas and uses this info to reason
    and plan our actions
  • Wernickes area (dorsal part of left hemisphere)
  • helps us understand both the written and spoken
  • sends the info to the Brocas area
  • Brocas area (portion of primary motor area)
  • adds grammatical refinements
  • directs the primary motor area to stimulate the
    appropriate muscles for speaking and writing

1. The brain Cerebrum the cerebral cortex
  • 5. Central White Matter (mylinated axons)
  • Develops as a child grows
  • makes children more capable of speech
  • Descending tracts
  • primary motor ? lower brain centers
  • Ascending tracts
  • Lower brain centers ? primary somatosensory area
  • Tracts cross over in the medulla
  • Left controls right, right controls left
  • Tracts take info between sensory, motor, and
    association areas within the brain
  • Corpus collosum
  • tract that joins the left and right hemispheres

2. The brain Diencephalon
  • Hypothalamus helps maintain homeostasis
    (hunger, sleep, thirst, body temperature and
    water balance) and controls pituitary gland
  • Link between the nervous and endocrine systems
  • Thalamus 2 masses of gray matter that receive
    all sensory input except smell involved in
    memory and emotions
  • Visual, auditory, and somatosensory info arrives
    at the thalamus via the cranial nerves and tracts
    from the spinal cord
  • Integrates this info and sends it to the
    appropriate portions of the cerebrum
  • Involved in arousal of the cerebrum
  • Pineal gland secretes melatonin that controls
    our daily rhythms

2. The brain Diencephalon
3. The brain Cerebellum
13.2 The central nervous system
  • White matter arbor vitae
  • primary composition of cerebellum
  • Gray matter thin layer overlying white matter
  • Receives and integrates sensory input from the
    eyes, ears, joints and muscles about the current
    position of the body
  • Functions to
  • Maintains posture
  • Coordinates voluntary movement
  • Allows learning of new motor skills (i.e. playing
    the piano or hitting a baseball)

4. The brain The brain stem
13.2 The central nervous system
  • 1. Midbrain
  • Relay station between cerebrum and spinal cord or
  • Reflex centers for visual, auditory, and tactile
  • 2. Pons
  • - a bridge between cerebellum and the CNS
  • - regulate breathing rate with the medulla
  • - reflex center for head movements in response
    to visual
  • and auditory stimuli
  • 3. Medulla oblongata
  • - reflex centers for regulating breathing,
    heartbeat and
  • blood pressure
  • - contains tracts that ascend or descend between
  • spinal cord and higher brain centers
  • 4. Reticular formation

4. The brain The brain stem
  • Reticular formation major component of the
    reticular activating system (RAS) that regulates
  • Receives sensory signals and sends them up to
    higher centers, and motor signals which it sends
    to the spinal cord
  • RAS arouses the cerebrum via the thalamus
  • Can filter out unnecessary sensory stimuli
  • Example study with the TV on
  • To inactivate RAS
  • remove of visual and auditory stimuli
  • Injury to RAS ? coma

The reticular activating system
The limbic system
  • Located between cerebrum and diencephalon
  • Joins primitive emotions (i.e. fear, pleasure)
    with higher functions such as reasoning
  • Can cause strong emotional reactions to
    situations but conscious thought can override and
    direct our behavior
  • Functions
  • 1. Establishes emotional states and drives
  • 2. Links conscious functions of cerebrum to
    autonomic functions of brainstem
  • 3. Facilitates memory storage and retrieval

The limbic system
  • Includes
  • Amygdala has emotional overtones
  • Creates sensation of fear, triggers the
    fight-or-flight reaction
  • Frontal cortex can override the limbic system and
    cause us to rethink the situation
  • Hippocampus important to learning and memory
  • Info gateway during learning process
  • Link of hippocampus to Alzheimers

The limbic system
13.3 The limbic system and higher mental functions
Higher mental functions
13.3 The limbic system and higher mental functions
  • Learning
  • what happens when we recall and use past memories
  • Memory
  • ability to hold a thought or to recall past
  • Short-term memory
  • retention of information for only a few minutes
  • Long-term memory retention of information for
    more than a few minutes and include the
  • Episodic memory persons and events
  • Semantic memory number and words
  • Hippocampus serves as a bridge between the
    sensory association areas, where memories are
    stored, and the prefrontal area, where memories
    are utilized
  • Long-term potentiation occurs after synapses have
    been used intensively for a short period of time,
    they release more neurotransmitters than before
  • Causes memory storage

Higher mental functions
  • Skill memory performing skilled motor
    activities (i.e. riding a bike)
  • When a skill is first learned
  • more areas of the cerebral cortex are involved
  • Skill memory involved all the motor areas of the
    cerebrum below the level of consciousness
  • Language depends on semantic memory
  • Any disruption can contribute to an inability to
    comprehend our environment and use speech
  • Damage to
  • Wernickes area ? inability to comprehend speech
  • Brocas area ? inability to speak and write

What parts of the brain are active in reading and
13.3 The limbic system and higher mental functions
The peripheral nervous system (PNS)
13.4 The peripheral nervous system
  • Includes cranial (12 pr) and spinal nerves (31
    pr) and ganglia outside the CNS
  • Spinal nerves conduct impulses to and from the
    spinal cord
  • Cranial nerves conduct impulses to and from the
  • Divided into 2 systems
  • Somatic
  • Autonomic

The peripheral nervous system (PNS)
  • Cell body and dendrites in CNS or ganglia
  • Axons or neurons project from the CNS and form
    the spinal cord
  • Nerves axons (long part of neurons)

  • Cranial Nerves
  • Sensory nerves, motor nerves, or mixed nerves
  • Controls the head, neck, and facial regions
  • Example is the Vagus Nerve (X)
  • Controls the pharynx, larynx, and internal organs
  • Arise from medulla oblongata and communicates
    with the hypothalamus to control internal organs

  • Spinal Nerves
  • Dorsal root of spinal nerve
  • contains sensory fibers that conduct impulses
    toward the spinal cord from sensory receptors
  • Cell body of sensory neuron is in a dorsal root
  • Ganglion
  • collection of cell bodies outside of the CNS
  • Ventral root of spinal nerve
  • Contains motor fibers that conduct impulses away
    from the cord to effectors
  • All spinal nerves are mixed nerves
  • Each spinal nerve serves the particular region of
    the body

The peripheral nervous system
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The PNS Somatic division
  • Serves the skin, skeletal muscles and tendons
  • Includes sensory receptors, sensory nerves, and
    motor nerves
  • Automatic responses are called reflexes

Features of the Autonomic System
  • Function automatically and usually in an
    involuntary manner
  • They innervate all internal organs
  • They utilize two neurons and one ganglion for
    each impulse
  • Preganglionic nerve fiber ? ganglion ?
    postganglionic nerve fiber contact with organs
  • Reflex actions of the ANS
  • Regulate blood pressure and breathing rate

The PNS Autonomic division
13.4 The peripheral nervous system
  • Regulates the activity of involuntary muscles
    (cardiac and smooth) and glands
  • Divided into 2 divisions
  • Sympathetic neurotransmitter ? Norepinephrine
  • coordinates the body for the fight or flight
  • speeds up metabolism, heart rate and breathing
    while down regulating other functions
  • Parasympathetic neurotransmitter ? acetylcholine
  • brings a relaxed state
  • slows down metabolism, heart rate and breathing
    and returns other functions to normal

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Degenerative brain disorders
  • Alzheimer disease
  • Usually seen in people after 65 yrs. old
  • Starts with memory loss
  • APOE4 65 of AD persons have this gene
  • Two histological causes
  • Abnormal neurons with plaques of beta amyloid
  • Sticky B-amyloid forms when snipped by secretases
  • Accumulation results in inflammation and neuronal
  • Neurofibrillary tangles in axons that extend
    around the nucleus
  • Protein tau losses it shape and grabs onto other
    tau molecules resulting in tangles

Degenerative brain disorders
  • Parkinson disease
  • Usually begins between the ages of 50-60
  • Characterized by loss of motor control
  • Due to degeneration of dopamine-releasing
    (inhibitory effect) neurons in the brain
  • Dopamine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter
  • Without dopamine, excessive excitatory signals
    form the motor cortex and brain result in
    symptoms of Parkinsons disease
  • Treatment
  • I-dopa, chemical that can be changed into

Drugs and drug abuse
  • Drugs have two general effects on the nervous
  • affect the limbic system
  • Promote or decrease the action of a certain
    neurotransmitter (stimulants or depressants)
  • Most drug abusers take drugs that affect dopamine
  • Dopamine involved in reward circuit, regulates
  • Drugs artificially affect the reward circuit to
    the point they ignore basic physical needs in
    favor of the drug
  • Drug abusers show physiological and psychological
  • Once a person is physically dependent
  • They usually need more of the drug for the same
    effect because their body has become tolerant

Drug abuse Alcohol
13.5 Drug abuse
  • Alcohol
  • depressant directly absorbed from the stomach and
    small intestine
  • Increases action of GABA and increases the
    release of beta-endorphins in the hypothalamus
  • Most socially accepted form of drug use
  • About 80 of college-aged people drink
  • Effects on the body
  • Denatures proteins, causes damage to tissues such
    as the brain and liver
  • Chronic consumption can damage the frontal lobe,
    decrease brain size, and increase the size of the
  • High blood alcohol levels can lead to
  • poor judgment, loss of coordination or even coma
    and death

Drug abuse Nicotine and Cocaine
  • Nicotine stimulant derived from tobacco plant
  • Causes neurons to release dopamine
  • Mimics acetylcholine in PNS
  • increases skeletal muscle activity, heart rate,
    blood pressure, and digestive tract motility
  • Adversely affects a developing embryo or fetus
  • Psychological and physiological dependency
  • immunize the brain against nicotine, prevent
    passage through BBB
  • Cocaine stimulant derived from a plant
  • Interferes with the re-uptake of dopamine at
  • Results in a rush sensation (5-30 minutes) and an
    increased sex drive
  • Results in hyperactivity and little desire for
    food and sleep
  • Extreme physical dependence with this drug
  • Continued use ? body makes less dopamine to
    compensate for the excess at synapses
  • result is withdrawal symptoms

Drug abuse methamphetamine
13.5 Drug abuse
  • Powder form is called speed
  • Crystal form is called meth or ice
  • Stimulatory effect mimics cocaine
  • Reverses the effects of fatigue and is a mood
  • High agitation is common after the rush and can
    lead to violent behavior
  • Causes psychological dependency and
  • Ecstasy is the street name for a drug
  • has the same effects as meth without the

Drug abuse Heroin
13.5 Drug abuse
  • Depressant from the sap of the opium poppy plant
  • Leads to a feeling of euphoria and no pain
  • it is delivered to the brain and is converted
    into morphine
  • Depresses breathing, activates the reward
    circuit, and blocks pain pathway
  • Side effects
  • nausea, vomiting and depression of the
    respiratory and circulatory systems
  • Can lead to
  • HIV, hepatitis and other infections due to
    shared needles
  • Extreme dependency

Drug abuse and its use Marijuana
  • Psychoactive drug derived from a hemp plant
    called Cannabis
  • Binds to receptors located in the hippocampus,
    cerebellum, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex
  • Brain areas important for memory, orientation,
    balance, motor coordination, and perception
  • Causes
  • Mild euphoria and brain damage
  • Alterations to vision and judgment as well as
    impaired motor coordination with slurred speech
  • Heavy users may experience
  • depression, anxiety, hallucinations, paranoia and
    psychotic symptoms
  • Banned in the US in 1937
  • recently has been legalized in a few states for
    medical use in seriously ill patients
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