- Why reforms?
- Motivation Economic growth ? Welfare
- Four priorities
- Development Priority I Competition and Growth
- Development Priority II Knowledge
- Development Priority III Efficient State
- Development Priority IV Modern Welfare State
3Priorities and Measures (1)
- Measures
- Restructuring of public finances
- Tax system reform
- Increasing competitiveness
- Efficient use of EU funds for accelerated
development - Privatisation and development of financial system
- Liberalisation and competitiveness of public
- Priority I
- Competitiveness and growth
4Priorities and Measures (2)
- Measures
- Reform of the university system
- Efficient use of knowledge and innovation.
- Technological and innovation programmes
- Alliances between the economy and universities
- Programmes for transfer and rise of knowledge in
the economy
- Priority II
- Efficient accumulation, two-way flows and use of
knowledge for development, and quality jobs
5Priorities and Measures (3)
- Measures
- Improved budget preparation procedures
- Rationalisation of public sector activities
- Impact assessment of regulations
- Improving the system for drawing EU funds
- Priority III
- More efficient and cost-effective state
6Priorities and Measures (4)
- Measures
- Flexible labour market and higher employment
- Fairer and more motivating system of social
transfers - Changes and adjustments of the pension system
- Health care reform
- Priority IV
- Modern welfare state and higher employment
7Why Reforms?
- Transition inertia stable economic growth
(1993-2002) - Development push in the reformed countries
- Slow pace of restructuring
- The highest state share in the economy126/127
(Fraser 2005) - Non-competitive country
- The second highest labour costs per unit GDP in
the EU (Development Report 2005) - The highest level of the labour tax wedge in the
EU (OECD 2004) - Dramatic drop of competitiveness 35?52/60 (IMD
8Key Proposals
- Simpler and more business-friendly environment,
- Simplified tax system with lower tax burden,
- Privatisation
- More efficient knowledge accumulation and
stimulation of knowledge flows btw. the economy
and universities, - Selection of large national projects to be
co-financed from EU funds, - Modernisation of the welfare state so as to
motivate the individuals for activity, - More rational health-care system,
- More sustainable pension system encouraging
longer activity
9Development Priority I Competition and Growth
10Development Priority ICompetition and Growth
- Tax reform
- Privatisation and withdrawal of the state from
active ownership - Deregulation, demonopolisation and promotion of
competition and competitiveness - Liberalization of public utilities (PU)
111. Tax Reform
- Motivation for a tax reform
- To increase the competitiveness of the Slovene
economy and enable it to achieve the Lisbon
Strategy goals by - Simplifying the tax administrative procedures
- Reducing the tax wedge on labour
- Decreasing absolute and relative labour costs of
the highly-skilled labour force - Enabling companies to invest (via increased
profits) into RD, new products, new jobs
12Tax Reform Proposal
- Following the OECD guidelines, transferring the
focus of taxation from production to consumption
(from direct to indirect taxes). - Simultaneously
- Tax reform (as from 1 January 2007)
- Abandon the pay-roll tax (- SIT 78 bn.)
- Introduce the flat personal income tax (20 -
SIT 39 bn.) - Introduce the flat VAT (20) ( SIT 115 135
bn.) - Introduce the flat corporate tax (no exemptions
and allowances) - Gradual decrease of public expenditures by 2
GDP - 2006 by 0.7 GDP
- 2007 by 0.8 GDP
- 2008 by 0.5 GDP
13Impact of Flat-Tax on the Economy
- Increasing the profits of firms
- SIT 78 bn. from the pay-roll taxes
- SIT 39 bn. from the personal income tax
- Total SIT 117 bn. (approximately 1.8 GDP
annually) - Reducing the cost of highly-skilled labour force
- by 15 (2GW) to31 (5GW)
- Hence, creating a space for capital and RD
intensive investments and new jobs, and
increasing demand for highly-skilled labour force - Consequential decrease of the public exp. by 1
GDP and by additional 2 within the proposed term
14Impact on Firms Cost (in SIT million)
15Budget Sustainability of Flat Tax (in SIT bn,
- Reduction of budget revenues Increase of
revenues / reduction of exp.
Pay-roll tax -125 (35 - 45) Pay-roll tax
Personal income tax - (65 - 70) (25 30) Personal income tax
(115 - 135) VAT
Corporate income tax 0 30 Corporate income tax
Capital income tax n.a. n.a. Capital income tax
Total - (190 195) (205 250)
Net Lower bound 15 Lower bound 15 Lower bound 15
Upper bound 55 Upper bound 55 Upper bound 55
16Social Sustainability of Flat Tax(Current system
vs. Flat tax, with child allowance)
172. Privatisation (1)
- State capital funds (KAD SOD)
- Sale of KAD and SOD shares in public
share-holding companies according to the term
plan by the end of the year 2008 - Keep max 5 each of the shares in individual
firms - Transformation of KAD and SOD into portfolio
investors and withdrawal from active ownership - Restructuring their portfolios into globally
diversified investments and clearly defined
annual obligations of KAD wrt the pension budget -
182. Privatisation (2)
- Privatisation of state-owned companies
- Establishing competent privatization commissions
- Adopting the privatisation programmes for the
biggest companies privatized according to the
model 26XY - Launching preparations for being listed on the SE
in all partly privatized companies with a large
number of shareholders (Telekom, Zavarovalnica
Triglav, NLB) - Using IPOs where strategic investors are not
optimal - Measures on the capital market for an easier
withdrawal of the state from the economy.
193. Promotion of Competition
- Improvement of the market competition (prod.
factors) - Improvement of Slovenias competitiveness on the
global market of business locations - Implementation of a small number of large
projects of national significance.
204. Liberalisation of Public Utilities
- Market restructuring of the electricity energy
sector - renewal of the gross trading and
abolishment of the critical ineffectiveness - Competitive supply of final energy consumers
- Use of the public communication structure of all
PU - Competitive transport and logistic services
21Development Priority IIKnowledge
22Reform of the University System
- Deregulation of the university system
- Promotion of private and regional universities
(7-10 universities, at least half of them
private) - Promoting multidisciplinary university
programmes. - Financing
- Voucher system, combined with the system of
postponed student fees. - Tax encouragements for donations to the
universities -
- Other measures
- Adjustments of the study programmes, employment
of the teachers - Encouraging alliances between the universities
and institutions - Promoting international cooperation and student
exchange - Abolishing limitations regarding the use of
23Improving Knowledge Accumulation
- Increase of the public by 0.5 GDP and private
investments into science and technology by 1
GDP by the year 2010 (NRRP 2005) - Total 3 GDP for RD (2010)
- Additional public funds from privatization
(similar to Finland) - Distribution of new funds for RD in ratio 80
20 (technology science) - Centralization of the technology and innovation
policy under one Ministry - Simplification of the system of raising and using
local public funds - Simplification of drawing EU funds
- Promotion of knowledge flows between universities
and the economy - Financing of the projects applied for by the
economy in cooperation with the university (
through TIA ) - Program of young experts employed in the economy,
- Students grant schemes for promoting science and
technical studies. - Promotion of establishing high-tech companies
- Establishing a fund for promotion of HT companies
- Legislation referring to the risk funds
- Technological parks
24Development Priority IIIEfficient State
25Efficient and Cost-Effective State
- Reducing public exp. by 2 pps by 2008 (and
additional 2 pps by 2012) - Introduction of PPP for financing infrastructural
projects - Setting up of central registers
- Register of incomes form public funds
- Real estate register
- Establishing of common one-stop offices for the
economy (VEM) and the inhabitants (CSD). - Linking and joining of institutions
- Tax Administration and Customs Administration
- Financing of model tools for simulating the
effects of the economic policy - Microsimulation models for monitoring financial
effects of the reforms. CGE OLG model for
simulation of impacts of the reforms on
employment and growth.
26Improvement of the System of Drawing the EU Funds
- Concentration of funds for co-financing the EU
operative programs under a single budget item - Permanent education and training of personnel to
be engaged in Cohesion Policy - Selecting the operation programmess and setting
up implementing structures for Cohesion Policy
2007 2013. - Establishing the Management Authority for
managing all operating programmes in Slovenia, as
well as the Paying Authority.
27Effective Use of the EU Funds
- Development-oriented restructuring of the budget
for co-financing the projects - The use of EU funds
- 3.5 bn. in 2007-2013
- Distribution of funds
- 70 for 5-8 large projects
- 30 for small projects
- Preparation of standards for selecting large
projects - Selection of project ideas for large projects.
28Selection of the Project Ideas for Large
Projects Cohesion Policy
- Cohesion Fund (CF)
- Environment and nature (at least 50 of the
funds) - Sustainable use of natural and energy resources.
- Protection of drinking water wells as long-term
strategic natural resources. - Transport infrastructure (at the most 50 of KS
funds) - Phyrn Highway
- Third Development Axis
29Selection of Project Ideas for Large Projects
Structural Funds
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- A net of logistic and technological centres and
business zones. - Mobility for development breakthrough (public
transport/ access to knowledge). - Selection of projects for developing services
through linking of natural and cultural
potentials (spas/health care/knowledge/nature/cult
ural heritage/concentration of economic subjects) - European Social Fund (ESF)
- Establishing alliances between RD and the
economy (regional technological universities) - National centre for industrial design
30Development Priority IV Modern Welfare State
and Higher Employment
31Measures to Improve the Labour Market and the
Welfate State
- More flexible labour market and easier
employability - Incentives for activity and employment
- More transparent and fairer system of social
transfers - Sustainability of pension and health insurance
32More Flexible Labour Market and Easier
- Reducing the obstacles to more flexible forms of
employment part-time employment, shorter working
hours and other (proportion of work-related
costs) - Establishing temporary employment agencies and
abolishing tax privileges of students work. - Reducing the extent of job regulation.
- Stimulate also temporary and part-time jobs.
- Linking the unemployment benefit to minimum wage
rather than guaranteed wage. - Setting out the maximum redundancy pay (6 wages),
simplify procedures for laying off for fault
liability, ease rigidity of collective
redundancy, shorten the statutory notice period. - Abolishing compulsory supplements for length of
service (possibility of a contract agreement). - Employees profit sharing schemes
33Stimulating Activity of the Unemployed
- Unemployment assistance could be replaced by
social assistance linked to job seeking activity.
- Abolishment of obstacles to combining part-time
pension with part-time employment. - Setting up job rotation programmes.
- All unemployed should enter the employment
programmes and a number of advisers should rise
(up to 150 unemployed per an adviser).
34Changes in Employment Policy and Life-long
- Joining Active Employment Policy (AEP) programmes
and clearly defining of goals - Including regional partners in special projects
- Decentralization of setting the target groups
- Independent evaluation of projects
- Motivation programmes for attracting candidates
to education and training projects and business
incentives - Putting in place of the international standard
Investing into people - Regional domain of adult education.
35Student Scholarship Scheme
- Replacing national scholarship with a schooling
supplement paid in addition to child benefit - Forming of a scholarship fund for sponsor and
deficit professions scholarships at the level of
the region scholarships for the talented
co-financing by employees. - All existing scholarship forms should be
integrated into the new system.
36Fairer and Motivating System of Social Transfers
37Fairer and Motivating System of Social Transfers
- Setting up a central register of rights from
public resources and linking of the information
systems (IS) - Creation of a central decision-making point.
- Unifying the criteria for social rights.
- Unifying the valorization mechanisms.
- Setting up and unifying the ceiling of redundancy
payments. - Unified system of the long-term nursing.
- More possibilities for activity.
- Entitlement to social assistance (DSP) related to
activity. - Modification of standards and conditions with the
goal of stimulating for work.
38Improved Efficiency of the System
- Advantages
- Simpler system for the user.
- Simpler system also for decision-maker, one
decree. - Higher payment for the active workers
encouragement for work. - Fairer
- Easier monitoring
- Savings
- Reduction of the procedures, decrees and
money-orders. - Less possibilities of abuse.
- Assets should be taken into account.
- Reduction of the incomes in case of criteria
modifications for being entitled to some social
rights and payments of the non-active with the
work ability. - Changes of the valorization mechanisms.
- Limitations of the redundancy payment.
39Adjustments and Amendments of the Pension System
- Encouragements for longer activity
- To reinforce the system of bonus and malus.
- Part exemption from contributions of the
employers when employing the elderly. To support
the combination of part-time pension and
part-time activity. -
- Expanding the coverage with the insurance
- Contribution payment defining the thickness of
the employment even out of the smaller amount of
the working hours. - Expand the insurance possibilities for the
smaller volume of rights - Combination of social acceptability and economic
maintenance - To prolong the period of defining the pension
payment bases. - The valorization methods should come to terms
with the rules at other transfers and financial
options. - Arranging the collective and individual insurance
- Revise the options of directing one part of the
contributions of the employers into the capital
covered pension insurances. - To allow the plans without a guaranteed profit
for individual extra insurance and to release the
investments strategies.
41More Efficient Health Care
42Introduction of the Economic Calculus and
Management into Health Care
- Introduction of the business and professional
standards and measurable indicators. - Gradual and pilot privatization of hospitals.
- Material liability of the management for the
results of public institutions. - Compulsory management training
- Rationalizing of public procurement.
43Adjustment of the Compulsory Health Insurance
- To review the rights referring to the opportunity
costs. - To limit the length of the sick-leave.
- System insurance for a long-term nursing.
- To clean up the health care budget.
- To establish the fund for demographic transition.