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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: O

OReilly Open Source Con October 19, 2005
FreeBSD Release Engineering Murray
Stokely murray_at_FreeBSD.org
  • Introduction
  • FreeBSD in a Nutshell
  • FreeBSD Development Model
  • Source Code Revision Control
  • Project Management / Hats
  • Release Process Overview
  • Code Review
  • Release Checklist
  • CVS Operations
  • Release Building

  • Extensibility
  • FreeBSD 6.0 and beyond
  • Summer of Code - FreeSBIE, BSD Installer,
    launchd, etc..
  • Future Directions

FreeBSD in a Nutshell
  • Freely available Unix-like operating system
  • Runs on x86, Alpha, Sparc64, IA-64, AMD64
  • Over 13,000 software packages available
  • Many commercial users
  • Thousands of developers around the world
    contributing to it
  • Used as an operating systems research platform
  • So far, so Linux...

Development Organization
  • Two layers of FreeBSD organization
  • The committers, and everyone else
  • Committers have write access to the source tree
  • Everyone else submits patches or bug reports
    using FreeBSD's problem reporting system (GNATS),
    and waits for a committer to commit the change
  • Individuals who submit many patches (that work)
    are invited to
  • become committers
  • 9 committers form the elected "core team", for
    dispute resolution

Development Organization

Thousands of contributors
9 core team
350 committers
FreeBSD Development Model
  • Thousands of developers around the world
    contribute code to FreeBSD.
  • Only the "committers" have write access to the
    CVS repository
  • 353 total committers in FreeBSD (includes
    source, documentation, and ports committers).
  • 212 active committers to src/ in the last 12
  • 149 active committers to src/sys (kernel) in the
    last 12 months.
  • 80 of major src/ commits in CVS made by roughly
    45 senior developers.

(active is loosely defined as making a single
FreeBSD Development Model
  • FreeBSD development continues along two parallel
    branches FreeBSD-CURRENT and FreeBSD-STABLE.
  • FreeBSD-CURRENT is the main trunk of our CVS
    repository. All new development should happen
  • FreeBSD-STABLE is the branch from which major
    releases are made. Changes enter this branch at
    a different pace, and with the general assumption
    that they have been well tested by our user
    community running -CURRENT.

Source Code Control
  • The entire source code for FreeBSD is stored in
    a CVS repository.
  • The logs, and individual changes for each file
    can be traced back to 1994.
  • The source tree can be checked out at any state,
    or corresponding to any release tag.
  • CDs are available taking the history back a
    further 20 years.

Source Code Control Perforce
  • Limitations of CVS (vendor branches, poor three
    way merges, lack of atomic changelists, etc.) can
    really hamper large development projects.
  • As an open source project, we strongly believe
    we should support and use open source tools.
  • CVS is our official system, but next-generation
    development is often done in Perforce first
    before being merged to our -CURRENT CVS branch.

Source Code Distribution
  • FreeBSD Source Code
  • Available on CD (freebsdmall.com, others)
  • Can be downloaded from ftp.FreeBSD.org
  • Changes to the source code
  • Can be updated using CVS
  • Can be updated using CVSup (faster CVS)
  • Changes can be automatically e-mailed in, and
    integrated with your local source tree
  • Can be browsed, with history, on the web, at

FreeBSD Branch Model
  • Head of the tree is now FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT.
  • Multiple STABLE branches for more mature
    releases. RELENG_4 branch from which 4.x
    releases are made, RELENG_5, RELENG_6, etc..
  • Point releases are made at 4 month intervals off
    of STABLE release branches until the release
    branch becomes obsolete.
  • 4.11 was last release on RELENG_4. Probably one
    more 5.x release.
  • 6.0 real soon now -- we expect a long and
    successful future for 6.x releases.

March 2000, FreeBSD 4.0
FreeBSD-Current (became 5.0)
March 2000, FreeBSD 4.0
FreeBSD-Current (became 5.0)
4.3, April 2001
4.2, November 2000
4.1.1, September 2000 (crypto)
March 2000, FreeBSD 4.0
4.1, July 2000
Hats in FreeBSD
  • Originally, large percentage of FreeBSD commits
    made by set of core developers.
  • As the project has grown, the number of
    significant contributors has also grown.
  • The core team model needed to be modified with
    the creation of additional teams to delegate
    project management responsibilities.

Hats in FreeBSD
  • Release Engineering Team
  • Security Officer Team.
  • Port Manager Team.
  • Documentation Engineering Team.
  • Donations Liaison Team.
  • Marketing / Press Team.
  • Architecture Review Board.
  • CVS / Perforce Meisters, Admins, postmaster,

FreeBSD Build System
  • The complete system is available in CVS
    kernel, compilers, libraries, headers, userland,
    third-party packages, etc.
  • The entire system is built with a single command
    in /usr/src make world .
  • Some GNU software included (e.g. gcc, gdb).
    These are imported on CVS vendor branches with
    BSD Makefiles instead of default configure based
    Gmake build (for parallel makes, make -j N,
  • Over 13,000 third party applications in FreeBSD
    Ports Collection.

Ports Tree Growth
Release Process Overview
  • Releases are made from the -STABLE development
    branch at approximately 4 month intervals.
  • Reminder / Announcement email sent to developers
    lt45 daysgt
  • MFC Sweeps ("Merge from -CURRENT")
  • Code slush / freeze lt30 daysgt
  • Release Candidates lt15 daysgt
  • Eventually a final release
  • Upcoming release schedule maintained at

Release Engineering Team
  • A principal release engineer drives the process
    for each release.
  • Other team members have different
    responsibilities to help principal release
  • help evaluate MFC merge requests to evaluate
    risk / reward tradeoff.
  • Run builds for release candidates and releases
    on different architectures.
  • Translate release notes, work on DocBook based
    documentation infrastructure.
  • Etc.

Building Releases
  • One can build a complete release of FreeBSD,
    including FTP install directories, floppy images,
    and ISO images for CDROMs with one command.
  • make release is used by many large companies
    to produce special versions of FreeBSD with
    special patches or additional software installed
    by default.
  • It is also the well documented way in which the
    release engineering team makes all official
    releases of FreeBSD.
  • Schedules, checklists, process documentation
    available at http//www.FreeBSD.org/releng.

Release Building
  • Tools necessary for building a FreeBSD release
    are available in src/release/
  • These tools aim to provide a consistent way to
    build FreeBSD releases.
  • A complete release can be built with only a
    single command, including the creation of ISO
    images suitable for burning onto CDROM,
    installation floppies, and an FTP install
    directory. This command is aptly named "make

Release Building
  • To successfully build a release, you must first
    populate /usr/obj by running "make world" or
    simply "make buildworld". The release target
    requires that several variables be set properly
  • CHROOTDIR - The directory to be used as the
    chroot environment for the entire captive release
  • BUILDNAME - The name of the release to be built.
  • CVSROOT - The location of a CVS repository.
  • RELEASETAG - The tag corresponding to the sources
    to build.

"make release" (1/4)
There are many other variables that can be used
to customize the release build process. Most of
these are documented at the top of
src/release/Makefile. The exact command used to
build FreeBSD 4.6 (x86) was make release
CHROOTDIR/local3/release \
BUILDNAME4.6-RELEASE CVSROOT/host/cvs/usr/home/n
"make release" (2/4)
  • The release makefile can be broken down into
    several distinct steps.
  • Creation of a sanitized system environment in a
    separate directory hierarchy with "make
  • Checkout from CVS of a clean version of the
    system source, documentation, and ports into the
    release build hierarchy.
  • Population of /etc and /dev in the chrooted
  • chroot into the release build environment, to
    make it harder for the outside world to taint the

"make release" (3/4)
  • Steps of "make release" (continued)
  • "make world" in the chrooted environment.
  • Build Kerberos-related binaries.
  • Build 'GENERIC' kernel.
  • Creation of a staging directory tree where the
    binary distributions will be built and packaged.
  • Build and installation of the documentation
    toolchain needed to convert the documentation
    source (SGML) into the HTML and text documents
    that will accompany the release.

"make release" (4/4)
  • Steps of "make release" (continued)
  • Build and install of the actual documentation
    (user manuals, release notes, tutorials,
    hardware compatibility lists, etc..)
  • Build of the "crunched" binaries to be used on
    the installation floppies
  • Creation of the distribution tarballs of the
    binaries and sources.
  • Create the boot media and a fixit floppy.
  • Create the FTP installation hierarchy.
  • (optionally) Create ISO images for CDROM media.

Ports and Packages
  • The FreeBSD Ports Collection is a collection of
    over 13,000 third-party software packages
    available for FreeBSD.
  • The ports team (portmgr_at_FreeBSD.org) is
    responsible for maintaining a consistent ports
    tree that can be used to create the binary
    packages that accompany a given FreeBSD release.

Ports and Packages
  • In order to provide a consistent set of
    third-party packages, every port is built in a
    separate chroot environment, starting with an
    empty /usr/local and /usr/X11R6.
  • The requisite dependencies are installed as
    packages before the build proceeds.
  • By starting the package build in a pristine
    environment, we can assure that the package
    metadata (such as required dependencies) are
    accurate, and so we will never generate packages
    that might work on some systems and not on others
    depending on what software was previously

Build Clusters
  • Several large companies have donated machines,
    rack space, power, and network bandwidth for
    build clusters for all supported architectures to
    allow release engineers and port masters to build
    releases and packages quickly.
  • Current ports cluster can build 13,000 third
    party packages in just over 24 hours for i386
    (somewhat longer for most other architectures).

  • A release can be customized in many different
  • If you have access to the staging directory of
    an existing "make release" build hierarchy then
    you may find it easiest to apply patches or
    additional files as necessary to the chroot build
  • rm CHROOTDIR/usr/obj/usr/src/release/release.
  • Rebuild sysinstall, the kernel, or whatever
    parts of the system your change affected.
  • chroot CHROOTDIR ./mk release.4 release.8

Summer of Code
  • Googles Summer of Code Program sponsored 19
    students to spend the summer working on FreeBSD
    (nearly 400 total with other open source
  • Many interesting projects in security, power
    management, networking, file systems, and release
  • Specifically
  • Dario Freni - FreeSBIE (FreeBSD LiveCD)
  • Andrew Turner - BSD Installer (new installation
  • R. Tyler Balance - launchd (porting from MacOS X
    10.4 to speed up Unix boot process.)
  • All student code in Perforce (perforce.FreeBSD.or
    g), some being merged into main CVS repository.

Future Work
  • More process documentation
  • More automated performance testing
  • Better Installation Tools / Graphical User
  • Better integration with FreeSBIE livecd

Additional Information
  • Detailed documentation on "make release" is
    available in release(7).
  • A schedule of upcoming releases is maintained at
  • The release engineering paper is now maintained
    in CVS and the most recent version is available
    from http//www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html
  • If all else fails, just email re_at_FreeBSD.org and
    we will be happy to answer your questions.
  • Excellent Case Study on FreeBSD Development in
    September IEEE Transactions on Software
  • http//wikitest.FreeBSD.org

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