Title: Livin
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- HW 1 due Tuesday
- Maps DUE WED
3Latin America
- Make as many examples of landforms as you can!
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12What is Latin America?
- Reaches from the Rio Grande to Cape Horn.
- Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean islands
and South America
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14Climate and Ecosystems
- More than 1/2 the continent lies between the
tropics - therefore the sun is directly overhead
for much of the year. This makes it HOT almost
everywhere except in the mountains - Mountains create their own climates-elevation and
distance from the equator.
- Andes Mountains 4,400 miles long with average
height of 13,000 ft. - Aconcagua highest peak 22,841 ft.
- Amazon River largest river in the world by
volume 16 of all river water - Creates 1/5 of total fresh water empting into
oceans - Amazon rainforest 1/3 of all species in the
world live here
- The first people probably came from Asia,
crossing the Bering Strait thousands of years
17Three Important Early Civilizations
- The Mayas - Yucatan Peninsula Guatemalan
lowlands - Aztecs in central Mexico
- Incas in the Andes Mountains (present day Peru)
18Recent Influences
- For more than 300 years most countries of L.A.
were colonies of Spain and Portugal (French,
English, Dutch,) - The term Latin refers to the Spanish and
Portuguese languages - It also refers to the cultural heritage that
Spain and Portugal established in America
19Latin America is carved up
- Portugal took over Brazil
- The Spanish conquered Central America and the
western coast of South America - The French, England and the Netherlands claimed
islands in the Caribbean.
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21Latin and then some
- The cultural heritage of Africa is also a part of
- Latin culture.
22Country Population White Mestizo Mulatto Amerindian Black White andMestizo Mixed Other
Argentina 40,301,927 97 3
Aruba 100,018 80 20
Bolivia 9,119,152 15 30 55
Brazil 190,010,647 53.7 38.5 6.2 1.6
Chile 16,284,741 3 95 2
Colombia 44,379,598 20 58 14 1 4 3
Costa Rica 4,133,884 1 3 94 2
Cuba 11,394,043 37 51 11 1
Dominican Republic 9,365,818 16 11 73
Ecuador 13,755,680 65 25 3 7
El Salvador 6,948,073 9 90 1
Guatemala 12,728,111 40.5 59.4 0.1
Haiti 8,706,497 95 5
Honduras 7,483,763 1 90 7 2
Mexico 108,700,891 9 60 30 1
Nicaragua 5,675,356 17 69 5 9
Panama 3,242,173 10 70 6 14
Paraguay 6,669,086 95 5
Peru 28,674,757 15 37 45 3
Puerto Rico 3,944,259 80.5 0.4 8 4.1 7
U.S. Virgin Islands 108,448 13.1 76.2 3.5 7.2
Uruguay 3,460,607 88 8 4
Venezuela 26,023,528 41 49 1 7 2
Total 561,211,057 33.9 27 1 5.2 10.9 4.9 4.8 1.7 1.6
23Land and People
- More than 23 nations with many diverse landforms,
environments and peoples. - Some land rich in resources - others have very
few. - Therefore - some places are densely populated and
others are empty of human life.