Unit 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 3


Unit 3 Assembling the Task Order Package Unit 3 Assembling the Task Order Package Overview Unit 3.1: Task Order Review Checklist Unit 3.2 : Work Plan ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 3

Unit 3 Assembling the Task Order Package
Unit 3 Assembling the Task Order Package
This unit contains information on the nine
elements which constitute a complete Task Order
Package following
  • Unit 3.1 Task Order Review Checklist
  • Unit 3.2 Work Plan Review Checklist
  • Unit 3.3 TEC Factors
  • Unit 3.4 Task Order Quality Assurance Review
  • Unit 3.5 Surveillance Plan
  • Unit 3.6 CBI Form
  • Unit 3.7 COR Certification
  • Unit 3.8 SOW
  • Unit 3.9 IGCE

Unit 3 - Assembling the Task Order Package
Roles and Responsibilities
Unit 3.1 Task Order Review Checklist. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOM /
PO Unit 3.2 Work Plan Review Checklist . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TOM / PO /
CO Unit 3.3 TEC Factors . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . TOM / PO Unit 3.4 Quality Assurance
Review Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . TOM / QA
OFFICER / PO Unit 3.5 Surveillance Plan .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . TOM / PO Unit 3.6 CBI
Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOM /
PO Unit 3.7 COR Certification. . . . . . . . .
. .TOM / TOMS Duly Authorized Supervisor Unit
3.8 SOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TOM /
PO / CO Unit 3.9 IGCE. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . TOM
Unit 3.1Task Order Review Checklist
  • The Task Order Review Checklist contains several
    questions which must be answered by the TOM.
    Most of the questions on the checklist require a
    simple Yes or No response.

A copy of the Checklist can be easily downloaded
from the NWPP Contract webpage.
  • Leave blank the number of the contract (1) and
    Task Order (2).
  • Enter the name of the TOM in 3.
  • Enter the name of the project in 4.
  • If you are unsure about the kind of Task Order,
    leave section 6 blank. The CO will contact you
    to discuss this after the CO has reviewed the TO
    Package and the SOW.

  • Answer all other questions.
  • Be sure to fill in 10, which will specify the
    section of the NWPP contract SOW that applies to
    the work to be performed in this task order.
  • If 14 is yes, then the approval of the TOMs
    Senior Information Resource Management Officer
    (SIRMO) must be attached to the Task Order

To answer 10, you can refer to a copy of the
overall contract SOW at the NWPP Webpage
  • Once the Task Order Review Checklist is complete,
    the TOM will sign and date the document.
  • This document will be forwarded to the Project
    Officer (PO) for signature as part of the Final
    Task Order Package.

Key Points
  • Remember
  • The section of the NWPP SOW that pertains to the
    Task Order must be entered by the TOM in item 10.
  • SIRMO approval must be sought by the TOM if
    necessary for the scope of requested services in
    the Task Order.
  • Reponses to the QA / QC questions must be
    consistent with the responses on the QA / QC

Unit 3.2Work Plan Review Checklist
  • The Work Plan Review Checklist describes the team
    who will review the proposals once they are
    received from the Contractors.
  • The Work Plan Review Checklist also specifies the
    approach that will be used in evaluating the
    Contractors proposals such as
  • Cost is more important than Technical Quality
  • Technical Quality is more important than Cost
  • Cost and Technical Quality are equally important
  • Please be aware that as the TOM for a Task Order
    you are still required to list yourself as a
    reviewer if you intend to review the Contractors

A copy of the Checklist can be easily downloaded
from the NWPP Contract webpage.
  • Leave blank the number of the contract (1) and
    the Task Order (2).
  • Enter the name of the TOM in 3.
  • Enter the name of the project in 4.
  • Enter the names of the members of the review
    panel in 5.
  • Place a check (?) next to the type of Task Order
    Review criteria in Item 6. There should be a
    check (?) next to only one (1) set of criteria.

  • Once the Task Order Review Checklist is complete,
    the TOM will sign and date the document.
  • This document will be forwarded to the Project
    Officer (PO) for signature as part of the Final
    Task Order Package.

Key Points
  • In most cases the TOM should be listed as a
    member of the Work Plan Review Panel.
  • At least one other person must be included on the
    Review Panel for a minimum of two panel members.
  • If the TOM is not listed on the review panel,
    then the TOMs review of the Contractors
    proposals will not be considered in the final
    selection of a successful bidder.
  • Dont forget the category of Task Order Review
    Criteria checked (?) in Item 6 on this form must
    match the TEC review criteria sheet. (See Unit

Unit 3.3TEC Factors
  • The Technical Evaluation Criteria (TEC) are the
    factors which will be used by the Work Plan
    Review Panel to review and evaluate the bids
    which are received from the Contractors in
    response to the solicitation.

You can download sample sets of TEC Factors from
the NWPP webpage.
  • The sample TEC Factors are available for the
    following general topics including
  • TMDL Preparation
  • Training / Outreach
  • Written Guidance Document Preparation
  • Workgroup Support

  • Also on the NWPP webpage, you can see specific
    TEC sheets which were used in previously awarded
    Task Orders.

Key Points
  • Typically, from 3-5 factors are developed by the
    Work Plan Review Panel to use in the evaluation
    of contractors proposals.
  • The combined total of all factors must equal 100
  • Each of the examples of TEC guidance presented
    at the NWPP web page suggest a Work Plan factor
    in Item 1. If the TOM wishes to have a Work
    Plan from the contractor, the requirement for a
    work plan must either be included as a TEC
    factor, or included as the first task in the SOW
    on which the contractors will submit a bid price.
    The NWPP Multiple-Award contracts do not allow
    for any other mechanism to obtain a Work Plan
    from the vendors.

  • Once the TOM completes the TEC Factor sheet, this
    document will be forwarded to the Project Officer
    (PO) for acceptance as part of the Final Task
    Order Package.

Unit 3.4Task Order Quality Assurance Review
What do I need to know? (1)
  • As part of OAMs initial solicitation for the
    Multiple Award Watershed Protection Program
    Contract Vehicle, each company submitting
    proposals was required to submit a Quality
    Management Plan (QMP). The QMP is a generic plan
    on how the company, when eventually selected as a
    contractor, would ensure that "quality" is
  • These QMPs were approved by EPA as part of the
    review of proposals.

  • The QMPs for the four successful bidders are
    posted at the NWPP Contract Webpage.

What do I need to know? (2)
  • All work performed or funded by EPA that involves
    the acquisition or analysis of environmental data
    must have an approved Quality Assurance Project
  • In preparing a Task Order Package, the TOM must
    consult w/ the TOMs QA/QC officer to ensure the
    Task Order Quality Assurance Review Form is
    completed satisfactorily for the scope of
    requested services in the SOW.

What do I need to know? (3)
  • For some types of Task Orders, the QA procedures
    outlined in the QMP may be adequate to ensure
    implementation of EPAs QA policies. This will
    depend, in a case-by-case situation, on the QA
    Officers review of the items of work in the SOW
    which has been prepared by the TOM.
  • For other types of Task Orders, the
    implementation of EPAs QA policies will require
    the preparation of a QAPP for the Task Order.

What do I need to know? (4)
  • Whether or not a QAPP is required will depend on
    the consultation of the TOM with the TOMs QA
    Officer while the items of work are being
    assembled in the Scope of Work.
  • The results of this consultation will be
    reflected in the Quality Assurance Review Form,
    signed by the TOM and the TOMs QA Officer.


Quality Assurance Review Form (1)
  • The TOM enters the title of the proposed project
    and answers the first question.
  • If the answer to the first question is no, the
    TOM proceeds to the end of the QA Review Form.
  • If the answer to the first question is Yes, the
    TOM proceeds to answer the remaining questions in
    consultation with the TOMs QA Officer


QA Review Form (2)
  • Once the form prepared, the following are added
  • TOM signature date
  • QA/QC Officers signature and date
  • This document is then forwarded to the Project
    Officer (PO) for signature as part of the Final
    Task Order Package.

Key Points
  • The QA Review Form is an essential element of the
    final Task Order Package.
  • The Contracting Officer must ensure a copy of the
    QA Review Form with all dated signatures is
    present in the Task Order File-of-Record before
    the Contracting Officer will place the package
    out for bid in a solicitation.
  • The TOM should also keep a signed copy of the QA
    Form in the TOMs File-of-Record.

Quality Assurance Review FormFAQ
Q Once the Task Order is awarded, who is responsible for ensuring implementation of the QA requirements and completion of any QAPPs that are identified on the Quality Assurance Review Form?
A QA is viewed as a program office issue, not a contracting issue. The COs role in the process is to ensure that the Task Order packages have QA review forms signed by the QA Officer prior to the Task Order packages being sent to the vendors for a bid. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the TOM and the TOMs QA Officer to assure the requirements on the QA review form are fulfilled during the Contractors performance of the Task Order.
Unit 3.5Surveillance Plan
  • As discussed in Unit 1, a particular feature of
    the NWPP Multiple-Award Contract is that it is a
    Performance-Based vehicle. Accordingly, a
    requirement for Performance-Based vehicles is
    that each Task Order contain a Surveillance Plan.
  • A surveillance plans details measurable standards
    by which the government will evaluate the
    Contractors performance. As a TOM, it is your
    responsibility to ensure that clear and
    measurable objectives are communicated in the
    Surveillance Plan. Typically this includes the
    quality, quantity, timeliness, etc. of the

  • You can find templates for Surveillance Plans at
    the NWPP Intranet page.
  • You can also find examples of Surveillance Plans
    for Task Orders already awarded.

Here is a sample Surveillance Plan.
Points to Remember
  • There must be a STRONG LINKAGE between the
    Performance Objectives (Column 1) and the Tasks
    in the SOW.
  • The Performance Standard (Column 2) is the
    measure that the TOM will apply to the
    Contractors performance of each task.

Here is a sample Surveillance Plan.
  • The Surveillance Plan (Column 3) describes how
    the TOM will document the Contractors
  • Contractor Incentive (Column 4) customarily
    reads TOM will address compliance in the Past
    Performance Review. (See Unit 10)
  • As each task is completed the TOM will use Column
    5 to certify the Contractors performance as
    satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

Key Points
  • In order for a Surveillance Plan to be effective,
    there must be a strong linkage between the SURV
    Plan and the Schedule of Benchmarks
    Deliverables in the SOW. This will be discussed
    in Unit 3.8.
  • The Surveillance Plan is one of three documents
    (along with the TEC sheet and the SOW) which the
    Contractors will consider in preparation of their

Key Points
  • It is important to note
  • The completed Surveillance Plan will become part
    of the File-of-Record maintained by the TOM and
    CO at the end of the Task Order.

Unit 3.6CBI Form
  • The CBI Review form is completed by the Task
    Order Manager.
  • For more information on CBI please see the
    Contracts Management Manual.
  • This document will be forwarded to the Project
    Officer (PO) for acceptance as part of the Final
    Task Order Package.

Unit 3.7COR Certification
COR Form
  • A Contracting Officers Representative (COR) Form
    is required from the TOM. This form certifies
    that the TOMs COR certification is up-to-date.
  • If you are not COR certified, or if you think
    your COR certification may have expired, refer to
    Unit 2 for instructions on securing an active

  • All Task Order Managers are urged to appoint an
    Associate TOM to each Task Order. In the event
    that you are unavailable to manage your Task
    Order, the Associate TOM can supervise the work
    and approve the invoice payments.
  • The Associate TOM must also furnish a COR form,
    showing active certification as a Contracting
    Officers Representative.

Unit 3.8SOW
Statement of Work
  • The Statement of Work (SOW) in an integral
    component of a Task Order package. The SOW
    describes the tasks to be performed as well as
    the schedule of when the tasks are to be
  • TOMs should use extreme care when composing the
    SOW. The SOW managed by the Task Order Manager
    and Contracting Officer as a binding document
    between the Contractor and the EPA any changes
    or revisions to the SOW are subject to the
    agreement of both parties and must proceed
    through a formal amendment process (see Unit 8).

  • Consistent with Performance-Based contracting,
    the SOW should be written in a results-oriented
    fashion. This means that the SOW should clearly
    and thoroughly describe the desired output
    /deliverable of each task. However, the SOW is
    not intended to be a set of instructions for the
    Contractor. Rather, Performance-Based
    Contracting gives the Contractor the flexibility
    to develop the most efficient means of achieving
    the objectives of the project.
  • This simple truth underscores the relationship
    between the SOW and the Surveillance Plan (SURV),
    for it is the SURV which documents the
    Contractors success in achieving the projects

  • On the NWPP webpage you can find sample SOWs for
    many of the commonly requested tasks (i.e.
    holding a conference/workshop, developing a

  • Also on the NWPP webpage, you can see specific
    Scopes of Work which were used in previously
    awarded Task Orders.

  • Finally, the NWPP webpage offers a SOW Fact Sheet
    to assist you in the development of your own SOW.

Unit 3.9IGCE
  • The Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE)
    is the governments estimate of the cost to
    complete the tasks described in the Statement of
  • The IGCE should account for technical staff labor
    categories, hours, and rates direct material and
    supplies subcontracting consultant services
    travel indirect rates and profit and fee.
  • The primary purpose of an IGCE is as a benchmark
    in evaluating Contractors cost proposals.

  • IGCE templates are available on the NWPP Contract
    Webpage in Excel and Lotus-1-2-3 format.
  • Each template is specific to a single calendar
    year and has the hourly rates approximated for
    the various labor categories.
  • When developing an IGCE you must apportion the
    costs among the calendar years in which the costs
    are expected to be incurred.

  • To fill out the IGCE template simply enter the
    estimated number of hours for each labor
  • The total cost will be automatically calculated
    based on the labor rates.

Unit 3Next Steps
A complete Task Order Package consists of
  • Task Order Review Checklist
  • Work Plan Review Checklist
  • TEC Factors
  • Task Order Quality Assurance Review Form
  • Surveillance Plan
  • CBI Form
  • COR Certification
  • SOW
  • IGCE

Unit 3 Next Steps
  • After the TOM has assembled a complete Task Order
    package, it is sent to the Project Officer for
    review and then on to the Contracting Officer.
    These steps are discussed in Unit 4.
  • Unlike other EPA Contract Vehicles, the
    Procurement Request is not submitted at the time
    the Task Order package is submitted.
  • The Procurement Request will be requested after
    the bid process for the amount of the selected
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