Negative Index of Refraction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Negative Index of Refraction


Negative Index of Refraction By: ... Attempts to get into the optical ... waveguides and antennas I m going to talk about the super lenses ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Negative Index of Refraction

Negative Index of Refraction
  • By Jason Kaszpurenko
  • Journal Club
  • 1/16/09

  • Both articles that I read were from a Materials
    Research Society October 2008 Bulletin
  • General Overview about negative index materials
  • What is ti
  • What properties does it have
  • What possible applications
  • Making Negative Index of Refraction materials
  • Two types of Negative Index Materials
  • Attempts to get into the optical range
  • Questions (Yours and mine)

  • Negative index of refraction was first theorized
    by Victor Veselago in 1968
  • The idea that a material could have both negative
    permittivity and permeability
  • If it had both of these it would not violate the
    laws of physics
  • First confirmed by J. Pendry in 2000

  • Index of refraction is normally defined by
  • nc/v or n(eµ)0.5
  • c is the speed of light in vacuum, v is the speed
    of light in a medium, e is permittivity and µ is
  • e can be found negative naturally in several
    metals such as gold and silver but µ needs to be
    engineered artificially to be negative
  • The shortest wavelength observed with this
    property is 710 nm

  • In a normal material the k, E and H of the
    material right handed set (good old right hand
  • In negative index materials (NIM) the k, E and H
    form a left handed set (your students were doing
    it for negative index of materials)
  • This causes the waves phase front to move in the
    opposite direction of the wave itself
  • The energy of the wave is associated with the
    group velocity
  • To the right we have an example of this. The
    Gaussian wave packet moves to the right while the
    wave front, (red point) moves to the left
  • W. Park, J. Kim, MRS bulletin Oct 2008

Optical Properties of negative index materials
  • Negative index materials can be used to make
  • Electromagnetic cloaking devices
  • Super lenses
  • filters
  • Sub wavelength waveguides and antennas
  • Im going to talk about the super lenses

Super lenses
  • In most optics the limiting factor is the
    wavelength of light
  • The evanescent waves, waves which exponentially
    decay in mater, actually contain information that
    is smaller than the wavelength, but this is
    normally lost
  • In negative index materials the evanescent waves
    are actually enhanced

Evanescent waves
Image a The red lines represent the evanescent
waves fon nlt0 with the light getting focused.
While the blue dotted are for ngt0 and the light
getting scattered. Image b is the amplitude of
the evanescent light in negative and positive
materials. Image c shows a simulation of this
phenomenon. The smaller image than source size
means enhanced evanescent waves.
W. Park, J. Kim, MRS bulletin Oct 2008
Elaboration of conditions needed for negative
index materials
  • Originally Veselago argued that you need the real
    and complex parts of permeability and
    permittivity to be negative
  • This is an over constrained condition the real
    one is
  • eµ eµlt0 ( is real and is complex part)
  • If elt0 or µlt0 we have a single-negative NIM
  • If elt0 and µlt0 we have a double-negative NIM
    (DN-NIM), DN-NIM have the potential to have less
    losses and are considered better because of this

Making µ lt 0
  • Three common types of magnetic resonators are
  • Bihelix (figure a) this resonator uses two
    separate strips of the same metal
  • Split-ring resonators (SRR) (figure b) uses to
    different rings and is a very common choice but
    the magnetic response becomes saturated in the
    visual regime.
  • Pair of Nanorods is the last configuration, this
    was used by the authors to get into the optical

Chettiar, et all, MRS bulletin Oct 2008
  • An attempt was made to synthesize nanorods with
    different deposition rates
  • Al2O3 was deposited in between the layers Ag
  • Sample A was deposited at 2 A/s while sample B
    was deposited at 0.5 A/s
  • Using AFM cross sections we can see that the
    faster deposition rate created (right) a rougher
    surface than the slower deposition (lower right)

Chettiar, et all, MRS bulletin Oct 2008
Permittivity and Permeability
Sample A has a high deposition rate and Sample B
has a low deposition rate
Chettiar, et all, MRS bulletin Oct 2008
Results for different spacing
  • When varying the spacing of the magnets are
    verried different frequencies of light are
    allowed to pass, but electrons view it is a metal
  • Image a Transmission mode with TM polarization
  • Image b Transmission mode with TE polarization
  • Image c Reflection mode with TM polarization
  • Image d Reflection mode with TE polarization

  • Although theorized over 40 years ago NIM have
    only been made within the last decade
  • NIM act in many unconventional ways, wave phase
    front moves in opposite direction of group
    velocity, evanescent waves increase.
  • These properties lend themselves to making unique
    devices like super lenses that can overcome
    traditional optical limits
  • The difficulty in making them comes from the
    negative permeability, which has to be
    artificially manufactured
  • The optical regime is just being realized

  • How does varying the oxide material in-between
    the nanorods effect the index of refraction
  • With evanescent waves increasing in amplitude,
    how is energy being conserved?
  • What attempts have there been on working on
    different materials with a negative permittivity
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