Aplicatii web semantice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aplicatii web semantice


Aplicatii web semantice Modelarea cunostintelor Curs 2 Practical example - PC ontology Objectives We ll define the notion of computer and of computer part as well ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Aplicatii web semantice

Aplicatii web semantice
  • Modelarea cunostintelor
  • Curs 2

define semantic
  • semantics - the meaning of a word, phrase,
    sentence, or text "a petty argument about
    semantics" wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
  • Semantics is the study of meaning, usually in
    language. The word "semantics" itself denotes a
    range of ideas, from the popular to the highly
    technical. It is often used in ordinary language
    to denote a problem of understanding that comes
    down to word selection or connotation.

  • Idea of the semantic web
  • Man and machine must interpret data in the same

  • Man and man must interpret data in the same way

  • gt need to have shared understanding inside a

Programmers community
Astronommers community
  • The knowledge model must express relations and

Animals with feet
Lives in
(part of)
(No Transcript)
  • Need to be able to represent implicit knowledge
  • - Would you find the page that says
  • where the mess hall is?
  • That's not in the book, sir.
  • You mean you've never had a meal?
  • Three square meals a day, sir.
  • How did you find the mess hall,
  • if it's not in this book?
  • I guess I just followed the crowd.
  • A few good men 1992

Computers do not understand what for us is
implicit knowledge People outside our community
do not understand what for us is implicit
Define ontology
  •  ontology ((computer science) a rigorous and
    exhaustive organization of some knowledge domain
    that is usually hierarchical and contains all the
    relevant entities and their relations)
  • A formal, explicit specification of a shared
    conceptualisation Gruber 93

Characteristics of an ontology
  • Coverage - extent to which the primitives
    mobilized by the scenarios are covered by the
  • Specificity - the extend to which ontological
    primitives are precisely identified
  • Granularity - the extend to which primitives are
    precisely and formally defined.
  • Formality - the extend to which primitives
    aredescribed in a formal language.

Role of ontologies in the semantic web
Glossary of terms
  • Top level ontology ontology that defines
    general concepts that are the same across all
  • Domain ontology ontology that defines terms
    specific to a domain
  • TBOX "terminological component"a vocabulary
    associated with a set of facts ABox classes and
  • ABOX an "assertion component"a fact associated
    with a terminological vocabulary within
    a knowledge base. (usually associated with
  • Knowledge base TBoxABox

Glossary of terms
  • Closed world assumption every sentence that we
    dont know to be true is false
  • Open world assumption if the truth value of a
    sentence is not known we cant assume it to be
    either true or false (used in the semantic web)
  • class?concept ?type ?category
  • instance ?individual
  • property ?slot ?relation ?attribute ?role

How to build an ontology
  • Domain is called ontology engineering
  • Multiple methodologies for building ontologies
  • Methondology
  • TOVE
  • Activity First Method
  • Agile Methodology - RapidOWL

  • Specification purpose of the ontology, level of
    formality (highly informal, semi-formal, formal),
    scope (set of terms to be described)
  • Knowledge acquisition discussions with experts,
    text analysis
  • Conceptualisation
  • Build glossary of terms
  • Analyze separately concepts and verbs
  • Integration
  • Search for similar terms in higher level
  • Implementation
  • Validation
  • Documentation

Methondology - Conceptualisation
  • For concepts specify
  • Table of instant attributes which are the
    attributes possible for the instances of the
  • Table of instances
  • Table of constants
  • Attribute classification trees which are the
    relations between attributes and constants

Methontology Conceptualisation (2)
  • For verbs specify
  • Verbs dictionary meaning of the verbs in a
    declarative way
  • Table of conditions need to be satisfied before
    or after action is performed
  • Tables of formulas
  • Tables of rules

TOVE methodology
  • Define a set of Motivating Scenarios
  • Define a set of Informal Competency Questions
    that the ontology must answers in order to
    support the motivating scenarios
  • Using First-Order Logic, define the Terminology
    of the ontology
  • Formally redefine the Competency Questions using
    the terminology and first-order logic
  • Define the semantics and constraints on the
    terminology using first-order logic

Informal competency questions requirements in
form of questions that the ontology must be able
to answer Axioms specify the definitions of
concepts and constraints Completeness theorems
the conditions under which the solutions to the
questions are complete
AFM Activity First Method
  • method of building task and domain ontologies
    from technical documents
  • Extraction of task-units
  • Divide the text in the technical documents into
    small blocks to extract vocabulary easier.
  • Extract task-units which contain only one
    process(action) from these blocks.
  • Make a flow chart called a concrete task-flow by
    combining task-units.
  • Organization of task-activities
  • Conceptualize task-activities from verbs in the
  • Organize the task-activities in an is-a
  • Define role-concepts, called task-activity roles,
    which appear in the input/output of these

AFM Activity First Method
  • Analysis of task-structure
  • Generalize the concrete task-flows to obtain
    general task-flows.
  • Describe the object-flows, which clearly express
    relations between inputs and outputs of the
    task-activities, in the general task-flows
    obtained above.
  • Define the task-context roles on the basis of
    these object-flows. By task-context roles, we
    mean the role-concepts dependent on the whole
    process of a task.
  • Extract the domain terms which play a
    task-context role.
  • Organization of domain concepts
  • Discriminate between the roles dependent on the
    domain concepts and the basic concepts.
  • Organize the domain concepts in an is-a hierarchy

RapidOWL Agile methodology
  • domain experts initially express all facts they
    assume as true by means of statements
  • More experienced domain experts assist in
    restructuring, interlinking and consolidating the
    gathered data
  • Knowledge engineers can support such a community
    of domain experts with advice for reasonable
    representation methods and by providing ontology
    evolution and data migration strategies.
  • Knowledge engineers can further enrich the
    knowledge base with logical ontology axioms

Practical development guide Ontology 101
  • Determine the domain and scope of the ontology
  • Competency questions for determining scope
  • Consider reusing existing ontologies
  • Enumerate important terms in the ontology
  • Define the classes and the class hierarchy
  • Top-down approach from the most general
    concepts to the most specific
  • Bottom-up approach
  • Combination (middle-out)
  • Define the properties of classes - slots

Practical development guide Ontology 101
  • Define the facets of slots
  • Slot cardinality
  • Slot-value type (Number, String, Instance,)
  • Domain and range
  • Create instances

Methodology conclusions
  • Most methodologies depend on what you need to do.
    Establish this first!
  • Work in teams to gather concepts in the ontology
  • Group terms according to properties and create
    the is-a hierarchy
  • Establish the relations between concepts and the
    relation properties
  • Validate the ontology create a documentation

Conclusions and practical observations
  • How the development process should look like
  • How the actual process takes place

Middle layer guidelines
  • (Generic constraints and guidelines which specify
    major steps )
  • Concepts rather than terms
  • Mixed and flexible strategies of Top-down,
    Bottom-up and Middle-out is strongly suggested
  • Top-level category should be identified in the
    early phase of the development process to govern
    the rest of the steps.
  • Note that you cannot define any concept
    completely in theory. Therefore, do not stick to
    the definition of each term too much.

Middle layer guidelines
  • When you deal with a concept, identify its main
    components that is, part-of relation as well
    as its main attributes.
  • Arrange and resolve the terminological issues(how
    to name a concept) at the last step.
  • Put a higher priority on is-a hierarchy
    construction than term definition. Carefully
    designed is-a hierarchy gives you a correct
    context to define a term.

Bottom layer guidelines
  • Determine an essential property for each concept
    and instance. Having an essential property of
    each concept help you a lot.
  • Each subclass of a super class is distinguished
    by the values of exactly one attribute of the
    super class.
  • Proper use of is-a relation should inherit the
    Essential property of its super classes.
  • Clear and consistent differentiation between
    basic concepts (man, rice, oil, etc.) and role
    concepts (teacher, food, fuel, etc.)

Bottom layer guidelines
  • Do not worry about the vagueness of the boundary
    between similar concepts. Most boundaries between
    concepts are vague.
  • Class partition is not a part-of relation. Ex.
    Male is not part-of human.
  • When you notice you do not have an appropriate
    term to represent a concept you identify, do not
    hesitate to coin a new term. The new term could
    be temporary which will be fixed at the last
  • Consult a reliable upper ontology when you find
    the necessity of a general and high level
    distinction of categories.

Usual problems
  • Class or individual?
  • A set of individuals is countable
  • Every individual has a clear identity
  • If 2 concepts have equivalent descriptions then
    they represent the same concept
  • Descriptions of individuals can change
  • Changes of individuals do not alter the class
  • Choosing class vs. individual depends on

Usual problems
  • Concept or property
  • Person concept
  • Mother is not a concept. It only exists as a
    concept if we consider the relation between 2
  • There are usually conventions for choosing
    property names hasMother, hasGenre
  • Properties that change over time extrinsic
  • Properties that dont change over time -

Usual problems
  • Difficult to reason about individuals
  • Reasoning is usually performed at the
    concept/class level

Practical example - PC ontology
  • Objectives
  • Well define the notion of computer and of
    computer part as well as the relations between
    computer parts and compatibility constraints that
    appear when putting a computer together
  • Competency questions
  • Which of the processors in stock is compatible
    with the following motherboard?
  • Having a configuration we need to establish if it
    is correct
  • Build a configuration with given constraints and
    using components with lowest prices

Practical example - PC ontology
  • Extracting the concept ontologies
  • No similar ontologies
  • Using taxonomies from e-commerce web sites
  • Ex concept of motherboard

Shop 1 Shop 2 Shop 3
Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer
Model Name Cod producer, Platform
Socket CPU Socket
Chipset Chipset Chipset
Sound Audio Sound
IDE/SATA Connectors PATA, Connectors SATA IDE/SATA
Memory Memory Memory
Price Price Price
Concept list
  • Speakers, WebCam, Carcasa, Card Reader,
    HeadPhones, Microphone, Cooler, Fax-Modem, Floppy
    Disk, Hard Disk, Printer, Memory, Monitor, Mouse,
    Motherboard, Soundcard.

  • Model, number of speakers, Resolution, FPS,
    Sensor type, Interface, Format, card type, RPM,
    airFlow, sound level, Chipset, Dimension,
    Capacity, Cache, printing speed, Printer type,
    Mhz, reading speed(MB/s), writing speed(MB/s),
    Frequency (min, max), Color, Dot pitch, Socket,
    I/O, Sound, Memory, Slot, LAN, IDE/SATA,
    Connectors, CacheL2, CacheL1, FSB, Tehnology,
    Color depth, has Remote, Format TV, Format

Defining classes
  • Top-down
  • Component
  • Motherboard
  • Motherboard with socket 939
  • Motherboard with socket 754
  • Processor

Defining properties constraints
  • Component Producer
  • Processor socket, frecquency
  • Constraints
  • Cardinalitaty 1 component has 1 producer
  • Domain-range hasProducer has domain Component
    and has range Company

  • Methontology - http//speech.inesc.pt/joana/prc/a
  • TOVE - https//eprints.kfupm.edu.sa/50622/1/50622.
  • Guidelines - http//www.ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/pu
  • RapidOWL - http//citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/do
  • Ontology Development 101 - http//protege.stanford
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