Chapter 11 Welfare - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 11 Welfare


... the unemployed made stay in workhouses Oliver Twist , ... Andover The Poor Law in 1834 OLIVER TWIST Charles Dickens Dickens Centre, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 11 Welfare

Chapter 11 Welfare
  • Xiao Huiyun
  • November, 2007

A1 Development of Welfare State
  • 1. Definition of Poverty
  • 1.1 Absolute Poverty families without minimum
    food, clothing and shelter needed for maintenance
    of merely physical health (concept at beginning
    of last century)
  • 1.2 Relative Poverty Despite adequate income
    for survival, people who do not have what is
    regarded as minimum necessary for decency and who
    cannot escape judgement that they are indecent
    can be labeled as poor.

A 1 Development of Welfare State
  • 2. How Much Poverty is there in UK?
  • 2.1 Distribution of real household disposable
    income. chart (a) p 181
  • Gap between the rich and the poor is bigger.
  • The rich get richer, the poor poorer
  • Increase in average incomes of the employed is
    much grater than that for the unemployed

What image does this convey?
  • United Kingdom (pound per week)

Poverty in Britain
  • (b) Proportion of adults lacking selected basic
    necessities1 through inability to afford them,
    1999 (p181)
  • (d) People in poverty in the UK, by personal,
    economic and family status, 1996-97

Poverty in Britain
  • By the end of 1999 a quarter (26) of the British
    population were living in poverty, measured in
    terms of low income and multiple deprivation of
  •   Roughly 9.5 million people in Britain today
    cannot afford adequate housing conditions.
  • About 8 million cannot afford one or more
    essential household goods

Poverty in Britain
  • Almost 7.5 million people are too poor to engage
    in common social activities considered necessary
    by the majority of the population.
  • About 6.5 million adults go without essential
  • Around 4 million are not properly fed by today's

Poverty in Britain
  • One in six people (17) considered themselves and
    their families to be living in 'absolute poverty'
    as defined by the United Nations.
  • Less than 10 of the population sees a
    dishwasher, a mobile phone, Internet access or
    satellite television as necessities. 
  • This study was undertaken by researchers at the
    Universities of Bristol, Loughborough, York and
    Heriot-Watt with fieldwork undertaken by the
    Office for National Statistics (ONS).

What is a Welfare State?
  • It can be defined as a state with a government
    which assumes responsibility for the well-being
    of its citizens throughout life, through a range
    of interventions in the market economy. The
    welfare state would aim to offer its citizens
  • a life with certain specified standards of living
    which it considers reasonable and possible for
    all, and
  • protection against the unexpected hazards of life
    (for example, losing a job, becoming sick, having
    an accident).
  • These days resources for welfare are raised
    through National Insurance? contributions (which
    are paid by all people in work) and general
    taxation (which is paid by all people in work
    above a certain level of income). There is also a
    Value Added Tax (VAT) which is included in the
    price of many goods and services.

Brief History of Welfare State in Britain
  • Help serviced by parishes ,early 17th cent.
  • Poor Law of 1834 discouraged people from applying
    for relief, the unemployed made stay in
    workhouses Oliver Twist, 1837
  • Major Reform in 1908 -- National insurance
    schemes founded, enabling some people to cover
    medical retirement cost.
  • Foundations of what came to be known as the
    Welfare State

  • Workhouse, Winchester
  • Workhouse, Andover

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The Poor Law in 1834
  • Charles Dickens

Dickens Centre, Rochester
  • Summer House

Portsmouth Museum
  • House he bought at his home town
  • Library

Aims of the post-World War II welfare legislation
  • Lord William Henry Beveridge, 1879-1963
  • The most radical and widespread reforms occurred
    after the Second World War in 1945. The measures
    introduced then were based upon a famous
    document, the Beveridge Report? of 1942. The
    main aims of the legislation which followed the
    Report were

Main Aims of Legislation after the Beveridge
  • to create a system where housing, health services
    and social security (payments for unemployment,
    old age, sickness, disability, children) would be
    provided for all, as an egalitarian safety-net?
    below which nobody would be able to fall
  • to establish a National Health Service (1947) for
    all to receive free diagnosis, treatment and
    hospitalisation when necessary.

  • Margaret Thatcher The main most
    radical criticisms were that it is too expensive
    and that too much state support weakens
    individual initiative and enterprise (p 184)
  • The Reform by Thatcherism
  • I came to office with one deliberate intent to
    change Britain from a dependent to a self-reliant
    society from a give-it-to-me to a do-it-yourself
    nation a get-up-and-go instead of a
    sit-back-and-wait Britain. (
    Margaret Thatcher, February1984)

Reforms in Post-war Universal Welfare Provision
  • The National Health Service has consistently been
    regarded with pride by the majority of British
  • Any political party which seemed to be
    threatening this institution would therefore be
    regarded with great suspicion
  • Any restructuring of the system of old age
    pensions would prove to be very difficult.

- Reforms in Post-war Universal Welfare
Provision- 1979
  • Individual responsibility private provision of
    pension and medical costs encouraged.
  • Collective responsibility benefit system
    tightened up. Reorganization of NHS.

Reforms in Post-war Universal Welfare Provision-
  • What would a radically reformed welfare state
    the social investment state in the positive
    welfare society look like? 1. Government
    working together with other agencies
  • 2. No rights without responsibilities
  • 3. Positive welfare

Reforms in Post-war Universal Welfare Provision
  • During the 1980s and 90s there was a general
    shift in public opinion towards a more positive
    view of public spending in order to maintain the
    quality of public services
  • In 1997 Tony Blair promised to combine an open,
    competitive and successful economy with a just,
    decent and humane society.
  • This eventually contributed to the General
    Election victory of the Labour Party in 1997.

  • The three main areas of welfare provision in
    Britain are health, housing and social security
  • The post-war welfare structure has always been a
    combination of public and private provision
  • From the 1980s those who could afford to have
    been encouraged to provide for their own health
    and retirement by paying into private insurance

Welfare at Present
  • Despite these changes, there are still a wide
    range of state benefits available to those in
  • (a) Social Security
  • For those who become unemployed, sick, or who are
    working on a low wage with a family to support,
    they may claim either job seekers allowance,
    income support or working families tax credit.
    DSS processes these claims

Welfare, Present
  • Other benefits available include
  • the Social Fund which is used to make one-off
    payments in emergencies or for special necessary
  • sickness benefit
  • widows pension and widowed mothers allowance
  • disablement allowance if you are badly disabled

  • (b) Health
  • The National Health Service
  • Although since the 1980s some changes have been
    made in management, the principle of
    comprehensive and free medical treatment for all,
    based upon need rather than the ability to pay,
    is still the central philosophy of the service.

  • (c) Housing
  • 82 of households in Britain live in houses
    rather than flats. This compares with 60 in
    France and 35 in Italy. Housing in Britain is
    either privately owned or provided by funds from
    the government as the public sector. The
    government controls the proportion of private and
    public housing provision in a number of ways
    through its housing policy

  • Public Sector Housing Past Present
  • Part of the philosophy behind the Beveridge
    Report was that
  • the State should be responsible for the provision
    of adequate housing
  • nobody need be housed in squalor
  • minimal standards of housing should be set
  • Local government authorities were to be given
    responsibility in ensuring that an adequate
    housing stock was available in their authority
    and in maintaining the standards set by

  • 1950s and 1960s Post War slum clearance
  • The 1980s Sale of Council Houses
  • Many people disagreed with this policy
  • Local Council Responsibilities
  • The local council still has a number of
    responsibilities to provide adequate housing and
    meet special housing needs in its area, usually
    through the local Social Services Department

  • Private Sector Housing
  • Housing Benefits
  • Help with housing costs has always been part of
    the provision of the Welfare State, either for
    people on low incomes or for people unexpectedly
    or temporarily out of work through illness or
    unemployment. This benefit is administered by
    local government

  • The 1961 three-bedroomed semi-detached house
    depicted above is typical of those now standing
    on the Clober estate. It has white-painted
    roughcast walls and a tiled roof.

Semi-detached House
Semi-detached Houses
Detach House
Detached House
Council Houses
Council Houses
  • London Flat
  • 1930s
  • Lawn Road Flats
  • 1933-1934

Housing Crisis in Britain
  • England faces a housing crisis within the next 20
    years, with a potential shortage of more than one
    million homes leading to overcrowding and rising
    levels of homelessness, a leading social research
    charity claimed today
  • 60,000 homeless households in temporary
    accommodation .
  • Housing shortages are set to become one of the
    most significant social issues of the next 20
    years. Simon Parker , March 19, 2002

Monday 29 September, 2003 Speech by Deputy
Prime Minister John Prescott
  • Under the Tories, half a million homes were
    repossessed. They drove millions of people into
    negative equity - with high interest rates and
    falling house prices.
  • With Labour we have one million new homeowners
    and the lowest mortgage rates for half a century.
  • The Tory shame was homeless people on the
    streets. Labour cut rough sleeping by two-thirds
    and reduced the number of families in bed and
    breakfast accommodation. And by next April we
    shall meet our pledge to end BB for all homeless
    families with children.
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