Title: The Early Paleozoic Era
1The Early Paleozoic Era
2Precambrian Washingtondoesnt exist
- In fact, youd have to go to the Idaho-Montana
border to see rocks of Precambrian age - Typical rocks are the Belt Supergroup, which
consist of rocks of a clastic wedge developing
off the edge of the then-North American craton
3Whats a clastic wedge?
- A clastic wedge comprises the rocks that
represent the deltaic/fluvial deposits made by
large stream systems - Sand, silt and clay
- Tells you which direction the uplands were
- Belt supergroup represents a clastic wedge 1.45
by old
4Precambrian life (besides Ediacaran fauna) is
mostly stromatolites
Basically, they are algal mats of various
bacteria that produce a biofilm that binds
sedimentary grains that help preserve the mat
later the structure is mineralized, so there is
no organic stuff
5At the start of the Paleozoic
- The supercontinent Pannotia has broken up, and
the Earth is leaving extreme ice (Snowball
Earth) conditions - Most reconstructions show two continents
Laurentia (modern North America and Europe) and
Gondwana (everything else)
6The continued rifting of continents increases
continental shelf area
- Continental shelf seas are shallow, so plenty of
light for photosynthetic organisms and all that
feed on them and each other - Due to the Sauk transgression, the ocean invaded
low-lying continental areas epeiric seas
7The base of the Cambrian
- What defines the start of the Cambrian period?
- Used to be where trilobites were found, but
small shelly fauna (SSF) was found under the
trilobites - Many modern phyla are represented
- Defined now as the first appearance of
Trichophycus (formerly Phycodes) pedum - Ediacaran fauna is gone
8Cambrian explosion
- For reasons unclear, 13 million years after the
start of the Cambrian (so 530 my), there was a
tremendous diversification of marine life forms,
some of which have never been reproduced. - Stephen Jay Goulds Wonderful Life accounts for
events surrounding the Burgess Shale, the most
famous outcrop of the Cambrian explosion.
9The Burgess shale Lagerstatten
- Burgess shale quarry was discovered by Alexander
Wolcott in the early 1900s - The diversity of Cambrian fossils there is due to
a Lagerstatten an exceptionally well-preserved
fossil locality - Depositional environment bottom of an algal reef
10Other Cambrian life
- Trilobites type of arthropod (jointed feet),
major predator, swimmer (nekton) - Archaeocyathids related to sponges
- Inarticulate brachipods (lamp shells)
- End of the Cambrian mass extinction got rid of
many trilobites and all archeocyaths cause may
be the end of the Sauk transgression
11Tippecanoe transgressive sequence
- Ordovician period begins with this sea level rise
- In North America, first major Paleozoic orogeny
on eastern margin the Taconic orogeny, which
was the result of the Iapetus (proto-Atlantic)
Ocean closing - Queenston clastic wedge lays down sandstones in
Ohio, evidence for 4000 meter mountains along
North American east coast
12Reef-builders begin, a new ecosystem
- In the Cambrian (and before), algae and
archeocyathids made large carbonate structures,
not particularly extensive - In the Ordovician, tabulate and rugose corals
developed and made extensive patchreefs (not
like todays scleractinian corals that make
linear reefs)
13Ordovician life
- Graptolites (Graptolithnia) are creatures that
made their first appearance in the Cambrian but
are considered index fossils of the Ordovician - Look like rock writing , hence their name
- Are hemichordates!
- Go extinct during Carboniferous
14First land plants
- Some recent research (2001) has given some
evidence that there were some land-based lichen
or fungi as early as 1.1 by - More conventionally, there is good evidence for
liverwort-like plants during the Ordovician - no
vascular tissue, so short, near water - The presence of plants will alter not only
atmosphere chemistry, but also the rate of
15End of Ordovician extinction
- Second largest mass extinction (except for the
end of Permian) - 450 to 440 my
- Cause massive ice age as Gondwana moves over
South Pole - Sea level falls as glaciers grow, and expose much
shelf area
16Mid-Paleozoic climate
- Except for the 30 my long ice age at the end of
the Ordovician, both the Ordovician and Silurian
were greenhouse Earth times sea level was 200 m
higher than today
17Silurian reefs and basins
- In what is now Michigan, coral reefs developed
toward the north and south (and west, though
these are gone), trapping sea water in between - Subsidence dropped the level of this basin,
allowing deposition of various salts as the
restricted basins seawater evaporated
18What did these reefs look like?
- Similar to modern structures, since reefs exist
in clear continental shelf water, at the edge of
much deeper water - Can restrict the flow of ocean currents, strong
enough to withstand even storm-driven waves
19Evaporite basin
- Repeated inundation by seawater and plenty of
time resulted in 600 m of halite deposits in the
center of the Michigan basin - Maximum deposition during the late Silurian
20Eurypterids are the major marine predator
- Mistakenly called sea scorpions, they are not
true scorpions or entirely marine, but they are
among the largest arthropods ever on Earth
21Silurian land plants
- Transition between non-vascular and vascular
plants, could be a bit further from waters edge - Cooksonia is the name of this extinct group of
plants fossils found globally - Used spores for reproduction
22Acadian-Caledonian orogeny
- At the end of the Silurian, the Tippecanoe
transgression comes to an end due to the
accretion of the Avalonia terrane to eastern
North America (Laurentia) - Called the Acadian orogeny in North America, its
responsible for much of the northern Appalachian
uplift - In Britain, called the Caledonian orogeny
(Scottish highlands)
23The Devonian period starts the Kaskasia
transgressive sequence
24Devonian life
- Though jawless fishes appear in the late Cambrian
and jawed fishes in the Silurian, fishes
(including sharks and bony fishes) diversify
during the Devonian
Also, first amphibians and insects
25First forests
- Restricted to the waters edge, the first true
trees were comparable to modern trees in height - Lycopsids and progymnosperms (both extinct)
dominate, look like tree ferns, but they are not
ferns (structures are a result of convergent
evolution) - No flowers or seeds yet
26West coast of North America finally stops being
passive Antler orogeny