Title: Strategies for Answering OB Questions on NCLEX
1Strategies for Answering OB Questions on NCLEX
- Read question carefully. Be sure you know what it
is asking - What to do FIRST or to select action that is
BEST - Look for key words (except, not, first, next)
- Attempt to answer question before you look at
- ABCs
- Maslows hierarchy
- Safety
- ASSESS first, then intervene
- Calling the MD is not usually the first response
by the nurse - Visualize the position
4A woman is admitted to the hospital with a
ruptured ectopic pregnancy. A laparotomy is
scheduled. Preoperatively, which of the following
goals is most important for the nurse to include
on the patients plan of care?
- Fluid replacement
- Pain relief
- Emotional support
- Respiratory therapy
5The nurse obtains a diet history from a pregnant
16 year old. The client tells the nurse that her
typical daily diet includes cereal and milk for
breakfast, pizza and soda for lunch, and a
cheeseburger, milkshake, fries, and salad for
dinner. Which of the following is the MOST
accurate nursing diagnosis based on this data?
- a. Altered nutrition more than body requirements
related to high fat intake - b. Knowledge deficit nutrition in pregnancy
- c. Altered nutrition less than body requirements
related to increased nutritional demands of
pregnancy - d. Risk for injury fetal malnutrition related to
poor maternal diet
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7The nurse in the newborn nursery has just
received report. Which of the following infants
should the nurse see first?
- a. A two day old infant is lying quietly alert
with a heart rate of 185. - b. A one day old is crying and the anterior
fontanel is bulging. - c. A 12 hour old infant is being held the
respirations are 45 breaths/minute and irregular. - d. A five hour old infant is sleeping and the
hands and feet are blue bilaterally.
8A one day old newborn diagnosed with intrauterine
growth retardation is observed by the nurse to be
restless, irritable, fist-sucking, and having a
high-pitched shrill cry. Based on this data,
which of the following actions should the nurse
take FIRST?
- a. Discourage stimulation of the baby by
rocking. - b. Tightly swaddle the infant in a flexed
position. - c. Schedule feeding times every three to four
hours. - d. Encourage eye contact with the infant during
9The nurse is caring for a woman at 37 weeks
gestation. The client was diagnosed with
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus at 7 years of
age. The client states, I am so thrilled that I
will be breastfeeding my baby. Which of the
following responses by the nurse is BEST?
- a. You will probably need less insulin while
you are breastfeeding. - b. You will need to initially increase your
insulin after the baby is born. - c. You will be able to take an oral
hypoglycemic instead of insulin after the baby is
born. - d. You will probably require the same dose of
insulin that you are now taking.
- Eliminate dont worry
- Offers false reassurance
- Eliminate explore answers
- Dont be a junior psychiatrist
- Dont ask why?
- Implies disapproval of patient
- Eliminate authoritarian answers
- Nurse telling patient what to do
- Eliminate focus on the nurse answers
- That happened to me once.
11The nurse at the birthing facility is caring for
a primiparous woman in labor who is 4 cm dilated,
25 effaced, and whose fetal vertex is at 1.
The physician informs the patient that an
amniotomy is to be performed. The patient
states, My friends baby died when the umbilical
cord came out when her water broke. I dont want
you to do that to me! Which of the following
responses by the nurse is BEST?
- a. If you are that concerned, you should refuse
the procedure. - b. The procedure will help your labor go
faster. - c. That should not happen to you since the
babys head is engaged. - d. We will monitor you carefully to prevent
cord prolapse.
12The nurse is teaching a class on natural family
planning. Which of the following statements, if
made by a client, indicates that teaching has
been successful?
- a. When I ovulate, my basal body temperature
will be elevated for two days and then will
decrease. - b. My cervical mucus will be thick, cloudy, and
sticky when I ovulate. - c. Since I am regular, I will be fertile about
14 days after the beginning of my period. - d. When I ovulate, my cervix will feel firm.
13The nurse in the postpartum unit cares for a
patient who delivered her first child the
previous day. During her assessment of the
patient, the nurse notes multiple varicosities on
the patient's lower extremities. Which of the
following actions should the nurse perform?
- a. Teach the patient to rest in bed when the
baby sleeps. - b. Encourage early and frequent ambulation.
- c. Apply warm soaks for 20 minutes every four
hours. - d. Perform passive range of motion exercises
three times daily.
14A woman comes to the clinic because she thinks
she is pregnant. Tests are performed and the
pregnancy is confirmed. The patients last
menstrual period began on September 8 and lasted
for 6 days. The nurse calculates that her
expected date of birth is
- a. May 15
- b. June 15
- c. June 21
- d. July 8
15A woman comes to the clinic at 32 weeks
gestation. A diagnosis of pregnancy induced
hypertension is made. The nurse performs
teaching. Which of the following statements, if
made by the patient, indicates to the nurse that
further teaching is required?
- a. Lying in bed on my left side is likely to
increase my urinary output. - b. If the bed rest works, I may lose a pound or
two in the next few days. - c. I should be sure to maintain a diet that has
a good amount of protein. - d. I will have to keep my room darkened and not
watch too much television.
16A woman comes to the physicians office for a
routine prenatal checkup at 34 weeks gestation.
Abdominal palpation reveals the fetal position as
right occipital anterior (ROA). At which of the
following sites would the nurse expect to find
the fetal heart rate?
- a. Below the umbilicus, on the mothers left
side. - b. Below the umbilicus, on the mothers right
side. - c. Above the umbilicus, on the mothers left
side. - d. Above the umbilicus, on the mothers right
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18During labor, the fetal heart rate drops below
baseline into the 80s during a contraction and
does not return to baseline until after the
contraction is over. The first action by the
nurse should be to
- a. Call the physician
- b. Turn the patient on her left side
- c. Start oxygen at 10 liters/minute
- d. Increase the patients IV rate
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20- A client who is 34 wks pregnant is
experiencing bleeding caused by placenta previa.
The fetal heart sounds are WNL and the client
isnt in labor. What nursing intervention should
the RN perform? - a. Allow the client to ambulate with assistance
- b. Perform a vaginal exam to check for cervical
dilation - c. Monitor the amount of vaginal blood loss
- d. Notify the MD for a fetal HR of 130 bpm
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22- A neonate begins to gag and turns a dusky color.
What should the RN do first? - a. Calm the neonate
- b. Notify the MD
- c. Provide 02 via face mask
- d. Aspirate the neonates nose and mouth with a
bulb syringe
23- The purpose of preconception care is to
- a. Ensure pregnancy complications do not occur
- b. Identify women who should not get pregnant
- c. Encourage healthy lifestyles to facilitate
families desiring pregnancy - d. Ensure women know about prenatal care
24- A patient with preclampsia has received
education from the RN about her condition. What
statement would indicate the need for more
education? - a. If I have changes in my vision, I will notify
my MD. - b. I will weight myself every morning and notify
my MD if I notice a weight gain of 1 lb or
greater in a week. - c. I will count my babies movements twice per
day, once in the morning and once in the evening
after I eat. - d. If I have a headache, I will take Tylenol.
25- A patients amniotic membranes rupture.
Prolapsed cord is suspected. What nursing
intervention should be performed? - a. Knee to chest position
- b. Cover the cord in a saline soaked gauze
- c. Prepare the woman for a cesarean birth
- d. Start O2 by face mask
26- . Sandra Thomas comes to the clinic seeking
confirmation of her pregnancy. The following
information is obtained. She is 24 years old, is
5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 107 lbs. She
admits to having used cocaine several times
during the past year and drinks alcohol
occasionally. Her blood pressure is 108/70,
pulse is 72, and her respirations at 16. Family
history is positive for diabetes mellitus and
cancer her sister recently gave birth to a baby
with a neural tube defect. Which characteristics
place Ms. Thomas in a high-risk category? - a. Blood pressure, age, height/weight ratio.
- b. Drug/alcohol use, age, family history.
- c. Family history, blood pressure, height/weight
ratio. - d. Family history, height/weight ratio,
drug/alcohol use.
27- Screening at 24 weeks revealed that a pregnant
woman has gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). In
planning her care, the nurse and the woman
mutually agree that an expected outcome is to
prevent injury to the fetus as a result of GDM.
The nurse identifies that the fetus is at
greatest risk for - a. Macrosomia
- b. Congenital anomalies of the central nervous
system - c. Preterm birth
- d. Low birth weight
28- A 40 yr. old gravida 4 at 10 weeks gestation asks
which tests are available during the first or
early second trimester to diagnose fetal
anomalies. Which are appropriate? - CHECK ALL THAT APPLY
- Electrocardiogram
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Amniocentesis
- Triple Screen
- External fetal monitoring
29- Which of the following are signs of true labor?
CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY - Contractions coming every 8- 15 minutes
- Walking around decreases strength of contractions
- Contractions are felt in the top of the fundus
- Contractions increase in strength and frequency
- Passage of mucous and blood from vagina
- How many ounces of formula does a 6.6 lb newborn
need every 24 hours, based on caloric
requirements? (formula20cal/oz) - 12 ounces
- 16 ounces
- 20 ounces
- 24 ounces
31- Upon admission to LD, the woman states,My water
broke last night, but my labor pains started two
hours ago. Which of the following assessment
data are cause for concern? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY - Maternal VS T.99.5F HR80 R24 BP 130/80
- Blood tinged mucous on perineal pad
- Baseline FHR 140
- Peripad stained with green fluid
- The client states This baby keeps kicking me.
32- On examining Sharon two hours after her delivery,
you find that she has completely - saturated a perineal pad with 15 minutes. Your
first nursing action is to - a. Palpate the fundus
- b. Administer an oxytocic drug
- c. Check her vital signs
- d. Increase her intravenous fluid rate
33- A client in the 4th stage of labor asks to
use the bathroom for the first time following
delivery. The client has oxytocin (Pitocin)
infusing which response by the RN is best? - a. You have to wait until the vaginal bleeding
stops - b. You have to wait until the oxytocin stops
infusing - c. You may use the bathroom with my assistance
- d. You may get up to the bathroom anytime you like
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