Title: Information on Farms in Alabama (1997)
1Information on Farms in Alabama (1997)
- Number of farms
- Area in farmland (acres)
- Average size of farm (acres)
2Use of Land on Farms (acres)
- Total Cropland
- Total Woodland
- Total in houses, lots, ponds, roads, etc.
- Land in CRP and WRP
- Other
- 4,197,670
- 3,035,609
- 408,682
- 416,061
- 646,363
- ------------
- 8,704,385
3Croplands as Farmland (acres)
- Total farm land area
- Total crop land
- Percentage of total as cropland
- 33,029,760
- 8,704,385
- 26.4
4Number of Farms Selling the Following Crops
All Grains 3,744 (9) Fruits 927
Soybeans 1,878 Nursery Plants 849
Corn 2,529 Poultry and eggs 3,464 (8)
Wheat 712 Dairy 231
Cotton 1,467 (4) Cattle 22,701 (55)
Tobacco 16 Hogs 750
Hay 5,786 (14) Not listed 453
Vegetables 996 TOTAL 41,384
5Use of Woodland on Farms (acres)
- Total
- In pasture
- Not in pasture (other)
- 3,035,609
- 801,376
- 2,234,233
6Use of Cropland on Farms (acres)
- Harvested
- Pasture
- In crops, not harvested
- In crops, failed
- Summer fallow
- Idle
- 4,117,670
- 2,077,139
- 1,588,367
- 134,561
- 117,759
- 21,930
- 257,915