Equipment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Equipment

Edited by COSCON BPS
Brief Overview--- EQP Data Flow Chart
IRIS-2 EQP modules EQP data flow only after
successful creation / termination of EQP Lease
Contract and/or successful EQP creation /
termination ( EQP pool ) such that the container
status is active
Brief Overview
  • Equipment Data Flow through three parts
    Internet Equipment Management ( IEM ), IEIS (
    locating is Sybase server) and IRIS-2 Equipment
    Module ( locating in Gemstone server ).
  • IEM
  • For event capturing by depots / terminals upon a
    real equipment movement event at their respective
  • It provides an enquiry function on booking
    information before the release of equipment
  • IEIS
  • For enquiring, recording, updating and correcting
    of all equipment movement and its related
    matters, including Equipment Enquiry, Inventory
    Enquiry, Event Log Enquiry, Event Edit, Rejection
    Handling, Report Generation, etc..
  • For creation of lease partners and contracts for

Brief Overview( continue )
  • IRIS-2
  • Parking lot handler allows user to fix data
    problem occurred when data pass from Sybase to

Brief Overview---Summary Table
IRIS-2 EQP Modules
Event Capturing in IEM
Event Capturing in IEM
IRIS-2 EQP modules EQP data flow only after
successful creation / termination of EQP Lease
Contract and/or successful EQP creation /
termination ( EQP pool ) such that the container
status is active
Event Capturing in IEM
  • Event capturing
  • Assistant functions
  • Using excel file summit EQP event

Event Capturing in IEM ---Internet Access for
Users who are not COSCON staff can access IEM
homepage through COSCONs Internet IEM homepage.
The website is http//
em-contents/iem-login.asp. Every facility has its
own user ID, which is same as its facility code.
Event Capturing in IEM ---Service menu
  • Event capturing

Equipment Creation
Types of Creation (with corresponding TCON
movements listed)
  • New owned EQP
  • New leased EQP (LSI, ELI, DII)
  • Shipper-own containers when start of shipment
    cycle (SOCI)
  • Lease out return ( LOR ) (SLR)

For New leased EQP, like TCON Reference No., you
need a right Authorization Number to update EQP
Creation in new system, which will be assigned by
Business Section of ECD Headquarters.
Note There is no new owned EQP now, so this
selection in IEM Creation has been deleted.
---Concept of Authorization
Event capturing ---Event Creation
Practically and currently, most of the creation
are done in IEIS. It is because it is the most
direct and user need to input authorization for
the creation, which will be created in IEIS too.
However, there we also introduce the creation
function of IEM for reference since some of the
depots / vendor may also need to do creation. For
better view, we just copy the key content screen
and paste here for demonstration.
  • In this creation screen, each event should be
    input in each individually. There are three major
    parts for each input event
  • 1. Event Date / Time 2. Equipment
    Details 3. Creation Details.
  • For Event Date/ Time, the default date is the
    current date. User could change the date by
    pointing mouse to the date fill and modifing.
    Same as year. For month, a scroll box is provided
    for user to choose from. User also need to input
    Time into the Time box next to the Year box.
  • For EQP details, user need to select the type of
    equipment (only container for region outside
    NAM). User also need to input the EQP number too.
    Besides, user need to input the S/T Group and
    S/T Code too.

---Creation online in IEM
---Creation online in IEM (continue)
Equipment Termination
Event capturing ---Termination
---Termination online in IEM
Unit Number
Termination Type
Activity Date Time
For Leased Out to EQP, Authorization Number
should be supplied
Event capturing ---Gate In / Gate Out
Vendor who perform Gate In / Gate Out activities
are Outside Depot and Terminal. Each Outside
Depot or Terminal is assigned with a specific
facility code, e.g. HKG12, HKG01 etc such that
gate in / out activity can be traced from the
record of Sybase, IEIS. The data to show such a
record, similar to creation is input in the
following Gate In / Gate Out screen.
For each IEM screen - ? Enter or select
information in the Summary Header fields. ?
Enter individual events. ? Click Submit.
Event capturing ---Gate In / Gate Out
Vendor who perform Gate In / Gate Out activities
are Outside Depot and Terminal. Each Outside
Depot or Terminal is assigned with a specific
facility code, e.g. HKG12, HKG01 etc such that
gate in / out activity can be traced from the
record of Sybase, IEIS. The data to show such a
record, similar to creation is input in the
following Gate In / Gate Out screen.
For each IEM screen - ? Enter or select
information in the Summary Header fields. ?
Enter individual events. ? Click Submit.
Event capturing --- Stuff / Devan / Repack
Although stuff, devan and repack are sharing the
same UI, they are meaning different
procedures. For stuff, it means packing LCL
cargoes into the container, which is obtained by
CFS. For OOCL equipment control, these containers
obtained by CFS are issued through empty
positioning plan so that container can be traced
back. For devan, it means retrieving cargoes out
of the container by CFS also. For repack, it
means doing stuff and devan. Usually they are
done for damage container. Once a repack activity
is uploaded through IEM to Sybase, TWO events,
stuff and devan will be triggered and stored in
Input for Repack The Cntr field refers to the
container that cargo is being removed from. The
Repack to Cntr field refers to the container
that cargo is being placed in.
Event capturing ---Change Status
This screen allows you to change the condition of
a piece of equipment, and to assign a
sub-condition to it. Remarks Use of status
user need to know that, if an event flow from IEM
to IEIS and eventually to Gemstone and passes the
two validations, then the status of the event
will be updated when the event is passing back to
Sybase from Gemstone.
Event capturing ---For North America Region only
  • Chassis Pool On / Pool Off
  • Chassis Phase In / Phase Out /Swap
  • Equipment Link / Unlink

Event capturing --- Transaction Log
  • This is where you specify the date range for the
    transactions that you wish to view.

Event capturing --- Transaction Log
This is a sample of the transaction log that is
generated based on the criteria entered on the
previous screen.
  • Assistant functions

Assistant functions ---IEM B/L Inquiry
Assistant functions --- Change Password
To change your password
  • Type your old password.
  • Then type your new
  • password twice.
  • Click Submit

Assistant functions --- Change Password
  • This screen displays when an external user Logs
    On for the first time.

  • Using Excel file submit EQP Event

Using Excel file submit EQP Event
Using Excel file submit EQP Event
A template Excel (Internet Equipment Management
ver 2.05) sheet will be supplied to all IEM users.
  • User need to have the following minimum
  • Hard/Software Requirement
  • 1.PC connected to Internet
  • 2.Window 95 or Window 97 ( Window 2K
  • not test yet )
  • 3.Excel 95 or above ( English version )
  • 4.Internet Explore 4.0 or above

Introduce Excel Marco File
  • This is the excel file layout user will see.
  • It is divided into 4 major part
  • IEM pull down menu
  • User logon details
  • Row of input event
  • Action buttons
  • Note This excel file runs with Marco, user need
  • click Enable Macro before file open

Introduce IEM Pull Down Menu
  • IEM pull down menu
  • User need to enter at least his/her belonging
    facility code and press tab to activate the
  • IEM pull Down menu.
  • Go to IEM pull down menu and four functions are
    show, they are
  • Creation / Termination
  • Container Movement
  • Stuff / Devan / Repack
  • Change Status

We will go through each of these four function
one by one.

Note this item will be removed later.
Before submission, user need to input facility
code, login ID and password. (For internal user,
user need to input his/her email ID). For submit
is by batch format of batch size of 20 event each
time. 2. Submission is done by clicking the
submit button. The status of the submitted
event(s) will change to successful in case of
successful submission. However, if the event fail
for data validation, a error message will be
returned.3. So, user is advised to use Data
Validation first before Submission.
Using Excel file submit EQP Event ---Submit
event(s) to Sybase
4. User should be careful that not to mis-click
the clear button. After a confirmation window for
clear, all selected rows of event will be cleared
without Undo. In this case, user need to re-do
all event(s) again.5. User may also use the
Import File function for huge amount of events.
Details of input field specification please refer
to separate sheet.
Using Excel file submit EQP Event ---Submit
event(s) to Sybase
Management in IEIS
IRIS-2 EQP modules EQP data flow only after
successful creation / termination of EQP Lease
Contract and/or successful EQP creation /
termination ( EQP pool ) such that the container
status is active
Management in IEIS ---Event Precedence Logics
  • Event captured in IEM should pass the 1st stage
    of validation done in IEIS Sybase before it can
    be updated to IEIS-Sybase.
  • The 1st stage of validation includes the
    following checking
  • Check the container number against the equipment
    master file then
  • Check the status of container concerned, i.e.
    active or inactive
  • Check with the event precedence logics i.e. no
    load, no discharge, and no gate-in, no gate-out
    on the same facility. These logics will be
    further explained in next slide

  • There are two precedence logics that guard the
    flow of the events into IEIS. They are as below
  • No Load, no discharge
  • No gate-in, no gate-out at the same facility
  • For no load, no discharge, the rationale behind
    is that a container cannot be discharged in the
    discharge port without loading onto the vessel
    beforehand. Sybase, therefore, will reject any
    discharge event if the previous event is not a
    loading one.
  • For no gate-in, no gate-out, the rationale
    behind is that a container can only be issued at
    the facility if there is a relevant precedent
    gate-in event of it.
  • The load, discharge and gate-in, gate-out at the
    same facility should be happened in pairs with
    the right sequence. While there is no such
    requirement for other events type.
  • For example, a load event can come after a
    discharge, or without an immediate full gate-in
    event. In transshipment, a container can be
    directly transferred from one vessel to another
    in T/S port, i.e. discharge and then load.
  • While a full gate-in not necessarily follow after
    an empty gate-out. In transshipment, the
    transfer from one vessel to another may be in
    different ports, thus a full gate-in can follow
    after a full gate-out, and then by loading.

Management in IEIS ---Event Precedence Logics
  • Scope of the validation
  • When user capture or EDI for 'Issue' and
    'Receive' events with EP as Doc-type and 'E'mpty
    as the container status
  • Empty Plan Number validation
  • To validate EP-number (Doc-reference), the system
    checking are
  • Whether the Doc-reference is of 8 alphanumeric in
    length, if yes, go to point 2 below other go to
    next slide
  • The first character of the Doc-reference must not
    be numeric, and
  • The EP-number (i.e. based on the Doc-reference)
    exists in the ODS-EP (after system is reading the

Management in IEIS ---Event Precedence Logics
  • When the Doc-reference is 8 numeric, the
    supplement logic check is as below
  • The system will further check if the EP number is
    8 numeric, if yes
  • Check if the previous move is Full move
    (container with Full status move), if yes
  • Based on previous move doc-reference above,
    assign Doc-type to BN to get booking. If failed,
    assign Doc-type to BM to get BL. If either one
    successful, then
  • Get the shipment's IB-End-Leg to check the Empty
    Return location, if matched with event incoming
    current location, then
  • Doc-type will be assigned either BN or BM
    (depending above) and Doc-reference will be
    supplemented to this receive event based on the
    previous move doc-reference above.

Management in IEIS--- Functions Provided
  1. Equipment Enquiry
  2. Event Log Enquiry / Edit
  3. IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
  4. Inventory Summary Enquiry
  5. Inventory Detail Enquiry
  6. Pre-discharge Enquiry
  7. Restricted Use Enquiry
  8. Restricted Use Update
  9. Lease Contract Enquiry
  10. Lease Contract Maintenance
  11. Lease Partner Enquiry
  12. Lease Partner Maintenance
  13. Equipment Creation Container/Chassis/Genset/Lease
    out return
  14. Equipment Profile Maintenance
  15. Equipment Termination
  16. Equipment Creation/Termination Undo
  17. Parking Lot Event Enquiry
  18. Traffic Sheet Download

Management in IEIS--- Main Menu
Function bar
Display users update rights
  • Equipment Enquiry

Equipment Enquiry
After logging on to IEIS, the Equipment Enquiry
page normally is opened. Otherwise click on Eqp
Enquiry at the function bar
  • Select equipment type you want to enquire.
  • Enter Equipment number as a search criteria. If
    Chassis is selected, the State/Lic No will be
    enabled as well.
  • Click on Find button to start the search.
  • Click on Clear button to empty all fields.
  • Click on other tabs to view other aspects of the
    container concerned.

Equipment Enquiry---Result sample
This page shows the current status of the
equipment being enquired. The field values in
blue mean that user can further click on them for
more corresponding information.
Equipment Enquiry---Result sample(continue)
This page shows the movement history of the
equipment being enquired. The field values in
blue mean that user can further click on them for
more corresponding information
Equipment Enquiry---Result sample(continue)
This page shows the identification of the
equipment being inquired. The field values in
blue mean that user can further click on them for
more corresponding information
Equipment Enquiry---Result sample(continue)
This page shows the Technical aspect of the
equipment being inquired.
Equipment Enquiry---Result sample(continue)
This page shows the Technical Reefer information
of the equipment being inquired, and will only be
enabled if the equipment is of reefer type.
Equipment Enquiry---Result sample(continue)
This page shows the Off-hire Details of the
equipment being inquired. If no information have
ever been entered, a message There are no
records will be displayed as in this example
  • Event Log Enquiry / Update

Event Log Enquiry / Update
  • This function is for enquiry to check the event
    log of our equipment by different enquiry
  • The event log display here depending on the
    office that the user belongs to
  • If user can do enquiry, then by design he/she can
    do edit / delete for a specific event under the
    control of his/her belonging office
  • There are several space that user can fill in as
    search criteria, but user need to know clearly
    their searching objective.
  • Enquiry by
  • Exact equipment number, e.g. container number,
    like oolu123456 ( no check digit is needed ) or
  • Event Received Date in the format of MMDDYYYY,
    where HHMM is optional
  • Event Activity Date in the format of MMDDYYYY
    where HHMM is optional
  • Svc/Vsl/Voy/Dir, e.g. SXX/OHK/035/E
  • Partner ID is the PIN of EDI identification,
    mainly used for rejection lot handling but not
    event log enquiry/update here
  • Supply Group Code (?) or
  • Event Type or
  • Load / Empty Indicator ( Full or Empty ) or
  • Parking Lot items

(No Transcript)
Event Log Enquiry / Update
  • This function is for enquiry to check the event
    log of our equipment by different enquiry
  • The event log display here depending on the
    office that the user belongs to
  • If user can do enquiry, then by design he/she can
    do edit / delete for a specific event under the
    control of his/her belonging office
  • There are several space that user can fill in as
    search criteria, but user need to know clearly
    their searching objective.
  • Enquiry by
  • Exact equipment number, e.g. container number,
    like oolu123456 ( no check digit is needed ) or
  • Event Received Date in the format of MMDDYYYY,
    where HHMM is optional
  • Event Activity Date in the format of MMDDYYYY
    where HHMM is optional
  • Svc/Vsl/Voy/Dir, e.g. SXX/OHK/035/E
  • Partner ID is the PIN of EDI identification,
    mainly used for rejection lot handling but not
    event log enquiry/update here
  • Supply Group Code (?) or
  • Event Type or
  • Load / Empty Indicator ( Full or Empty ) or
  • Parking Lot items

Event Log Enquiry / Update
Show User Login Name
  • By Exact equipment number
  • User needs to type in the whole equipment number
    and need to make sure that this is a valid
    equipment which is active and created in our
    equipment pool
  • Equipment, which can be container are
    demonstrated for this search now
  • Container number, with four digits as prefix,
    e.g. CBHU followed by 6 digits should be input
    for search
  • The prefix is case-insensitive meaning that both
    cbhu or CBHU are the same
  • For standard container number format, the 7th
    digit, which is the check digit, is not needed to
    input for the search here
  • This is a quick and direct search to know the
    event log history related to a container
  • For example, user wants to do this search to a
    container numbered CBHU302885, then user should
    follow the following steps

  • Step 1 Click Event log Enquiry/Editing
  • Step 2 Select Equipment Type
  • Step 3 Move mouse to the blank box besides the
    equipment number Type equipment number (
    container number )
  • Step 4 Check all other default search box Load
    or Empty and Parking lot items
  • Step 5 Click Find now.
  • Remarks User can reset the default blank
    criteria for re-input

Event Log Enquiry / Update--- Result Display
First Display Screen
Show total number of record found
Row of Event not yet fully shown, more columns
A Row of Event, event discharge
A Column for Event Attributes
Original position of scroll bar
Event Log Enquiry / Update--- Result Display
Use Scroll Bar to see more of Display Screen
Event Log Enquiry / Update--- Result Display
Use Scroll Bar to see more of Display Screen
Event Log Enquiry / Update--- Result Display
  • The search result is in format of matrix / table
  • Each row of information in the table denotes an
  • The topper the event, the latest the event
  • Each column in the table denote a field of the
  • The first column of the table is event, and there
    are several key points to be noted
  • Event can be either one of the following event
    type Load, Discharge, Issue, Receive, devanning,
    vanning, transfer, repack, creation, termination,
    unlink, link, pool on, pool off, status change,
    phase in, phase out, pool swap.
  • For details of definition of event types, please
    refer to table in next page.
  • Most common events are Load, Discharge, Issue,
    Receive for FCL to FCL
  • For LCL to FCL or LCL to LCL, the set of events
    for the shipments, or consolidated container
    package ( refer to booking for review of
    definition of LCL cargoes handling), events
    includes vanning and devanning as well
  • In case of laden container demage, no matter the
    carrying cargoes belong to a FCL shipment or LCL
    consolidated container package, an activity
    called Repack will be input by user in IEM, which
    will trigger two events, devanning and vanning in

Event Log Enquiry / Update--- Result Display
  • If there is a need to transfer container from one
    booking to another in case of document reference
    number typo-error (please refer to booking for
    review ), a transfer can be done in IRIS-2, but
    not in Sybase IEIS. However, once this transfer
    event is created, user can not edit or delete it
    in Sybase any more.
  • An Event can be delete and recapture a new one
    for replacement to solve wrong document reference
    number too. But it is not needed to do both
    container transfer and delete and recapture
  • Usually, load and discharge are performed by
    terminal while Issue and Receive are performed by
    terminal, outside depot or any other facilities
    that possess gate concept
  • By tracing the event log, user know the actual
    movement of the container ( equipment ) for
    different move purpose for shipment or empty
  • There are two precedence logic to check the
    sequence of the incoming event, one is called no
    load, no discharge for ocean trunk leg and the
    other one is no gate-in, no gate-out for the
    same facility.
  • The second column is contra. Contra column can
    be N/A, Y, D or E.
  • N/A means not applicable, which means the event
    has not been deleted or edited before
  • D means delete, which means the event has been
    deleted already but still show in the event log
    for reference

Event Log Enquiry / Update--- Result Display
  • E means edit, which means the event has been
    edited that the content of the event is modified
    / edited
  • The third column is Pkg lot, which is the short
    form of Parking Lot. This indicator whether the
    event has passed the second stage validation to
    IRIS-2 Gemstone or not.
  • It has two value Y or N, Y (yes) means the event
    is rejected in parking lot while N ( no ) means
    the event is accepted.
  • The fourth column is Container number, which can
    be further clicked for edit and delete. For Edit
    and delete details, please see the next page. (
  • The fifth column is Container Size-Type, which
    show the type of container of the event it is,
    e.g. 20GP means 20 feet long general purpose
  • The sixth column is Document Reference, which
    means the number of the referencing document
    coupled with the container / equipment. Document
    Reference can be as long as 25 digits.
  • The 7th column is Document Reference Type, which
    can be either of of the three types BN ( Booking
    ), BM ( Bill of lading ) and EP ( Empty
    positioning ).
  • The 8th column shows the Full / empty status of
    the container. F means Full or loaded while E
    means empty container.

Event Log Enquiry / Update--- Result Display
  • The 9th column shows activity date and time of
    the event. This should be the actual event
    happening time and date.
  • The 10th column shows current location, in the
    format of facility code, e.g. HKG10, LBG01,
  • The 11th column shows the next location, also in
    the format of facility code. It is not input by
    user of IEM, but supplemented by Shipment or
    Empty positioning plan from IRIS-2.
  • The 12th to 14th shows the SVC, VSL, VOY and
    Direction of the container intended to go for.
  • The 15th column column is Seal Number, which can
    show value or N/A. For an laden container event,
    the seal number means the seal used to lock the
  • The 17th and 18th columns are used for equipment
    to be Chassis, for it number and type. These two
    columns are used in NAT.
  • The 19th column shows name of carrier of the
    container land trucking. Since it is optional for
    user of IEM to fill or not, so, it may show N/A
    if for null input in IEM.
  • The 20th column, shows the ultimate location of
    the container intend to go. ( new function )
  • The 21st and 22nd column shows Genset Number and
    Type, for the case of Equipment to be Genset.

Event Log Enquiry /Update--- Result Display
  • The 23rd column shows container status. It shows
    the latest status of the container at the end, as
    well as active, owner of the equipment.
  • The 24th and 25th columns are used for equipment
    to be Chassis Genset only. Columns are used in
  • The 26th and 27th columns show pin for EDI
    partner name or input user of vendor ( IEM )
    User ID
  • The 28th column shows creation time. This time is
    the time of Sybase receive this particular event
    and create this new event in the record of
  • The 29th column shows updated date time. This
    time is the time of the event most lately updated
    either by system or manual
  • The 30th column shows the Sequence Number of an
    event that value 1 denote the event is input
    manually while value 2 denote the event is by
    system return

  • IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing

IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
  • This function is for enquiry to check by for
    rejection log by various enquiry criteria for
  • However, the enquiry result can be edit or
  • Again, similar to event log enquiry/edit, there
    are several spaces that user can fill in as
    search criteria, but user need to know clearly
    their searching objective
  • The result display screen is also in the format
    of table and is exactly same as that of event log
  • The equipment / container number can be further
    clicked for edit/delete.

IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
---Result of Rejection Log Enquiry
C1 Column 1 show the Select check box. C2 Show
event type C3 Show container number, underlined
and can be double click for edit for individual (
see next page ). C4 Container Type C5 Chassis
Number C6 Document Reference C7 Document
Reference Type BN, BM or EP C8 F/E
indicator C9 Activity Datetime C10 Current
Location C11 Next Location C12 to 14 VVD
Show total number of record found
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
---Result of Rejection Log Enquiry
Click individual container number will show this
rejection details screen. 1. User can click edit
to see another editable screen to be shown next
page. 2. Or user can also delete the event here.
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
---Result of Rejection Log Enquiry
1. This is the editable screen for edit to
individual event in rejection log. 2. After
making necessary edition, user need to click save
to save the changes. 3. Or user can click delete
for deletion of the whole event. 4. This is the
same as delete in the rejection log main screen
through selection box.
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
---Result of Rejection Log Enquiry
This column shows the Rejection Reason for each
rejected event. For details of rejection type and
handling method, please go to next page.
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
---Result of Rejection Log Enquiry
  • Similar to the search result of event log, the
    search result of rejection log is also in format
    of matrix / table
  • Each row of information in the table denote an
  • The topper the event, the latest the event
  • Each column in the table denote a field of the
  • The first column of the table is select check
    box. Move mouse to the box, and click the box, a
    tick will be shown. It is used for edit or delete
    of event. Mass update ( mass edit or mass delete
    ) is also allowed. User may select the
    appropriate events and ticked their boxes for
    mass update of three fields
  • 1. Current Location
  • 2. VVD
  • 3. Next Location
  • All other column with attribute meaning explained
    in event log enquiry/edit, except the rejections
    column, which shows the reason of the rejection
    of each displayed event which explained in the
    previous page.
  • The procedures for edit or delete are shown next

IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry --- Editing Edit
to Rejection Log
This function is very useful for group of
container with load event, which without the
current location, VVD and next location.
Mass update is only applicable for empty
container. For full container, need to check up
with the document ref ( e.g. shipment number ) in
IRIS-2 for details before updates.
The three fields current location, VVD and next
location are not mandatory fields. User can fill
in either one of them, but not none for mass
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing ---Delete
Edit to Rejection Log
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
---Export Search Result to Excel file
(No Transcript)
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
---Export Search Result to Excel file
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
---Export Search Result to Excel file
IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
  1. Blank DocRef cannot supplement Possibly due to
    the omission of vsy/voy, or the load and
    discharge events, or gate-in gate-out events not
    in order that the blank doc ref cannot
    supplement. To rectify, if not at the beginning
    of the movement cycle, the operator can check to
    the previous event log of the container under the
    same shipment or EP. Otherwise, the operator
    should check with depot for the doc ref. The
    operator can then add back the doc ref number and
    type by performing edit and save in the rejection
  2. Invalid Container Possibly due to the input of
    wrong equipment number. To resolve, if doc ref
    is available, check directly with that in
    IRIS-2 for the correct equipment number.
    Otherwise, the operator needs to check with depot
    for the correct container . Operator should then
    correct the mistake by edit and save to the
    container number.
  3. Inactive Container Possibly due to a typo error
    or not up-to-date container status such as the
    miss out of on-hire creation event to activate
    the terminated container. Operator should check
    the container status in IEIS. If it is really
    inactive because the container has been inactive
    for some reasons before, e.g. lease-out but
    return now in Depot and yet to update this fact
    to IEM, then operator should re-activate the
    container again and backdate the date in services
    before the event date.
  4. VSL inconsistent with supplement / the load event
    has different Voy Possibly due to blank doc ref
    or wrong VSL. Operator can check for the
    actual intended VSL in IRIS-2 and edit the
    rejected event accordingly. However, if it is
    found that this is a wrong VSL, operator needs to
    edit in Sybase IEIS to the correct VSL and save
    in order to clear up the rejection.

IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
  1. illogical move Normally, due to the failure of
    event in the precedence check in IEIS. To
    rectify, user needs to check the date and time of
    the event to make them in the right order again,
    or, in case of omission, the operator needs to
    request the event submission staff ( by IEM, EDI
    or excel macro file ) to re-submit the events
    again, with correct time and date of the
  2. illogical empty move Same as example 5, but for
    empty container. Usually this is for empty
    position plan.
  3. Invalid next location Next location is not a
    valid location, e.g. missing the location , just
    the characters, e.g. HKG, but not HKG02 etc. User
    needs to edit to the next location and save.
  4. EQP not on this location The equipment quoted in
    the event, e.g. container oolu000001 empty issue
    in HKG12, is actually not found in HKG12. This
    can be a mis-type of facility code, or previous
    event of the container concerned has not been
    updated to the system.
  5. Previous event was not load Happens to a
    Discharge event type. No immediate load event
    has been captured to the system. Check missing
    event and ask for re-capture through IEM, EDI or
    excel file. It can also be the case of wrong
    timing reason that need editing to the load event
    that comes to Sybase IEIS later than discharge.
  6. Conflict Doc Ref Number Possibly due to the use
    of cancelled booking number, use of similar doc
    ref, or update of next vessel may not be earlier
    than EQP information flow from Sybase to IRIS-2
    for 2nd validation, so, the doc ref. Number is
    not updated to the new set of shipment yet.

IEM/EDI Rejection Log Enquiry / Editing
  1. Shipment not exist either wrong shipment ( doc
    ref ) number or another event wrongly associated
    with the actual shipment and there is no more
    available slot for the correct event to
    associate. User should check the validity of the
    shipment as well as container assignment via
    IRIS-2, and edit the rejection log accordingly.
  2. Event date timegt current date It means that the
    activity date is after the event creation date
    which is illogical. Operator needs to edit the
    event by changing date and time, then save.
  3. Does not have valid dsch-port It may be due to
    the input of invalid POD code or missing of
    current location for loading port, hence the
    discharge port cannot be automatically
    supplemented by IEIS. Need to ask the loading
    port to re-submit for confirmation.
  4. Inconsistent vsl with shipment Operator checks
    in shipment in IRIS-2 for actual intended vsl,
    edit and save.
  5. Vessel voyage not exist either wrong input or
    the vessel voyage is not defined in ITS. Need to
    set it up again in IRIS-2. The rejected log will
    be accepted after the set up. For wrong input,
    simply edit and save the record in IEIS.

  • New Inventory Summary/Detail Enquiry

New Inventory Summary/Detail Enquiry ---Summary
  • This function is for enquiry to inventory summary
    for the whole equipment pool ( not by any office
    or region ) by various enquiry criteria
  • The result is read-only, can not be edit or
  • Again, similar to event log enquiry/edit, there
    are several spaces that user can fill in as
    search criteria for narrow down of scope of
    search when applicable
  • Again user needs to know clearly their searching
  • The result display screen is also in the format
    of table
  • In order to understand the inventory content,
    user need to know the definition of the
    attributes first

New Inventory Summary/Detail Enquiry ---Summary
New Inventory Summary/Detail Enquiry ---Details
  • This function is for enquiry to details of
    inventory for the whole equipment pool ( not by
    any office or region ) by various enquiry
  • The result is also read-only, can not be edit or
  • Again, similar to event log enquiry/edit, there
    are several spaces that user can fill in as
    search criteria, but user need to know clearly
    their searching objective
  • The result display screen is also in the format
    of table

New Inventory Summary/Detail Enquiry ---Details
New Inventory Summary/Detail Enquiry ---Details
  • Pre-discharge Enquiry

Pre-discharge Enquiry
  • Purpose of the pre-discharge Enquiry
  • Prior to the arrival of vessel, OPN at import
    gateway dispatch office must confirm projected
    availability of all intermodal containers from
    vessel as per stowage and discharge sequence
  • If any anticipated delays in discharge,
    availability or dispatch are identified, OPN at
    gateway dispatch office must immediately notify
    any corresponding parties.
  • With this enquiry function users now are allowed
    to inquire on the container to be discharged and
    arrange discharging activities before the arrival
    of an incoming vessel

Pre-discharge Enquiry
  • This function is for enquiry for container to be
    discharged before the arrival of an incoming
  • The search is by the svc/vsl/voy dir of a
    specific vessel AND dicharge port, e.g. HKG, JPN
  • Equipment Size/Type is optional to narrow down
    the search
  • Again, Full/Empty Indicator can also be
    optionally select to be Full or Empty, Full only
    or Empty only.
  • However, the enquiry result is read-only that can
    be edit or delete
  • User can also download the information
  • This function is important for notice to terminal
    operator for discharging activities arrangement
  • The result display screen is also in the format
    of table and is exactly same as that of event log

Pre-discharge Enquiry---Result
Show total number of record found, which means
the number of container that will discharge
A Row of an incoming container in the vessel
More record from 51 onwards to last container
row are available to show by click New button
Scroll down to see more of this first 50 rows of
Pre-discharge Enquiry ---Result Display Format
  • The search result is in format of matrix / table
  • Each row of information in the table denote a
    piece of container
  • Each column in the table denote a field of the
  • The first column of the table is container number
    and it is sorted by alphabetical order, e.g.
    CGRU616000-7 is displayed upper than
    ETEU279466-9. ( Notice that check digit is also
    shown here too )
  • The second column is the load port of the
    corresponding container, e.g. PKG, SIN etc.
  • The third column is the discharge port of the
    corresponding container and it should be equal to
    the port code input for search before, e.g. HKG
  • The 4th and 5th columns are container size/type
    and Full/Empty indicator respectively
  • The 6th, 7th and 8th columns are document
    reference number, type and seal number ( if
    applicable )
  • The 9th and 10th columns are weight ( two digit
    positive value with no decimal ) and hazardous
    indicator ( Y or N ) respectively
  • The 11th column show the activity datetime of the
    immediate previous load event.

Pre-discharge Enquiry ---Download pre-discharge
Pre-discharge Enquiry ---Download pre-discharge
  • Restricted Use (RU)

Restricted Use (RU)
  • Some equipments may have some restricted use
    properties due to their nature, e.g. Free Use of
    equipments for a period of time granted to our
    company by other party and our company finally
    need to return them to certain places within a
    specific date and time slot. ( flow and off-hire
    restricted use)
  • Or some containers / EQP need to be used within
    some regions since the containers are in control
    under certain offices according to the
    authorization pre-set during the container / EQP
  • Or some equipment is scheduled to be disposed of
    in a short period of time, or need to flow to
    other depot. All these will restricted the
    further usage of equipment

Restricted Use (RU)
  • Each RU label represents an unique identification
    of instruction for all RU label types
  • There are 4 label types - OFFHIRE, SALES, FLOW
    and OTHERS
  • Each Equipment can have up to 3 RU labels
  • RU label can associate with RU Description, RU
    Locations or Both
  • Field length is 10 characters in maximum.

Restricted Use (RU)
  • Two features are available for RU operation
  • Restricted Use Enquiry
  • Restricted Use Update

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
  • Click on RU Enq, the restricted use enquiry
    page is displayed.
  • Tab 1 RU EQP Finder
  • Tab 2 RU EQP History Enquiry
  • Tab 3 RU Label List
  • Tab 4 RU Label Enquiry
  • Each tab is introduced one by one.

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
Here user can find out a list of equipments which
is under restricted usage and their current
  • Enter search criteria, minimum Current Location,
    Next Location, Equipment number or RU Label
  • However, if search by RU label or container no.,
    next location and current location can be blank
  • Click on Find now button to find the Equipment
    with Restricted Use
  • Click on Reset button to empty all field and /or
    start a new search

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
Denote current status/activity undertaken by the
The result lists out all the equipment with RU
located at HKG01
Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
  • Each row represents one container and each column
    denote a message of the equipment
  • Event Date/Time and Event Type columns denote the
    date/time of the latest event of the equipment
    which is under RU as well as the nature of event
  • Equipment Number column denotes the equipment
    number with check digit
  • Size/type column shows the size/type of the
    corresponding equipment
  • Relationship column shows the equipments current
    status/activity undertaken
  • Condition and Sub Condition columns denote the
    equipments condition, e.g. Good, damage, while
    sub condition acts as supplementary info on
  • Current Location column denotes the location the
    event is taken
  • Next Location column denotes to where the
    equipment is going
  • Ultimate Location column denotes the final
    destination of the equipment
  • Doc Ref Type and Doc Ref columns represent
    document reference type and document reference
  • Voyage column denote the service, vessel, voyage
    and dir the equipment is in
  • Lessor column denote the leasing party from whom
    equipment is leased
  • Lease Type column denote the type of lease is
    entered with the lessor
  • Authorization Number
  • Restricted Use Nature and Restricted Use Label
  • Restricted Use Remarks

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
Here user can find the history of restricted
usage of a particular equipment.
  1. Click on RuEqpHistoryEnq tab
  2. Select equipment type
  3. Enter equipment no.
  4. Click on Find now button to start the search
  5. The corresponding history will be displayed here

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
Show the type of current RU type
Can further click on for detail
Show history of RU of a specified equipment
Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
  • User can search for the label list here by
  • Click on the RuLbList tab
  • Select Label Type i.e. Flow, Sales, Offhire or
    Others and/or
  • Enter Label name if know (optional)
  • Click on Find now button to start
  • Click on Reset button to empty all fields

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
This search result lists out all RU label under
the Offhire label type. Can further click on any
row in the Label Name column for more information
Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
  • User can inquire on the detail of a label with
    this function.
  • Click on RuLblEnq tab
  • Enter Label name
  • Click on Find now button

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU ENQ
Shows the location type as well as the RU
location for the label name specified in the
Restricted Use (RU)---RU Update
  • Click on RU Update, the restricted use label
    creation page is displayed.
  • Tab 1 RU Label Creation
  • Tab 2 RU Label Assignment by Batch
  • Tab 3 Authorized RU
  • Tab 4 RU Label Assignment by EQP
  • Tab 5 RU Batch Enquiry
  • Each tab is introduced one by one.

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU Update
  • This tab allows user to create RU label
  • Click on RuLblCreation Tab
  • Click on New button to enable all fields for data
    input as shown in next slide

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU Update
  • Select RU Type. If Sales is selected, the sales
    box at the right will be enabled
  • Complete the fields
  • Label Name (Mandatory field)
  • Label Description
  • Remarks
  • Keyword
  • Instruction indicator
  • Select RU location, then click on Add Location
  • Click on Save button to save the record
  • Message will display showing the saving status
  • To empty all fields, click on Clear button.

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU Update
  • Another mean to create a similar RU label
  • Enter existing label name
  • Click on find now button
  • Click on Copy button
  • Enter new Label Name and select RU type
  • Click on Save button

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU Update
  • Select RU label type (Sale and off-hire cannot
    co-exist). Please note that one equipment can
    have max. 3 RU labels.
  • Select equipment type enter size/type
    (mandatory field)
  • Select the batch assignment mode and complete the
    corresponding enabled fields
  • By equipment number range enter prefix, from
    to (6 digits only) or
  • By contract enter contract number or
  • By authorization enter authorization number
  • Click Save
  • Note RU can only assign to active container(s)

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU Update
  • To assign / edit RU label to new authorization
    /existing authorization
  • Select equipment type enter size/type
    (mandatory field)
  • Enter authorization number (mandatory field)
  • Click Find now
  • Edit existing RU label if found or input new RU
  • Click save
  • Remark Once completed the assignment here, any
    new on-hired container under the specified
    authorization will assign RU label
  •  Enquire RU label of authorization
  • Select equipment type enter size/type
    (mandatory field)
  • Enter authorization number (mandatory field)
  • Click Find now
  • RU label can be found only the assignment done in
    this tab before. In other words, if your
    assignment done in RuLblAssignByBatch (the
    second tab), RU label cannot be found here

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU Update
  • Assign RU label by individual eqp number
  • Select RU label type (Sale and off-hire cannot
    co-exist). Please note that one equipment can
    have max. 3 RU labels.
  • Select equipment type
  • Enter equipment No. and check digit then click
  • Finished input container nbr, click valid
  • Click Save

Restricted Use (RU) ---RU Update
  • User can enquire upload status in RU update
  • Enter your user id or
  • Enter assignment date. (Please note that only
    assignment done in "RuLblAssignByBatch" can be
    enquired. Any input in AuthRu and
    RuLblAssignByEqp cannot be found in RuBatchEnq.
  • Click on Find now button
  • IndexStatus F Failed due to some errorStatus
    N New record
  • Status C Completed record (Detail can be found
    in FTS. User can enquire the cntr number which
    has been successfully assigned RU label from FTS
    under Category EQP. File name structure is
    "RU_user". e.g. I can search my
    file "RU_AUMA.ZIP"

  • Lease Menu

Lease Menu
  • There are four functions provided in the Lease
  • Contract enquiry (Read-only)
  • Contract maintenance (read and update)
  • Partner enquiry (read-only)
  • Partner maintenance (read and update)
  • The first two functions are related to the lease
    contracts of equipment. User are allowed to
    create lease contracts for equipment, enquire on
    their detail and update the lease contracts.
  • While the last two functions are related to the
    leasing parties, whether it is lessor or lessee.
    Also, user are allowed to create the leasing
    parties, enquire on their profile and update the
    profile when necessary.
  • Before the creation of lease contract, user has
    to ensure that a corresponding lease partner
    should already be existed.

Lease Menu---Partner Maintenance
  • Login in to the IEIS, and Main Menu as below
    will open.
  • Click on Lease Menu and then Partner Maint to
    open Equipment Lease Partner page as shown in
    next slide

Lease Menu---Partner Maintenance
  1. Click on New button to open the Equipment Lease
    Partner Editor
  2. Enter a 4 characters Partner Code. It should be
  3. Enter the Partner Name
  4. Check on the appropriate partner type, it can be
  5. Click on Save button to save the creation

Lease Menu---Partner Maintenance
  • To start the search, enter at least one of the
    following search criteria
  • Partner Code in full or in part
  • Partner Name in full or in part
  • Partner Type
  • Click on Find now button
  • Click on Clear to empty all field and start again
  • Result will be displayed in the second lower part
    of the UI

Lease Menu---Partner Maintenance
  1. To edit the lease partner information, click at
    the relevant lease partner code in the Code
  2. Equipment Lease Partner Editor will be opened
  3. Only the partner name and partner type are
    editable. Perform the editing as necessary
  4. Click on Save button to update the record
  5. Note Editable code is underlined and only be
    found if Partner Maint option is selected at the

Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
  • Login in to the IEIS, and Main Menu as below
    will open.
  • Click on Lease Menu and then Contract Maint
    to open Equipment Lease Contract Maintenance
    page as shown in next slide

Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
  1. Assuming that we have newly leased five 20 GP,
    ten 40GP and ten 40RF from another party. They
    are owned by the party. With this lease contract,
    we have the right to use these containers. So,
    we need to create a new leasing contract to
    record these information and make these
    containers available in the equipment pool for
  2. Click on New button, a new page will be opened
    as shown in next slide

Lease Menu ---Contract Maintenance
  1. The Contract Header screen includes seven fields
    that have to be filled in. They are
  2. Lease Type
  3. Lessee / Lessor
  4. Effective Date
  5. Expiry Date
  6. Number of Free Days
  7. Currency
  8. Finance Bank (Optional)
  1. Click on Save button after completing the
    contract header
  2. Contract Number will be generated automatically
    upon saving

Note Effective date represents the start of
contract date. While expiry date represents the
last day that the on-hire or off-hire activities
to be done down to equipment physical movement
level. Number of free days represents the number
of days that allowed by the leasing party for
using on-hire container free of charge.
Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
  • Select the appropriate lease type by clicking on
    the downside arrow.
  • There are several lease types. See the box at
    the right for explanation for different lease type

Note Per diem rate details only apply to Master
Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
Type in the partner code, if know, in full or in
part and the system will display a list for to
choose from, otherwise user can search for the
code in the Partner Enquiry function shown in
next slide
Lessee / lessor can be checked up by typing the
first three initial, e.g. Type in ABC and Press
Tab to find and return the value to that
field .
Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
  • Effective Date and Expiry Date for on hire
  • Find in number of free days, counting from the
    first day of on hire
  • Fill in currency code ( default to be USD )

Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
  • Contract detail tabs will be enabled after saving
    the contract header data successfully, and the
    following tabs together formed the contract
  • The equipment tab.
  • The off-hire tab.
  • The per-diem rate tab (for Master lease type
    only). Lease types will use the per-diem rate
    column in the equipment details.

Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
  • Recap after completing the six Mandatory fields
    and saving, then
  • The contract detail tabs will be enabled for
    equipment details and
  • Save event message will be display as well
  • Setting up the equipment details
  • Equipment size/type
  • Quantity authorized
  • Damage Protection Plan (DPP) coverage
  • Per diem rate (displayed if lease type is Master
  • Replacement value
  • Depreciation rate
  • Residual
  • Click on Add button to add the data
  • Repeat step 2 for more container type/size.
  • Click on Save button to save the record before
    going to other detail tab
  • Click the Off-hire details tab tocontinue.

Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
  • Complete this tab if applicable
  • Select the Size/type code that have been captured
    in the Equipment Tab.
  • The off-hire details include
  • Location where the equipment to be returned
  • Container Quota max. number of equipment can be
    returned to the corresponding location
  • Handling charge
  • Pick up charge
  • Drop off charge
  • Contact person
  • Contact address1
  • Contact address2
  • Contact phone no.
  • Contact fax no.
  • Click the scroll bar to view and enter the
    contact fax no.
  • Click Add to add the record and a blank row will

  1. Click Save to save the records
  2. Repeat step 1- 5 for another container type
  3. Click Per diem rate details to continue or not

Lease Menu---Contract Maintenance
  • Select size/type code.
  • Select Range Type
  • Enter ranges the first range start from 1 to
    another real positive, followed by other ranges.
    E.g. 1-100, then 101 to 400, then 401 to 500. Max
    number for the upper bound is 9999.
  • Enter per diem rate. Remember the currency is
    the pre-defined one.
  • Click Add to add the record and a blank rows for
    another range and rate.
  • Click on Save button when you are done.
  • Repeat step 1 to 5 for another container type

Only applicable for Master lease type
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