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Public Economics


Chapter 15 Income Taxation Reading Essential reading Hindriks, J and G.D. Myles Intermediate Public Economics. (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005) Chapter 15. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Public Economics

Chapter 15 Income Taxation
  • Essential reading
  • Hindriks, J and G.D. Myles Intermediate Public
    Economics. (Cambridge MIT Press, 2005) Chapter
  • Further reading
  • Blundell, R. (1992) Labour supply and taxation
    a survey, Fiscal Studies, 13, 1540.
  • Feldstein, M. (1995) The effect of marginal tax
    rates on taxable income a panel study of the
    1986 tax reform act, Journal of Political
    Economy, 103, 551572.
  • Hindriks, J. (2001) Is there a demand for income
    tax progressivity?, Economics Letters, 73,
  • Kanbur, S.M.R. and M. Tuomala (1994) Inherent
    inequality and the optimal graduation of marginal
    tax rates, Scandinavian Journal of Economics,
    96, 275282.

  • Myles, G.D. (2000) On the optimal marginal rate
    of income tax, Economics Letters, 66, 113119.
  • Romer, T. (1975) Individual welfare, majority
    voting and the properties of a linear income tax,
    Journal of Public Economics, 7, 163168.
  • Roberts, K. (1977) Voting over income tax
    schedules, Journal of Public Economics, 8,
  • Tuomala, M. Optimal Income Tax and
    Redistribution. (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1990)
    ISBN 0198286058 hbk.
  • Challenging reading
  • Diamond, P.A. (1998) Optimal income taxation an
    example with a U-shaped pattern of optimal
    marginal tax rates, American Economic Review,
    88, 8395.
  • Mirrlees, J.A. (1971) An exploration in the
    theory of optimum income tax, Review of Economic
    Studies, 38, 175208.

  • Seade, J.K. (1977) On the shape of optimal tax
    schedules, Journal of Public Economics, 7,
  • Saez, E. (2001) Using elasticities to derive
    optimal tax rates, Review of Economic Studies,
    68, 205229.
  • Weymark, J.A. (1986) A reduced-form optimal
    income tax problem, Journal of Public Economics,
    30, 199217.

Income Taxation
  • Income taxation is a major source of government
  • It is also a major source of contention
  • The income tax is a disincentive to effort and
    enterprise so the rate of tax should be kept as
    low as possible
  • Income taxation is well-suited to the task of
    redistribution which requires that high earners
    pay proportionately more tax on their incomes
    than low earners
  • The determination of the optimal income tax
    involves the resolution of these contrasting views

Taxation and Labor Supply
  • The effect of income taxation on labor supply can
    be investigated using the standard model of
    consumer choice
  • This highlights the importance of competing
    income and substitution effects
  • Assume
  • The consumer has a given set of preferences over
    allocations of consumption and leisure
  • The consumer has a fixed stock of time to divide
    between labour supply and leisure
  • The choice is made to maximize utility

Taxation and Labor Supply
  • Preferences are represented by
  • U U(x, L - l) U(x, l)
  • L is the stock of time, l is labor supply, and x
    is consumption
  • Leisure time is L - l
  • Labour is assumed unpleasant so ?U/?l lt 0
  • Each hour of labour earns wage w
  • Income before taxation is wl
  • With tax rate t the budget constraint is
  • px (1 t)wl

Taxation and Labor Supply
  • Alternatively the preferences of the consumer can
    be be written in terms of income
  • Let z wl denote income before tax
  • Utility in terms of income is
  • U U(x, z/w)
  • The budget constraint becomes
  • px (1 - t)z
  • The consumers indifference curves depend upon
    the wage rate

Taxation and Labor Supply
  • Fig. 15.1a depicts the choice between leisure and
  • The budget constraint depends on the wage
  • Fig. 15.1b depicts the choice between before tax
    income and consumption
  • The indifference curves depend on the wage
  • In both cases the budget constraint depends on
    the tax rate

Figure 15.1 Labor supply decision
Taxation and Labor Supply
  • The initial choice is at a
  • In Fig. 15.2a an increase in w shifts the budget
  • In Fig. 15.2b an increase in w shifts the
    indifference curve
  • The choice moves to c
  • a to b is the substitution effect
  • b to c is the income effect
  • The total effect can raise or lower labor supply
    but increases income

Figure 15.2 Effect of a wage increase
Taxation and Labor Supply
  • Income z in Figs. 15.3a and b is a threshold
    level of income below which income is untaxed
  • The budget constraint is kinked at b
  • Points a and c are interior solutions
  • Point b is a corner solution
  • A consumer at a corner may be unaffected by a tax

Figure 15.3 A tax threshold
Taxation and Labor Supply
  • For many tax systems the marginal rate of tax has
    several discrete increases
  • Figs 15.4a and b display the case of four
    marginal rates
  • The marginal rates increase with income
  • The budget constraint is kinked at each point of

Figure 15.4 Several thresholds
Taxation and Labor Supply
  • It may not be possible to continuously vary hours
    of work
  • A minimum working week gives a choice between 0
    hours and the minimum lm
  • This causes a discontinuity in the budget
  • Figs. 15.5a and b show a discontinuity in labor
    supply as the tax rate changes

Figure 15.5 Taxation and the participation
Empirical Evidence
  • The theoretical analysis of labor supply makes
    three major points
  • The effect of a wage or tax change depends on
    income and substitution effects
  • Kinks in the budget constraint can make behaviour
    insensitive to taxes
  • The participation decision can be sensitive to
  • The theory does not predict the size of these
  • Empirical evidence is required to provide

Empirical Evidence
  • Evidence on the effect of income taxes can be
    found in
  • The results of taxpayer surveys
  • Econometric estimates of labor supply functions
  • Two points are important in choosing s survey
  • Labor supply is insensitive to taxation if
    working hours are determined by the firm or by
    union/firm agreement
  • The effect of taxation can only be judged when
    workers who have the freedom to vary hours of

Empirical Evidence
  • Surveys usually conclude that changes in the tax
    rate have little effect on the labor supply
  • If correct the labor supply function is
    approximately vertical
  • This results from the income effect almost
    entirely offsetting the substitution effect
  • This predicts taxation will have little labor
    supply effect
  • Different groups in the population may have
    different reactions to changes in the tax system
  • This is now considered by reviewing some
    econometric analysis

Empirical Evidence
  • Tab. 15.1 reports estimates of labor supply
    elasticities for three groups
  • The substitution effect (compensated wage) is
    positive but the income effect is always negative
  • The elasticity for married men is the lowest
  • The elasticity for unmarried women is the largest
  • Participation effect

Table 15.1 Labor-supply elasticities Source
Blundell (1992)
Optimal Income Taxation
  • The optimal income tax balances efficiency and
    equity to maximise welfare
  • A interesting model must have the following
  • An unequal distribution of income so there is an
    equity motivation for taxation
  • The income tax must affect labor so that it has
    efficiency effects
  • There must be no restrictions placed on the
    optimal tax function
  • The Mirrlees model of income taxation is the
    simplest that has these attributes

Optimal Income Taxation
  • All consumers have identical preferences but
    differ in their level of skill
  • The level of skill determines the hourly wage
  • Income is the product of skill and hours worked
  • The level of skill is private information and
    cannot be observed by the government
  • This makes it impossible to tax directly.
  • A tax levied on skill would be the first-best
    policy but this not feasible
  • The government employs an income tax as a
    second-best policy

Optimal Income Taxation
  • The government is subject to two constraints when
    it chooses the tax function
  • The income tax must meet the governments revenue
  • The tax function must be incentive compatible
  • View the government as assigning to each consumer
    an allocation of labor and consumption
  • Incentive compatibility requires that each
    consumer must find it utility maximizing to
    choose the allocation intended for them
  • No alternative allocation should be preferred

Optimal Income Taxation
  • If a consumer of skill level s supplies l hours
    of labour they earn income of sl before tax
  • Denote the income of a consumer with skill s by
  • For a consumer with income z the income tax paid
    is given by T(z)
  • T(z) is the tax function the analysis aims to
  • A consumer who earns income z(s) can consume
  • x(s) c(z(s)) z(s) T(z(s))

Optimal Income Taxation
  • Fig. 15.6 illustrates the budget constraint
  • Without taxation the budget constraint is the 45o
  • T(z) lt 0 when the consumption function is above
    the 45o line
  • T(z) gt 0 when the consumption function is below
    the line
  • The gradient of the consumption function is 1 T'

Figure 15.6 Taxation and the Consumption
Optimal Income Taxation
  • Preferences are assumed to satisfy the agent
    monotonicity condition
  • At any point (z, x) the indifference curve of a
    consumer of skill s1 is steeper than the curve of
    a consumer of skill s2 if s2 gt s1
  • This is shown in Fig. 15.7
  • Consumers of lower skill are less willing to
    supply labor

Figure 15.7 Agent monotonicity
Optimal Income Taxation
  • Fig. 15.8 shows the consequence of agent
  • The low-skill consumer chooses a
  • The indifference curve of the high-skill is
    flatter and cannot be at a tangency
  • The choice for the high-skill must be further to
    the right
  • Income is increasing with skill

Figure 15.8 Income and skill
Optimal Income Taxation
  • Consider the consumption function in Fig. 15.9
  • No consumer will locate on the downward-sloping
  • This part of the consumption function can be
    replaced by the flat dashed section
  • This shows c'(z) gt 0 so 1 T'(z) gt 0
  • The marginal tax rate is less than 100 percent

Figure 15.9 Upper limit on tax rate
Optimal Income Taxation
  • Fig. 15.10 shows the marginal tax rate must be
  • Start with c1 with c1' gt 1 and move to c2 with
    c2' 1
  • c2 chosen so tax revenue is unchanged
  • High-skill moves from h1 to h2, low-skill from l1
    to l2
  • Consumption is transferred from high skill to low
    skill so welfare rises
  • c1 could not be optimal

Figure 15.10 Lower limit on tax rate
Optimal Income Taxation
  • The highest-skill consumer should face a zero
    marginal rate of tax
  • In Fig. 15.11 ABC does not have this property
  • Replace with ABD where BD has gradient of 1
  • Highest-skill consumer moves to b
  • Utility rises but tax payment is unchanged
  • No-one is worse-off
  • ABC cannot be optimal

Figure 15.11 Zero marginal rate of tax
Optimal Income Taxation
  • A tax system is progressive if the marginal rate
    of tax increases with income
  • A zero rate at the top shows progressivity cannot
    be optimal
  • Most tax systems are progressive
  • This result is valid only for the highest-skill
  • The implications for lower skills are limited
  • Observed systems may only be wrong at the very
  • Result questions preconceptions about the
    structure of taxes

Two Specializations
  • There are two specializations of the general
    model that provide additional insight
  • The quasi-linear model restricts the form of the
    individual utility function
  • The individual utility function becomes
  • U u(x) z/s
  • Rawlsian taxation adopts a specific social
    welfare function
  • Social welfare is evaluated by
  • W minU

Two Specializations
  • Assume there are just two consumers
  • The high-skill is sh and the low-skill sl
  • The optimal tax problem is equivalent to choosing
    the allocations ah and al for these consumers
  • Incentive compatibility requires that the
    consumer of skill i prefers allocation i
  • The low-skill will never mimic the high-skill so
    only one incentive compatibility constraint is
  • u(xh) zh/sh u(xl) zl/sh

Two Specializations
  • Fig. 15.12 illustrates the role of allocations
  • The allocations al and ah are incentive
  • These cannot be optimal since xh can be reduced
    and xl raised without violating incentive
  • The change raises welfare
  • The high-skill must be indifferent between al and

Figure 15.12 Allocations and the consumption
Two Specializations
  • The resource constraint xl xh zl zh and the
    incentive compatibility condition can be solved
    to give
  • zl (1/2)xl xh shu(xh)
  • zh (1/2)xl xh shu(xh)
  • Using these the optimal allocation of consumption
    for utilitarian social welfare solves
  • max blu(xl) bhu(xh) (slsh)/2slshxl
  • Where bl (3sl sh)/2sl and bh (slsh)/2sl

Two Specializations
  • The welfare weights bl and bh incorporate
    incentive compatibility and resource implications
  • For the high-skill the solution to the
    optimization is u'(xh) 1/sh so that MRSh 1
  • This captures the zero marginal rate for the
  • For the low skill u'(xl) (slsh)/sh(3sl sh)
    so MRSl sh (3sl sh)/sl(slsh) lt 1
  • The low-skill faces a positive marginal rate of

Two Specializations
  • Rawlsian taxation aims to maximize the utility of
    the worst-off
  • Assume all tax revenue is redistributed as a
    lump-sum grant
  • It can then be assumed that the optimal Rawlsian
    tax maximizes the grant
  • A consumer of skill s earns income z(s) so z-1(s)
    is the skill level associated to each income
  • If F(s) is the cumulative distribution of skill
    then G(z) F(z-1(s)) is the cumulative
    distribution for income

Two Specializations
  • Since revenue is maximized any small change in
    the tax function must have no effect on revenue
  • Consider a increase in the marginal rate of DT'
    at income z
  • Tax payments increase from all those with income
    above z
  • Holding labor supply constant the total increase
    is 1 G(z)zDT'
  • The tax increase reduces labor supply and leads
    to a revenue loss g(z)T'zesDT'/(1 T') where es
    is the elasticity of labor supply

Two Specializations
  • At the optimum the gain must equal the loss
  • 1 G(z)zDT' g(z)T'zesDT'/(1 T')
  • Solving this equation
  • T'/(1 T') 1 G(z)/esg(z)
  • This implies the marginal tax rate (T') will be
    high at income z when
  • The labor supply elasticity is low
  • There are few taxpayers with income z
  • Even for Rawlsian taxation there will not be
    progressivity unless 1 G(z)/esg(z) increases
    in z

Numerical Results
  • The theory describes some characteristics of the
    optimal income tax function
  • A numerical analysis is required to generate more
    precise results
  • Numerical results employ the social welfare
  • The social welfare function is utilitarian if e
  • Higher values of e give more concern for equity

Numerical Results
  • The density function for the skill distribution
    is given by f(s)
  • This is assumed to be log-normal with a standard
    deviation of s 0.39
  • This value is similar to that for observed income
  • But skill and income may not have the same
  • The individual utility function is Cobb-Douglas
  • U log(x) log(1 l)

Numerical Results
  • Tab.15.2 presents the optimal tax rates for a
    utilitarian welfare function
  • The average rate of tax is negative for the
    low-skilled but increases with skill
  • The negative tax is an income supplement
  • The marginal tax rate first rises with skill and
    then falls.
  • The maximum rate is around the median of the
    skill distribution

Table 15.2 Utilitarian case (e 0)
Numerical Results
  • The results in Tab. 15.3 involve a greater
    concern for equity
  • The average tax rate starts lower but rises
  • The marginal tax rate is higher for all income
  • The marginal rate is highest at a low income

Table 15.3 Some equity considerations (e 1)
Numerical Results
  • The outcome is a negative income tax with the
    government supplementing income
  • The maximum average rate of tax is low
  • The marginal tax rate first rises with income and
    then falls.
  • The system is not marginal rate progressive
  • The marginal rate of tax is close to constant
  • The consumption function is almost a straight
  • The zero tax for the highest-skill consumer is
    reflected in the fall of the marginal rate at
    high incomes

Tax Mix Separation Principle
  • Governments use both income and consumption taxes
  • Chap. 14 showed that efficient commodity taxes
    should be inversely related to the elasticity of
  • This implies a system of differential commodity
  • The question to address now is the role of
    differential commodity taxation when there is an
    optimal nonlinear income tax
  • The answer is dependent on the relation between
    commodity demand and labor supply

Tax Mix Separation Principle
  • Recall that the success of the income tax is
    limited by incentive compatibility
  • The high-skill will mimic the low-skill
  • Differential commodity taxes are justified if
    they relax the incentive compatibility constraint
  • This can be done by making the consumption bundle
    of the low-skill less attractive to the
  • If the utility function is separable between
    consumption and labor incentive compatibility
    cannot be relaxed
  • Separable utility has the form U U(u(x), l)

Tax Mix Separation Principle
  • Fig. 15.13 displays nonseparable preferences
  • Changing prices from p to p' makes the
    consumption plan of the low-skill less attractive
    to the high-skill
  • The utility of the low-skill is not affected
  • Incentive compatibility is relaxed

Figure 15.13 Differetial taxation and
Voting over a Flat Tax
  • The political process determine the tax system
    through voting
  • Assume skills are distributed with cumulative
    distribution F(s), mean and median sm
  • A vote is taken over a linear tax with lump-sum
    benefit b and constant marginal tax rate t
  • Consumer preferences are represented by the
    quasi-linear utility function
  • U x (1/2)(z/s)2

Voting over a Flat Tax
  • Given the budget constraint x 1 tz b the
    chosen income of a consumer with skill s is
  • z(s) 1 ts2
  • The government budget constraint is
  • b tE(z(s)) t1
  • Substituting for b and z in the utility function
    and maximizing over t gives the optimal tax of
    the median voter
  • tm (E(s2) sm2)/(2E(s2)

Voting over a Flat Tax
  • Using the choice of income the tax can be written
  • tm (E(z) zm)/(2E(z) zm)
  • The model predicts the political tax rate is
    determined by the position of the median voter in
    the income distribution
  • As income inequality rises (E(z) zm increases)
    the tax rate rises
  • In practice median income is below mean income so
    voters will vote for redistribution
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