Federal Program Integrity Regulations: Change is Now - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Federal Program Integrity Regulations: Change is Now


Author: Harrison Wadsworth Last modified by: John Bartlett Created Date: 5/24/2004 9:50:47 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Federal Program Integrity Regulations: Change is Now

(No Transcript)
  • Federal Program Integrity Regulations Change is
  • Vermont Association of Student Financial Aid
  • Conference
  • Killington, Vermont
  • June 15, 2011
  • Harrison M. Wadsworth III
  • Principal, Washington Partners, LLC
  • hwadsworth_at_wpllc.net
  • 202-289-3900
  • www.wpllc.net

Session descriptions
  • New Program Integrity Regulations Part 1  the
    U.S. Department of Education has made a host of
    regulatory changes that take effect this year,
    many on July 1st.  This session will take a look
    at the changes to the definition of Satisfactory
    Academic Progress, calculations of withdrawal
    dates for refunds and return of Title IV
    funds, changes in the disbursement schedule of
    Title IV funds and state authorization issues.
  • New Program Integrity Regulations Part 2 Plus a
    Few Other Regulatory Issues  There are so many
    new regulations coming out that they require two
    sessions.  This session will discuss the many
    changes in the definition of "gainful employment
    in a recognized occupation" and what can be
    expected next, definition of a credit
    hour, adding a program or location and incentive
    compensation.  Also touched on will be issues
    affecting private loans, such as preferred lender
    lists, and the Consumer Financial Protection
    Bureau -- and other issues raised by the
    conference participants.

What Is Washington Partners, LLC?
  • Government and public relations consulting firm
    specializing in education policy and related
  • Provides association management, including for
    COHEAO, and consulting to colleges and
    universities in the United States and
  • Expertise and experience in all aspects of
    education, P-18

Title IV Aid Available
What is the CDR Calculation?
  • Currently, a schools cohort default rate is the
    percentage of the number of the schools FFEL
    and Direct Loan borrowers who enter repayment in
    one Federal Fiscal Year (October 1 through
    September 30) who default in that federal fiscal
    year or by the end of the next federal fiscal
  • Increases continued in 2009 draft rates 8.9,
    327,669 borrowers, up from 7.0/238,852

(No Transcript)
HEOA 2008 Changes
  • Increases the CDR monitoring period from two to
    three years.
  • Beginning with the 2009 cohort, the calculation
    will be
  • Borrowers who default in that federal fiscal year
    or by the end of the next two federal fiscal
  • Establishes a three-year transition period for

2-Year Versus 3-Year Calculation
The Numerator is the number of borrowers from the
denominator who default within a cohort period
The Denominator is the number of borrowers who
enter repayment within a cohort period
3555000 .071 or 7.1
6055000 .121 or 12.1
Voluntary Flexible Agreements
  • New request for proposals from guaranty agencies
    issued May 31, 2011 joint proposals preferred
  • Secretary seems intent on setting up more VFAs,
    focusing on delinquency prevention
  • Longstanding ED concerns over conflicts of
    interest at GAs reflected in separation of
    collections from default prevention, education,
    loan servicing
  • Seen as more efficient, part of consolidation of
    GAs post-SAFRA and ECASLA

New VFA Structure
  • GA Responsibility Area I--Lender Claims Review,
    Lender Claims Payment, and Collections
  • GA Responsibility Area II (Delinquency and
    Default Prevention and Management)
  • GA Responsibility Area III (Community Outreach,
    Financial Literacy and Debt Management, School
    Training and Assistance, and School Oversight)
  • GA Responsibility Area IV (Lender and Lender
    Servicer Oversight)

  • Much concern by ED over FISMA information
    security as GAs wind down
  • Collections deemed to be more efficient if fewer
    GAs involved.
  • Enhanced oversight by ED of GAs, more reporting
  • Key duties default and delinquency prevention,
    financial literacy programs,
  • A guaranty agency that assumes GA Responsibility
    Area I (Lender Claims Review, Lender Claims
    Payment, and Collections) may not also assume GA
    Responsibility Area II (Delinquency and Default
    Prevention and Management) or GA Responsibility
    Area IV (Lender and Lender Servicer Oversight).

Regulations Galore July 1
  • Negotiated Rulemaking process on Program
    Integrity Issues took place summer 2009-fall
  • Not triggered by statutory change but instead by
    2008 election.
  • Contentious, little hope of consensus given
    makeup of negotiating committee
  • Biggest points of dispute GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT
    definition, Incentive compensation, credit hour,
    state licensing.

Program Integrity Regs
  • NPRMs published June 18 - To improve the
    integrity of the Title IV student assistance
  • Comment Period Ended August 2, 2010
  • Final regulations published on Oct. 29, 2010
  • Generally effective July 1, 2011 (2011-2012 AY)
  • Verification effective with the 2012-2013 AY

But Wait!
  • Series of bills being introduced in the House to
    repeal program integrity regs
  • Gainful employment passed in April as part of
    2011 CR, dropped in conference
  • H.R. 2117 by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) passed
    Subcommittee on Higher Education June 14
    repeals credit hour definition, state oversight
  • More in the future
  • Not likely to pass Senate, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA)
    has own plans

High School Diploma
  • Never specifically defined know it when you see
  • Schools required to verify if reason to believe
    diploma/school not valid
  • Schools must develop procedures (1st yr students)
  • ED will provide further guidance later
  • Questions will be added to FAFSA on high school
  • ED will maintain list of approved schools
  • Being on the list does not mean approved
  • Not being on the list does not mean unapproved
    or questionable

Ability to Benefit
  • Students considered to have the ATB if
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Pass an approved ATB test
  • Satisfactorily complete 6 semester hours, 6
    trimester hours, 6 quarter hours, or 225 clock
    hours that are applicable toward a degree or
    certificate offered by the institution.
  • Does not have to be same program, but should be
  • Defines independent test administrator

Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Financial aid warning students may still get
    aid for one additional payment period
  • Only allowed if school measures SAP every payment
  • Financial aid probation student failed to have
    SAP and has appealed successfully and is
    receiving aid
  • School allowed to impose conditions such as
    reduced course loads

Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Schools must specify pace that student must
    matriculate to complete in maximum timeframe
  • Policy must include
  • How pace measured
  • How transfers affect SAP
  • Transfer credits count towards completed and
    attempted credits in calculations

Satisfactory Academic Progress - Appeals
  • Must have written policy
  • Student must explain why they did not progress
    and what has changed to allow them to do so now
  • Student must meet one of two elements for
    successful appeal
  • The institution has determined that the student
    should be able to meet satisfactory progress
    standards after the subsequent payment period, or
  • The institution develops an academic plan with
    the student that, if followed, will ensure that
    the student is able to meet the institutions
    satisfactory academic progress standards by a
    specific point in time.

Written Arrangements Between Eligible Institutions
  • Proprietary schools entering written
    arrangements with other eligible schools under
    same ownership must provide at least 50 of the
    program offered
  • Public and private non-profits exempted
  • Schools entering written arrangements with other
    eligible schools NOT under same ownership must
    provide at least some of the program offered

Written Arrangements Between Ineligible
  • No written arrangements allowed for schools
    ineligible due to adverse action by ED,
    accrediting agency or state
  • Ineligible school in written arrangement with
    eligible school under common ownership may
    provide only up to 25 of program
  • Ineligible school in written arrangement with
    eligible school NOT under common ownership may
    provide up to 50 of the program

Return of Title IV Aid
  • New Reg
  • -- Modifies and clarifies the definition of when
    a student is considered to have withdrawn from a
  • -- Clarifies the circumstances under which an
    institution is required to take attendance for
    the purpose of determining last date of

Taking Attendance
  • Proposal would add following requirements to
    definition of schools required to take
  • The institution itself has a requirement that its
    instructors take attendance or
  • The institution or an outside entity has a
    requirement that can only be met by taking
    attendance or a comparable process, including but
    not limited to, requiring that students in a
    program demonstrate attendance in the classes of
    that program, or a portion of that program

Taking Attendance Impact of Proposal
  • An institution required to take attendance may
    use only the last date of attendance as the
    withdrawal date
  • An institution not required to take attendance
    may use
  • the date the student officially withdraws, or,
  • for students who do not at least begin the
    institution's formal withdrawal process, the
    midpoint of the payment period or
  • some other date based on documented
    participation in an academically-related

Taking Attendance Defining Academic Activity
  • For attendance purposes, an academic activity is
  • Physically attending a class where a teacher is
  • Submitting an academic assignment
  • Taking an exam or computer assisted instruction
  • Attending a study group that has been assigned by
    the school
  • Participating in an online discussion about
    academic matters
  • Contacting an instructor to discuss academic
    subject studied in the course
  • It is not
  • Living on campus
  • Using the cafeteria
  • Logging into an online class with no
  • Academic counseling or advisement

State Authorization
  • More details see DCL GEN-11-05, March 17, 2011
    state authorization required to be eligible for
    Title IV funds
  • States must name institution in some way to give
    it legal right to exist, all required licenses
    must obtained
  • Public community colleges seen as part of state
    govt so dont have to be named. Religious schools
    generally exempt

Distance Ed
  • Distance ed programs must be separately licensed
    in every state where there are students -- some
    leeway on enforcement
  • The Department will not initiate any action to
    establish repayment liabilities or limit student
    eligibility for distance education activities
    undertaken before July 1, 2014, so long as the
    institution is making good faith efforts to
    identify and obtain necessary state
    authorizations before that date.

Credit Hours
  • Regs seek to define credit hour in terms of work
    completed by a student
  • Carnegie Unit remains the basis
  • Consists of one hour of classroom or direct
    faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of
    out of class student work for approximately
    fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour
    of credit, or
  • ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of
    credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a
    different amount of time
  • Alternative would be based on learning outcomes
  • Responsibility for review of institutional
    policies would rest with accrediting agencies
  • Clock hours may be used if credit hour definition
    for a program is deficient

Definition of a Credit Hour
  • 1 hour of direct faculty instruction
  • at least two hours of student work outside
    classroom over set period of time for 15 weeks
    1 Credit Hour
  • Does not have to be exact, stated intent is to be
    flexible conforms to commonly accepted
  • Not dependent on seat time but needs metric of
    some sort, such as completion of work in time
  • Accrediting agencies required to focus on whether
    policies in place and applied
  • Enforcement flexibility next year

Misrepresentation by an Institution
  • When the institution itself, one of its
    representatives, or any ineligible institution,
    organization, or person with whom the eligible
    institution has an agreement, makes a substantial
    misrepresentation regarding the eligible
    institution, including about the nature of its
    educational program, its financial charges, or
    the employability of its graduates.

Substantial Misrepresentation
  • Any misrepresentation on which the person to whom
    it was made could reasonably be expected to rely,
    or has reasonably relied, to that persons
  • Does not include statements made by students
    through social media or by vendors not engaged in
    enrollment or education
  • Possible results
  • Revoke program participation agreement
  • Limitations on participation in Title IV programs
  • Deny participation applications made on behalf of
    the institution or
  • Fines and penalties

Misrepresentation by an Institution
  • Claims that constitute substantial
    misrepresentation by an institution would
    include, if not true
  • Offers of scholarships to pay all or part of a
    course charge
  • A charge is the customary charge at the
    institution for a course
  • The cost of the program and the institution's
    refund policy if the student does not complete
    the program
  • Loan repayment or forgiveness information or
    other financial aid information

Misrepresentation by an Institution
  • Program cost
  • Refund policy
  • Students right to reject all or a portion of aid
  • Whether employment is being offered by
  • Help wanted
  • Business opportunities
  • Men and women wanted to train for
  • Cannot describe Title IV eligibility in a way
    that implies ED endorsement of school

Repeating Coursework
  • Repeated courses count towards enrollment status
    regardless of credits earned for term-based
    program only
  • Non-term based programs remain unchanged credits
    must be earned in addition to those previously
  • Can be repeated only once
  • Does not include previously passed courses due to
    student failing other courses

  • Disbursing Federal Student Aid Funds
    Institutions are required to ensure that Pell
    Grant recipients have resources to obtain books
    and supplies by the seventh day of payment

Private Loans Overview of Final Rule
  • New disclosures and timing rules
  • Disclosures on or with an application
  • Disclosures after loan approval
  • Consumers 30-day acceptance period
  • No changes to rate or terms with some exceptions
  • Disclosures at consummation
  • Consumers 3-day right to cancel
  • Creditor must not disburse funds

Overview of Final Rule (cont.)
  • Self-certification form before consummation
  • Lenders require school certification
  • Model disclosure forms developed through consumer
    testing and in consultation with the Department
    of Education
  • Prohibition on co-branding in marketing
  • Provision of information by creditors to
    educational institutions with Preferred Lender

Program Participation Agreement
  • Institutions must develop, publish, administer
    and enforce a code of conduct with respect to
    loans made under the title IV, HEA loan programs
    in accordance with 601.21
  • For any year an institution has a PLA, annually
    compile, maintain and make available to students,
    a list of private education loans the institution

Program Participation Agreement
  • Institutions must, upon request of an enrolled or
    admitted student applicant of a private education
    loan, provide the applicant with the
    self-certification form and the information
    needed to complete it

Definition of Creditor
  • A creditor means a person who regularly
    extends consumer credit that
  • Is subject to a finance charge or
  • Is payable by written agreement in more than four
  • And is the person to whom the obligation is
    initially payable

Coverage Loans
  • Covers loans made in whole or in part for
    postsecondary educational expenses at covered
    educational institutions, including unaccredited.
  • Excludes
  • Federal Title IV loans (NOT health professions )
  • Open-end (revolving) credit
  • Real-estate secured loans
  • Two types of credit extensions made by
    educational institutions

Coverage Loans
  • Excludes credit extended by educational
    institutions if
  • The term of the credit extension is 90 days or
    less OR
  • An interest rate will not be applied to the
    credit balance and the term is one year or less,
    even if the credit is payable in more than 4
  • BUT

Coverage Loans
  • Exclusions applicable to credit extended by
    educational institutions are only exempt from the
    new private education loan rules, not from all
    of Reg. Z
  • As a result, disclosures under the Truth in
    Lending Act may still be required under 12 CFR
    226.17 and 226.18, (according to Dept. of Ed)

HEOA Loan Disclosures Key Terms
  • Preferred lender arrangement an arrangement or
    agreement, between a lender and covered
    institution, in which a lender provides education
    loans to students/families and the covered
    institution recommends, promotes or endorses the
    education loan products of the lender

HEOA Loan Disclosures Key Terms
  • Preferred lender arrangement (cont.)
  • Includes arrangements between a lender and an
    institution-affiliated organization
  • Does not include arrangements involving
  • Direct Loan Program loans
  • Loans originated through PLUS auction pilot

HEOA Loan Disclosures
Key Terms
  • Preferred lender arrangement (cont.)
  • Does not include private education loans made by
    a covered institution to students attending a
    covered institution if the private education loan
  • Funded by covered institutions own funds
  • Funded by donor-directed contributions

HEOA Loan Disclosures
Key Terms
  • Preferred Lender Arrangement (cont.)
  • Does not include private education loans made by
    a covered institution to students attending a
    covered institution if the private education loan
    is made under
  • Title VII or VIII of Public Service Act
  • A State-funded financial aid program, if the
    terms and conditions of the loan include a loan
    forgiveness option for public service

Applicability of GEN-08-06 to Private
Education Loans
  • GEN-08-06 guidance applies to private education
  • Covered institution not considered in a preferred
    lender arrangement if it provides borrowers with
    neutral, comprehensive list of private education
    lenders that have made loans within a 3-5 year
    time period and a statement that borrower can
    choose any lender
  • Covered institution cannot recommend any lender
    and may include a comparison of the private loan
    terms and conditions

Applicability of GEN-08-06 to Private
Education Loans
  • GEN-08-06 guidance (cont.)
  • Covered institutions may refer borrowers to a 3rd
    party entity that maintains neutral,
    comprehensive list and not be in a preferred
    lender arrangement if institution ensures that
    the list is broad in scope, does not endorse any
    lender and lender does not pay to be placed on
    the list or pay the 3rd party entity a fee based
    on loan volume generated.

Preferred Lender Arrangement
(PLA) Disclosures
  • Covered institution/institution-affiliated
    organization participating in a PLA must disclose
    on its Web site and all informational materials
    that describe private education loans
  • Maximum amount of aid available under title IV
  • Disclosures required by TILA 128(e)(11) for
    private loans offered by covered institutions
  • Disclosures required by TILA 128(e)(1) for
    private loans offered by institution-affiliated

PLA Disclosures (cont.)
  • Informational materials publications,
    mailings, electronic messages or materials
  • Distributed to prospective/current students
  • Describe/discuss available financial aid
  • Disclosures must be provided annually for each
    type of private education loan offered pursuant
    to a PLA for consideration before a student

Preferred Lender List Requirements
  • Institutions preferred lender list must contain
    not less than 2 unaffiliated private education
    lenders and clearly and fully disclose for each
  • Reasons institution includes lenders on list,
    particularly with respect to loan
    terms/conditions favorable to borrower
  • That students do not have to borrow from lender
    on list
  • Method and criteria used to choose lenders to
    ensure lenders selected on basis of best interest
    of borrowers
  • Institution must compile preferred lender list
    without prejudice and for sole benefit of
    students attending the institution

Private Education Loan Disclosures
  • Covered institution or affiliate that provides
    information on private education loans,
    regardless of participation in a PLA, must
  • Provide prospective borrower with TILA
    disclosures under 128(e)(1)
  • Inform borrowers of possible eligibility for
    title IV loans that title IV loan
    terms/conditions may be more favorable than
    private education loans
  • Private loan disclosures must be presented in
    manner distinct from title IV loan information

Private Education Loan PLAs
  • Covered institutions or affiliates that
    participate in a PLA with a lender of private
    education loans
  • Cannot agree to the lenders use of the name,
    emblem, mascot, or logo of the institution or
    affiliate or pictures, words or symbols
    identified with the institution or affiliate in
    the marketing of private education loans in a way
    that implies the loan is offered or made by the
    institution or affiliate
  • Must ensure the lenders name is displayed in all
    information and documentation related to the loan

PLA Annual Report
  • Covered institution/affiliate participating in a
  • Must submit to ED an annual report that includes
    for each private education lender in the
  • Disclosures provided on institutions preferred
    lender list
  • PLA Annual Report must contain
  • Detailed reasons why entity participates in a PLA
    with each private education lender including why
    terms and conditions of each loan provided
    pursuant to a PLA are beneficial to borrowers

PLA Annual Report
  • School must ensure the report is made available
    to the public, and current and prospective
  • Note ED has not issued a format or guidance for
    compiling annual reports, so it is not currently
    requiring them

  • For Part 1
  • Federal Program Integrity Regulations Change is
  • Harrison M. Wadsworth III
  • Principal, Washington Partners, LLC
  • hwadsworth_at_wpllc.net
  • 202-289-3900
  • www.wpllc.net

Moving Forward 2011
  • Federal Program Integrity Regulations Change is
  • Vermont Association of Student Financial Aid
  • Conference
  • Killington, Vermont
  • June 15, 2011
  • Harrison M. Wadsworth III
  • Principal, Washington Partners, LLC
  • hwadsworth_at_wpllc.net
  • 202-289-3900
  • www.wpllc.net

New Incentive Compensation Reg Says
  • In order to be an eligible institution a school
  • will not provide any commission, bonus, or other
    incentive payment based in any part, directly or
    indirectly, upon success in securing enrollments
    or the award of financial aid, to any person or
    entity who is engaged in any student recruitment
    or admission activity, or in making decisions
    regarding the award of title IV, HEA program
  • 34 CFR 668.14 (b)(22)(i)

Incentive Compensation
  • All 2002 reg safe harbors eliminated
  • Non-Title IV eligible programs dont count
  • Allows 3 annual raises as long as not directly or
    indirectly based on enrollment/aid
  • Rebuttable presumption of guilt in effect for
    those engaged in enrollment, financial aid or
  • Profit sharing and bonuses ok as long as are of
    same percentage as other employees

Incentive Comp
  • Foreign student recruitment exempt if student not
    eligible to receive aid
  • Includes athletic recruiting
  • Bonus ok if based on success
  • Institutions should re-examine all contracts with
    recruiters and compensation policies for
    admissions and financial aid and their
    supervisors to ensure compliance
  • Enforcement you will know it when it happens

The Two-Part Test
  • Is the payment a commission, bonus or other
    incentive payment?
  • Is the payment based in any part, directly or
    indirectly on success in securing enrollments or
    the award of financial aid?
  • If yes to both, the payment is prohibited.

Incentive pay rule components
  • BUT, a couple of exceptions have now appeared
    See DCL GEN-11-05
  • Tuition Sharing OK under three conditions
  • Payment is to unaffiliated third party
  • Third party provides bundled services that may
    include recruitment
  • Third party has no say in admissions decisions.

Gainful Employment
  • HEA proprietary schools and non-degree programs
    at all schools must provide gainful employment
    in a recognized occupation.
  • In the law for decades, definition got a lot
    longer 5 words result in 432 pages of
  • Final regs not as tough as draft still

Gainful Employment
  • Applicable to all participating institutions
  • Two Final Rules published on 10/29/2010 with
    effective date of 7/1/2011.
  • Final Rules published on June 2, 2011

  • Alarm over growing student loan debt
  • Concern over creating labor oversupply when the
    number of expected job openings in certain
    occupations is significantly lower than the
    number of degrees being produced
  • Protect taxpayers against wasteful spending on
    educational programs of little or no value that
    lead to high indebtedness
  • Leave former students with debt or default and no
    access to future aid

GE Rules Cover
  • All programs at for-profit institutions
  • Except liberal arts baccalaureate degree programs
  • Otherwise eligible Non-degree programs at public
    and private not-for-profit institutions
  • Exceptions are teacher certification programs
    where the certificate is awarded by the state

Gainful Employment Regs Effective July 1, 2011
  • Program eligibility regulations based on debt,
    income formulas not effective until July 1, 2012
  • BUT reporting requirement effective in a few
  • Reporting is on all students regardless of aid
  • Exception for students for whom school does not
    have a Social Security Number
  • First annual report on employment due no later
    than October 1, 2011 must include information
    for students enrolled in GE programs in
  • 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010 award
  • If some info not available, written explanation
    must be provided
  • -

GE Requirements Effective July 1, 2011
  • Data elements to be reported include
  • Award year
  • Student info
  • CIP code
  • School code
  • Credential level
  • Federal, institutional and Private loan amounts
  • Attendance information

GE Disclosure Requirements Effective July 1, 2011
  • School must disclose on Web site and on all
    promotional materials provided to prospective
  • SOC code of occupations programs prepare for
  • Links to profiles of those occupations from US
    Department of Labor
  • On-time graduation rate for students completing
    each GE program
  • Cost for student completing in normal timeframe
  • Includes tuition and fees, books and room and
    board if applicable

GE Disclosure Requirements
  • Disclose to prospective students
  • Job placement rate for completers
  • Median loan debt for completers
  • Must report federal, private and institutional
    debt separately
  • School must determine this year, ED will provide
    in subsequent years
  • School must use own format until ED provides one

Adding New Programs
  • New programs defined as
  • CIP coded program that is different from any
    other program offered by the school or
  • A program with the same CIP code as another at
    the school but that leads to a different degree
    or certificate or
  • One that the schools accrediting agency
    determines to be an additional program

New Program Approval
  • ED must be notified of new covered programs at
    least 90 days before 1st day of class
  • Include date of 1st day of classes
  • Programs beginning after July 1st but before
    October 1, 2011, must be reported to ED no later
    than July 1st.
  • Notification must include statement as to the
    schools belief that the program should lead to
    employment in the field for which it is preparing
  • ED may request additional information at later
  • School may go ahead and start program unless ED
    requests info at least 30 days prior OR
  • Otherwise informs school that the program must be
  • Schools on provisional certification must seek
    approval before starting new programs

Reporting Requirements
  • For each affected program an institution must
  • number of students that are enrolled at the end
    of the award year
  • identifying information for those students
  • Students who complete program that award year
  • name and CIP code of program
  • Date student completed program
  • Amount student received in private loans
  • Amount student received in payment plans
  • What the student owed the school when they
  • Whether the student moved to a higher degree
    within or outside the institution
  • Students who begin program that award year
  • Name and CIP code of the program
  • First set of four year data due October 1, 2011
  • Includes back to 2006-2007 award year
  • Future dates announced by ED, but no earlier than
    September 30th.

Gainful Employment, cont.
  • Gainful Employment Information Page

Gainful Employment, cont.
  • Updated list of Frequently Asked Questions

Send GE related questions to GE-Questions_at_ed.gov
Gainful EmploymentRules Effective July 1, 2012
  • Eligible GE Programs must meet at least one of
    the following three criteria for one of the past
    three years
  • At least 35 of former students have reduced loan
    principle by at least 1 during past year
  • Estimated monthly payment for typical graduate
    does not exceed 30 of discretionary income
  • Estimated annual loan payment for typical
    graduate does not exceed 12 of total earnings
  • Put another way If the program fails all three
    tests for three of four years, it is disqualified

  • If a program (not the entire institution) fails
    all three metrics three times in four years, the
    program loses eligibility for all Title IV
    federal aid for its students
  • First programs could lose eligibility in 2015
    (for three years through FY 2014 metrics)
  • Eligibility losses capped at 5 of programs for
    each type of college for FY 2014 only
  • Exception for programs with less than 30
  • Programs will be ineligible for at least three
    years before they can re-apply

GE Penalties
  • Year one fail
  • School must disclose to current and prospective
    students that school did not meet debt measures
    and by how much
  • Disclosure must include what school is doing to
    improve stats
  • No public warning required
  • School must establish three-day waiting period
    before allowing students to enroll

GE- Penalties
  • Year two fail
  • School must do same disclosures as year one and
  • Include if and when it plans to discontinue the
  • Plain language explanation of risks associated
    with continuing or enrolling in the program
  • Options and consequences if the program becomes
    ineligible for aid
  • Explanation of resources available to research
    other education options
  • A clear and conspicuous statement that a student
    who enters or stays in the program should expect
    to have difficulty repaying their student loans
  • Disclosures to enrolled and prospective students
    until schools meets at least one metric for two
    of the most recent three years.

GE Debt-to-Income Ratio
  • Applies to Associate and Certificate programs
    based on 10-year repayment plan
  • Allies to proprietary Bachelors and Masters
    degree programs based on 15-year repayment term
  • Liberal arts programs exempted
  • Graduate and professional measurements based on
    20-year repayment
  • Would use most current income available for
    students who completed the program in the most
    recent four years
  • Six years for those with less than 30 borrowers
  • Repayment rate is reasonable if annual loan
    payment is 30 or less of discretionary income OR
    12 or less of annual earnings

Debt-to-Income Ratio Debt
  • Calculated Annual loan payment is lesser of
  • average loan debt of students who completed that
    program during the most recent 4 6 year period
  • Total tuition and fees charged the student for
    all programs and current annual interest rate on
    Federal unsubsidized loans at time of calculation

Debt-to-Income Ratio Debt
  • Loan debt includes
  • Sub and unsub Stafford
  • Perkins
  • Graduate PLUS
  • Consolidation Loans
  • Private Loans
  • Institutional payment plans or loans
  • Any private educational loans or debt obligations
    arising from institutional financing plans
  • Only debt accumulated in the applicable program
    or at the same/a related institution will be used
    in the calculation
  • Up to highest degree completed at school
  • May include other institutions debt if under
    common ownership
  • Loan debt does NOT include
  • Parent PLUS loans
  • Loans where the student attended school or the
    military during earnings period
  • Loans where the student died or was submitted to
    ED for TPD

Debt-to-Income Ratio Income
  • Average annual earnings using most current info
    from Social Security Administration or another
    Federal agency
  • Earnings counted for students who completed
    program during most recent four-year period
  • Discretionary income average annual earnings
    minus 150 of the poverty rate for single person
    in the continental US
  • http//aspe.hhs.gov/poverty
  • 2010 poverty guideline for a one-person family
    10,830 (August 2010)

Loan Repayment Rate The Calculation
OOPB of LPF OOPB of PML OOPB of all loans for
students attending the program
  • FFY Federal fiscal year 10/1 9/30
  • OOPB original outstanding principal balance
    including capitalized interest on the day they
    first entered repayment
  • All FFEL and DL that entered repayment in the
    four preceding Federal fiscal years
  • LPF Loans paid in full
  • Loans can have never been in default
  • Consolidations not counted
  • PML payments-made loans

Loan Repayment Rate
  • 1 per year of principal of federal loans
    required to be PML looking at past 4 years
  • No parent PLUS or TEACH loan counted
  • Portion of consolidation loan attributable to
    program counted
  • Includes transferred debt for same program
  • Included regardless of completion
  • Borrowers qualifying for PSLF count as PML
  • Borrowers making interest only payments count as
    PML up to 3 of total of OOPB

Net Price Calculator
  • The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008
    (HEOA), provides that, by October 29, 2011, each
    postsecondary institution that participates in
    Title IV federal student aid programs must post a
    net price calculator on its website that uses
    institutional data to provide estimated net price
    information to current and prospective students
    and their families based on a students
    individual circumstances. The net price
    calculator is required for all Title IV
    institutions that enroll full-time, first-time
    degree- or certificate-seeking undergraduate

Net Price Calculator (cont.)
Price of Attendance average annual cost of
tuition and fees, room and board, books,
supplies, and transportation
Net Price
Total need- and merit-based federal, state, and
institutional GRANT aid awarded to FTFT
undergraduate students
Institutions Price of Attendance for
First-Time, Full-Time (FTFT) undergraduates

Number of FTFT students receiving such aid
Net Price Calculator (cont.)
  • Institutions may use Departments calculator or
    develop its own NPC.
  • If developing its own calculator, an institution
    must use (at a minimum) all inputs and outputs of
    Departments Net Price Calculator
  • NPC must be published on institution website by
    October 29, 2011
  • School must create website for the NPC if it does
    not already have one

Net Price Calculator (cont.)
  • Departments Net Price Calculator
  • Part I - Institution application Data provided
    by an institution to calculate a students net
    price, including
  • Price of attendance elements (tuition, fees,
    books and supplies, room and board, and other
    educational expenses.)
  • Median amount of grant and scholarship aid
    awarded to, and accepted by, first-time,
    full-time undergraduate degree or certificate
    seeking students, grouped by expected family
    contribution (EFC) ranges.
  • Institutional Disclaimers
  • Part II Inputs from Student Nine questions to
  • Dependency status (age, number of children,
    marital status),
  • Approximated EFC (number in family, number in
    college, income)
  • Estimated cost (price) of attendance (housing,
    residency status)
  • Asks if student intends to apply for aid

Net Price Calculator (cont.)
  • Departments Net Price Calculator Outputs
  • Estimated total price of attendance
  • Estimated tuition and fees
  • Estimated room and board
  • Estimated books and supplies
  • Estimated other expenses (personal expenses,
    transport, etc.)
  • Estimated total grant aid
  • Estimated net price
  • Percent of the student cohort that received grant
    aid and
  • Caveats and disclaimers.
  • e.g. My school participates in only Direct Loans
    Price may differ for international students.

Net Price Calculator (cont.)
  • Net Price Calculator On-Line Resources
  • http//nces.ed.gov/ipeds/resource/net_price_calcul
  • Template
  • FAQs
  • Contacts
  • Tools

Neg Reg 2011
  • Because there are never too many regulations
  • ED announced May 5, 2011 intent to have new
    negotiated rulemaking
  • Death and disability loan discharge rules
  • Direct lending regs to stand alone
  • Other issues whatever they decide to put on the
    agenda based on proposals from the public via
    Regs.gov and three hearings around the country

  • Part 2 (or Part 1)
  • Federal Program Integrity Regulations Change is
  • Harrison M. Wadsworth III
  • Principal, Washington Partners, LLC
  • hwadsworth_at_wpllc.net
  • 202-289-3900
  • www.wpllc.net

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