A Taste of English at Cheong-Shim - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Taste of English at Cheong-Shim


... followed by the SAT-1 list from the Barron s new SAT-1 prep book ... etic – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Taste of English at Cheong-Shim

A Taste of English at Cheong-Shim
  • Altruism, Creativity, and
  • Global Networking

Welcome / Taste of English
  • Philosophical and Practical Objectives of our
  • EnglishCommunication, but to what end?
  • Altruism Creativity Global Networking
  • EQ/IQ Creating Value -- Who are we?
  • Pros/Cons Join the Global conversation
  • Ownership of your Education . . .
  • of this ship (Turtle Ship) --
    frustrations / graffiti ?
  • Rank/Content Re-active/Pro-active

  • Altruism
  • Alter -- fr. L. alter other, alius other. Cf.
    Else, Other.
  • To make otherwise to change in some respect,
    either partially or wholly to vary to modify.
    To alter the king's course.'' To alter the
    condition of a man.''
  • No power in Venice
    can alter a decree.'' --Shak.
  • Altar OF. alter, autier, F. autel. Cf.
  • A raised structure (as a square or oblong
    erection of stone or wood) on which sacrifices
    are offered or incense burned to a deity.
  • Noah builded an
    altar unto the Lord. --Gen. viii.

  • ????
  • The loving heart of esteeming, upholding others
    in friendship
  • Consecrating others with the quality of
    holding-up, esteeming one and all with the loving
    heart of friendship

  • The loving heart of esteeming, upholding others
    in friendship
  • Consecrating others with the quality of
    holding-up, esteeming one and all with the loving
    heart of friendship
  • All-True-Ism, to make one and all True

  • Altruism  n the quality of unselfish concern
    for the welfare of others
  • devotion, both natural and moral, to the
    interests of others
  • Altruism is achieved through some manner of
    Universal Identification
  •   affection for, being enamored of the Heart
    of the Universe.
  • Who are we ? Who is our audience?

Philosophical and Practical Objectives of our
  • In accordance with our schools triple
  • Altruism, Creativity, and Global Networking
    (ACG) the CSIA English Department seeks to help
    our students to boldly enter into the global
    marketplace of ideas, and help these students
    feel confident and comfortable to exchange ideas,
  • We seek to instill in our students a higher sense
    of appreciation for English Literature and world
    literature, through enhancing the reading
    comprehension skills of our students.  In this
    way we hope to raise up more humane global
    leaders of altruistic minds.
  • We seek to help our students improve their
    communication skills, with regards to the spoken
    word and the written word, so that our students
    may be more confident to join in academic
    discussion and debate.  Through developing their
    Critical Reasoning skills, we seek to nurture
    their creativity, and their sense of
    connectedness to the entire global community.

  • Those who are at the mercy of impulse?who
  • lack self-control?suffer a moral deficiency
  • The ability to control impulse is the base of
    will and character.
  • By the same token, the root of altruism lies in
    empathy, the ability to read emotions in others
    lacking a sense of another's need or despair,
    there is no caring.
  • And if there are any two moral stances that
    our times call for,
  • they are precisely these, self-restraint and
  • --- Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence
  • the root of altruism lies in empathy, the
    ability to read emotions in others lacking a
    sense of another's need or despair, there is no
  • -- Psychologist and journalist Daniel
    Goleman, achieved widespread recognition in 1995
    with the publication of his book Emotional
    Intelligence, which popularized research by
    psychologists showing that success in life and
    work is based on much more than IQ .

  • Those who are at the mercy of impulse?who
  • lack self-control?suffer a moral
  • ??? ???? ???, ?? ???
  • ?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???
  • The ability to control impulse is the base of
    will and character.
  • ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???.
  • By the same token, the root of altruism lies in
    empathy, the ability to read emotions in others
    lacking a sense of another's need or despair,
    there is no caring.
  • ?? ???, ??(??)??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???
    ????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??
    ??? ?? ?? ?? ??.
  • And if there are any two moral stances that our
    times call for,
  • they are precisely these, self-restraint
    and compassion.
  • ???? ???? ??? ?? ? ??? ???,
  • ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ? ? ??..

Emotional Intelligence
  • In a 1994 report on the current state of
    emotional literacy in the U.S.,
  • author Daniel Goleman stated
  • "...in navigating our lives, it is our fears and
    envies, our rages and depressions, our worries
    and anxieties that steer us day to day. Even the
    most academically brilliant among us are
    vulnerable to being undone by unruly emotions.
    The price we pay for emotional illiteracy is in
    failed marriages and troubled families, in
    stunted social and work lives, in deteriorating
    physical health and mental anguish and, as a
    society, in tragedies such as killings..."
  • Goleman attests that the best remedy for battling
    our emotional shortcomings is preventive
    medicine. In other words, we need to place as
    much importance on teaching our children the
    essential skills of Emotional Intelligence as we
    do on more traditional measures like IQ and GPA.

Teaching Methods
  • 1. Teaching Plan
  • A Primary Teaching Materials -- High
  • Elements of Language (Sixth Course)
  • Elements of Literature (Sixth Course)
  • Elements of Style Holt Reader (Sixth
  • Word Power (Vocabulary Builder) and
  • Critical Reading, extra credit
    reading list, one novel per month (HS)
  • B Primary Goal English Proficiency,
    then Mastery
  • To raise up students who can
    proficiently communicate in English,
    classes will be student-centered and include
    small group discussions,
    lectures, group activities, presentations,
  • 2. Over-all Teaching Methodology

Teaching Methods
  • 2. Over-all Teaching Methodology
  • A English classes will be
    differentiated (Regular/Honors), with placement
  • arranged according to the English
    proficiency of each student
  • B Listening and Speaking skills will
    be enhanced through group
    discussions, presentations, and group
  • C Reading and writing skills will be
    enhanced through extensive reading
  • in literature and current periodicals,
    and through essays and term
  • papers.
  • D Vocabulary skills will be enhanced
    through the study of
  • TOEFL, SAT (PSAT), and AP
  • E Awareness of local and global
    issues will be promoted
  • through the use of English
    Language newspapers.
  • This exposure will also help
    students expand their vocabulary and
  • humanitarian insight.

Challenging to the top students, nurturing those
still climbing
  • In our wide outreach to the global community, our
    admission process allows us to receive students
    who are all at many different levels of English
    proficiencyfrom students at the beginners level
    of English as a second language, to students
    ready to tackle the Advanced Placement (AP)
    college level exams. Fortunately the low
    Student/Teacher ratio within the English
    department, allows CSIA to maintain relatively
    small classes, through which our teachers might
    more closely mentor our student.
  • In order to account for the difference between
    the regular program and the rigorous higher
    standard to which we hold the students who study
    at the advanced level, we have established
    several distinctions in our English program.  We
    call these distinctions by name Regular
    English, Honors English, and Accelerated

Differentiated Regular, Honors, and Accelerated
  • Honors English -- Most students on the
    International track are enrolled in Honors
    English.  In addition to the basic two components
    of 1) Literature and 2) Grammar/Composition,
    students in Honors English are held to a higher
    standard of Critical Reading, Diction (Vocabulary
    Study), and familiarity with several standardized
    testsincluding AP, Sat-II, as well as SAT-1 and
    TOEFL.  These classes will have more advanced and
    more numerous reading and writing assignments.
  • Regular English -- Most students on the Domestic
    Track are enrolled in Regular English.  There are
    two basic components in this division  1)
    Literature and 2) Grammar/Composition.  More
    advanced material will be covered in Honors. 
    Domestic Students may apply for Honors electives.
  • Accelerated English Usually students on the
    International track, who are preparing for AP
    English--and who are doing additional, in-depth
    tutorials--are further distinguished as
    Accelerated.   In addition to fulfilling the
    monthly readings on the list of the Critical
    Reading program, Accelerated students are to
    enroll in a tutorial program (or independent
    study), and are to be held to a more advanced
    discipline of reading and writing assignments.
    Accelerated students should be preparing for,
    or finished with, the Spring AP English
    Literature or AP English Language examination.

Domestic and International Split in HS Freshmen
  • There will not be a Domestic/International Split
    in the HS Freshmen Year.
  • But there will be an Honors program.  
  • Although we will place incoming students
    according to the results of the placement tests
    given, students from anywhere along the spectrum
    may qualify for "Honors"English by applying for
    the Extra (Elective) AP level workload.  
  • That workload will include
  • 1) Monthly assessments on AP Lit/Lang
    instruction with extra papers, assignments,
  • 2) Weekly (extra) vocab testing (initially
    based on Word smart), and
  • 3) Monthly assessment on supplemental
  • Through these measures, a separate "Honors'"
    Course (tutorial)
  • will be noted on the student's record.

Our Criteria for "Honors" vs "Regular" English?
  • The intensity of "Honors" English is a level of
    content that is achievedmostly on an
    extra-curricular (elective) basis.  Therein, the
    basic curriculum will target the Average
    studentthe evaluation of our daily assessments,
    homework, and projects, and presentations shall
    be designed to be manageable for the average
    student. Honors English will be difficult
    enough, for those who want to take on that extra
  • How is this Honors program different from our
    program last year?
  • Stress off the Domestic Students
  • Choice for all students no matter ones
    level of English.
  • But Students challenged by English must
    be real-desperate or real-istic.

The Criteria for Honors is no easy walk in the
  • AP Literature and/or AP Language
    (Elective) WordSmart I, II, etc... for
    supplemental vocab tests (extra credit)?
    Critical Reading (CR) is part of the Honor's
  • --- Additional English Supplemental Electives
    (towards Domes/Internatl)
  • Although we cover basic and advanced
    curriculum in our regular classes, we offer
    extra, supplementary classes devoted to
    developing specialized skills and to improving
    the students abilities to raise their scores in
    such standardized tests as TOEFL, SAT, AP
    language, and AP literature.
  • --- Regular Supplementary Tests for
    Vocabulary Development
  • (Extra credit) In addition to vocabulary covered
    in literature class, the source material for the
    supplementary vocabulary tests will be A
    progression through, Word Smart I, II Cycles
    followed by the SAT-1 list from the Barrons new
    SAT-1 prep book. Subsequently Verbal Advantage
    (Further, advanced study)
  • --- Critical Reading is about fostering a habit
    of reading a book a month,
  • outside of the English Curriculum.  But, CR is
    not mandatory for all students.We need to
    discuss how to reward students who are not on the
    Honorstrack, but who nonetheless make the effort
    to build this extra-curricular habit.
  • (The Scarlet Letter experience?)

Basic Curriculum Format Further differentiated
in Second Year
  • High School International Track
  •        AP English Oriented (Accelerated, based
    on certain prerequisites)
  •         SAT-1 Oriented (Honors) 
  • High School Domestic Track  (Regular)
  •         TOEFL/TOEIC Oriented
  • High School Remedial Track (Regular) -- Ideally,
    first year, only
  • Some students may need extra conversation
    classes ,
  • or other support during Afternoon
  • some may be assigned time in the
    Language Lab -- to use,
  • for example, vocabulary and
    pronunciation/expansion drills).

Over-all Assessment
  • 1. Assessment
  • A. Students will be assessed in four skill
    areas reading, writing, speaking, and listening
    through administration of standardized tests,
    such as TOEF, SAT, KSAT, and PSAT
  • B. Students will also be assessed through
    various writing assignments, on speaking through
    discussions and presentations, and on listening
    skills through understanding of teachers
  • C Teachers will establish assessments that
    are fair, objective, pertinent, and reliable,
    thereby assessing all students in the same
  • 2. Assessment Criteria
  • A. Assessment Ratio
  • 30 midterm/final (15 each)
  • 70 performance assessment
  • B. Breakdown of Performance Assessment
  • 20 quizzes/tests (to include standardized
    mock tests)
  • 20 Homework / participation / daily
  • 30 Term papers / Projects / and, or
  • C. Honors Critical Reading and
    Supplemental Vocabulary Tests extra credit

Promoting Leadership through special,
extra-curricular activities
  • Through debate contests, speech contests,
    Pop-song contests, and drama productions through
    nationwide and international competitions, the
    students not only are able to express their
    creativity but may also adapt to a more proactive
    mindset, as they prepare and present novel social
    and academic projects in English.
  • Additional projects promoted by the English
    Department include, amateur film-making, and
    several student publications--such as the school
    newspaper, The Quill, the Middle School English
    magazine Dreams Come True and the High School
    English magazine, Imaginical.

Communication is Key
  • In order to keep parents informed of the status
    of our program, and to remain responsive to the
    feed back of students and parents we will meet
    regularly with parents 1) at the beginning of
    the semester, 2) after the mid-terms and 3)
    after the final term exams.
  • To ensure the smooth execution of our program, we
    will invite all parents to an open forum with our
    department, at these times. While we are
    inviting questions, comments, and suggestions at
    those times, we hope that parents and students
    will be patient in the interim, so as to avoid
    excessive flux to the program in progress.
  • Ownership
  • of your Education . . .
  • of this ship (Turtle Ship) frustrations /
    graffiti ?
  • Creating Value / Decreasing Value / Leaving
    The Plus
  • Rank / Content -- Re-active/Pro-active --

Tagmemics (Tagmemes Units-in-Context)
  • Linguist, Kenneth L. Pike introduced
    concepts of
  • "etic" (alien) and "emic" (native) perspectives
    in language inquiry, i.e.,
  • the distinction between "alien" and "native"
    perspectives on discourse generation and
    reception, and
  • the necessity of finding the right bridge or
    "tagmeme" that would yield mutual insight.
  • From the tagmemic point of view,
  • every rhetor's task is inevitably analogous to
  • the kinds of challenges "alien"
    translators in a new cultural environment
  • locating a point of entry into a particular
    language ambiguity, problem, or challenge
  • that will provide a true bridge for
  • non-threatening exchange and that, therefore,
    might make possible
  • meaningful change.
  • Thus, in tagmemic terms, a rhetorical
    task involves deliberately leaving behind a
    default "etic" or outsider's perspective on data
    under consideration, and employing heuristics
    (discovery procedures) that assist a communicator
    in approximating an "emic" or insider's
    perspective conducive to reaching the projected

Emic Versus Etic Approaches to
  • ??? ??? Creative power (faculty)
  • Creativity / Invention / Innovation
  • Joy / Disequilibrium
  • Research is Discovery
  • Resolve / The Resolution of Dis-ease
  • Global Market Place of Ideas
  • Creating Value as enhancing the ability to read
    emotions in others

Creativity as Invention
  • Tagmemics and Composition
  • http//personal.bgsu.edu/edwards/tag4.html
  • The tagmemicist basically sees
    invention--the category which, along with
    arrangement, style, memory and delivery, formed
    the basis for classical rhetoric--as the key to
    the composing process. And he sees invention as
    essentially a "problem-solving" activity.
    "Problem-solving" here does not mean
    "puzzle-solving" but is a concept derived from
    the work of the Swiss psychologist, Jean Piaget.
  • Piaget posits that humans think in terms of
    resolving "disequilibriums"in their lives. This
    process, which begins at a very early age,
    manifests itself in different strategies which
    are employed by a person to resolve or eliminate
    the "disequilibriums" or problems. According to
    Piaget, all human activities such as play,
    fantasy, analytical thought--in short, all
    "creative processes" manifest the same goal,
    eliminating the disequilibrium or dissonance
    which a person senses in his life.

Dissonance and Joy
  • Composition Professor, Lee Odell, writes The
    teacher's role in education is
  • 1) to help the student learn to recognize those
    experiences that create dissonance for him
  • 2) to help the student in his attempt to solve
    his problem by changing his world, his
    understanding of the world, or both

?? ?? ?? ?????? Global Networking Web pages,
publications, etc.
  • English Composition and Literature
  • 1) As a means to fulfill Altruism via
    developing Empathy,
  • 2) As a means to Create and Invent new ways
  • accomplish Reconciliation and Healing
  • through Resolving Disequilibrium
  • 3) As a means to Create Value in, and bring
    more value to ,
  • the Global Village network into the market
    place of ideas.
  • Skyblue Dreams
  • Mike Namowiczs Challenges
  • Other Encounters
  • In Progress CSIA Newspaper and Magazine
  • Participation in regional and international
    conferences and competitions

  • "Altruism" is the root of our philosophy of
    Education, here at Cheong-Shim International
    Academy.  Altruism is the base from which all
    other values will grow.  The English Department
    here is committed to filling our students with
    "Creative knowledge" and ensuring that they
    naturally become specialists in the art of
    "Global Networking." 
  • That art is a function of Empathy--empathy with
    the whole, the organic whole of our individual
    being as it interacts with the wholeness of
    families, societies, nations, the world, and the
  • Depends on our awareness of what makes for

In the Tao Te Ching (The Meaning/Way of
Life/Virtue), attributed to the legendary Lao
Tsu, we read
  • The Man of Calling has no heart of his own.
  • he makes the people's heart his own.
  • 'To the good I am good
  • to the non-good I am also good,
  • for Life is goodness.
  • To the faithful I am faithful
  • to the unfaithful I am also faithful,
  • for Life is faithfulness.'
  • The Man of Calling lives very quietly in the
  • People look for him and listen out for him with
  • and the Man of Calling accepts them all as his

  • Passage 49 (Wilhelm, Johnson, Lao Tzu)

  • About Altruism (in the western sense) In the
    movie Beautiful Mind--about Nobel Prize winner,
    John Nash--we have Mr. Nash explaining that,
    Adam Smith said, the best result comes from
    everyone in the group doing whats best for
    himself, right? Thats what he said, right?
    Incomplete. Incomplete! Because the best result
    would come from everyone in the group doing
    whats best for himself and the group.
  • On self-control , self restraint the ability
    to control impulse, as Goleman says
  • Nash You wanted to see if I was crazy and
    would screw everything up if I actually won.
    Hansen is concerned about John still having
    hallucinations Nash They are my past. Everyone
    is haunted by their past. Nash I've gotten used
    to ignoring them and I think, as a result,
    they've kind of given up on me. I think that's
    what it's like with all our dreams and our
    nightmares, Martin, we've got to keep feeding
    them for them to stay alive. Nash to Thomas
    King I still see things that are not here. I
    just choose not to acknowledge them. Like a diet
    of the mind, I just choose not to indulge certain
    appetites like my appetite for patterns perhaps
    my appetite to imagine and to dream.
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