Title: Stop the Violence
1Stop the Violence
2Ways you can prevent violence
- Tell a teacher
- Call the police(if involves life and death)
- Tell the person who will get hurt
- Try not to involve yourself too much
- Be patient to control your anger
3Things you should not have
- Guns
- Drugs in any form
- Alcohol
- Explosives
- Deadly weapons
4Things you should not do
- Fight
- Steal
- Kill
- Threat someone that your going to kill him
- Make fun of people
- Hurt people
5Things you should do
- Be nice
- Be helpful
- Be honest
- Tell someone if something is going or already
happened thats bad - Share with other people
- Be kind
6Things you can prevent
- Fights
- Stealing
- Murder
- Suicide
- Crime
- War
- Some terrorist attacks
7How to promote peace
- Help others in need
- By not going into war
- Not betraying others
8How to change the world for better
- Stop racial comments
- Put differences aside
- Loving one another
- Stopping murders
- Being generous
9How to prevent arguments before physical contact
- Talk it over
- Listen to their point not just yours
- Dont immediately accuse them wrong
- Change the subject
- Agree with them no matter what
10How to make your life better
- Dont get into trouble
- Dont let anyone punk you
- Be nice
- Dont worry too much
- Report any violence that may happen
11Things that can happen if you dont try to
prevent violence
- Someone can get hurt
- You may be held responsible
- Someone might die
- The next target may be you
12Things that can happen if you prevent violence
- No one will get hurt
- You wont get in trouble
- No one will die
- You can prevent the same thing to happen to you
13What can happen if you keep something bad as a
- You will feel bad
- Youll start being scared all the time
- You might even be scared to go to school
14What to do when your in trouble
- Tell the teacher
- Tell your parents
- Get any kind of help
- Dont take things to your own hands
- Dont make things worst
15What you can do instead of fighting
- Tell teachers
- Tell the principal
- Tell your parents
16Why fighting is not good
- Because your going to get in trouble
- Youll be more in trouble then the person your
17When it is right to fight
18When to use self-defense
- When it is absolutely necessary
- When you might die
19Why violence is wrong
- Because it might kill some one
- Because people get hurt
- Because you get in trouble
20How to make school safe for everyone
- Report anything that can turn into something that
may cause problems