Title: Modeling Wim Buysse RUFORUM 1 December 2006
1ModelingWim BuysseRUFORUM 1 December 2006
Research Methods Group
2Part 1. General Linear Models
Research Methods Group
3General Linear Models
Dataset from
Research Methods Group
4General Linear Models
Dataset from p. 89 - 95
Research Methods Group
5General Linear Models
Effects of three levels of sorbic acid (Sorbic)
and six levels of water activity (Water) on
survival of Salmonella typhimurium
(Density) Water density log(density/ml)
Research Methods Group
6General Linear Models
ANOVA approach
Research Methods Group
7General Linear Models
Research Methods Group
8General Linear Models
The same data, but each treatment is presented
as a dummy variable. (Warning for educational
purposes only.)
Research Methods Group
9General Linear Models
Regression with a first independent variable.
Research Methods Group
10General Linear Models
We add a second independent variable.
Research Methods Group
11General Linear Models
We add a third one.
Research Methods Group
12General Linear Models
We add a fourth one.
Research Methods Group
13General Linear Models
We continue to construct the model.
Research Methods Group
14General Linear Models
Finally, the results.
Research Methods Group
15General Linear Models
Comparison of the two approaches.
Research Methods Group
16General Linear Models
- Comparison of the two approaches
- They give the same results (in terms of SS.)
- The approach to choose depends on what you want
to know. - The regression approach still works when the
ANOVA approach is not possible anymore (for
instance when there are missing values).
Research Methods Group
17Example modelling approach with normally
distributed data.
Protocol and dataset.
Research Methods Group
18Example modelling approach with normally
distributed data.
Data Screening of suitable species for
three-year fallow file Fallow
N.xls Protocol p. 13
Research Methods Group
19Example modelling approach with normally
distributed data.
The analysis approach is written down in
chapter 19 of Good statistical practice for
natural resources research
Research Methods Group
20Modelling approach general
- 5 steps
- (Visual) exploration to discover trends and
relationships - Choose a possible model
- The trend you see
- Knowledge of the experimental design
- Biological/scientific knowledge of the process
- Fitting estimation of parameters
- Check assessing the fit
- Interpretation to answer the objectives.
Research Methods Group
21Expanding the model
- ANOVA and regression
- Same calculations
- Data
- pattern noise
- systematic component random component
- Same assumptions
- Systematic components are additive
- Variability of the groups is similar
- The random component is (rather) normally
distributed. The random variability of y around
the systematic component is not affected by this
systematic component.
Research Methods Group
Research Methods Group
Research Methods Group
Data pattern
noise Pattern is explained by a linear
combination of the independent variables (Data
N(m,v) and the variance is rather constant
across the different groups) Noise N(0,1) and
the variance is rather constant across the
different groups
Research Methods Group
25Expanding the model
- If the data are not normally distributed or if
the variance of the different groups is not
similar - Possible approach transformation of the data
linearising the model - Problems
- You dont work anymore on a scale that has a
biological meaning. - Retransforming the standard errors back to the
original scale is not possible anymore.
Research Methods Group
26Expanding the model
Better solution GENERAL LINEAR MODELS gt
- Less restrictions two essential differences
- Data can be distributed according to the family
of exponential distributions Normal, Binomial,
Poisson, Gamma, Negative binomial - Link function the link between E(Y) and the
independent variables is not longer a linear
combination of the independent variables. It is
also possible that the linear combination of the
independent variables is a function of can also
be a linear combination of a function of E(Y).
(We dont transform the dependent variables but
include the transformation into the model).
Research Methods Group
27Expanding the model
Better solution GENERAL LINEAR MODELS gt
- Also
- - The systematic component (linear combination
of independent variables) can include both
continuous and categorical variables and even
polynomials - But still
- The variance is constant across the different
groups (or has become constant because of the
transformation through the link function)
Research Methods Group
28Generalised linear models
Statistical theory is more difficult, but the
menus in GenStat and the way you can interpret
the output is very similar to what we know from
ANOVA and regression.
Research Methods Group
29Research Methods Group
30Example 1. Logistic regression
Example cardio-vascular disease according to age
age and chd.xls
Research Methods Group
31Example 1. Logistic regression
Example same data but according to age group
Research Methods Group
32Example 1. Logistic regression
Example the linear regression is not an
appropriate model and the predictions at the
extremes will not be correct
Research Methods Group
33Example 1. Logistic regression
Example test ?2 test limited information
Research Methods Group
34Example 1. Logistic regression
- Bernoulli process an (independent) event that
can have two possible outcomes (1 0,
success-failure, ) with a given probability of
succes - Tossing a coin head or tail p 0,5
- Throwing 6 with a dice (success) compared to
throwing any other number p 1/6 - Conducting a survey is the head of the household
male or female? calculate p from the proportion
found in the collected data - Screening of cardio-vascular diseases. p disease
43 out of 100 individuals 0.43
Research Methods Group
35Example 1. Logistic regression
Research Methods Group
36Example 1. Logistic regression
Research Methods Group
37Example 1. Logistic regression
- Logistic function
- Sigmoid form
- Linear in the middle
- The probability is restricted between 0 et 1
- Small values flatten towards 0 large values
flatten towards 1
Research Methods Group
38Example 1. Logistic regression
- GenStat output
- Similar, but deviance instead of variance and
test ?2 instead of F
Research Methods Group
39Example 1. Logistic regression
- Logit(CHD) -5,31 0,1109 AGE
Research Methods Group
40Example 1. Logistic regression
- Logit(CHD) -5,31 0,1109 AGE
Research Methods Group
41Example 1. Logistic regression
Research Methods Group
42Example 1. Logistic regression
- Binomial distribution when we repeat the
Bernoulli process, the order of success or
failure can change - Example head of household in a survey
Research Methods Group
43Example 1. Logistic regression
- Calculation of probabilities if success female
headed household with p 0,2
Research Methods Group
44Example 1. Logistic regression
- Calculated probabilities for obtaining success
- We can now construct a frequency distribution of
obtaining success - Probability long-run frequency frequency when
very many data - binomial distribution
Research Methods Group
45Example 1. Logistic regression
- Binomial distribution
- Counts of a categorical variable
- Example experiment of survival of trees from
different provenances - File survival trees.xls
Research Methods Group
46Example 1. Logistic regression
- Several approaches possible
Research Methods Group
47Example 1. Logistic regression
- Several approaches possible
Research Methods Group
48Example 1. Logistic regression
- Several approaches possible
Research Methods Group
49Example 1. Logistic regression
- Several approaches possible
Research Methods Group
50Example 1. Logistic regression
- Several approaches possible
Research Methods Group
51Example 1. Logistic regression
- Several approaches possible
Research Methods Group
52Example 1. Logistic regression
- The Bernoulli distribution is a special case of
the binomial distribution - There exist families of distributions.
Research Methods Group
53Example 1. Logistic regression
- There is of course a difference in the
variability that is explained.
Research Methods Group
54Example 2. Modelling counts
- We used logistic regression to analyse counts.
- Bernoulli distribution distribution of success
of events that follow a Bernoulli process (1 or
0, yes or no) - Binomial distribution distribution of possible
(and independent) combinations of Bernoulli
events - So, more like analysis of proportions.
- Next Poisson distribution distribution of
counts of Bernoulli events
Research Methods Group
55Example 2. Modelling counts
- Poisson distribution distribution of counts of
Bernoulli events - BUT
- p is very small
- n is very big
- pn lt 5
- Events happen randomly and independent of each
Research Methods Group
56Example 2. Modelling counts
- Poisson distribution distribution of rare
events - Number of civil airplane crashes (when there is
no war) in the whole world during several years. - Number of infected seeds in seed lots that are
certified by a controlling agency. - Number of individuals of a rare tree species in a
square kilometre in the same Agro Ecological Zone.
Research Methods Group
57Example 2. Modelling counts
- The distribution that best describes counts is
not automatically a Poisson distribution. - It depends of the context.
Research Methods Group
58Example 2. Modelling counts
- Some mathematical statistics
The proportion mean/variance must be 1.
Poisson index In GenStat (s2-m)/m
Research Methods Group
59Example 2. Modelling counts
We briefly have seen already other counts ?2
?2 test is there evidence of an association
between two discrete variables H0 no
association H1 association
Research Methods Group
60Example 2. Modelling counts
We could use another kind of probability to
calculate the test statistic
Research Methods Group
61Example 2. Modelling counts
But now we look at the table in another way. If
we consider the counts in the table as a
variable, we could construct a frequency
Research Methods Group
62Example 2. Modelling counts
- Long run frequency distribution probability
distribution - We just expanded the binomial distribution into
the multinomial distribution. - Binomial distribution
- Independent observations
- p success everywhere the same. The probability
that an individual observation falls into a
specific cell of the table is the same for all
cells. - Multinomial observation
- The number of total observations is fixed.
Research Methods Group
63Example 2. Modelling counts
If the total number of observations was not
fixed gt Poisson distribution BUT Thanks to a
lot of difficult statistical theory we can also
use the Poisson distribution even if the total
number of observation is not fixed.
Research Methods Group
64Example 2. Modelling counts
CONCLUSION Even though the context is
important to decide whether we can use the
Poisson distribution to analyse counts
(distribution of rare events) Generally Anal
ysis of multiway contingency tables gt Poisson
distribution logarithm link LOGLINEAR
Research Methods Group
65Example 2. Modelling counts
- Analysis of counts
- Often we can use the Poisson distribution
- But not always
Research Methods Group
66Example 2. Loglinear modelling
Research Methods Group
67Example 2. Loglinear modelling
Adding interactions
Research Methods Group
68Example 2. Loglinear modelling
?2 test
Loglinear modelling
Research Methods Group
69Example 2. Loglinear modelling
- Modelling of complex datasets
- Adding or dropping terms and interactions in the
model and changing their order - Good model (good fit ) when the residual
deviance becomes almost equal to the number of
degrees of freedom (or mean deviance 0) - At that moment we can assume that the remaining
residual variability is caused by the random
variability (noise) - Adding too many terms residual deviance gt 0
Research Methods Group
70Example 2. Loglinear modelling
Research Methods Group