Title: Ontology Modules by Layering
1Ontology Modules by Layering
- Facilitating Reuse in a Geographical Semantic Web
2Role of Semantic Web Ontology
- Conceptualise and convey a domain of interest.
- Agree and provide a vocabulary of terms to
portray the hierarchical or taxonomic structure
and the relationships and constraints. - Serve as a vehicle to semantically link, or
integrate, information across the Web. - Facilitate information reuse by consistency of
terms and fitness-for-purpose.
suitable for how it is going to be used
3Ontology and Integration
- A Semantic Web lift-off requires critical mass
and/via wider acceptance. - Ontology development still at a stage where
little interchange between organisations? - Ontology Reuse is a key Integration benefit.
- Merger, Alignment and Mapping complexity issues
when considering Integration.
4Ontology and Integration
- Developer reluctance easier to re-invent own
dedicated local ontology specification than
reuse. - Reuse of an external ontology will likely result
in descriptive and structural irrelevances. - A move towards smaller component ontology modules
that can then be improvised as required may
encourage wider usage/take-up
5Ontology Integration
- Possible Ontology On Objectives
- Merger OA OB ? OC
- Alignment OA OB OC
- Mapping a virtual integration where OA, OB and
OC concepts are semantically related. - Methods
- 1 and 2 are achieved by rewriting
(reformulation). - Original ontologies are subsumed or made
consistent (respectively). - 3 is achieved by mappings between concepts of
imported ontologies. A, B and C endure
autonomously. - Ontology Reuse, in this presentation, refers to
3 Mapping.
6Ontology Mapping
7Informal specific Class Reuse
- Using namespace declaration to explicitly specify
a single external concept, e.g.
ltrdfRDF xmlns"http//www.livewiredg.myby.co.uk/
rdf/geo-layers/rail.owl" xmlnscyc"http//w
ww.cyc.com/2003/04/01/cyc" gt ltowlClass
ltowlClass rdfID"RailOperator"gt
ltrdfssubClassOf rdfresource"RailwayComponent"/
gt ltrdfssubClassOf rdfresource"cycTran
sportationCompany"/gt lt/owlClassgt ..
- Is this acceptable? How would an agent
understand the Cyc context of the superclass of
8Formalised specific Class Reuse
ltrdfRDF xmlnsglobal"http//www.livewiredg
..gt ltowlClass rdfaboutglobalArtifact"/gt
ltowlClass rdfID"Helicopter"gt
ltrdfssubClassOfgt ltowlRestrictiongt
ltowlonPropertygt ltowlLinkProperty
rdfabout"hasForm"/gt lt/owlonPropertygt
ltowlsomeValuesFrom rdfresource"globalA
rtifact"/gt lt/owlRestrictiongt
lt/rdfssubClassOfgt lt/owlClassgt
ltowlLinkProperty rdfID"hasForm"gt
ltowlforeignOntology rdfresource"global"/gt
ltrdfsdomain rdfresource"Helicopter"/gt
ltrdfsrangegt ltowlforeignClass
ltowlforeignOntology rdfresource"global "/gt
lt/owlforeignClassgt lt/rdfsrangegt
- E-Connections
- Representation and reasoning with foreign
ontologies (Grau et al, 2005) - Allows specific concept linking. Few tools
available e.g. SWOOP (OWL Ontology Editor)
9Formalised specific Class Reuse
- SWOOP permits ontology partitioning (module
- partitioning generates same syntax as informal
reuse example
10Class reuse by Ontology Import
Objective Map Rail Ontology class
RailOperator to Cyc Ontology class
TransportationCompany Action Import Opencyc
into Rail gt 6.8MB Effect adds 2843
classes 1256 properties 6331 instances Protégé
out of memory load time 1.5 to 7.5 mins
11Alternative Reuse approach?
- Consider the way Ontologies structured?
- Break down domain ontologies into sub-components
effectively domain sub-classes (Layers /
modules) - How to demonstrate?
- Can be demonstrated using Geographical context
12Why consider Geography Context?
- Geographical concepts interact with virtually
every aspect of daily life. - Geographical elements form a major part of
information management systems. - Geographical ontologies offer a logical vehicle,
to examine how Web semantics can be specified
efficiently and effectively.
13Efficient and Effective Context
- Efficient
- Minimise rework
- i.e. having to update a specification whereas
stability contributes to reusability. - Developing durable ontologies focus on
permanence of terms and essentiality. - Minimise redundancy
- avoiding duplication of terms reduce mappings.
- Minimise query complexity and processing
overhead. - Effective
- Using a consistent best practice approach
- Accurately and meaningfully describing concepts
their relationships and constraints. - Create small building blocks small ontological
components serving as utility pieces.
14PC and Ontology Analogy
- Adding a component to a PC
- To enhance our own PC, we would not buy a
complete PC with all components specified, - It would require dismantling and refitting some
parts may not be compatible - Result additional, unnecessary and costly extra
work. - Accepted Protocol
- Build our requirement from small, interchangeable
components - Preferably with multiple PC compatibility.
15Ontological Comparison
- Ontology Reuse - Imports
- should there be a similar approach?
- E.g. if OTN 1 is imported what do we see?
- Ontology much smaller than Cyc, but
- Multiple sub-domains
- potential redundancy
- vulnerability to change
- How relevant are they?
- Only for an application that uses ALL concepts
1 OTN - Ontology of Transportation Networks
(Lorenz et al, 2005)
16How could we quantify Import issues?
- Possible Import Inefficiency Metrics
- Filesize OA OB
- Classes OA OB
- Relevance OA OB
- Load Time OA (OA OB)
- Ontology Durability (or Permanence) OB
- How well specified is it, in terms of quality of
constraints / definition?
17Ontology Permanence
18Ontology Permanence
19Transport Ontology
- How might we approach developing a modular
ontology set? - Previously discussed considering map layers
- No scientific justification for this - but offers
a conceptual discipline that could be exploited
for our purposes - Example consider a LandTransport ontology ..
20Transport Ontology
- Applications
- Passenger services
- Freight services
- Tourism
- Strategic route planning and development
- Supply industry
- Infrastructure planning
- Environment and Energy Waste, pollution, traffic
volumes, resource consumption. - Disaster management
21Land Transport
22Road-Rail Interchange
23Our Transportation Domain
24Transportation Domain Layers
25Railway sub-domain Conceptualisation
ContainerTerminal hasRole LoadingPoint UnloadingPoint
accessedVia FreightLine RailwayJunction
servedBy FreightOperator
26Developing Layers
- Need to de-integrate to allow low-cost
integration - We are aiming towards effectively disjoint
domains - Achieved by removing concept redundancy
potential duplication - Need to promote/relegate concepts and relations
- Represents a separation of Form and Function both
within and between ontology modules - e.g. see TransportInterchange, LevelCrossing
27Rail Transport Ontology
Q rename LevelCrossing ? RoadCrossing? But we
dont do roads in rail!
28Road Transport Ontology
Q rename LevelCrossing ? RailCrossing? But we
dont do rail in roads!
29Road-Rail Ontology Multimodal
30Development Issues
- Relegation and Elevation
- Declare parameters for ontology
- Scope of ontology development
- Purpose and Objectives
- Concept and Relation definitions
31Specifying Scope, Conceptualisation
32Benefits and Issues
- Advantages
- Small is manageable
- Select only required building block modules
- Independent therefore less vulnerable to change
- Change is isolated to the module and subsuming
domain? - Disadvantages
- Increased mappings?
- Needs to be examined