Title: Oracle Db
1Oracle Db
- Using SQLPlus to Interact with Oracle
- User student accounts S12344567 (Sstudentno)
- Password student
- setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/local/oracle8i/product/8.1
.6 - setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/libORACLE_HOME/lib
- set path(path ORACLE_HOME/bin)
- Connection to cse2030 DB
- sqlplus S1234567/student_at_cse2030
- SQLgt (prompt)
- Another way is to use substitution variables.
INSERT INTO Emp VALUES(id, 'name') - You will be prompted to enter a value for id,
type in 2 and hit enter. Next you will be
prompted to enter a value for name, type in
Samual Morse and hit enter
3SQLplus cont.
- To repeat the command without re-typing it, type
the slash character ( / ) and then hit enter. - Your tables should have a primary key and Foreign
key for referential integrity in one-to-many
relationships. EG Authors Book - Select from emp
- To retrieve all data
4Primary keys by Ashley Cambrell
pk_test1_testid PRIMARY KEY, testtext
- SELECT testid_seq.nextval FROM DUAL
- ------- 1
- 1 row selected (0.00 seconds)
- SELECT testid_seq.currval FROM DUAL
- -------
- 1
- 1 row selected (0.00 seconds)
5Primary Keys cont.
pk_test1_testid PRIMARY KEY, testtext
VARCHAR(255)) - INSERT INTO test1(testid, testtext)
VALUES(testid_seq.nextval, 'The lazy dog jumped
over the brown fox') - SELECT FROM test1
- ------ --------------------------------------
- 2 The lazy dog jumped over the brown fox
- 1 row selected (1.00 second)
6Primary Keys cont.
- INSERT INTO test1(testid, testtext)
VALUES(testid_seq.nextval, 'The lazy fox jumped
over the purple dog') - SELECT FROM test1
- ------ ---------------------------------------
- 2 The lazy dog jumped over the brown fox
- 3 The lazy fox jumped over the purple dog
- 2 rows selected (0.00 seconds)
- Do a Commit before logout or data will be lost
7Oracle Call Interface-OCI
- OCIPLogon -- Connect to an Oracle database
- OCILogOff -- Disconnects from Oracle
- OCIParse -- Parse a query and return a statement
- OCIExecute -- Execute a statement
- OCIError -- Return the last error
- OCIFetchInto -- Fetches the next row into
varresult - OCIFetch -- Fetches the next row into
result-buffer - OCIResult -- Returns column value for fetched row
- OCICommitt Save transaction data to database
- http//www.php.net/manual/en/ref.oci8.php
8Sample using OCICommitt
lt?php  // Login to Oracle server  conn
OCILogon('scott', 'tiger')Â Â // Parse SQLÂ Â
stmt OCIParse(conn, "INSERT INTO employees
(name, surname) VALUES ('Maxim', 'Maletsky')")Â
// Execute statement  OCIExecute(stmt)  //
Commit transaction  committed
OCICommit(conn)Â Â // Test whether commit was
successful. If error occurred, return error
message  if (!committed)     error
OCIError(conn)Â Â Â Â echo 'Commit failed.
Oracle reports ' . error'message'Â Â Â Â
// Close connection  OCILogoff(conn)?gt
- OCIPLogon -- Connect to an Oracle database and
log on using a persistent connection. Returns a
new session. - int OCIPLogon ( string username, string password
, string db) - CIPLogon() creates a persistent connection to an
Oracle 8 database and logs on. The optional third
parameter can either contain the name of the
local Oracle instance or the name of the entry in
tnsnames.ora to which you want to connect. If the
optional third parameter is not specified, PHP
uses the environment variables ORACLE_SID
(Oracle instance) or TWO_TASK (tnsnames.ora) to
determine which database to connect to.
- OCILogOff -- Disconnects from Oracle
- int OCILogOff ( int connection)
- PHP oracle function documentation at
- OCIParse -- Parse a query and return a statement
- int OCIParse ( int conn, string query)
- OCIParse() parses the query using conn. It
returns the statement identity if the query is
valid, FALSE if not. The query can be any valid
SQL statement or PL/SQL block. - Don't forget that the queries on PHP DON'T use
the semicolon at the end of the SQL
command.Putting a semicolon at the end will give
an "Invalid Character" error.
- OCIExecute -- Execute a statement
- int OCIExecute ( int statement , int mode)
- OCIExecute() executes a previously parsed
statement. (see OCIParse()). The optional mode
allows you to specify the execution-mode (default
is OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS). If you don't want
statements to be committed automatically specify
OCI_DEFAULT as your mode. - Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
- OCIError -- Return the last error of
stmtconnglobal. If no error happened returns
FALSE. - array OCIError ( int stmtconnglobal)
- OCIError() returns the last error found. If the
optional stmtconnglobal is not provided, the
last error encountered is returned. If no error
is found, OCIError() returns FALSE. OCIError()
returns the error as an associative array. In
this array, code consists the oracle error code
and message the oracle errorstring.
14OCIError eg.
- c ocilogon("u","p")
- if (! c) var_dump(ocierror()) // we have no
connection yet -
// so the error is stored global. s
ociparse(c,"select from tubu") - if (! s) var_dump(ocierror(c)) // parse failed
- error is -
// stored in connection handle - err ociexecute(s)
- if ( !err) var_dump(ocierror(s)) // error code
for ociexecute()
// is stored in the statement handle
- OCIFetchInto -- Fetches the next row into
result-array (can be generic without using
column names) - int OCIFetchInto ( int stmt, array result ,
int mode) - OCIFetchInto() fetches the next row (for SELECT
statements) into the result array.
OCIFetchInto() will overwrite the previous
content of result. By default result will contain
a zero-based array of all columns that are not
NULL. The mode parameter allows you to change the
default behaviour.
- OCIFetch -- Fetches the next row into
result-buffer - int OCIFetch ( int statement)
- OCIFetch() fetches the next row (for SELECT
statements) into the internal
result-buffer. - Used with OCIResult() to return individual
- OCIResult -- Returns column value for fetched row
- mixed OCIResult ( int statement, mixed column)
- OCIResult() will return everything as strings
except for abstract types (ROWIDs, LOBs and
FILEs). - NOTE OCIResult() requires the column name to be
written in capitals, so
OCIResult(stmt,"column") won't work, but
18PHP / Oracle Example
- ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtUsing PHP to Read a Table in Oracle
- ltCENTERgtltBgtAuthorslt/Bgt ltBRgtltBRgt
- lt?php
- DB_USERNAME'jceddia'
- DB_PASSWORD'jpasswd'
- DB_DATABASE'cse2030'
- connection ocilogon(DB_USERNAME,
author") - err OCIExecute(stmt)
19PHP / Oracle Example cont.
- // Start of table and column headings (ID and
Name) - print "ltTABLE CELLSPACING\"0\"
CELLPADDING\"3\" BORDER\"1\"gt\n" - print " ltTRgtltTHgtAIDlt/THgtltTHgtFirstnamelt/THgtltTHgtSu
- // Loop through results
- while(OCIFetch(stmt))
- print " ltTRgt\n"
- print " ltTDgt" . OCIResult(stmt, "AID")
. "lt/TDgt\n" - print " ltTDgt" . OCIResult(stmt,
"FNAME") . "lt/TDgt\n" - print " ltTDgt" . OCIResult(stmt,
"SNAME") . "lt/TDgt\n" - print " lt/TRgt\n"
- print "lt/TABLEgt\n"
- OCIFreeStatement(stmt)
- OCILogoff(connection)
- ?gt
20Putting it all together
- It refers to HTML forms, php and Oracle
- Two scenarios
- a. Input scenario
- form input is to be added/deleted/lookup/etc to
database eg. User login, add customer details etc - b. Output scenario
- database contents is to be displayed on the form
eg. Once user logs in, display a welcome message
with their name from the database or display a
product list in the selection box etc
21Input Scenario
- Define your HTML form to capture the data you
want (to be stored in the db). - Design your php script to be called from the
form submit to do initial input validation (eg.
Name not blank). If input OK, connect to database
and insert/amend data. - EG. See p-6-2.html for the form (calls)
- p-6-2.php This would validate data as per the lab
plus connect to db and issue an insert statement
using the sequence for the primary key and the
form variables as the insert VALUES
22Input Scenario eg.
- Form has two variables name and occupation
- Database has table occupation with attributes
PersonId,Oname, Ooccupation and personseq as the
sequence to use for PKs - Insert statement (after connection)
- sqlstr INSERT INTO occupation(Personid,
Oname, Ooccupation) VALUES(personseq.nextval, .
name. ,.occupation. ) - stmt OCIParse(connection, sqlstr)
- err OCIExecute(stmt)
- if ( !err) var_dump(ocierror(stmt))
23Output Scenario
- Earlier example showed listing the table contents
as a HTML table. - If you want to display data in a drop down list
box then change the HTML - echo ltselect name"cars"gt
- while(OCIFetch(stmt))
- echo " ltoption gt. OCIResult(stmt,
CARMAKE") .\n"
- echo "lt/selectgt\n"
- For a textfield, the VALUE would be set to
OCIResult() etc
24Design Considerations
- Database should be specified first according to
functionality - HTML forms designed to fulfil part of
functionality - Navigation flow of forms
- Graphic content/CSS added