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Class 2


Class 2 et198B ET 198B Commercial and Amateur (Ham) Radio FCC license Preparation Course. Bill Croghan WB0KSW PG-15-6818 How Radio Works! The electromagnetic spectrum ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Class 2

Class 2
  • et198B

ET 198BCommercial and Amateur (Ham) RadioFCC
license Preparation Course.
  • Bill Croghan
  • WB0KSW
  • PG-15-6818

How Radio Works!
  • The electromagnetic spectrum

Spectrum refers to a range of energy that we are
able to utilize, observe and measure. For our
purposes, lets use the Frequency of Vibration of
something as our unit of Measure.
Electro magnetic spectrum
  • Spectrum could refer to light, but we are
    interested in that portion of the spectrum where
    electromagnetic energy exists.
  • Electro magnetic refers to magnetic forces
    produced by electricity.
  • Electricity is the motion of electrons, one of
    the building blocks of all matter.

One view of the Spectrum
Another View of the Spectrum
Still Another View
  • Every atom of matter consists of particles. We
    picture the atom like the sun and the planets.
    The part in the middle is not directly relevant
    to our discussion, but the orbiting planets are.
    These planets are called Electrons and their
    motion and the energy they produce is

Electricity continued
  • Electricity is a force, The amplitude of the push
    of the electrons is also called Electro Motive
    Force or VOLTS.
  • The quantity of the force, that is the number of
    electrons moving, is called the Current.
  • Well cover this in greater depth in a couple of

Magnetic / Electric Fields
  • A simple magnet produces a field, that is
    constant. The Earth has a magnetic field that
    can be measured and detected with a compass and
    with more sophisticated instruments.

  • Some Waves

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Nature of radio waves
  • Radio waves are Electromagnetic disturbances in
    the existing magnetic fields that are found
    through out the universe. We disturb those
    fields in an organized way for our purposes but
    sometimes the fields are disturbed by nature or
    man for other than useful purposes.

Nature of radio waves
Lightning produces strong disturbances of the
magnetic fields. Lightning is Electric in
nature, thus the disturbances of the magnetic
field Is energy found in the Electro magnetic
spectrum. We call it noise! Noise is also
produced by man made disturbances, i.e. electric
motors, spark plugs, neon lights, accidental
arcing of all types and Electro welding.
Wave length / Frequency
  • We observe the disturbances at various points
    through out the spectrum by looking at the
    Wavelength / frequency of the energy. The most
    common form of man made electro magnetic field
    that is useful is in the form of a sine wave.

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AC Sine wave / hertz
  • Define Alternating current as electrical energy
    that flows first in one direction, then in
    another. This is illustrated by seeing the
    amplitude increase in the positive direction then
    pass through zero and increase in the negative
    direction. Use a skip rope to see what a wave
    looks like

Measuring AC by frequency
  • The unit of measurement for AC frequency is the
    Hertz. 1 Hertz equals one Cycle per second.
  • One cycle is the time a wave needs to go through
    a complete pattern.
  • Kilohertz thousand Hertz 1,000
  • Megahertz million Hertz 1,000,000
  • Gigahertz billion Hertz.1,000,000,000

    The Oscope display shows time vs. amplitude.
    Time on the horizontal axis, amplitude on the
  • Demonstration put a sine wave of about 1000 Hz
    into the O'scope and connect it also to a speaker
    so it can be heard.

Demonstration continued
  • Show the peaks, zero crossing points positive and
    negative relationships and discuss the average,
    mean and RMS values of the sign wave.
  • While listening and looking observe the
    relationship between frequency and wavelength.

Frequency and wavelength are inversely related
  • As Frequency increases, wavelength decreases.
    This is an absolute relationship.
  • Wavelength is however dependent on the velocity
    of the wave in the medium, i.e. free space,
    transmission line, etc.

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Wavelength is equal to speed of light /
frequency (times the velocity factor)
  • (300 / F in MHz) x VF wavelength in meters

Audio and Radio Frequency
  • The human ear can respond to frequencies ranging
    from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz at best.
  • Audible sounds are a vibration of a substance
  • Radio waves can range from near DC to extremely
    high, but are a vibration (disturbance) in a
    magnetic field.

Frequency bands
  • The bands of frequencies we are usually
    interested in as Ham operators are
  • MF .3 3 MHz
  • HF 3 30 MHz
  • VHF 30 300 MHz
  • UHF 300 3000 MHz (3GHz)
  • We have many bands above 3 GHz, but these are
    largely experimental.

Amateur Frequencies
  • Ham radio operators have privileges on the
    following wavelength bands.
  • HF
  • 160 Meters about 1.8 MHz
  • 80 Meters about 3.8 MHz
  • 60 Meters about 5 MHz
  • 40 Meters about 7.1 MHz
  • 30 Meters about 10 MHz
  • 20 Meters about 14.2 MHz
  • 17 Meters about 18.1
  • 15 Meters about 21 MHz
  • 12 Meters about 24.9 MHz
  • 10 Meters about 29.0 MHz

VHF UHF amateur bandsAll available to no code
  • 6 meters About 52 MHz
  • 2 meters about 146 MHz
  • 1 ¼ meters About 222 MHz
  • 70 cm about 445 MHz
  • 33 cm about 915 MHz
  • 23 cm about 1280 MHz
  • A number of higher Frequency bands, then all
    above 300 GHZ.

Types of Modulation
  • Emissions describes the method by which we
    impress intelligence on the radio signal.
  • Emission Designators will be used at the general
    level, but at the tech level we will talk about
    types by name.
  • The unmodulated signal with not information
    included is called a steady RF signal. It is
    usually a test signal

Intelligence carrying signals.
  • The first and simplest mode is to turn the
    transmitter on and off. This is called CW or
    continuous wave. The on off keying is done
    usually to the pattern of the Morse Code.
  • CW is the simplest to Transmit, and one of the
    most effective since it can cut through noise and
    be more easily copied at the receiving end.

Voice Modes
  • The most common modes used to transmit voice (or
    music) are AM, FM or Single Sideband. These are
    called PHONE modes under FCC rules and
  • There are digital modes used to transmit data,
    remote controls, telemetry, Packet Radio, Radio
    Teletype and other special purpose signals

The two signals that make up a radio wave
  • AM stands for Amplitude Modulation. In AM, an
    audio signal is mixed with the Radio signal in
    such a fashion that it adds to and subtracts from
    the Amplitude of the RF signal. The result is
    known as Modulation.
  • The process also creates additional signals.

AM sidebands
  • Mixing two signals usually results in additional
    signals. This process is called HETRODYNING.
  • When two signals mix, the end result is the
    original two, the sum and the difference.
  • Example. Mix and audio signal of 1000 HZ with a
    radio signal of 1,000,000 Hz (1 MHz) gives the
    following results.

  • 1000 Hz Audio
  • 1,000,000 Hz RF
  • 1,001,000 Hz Upper Sideband
  • 999,000 Hz Lower Sideband
  • The added sidebands are included in the Increase
    and decrease of the amplitude of the AM signal.

Looking at it another way
  • 1,000 Hz audio tone
  • 1 MHz Radio frequency
  • 1.1 MHz upper sideband
  • .99 MHz Lower sideband
  • NOTE the intelligence is the same in both
    sidebands. One is merely Higher in frequency
    than the original signal (Carrier) and the other
    is lower by the same amount.

Power distribution in the AM signal
  • A fully modulated AM signal will have the power
    distributed in the following way
  • Original carrier will have 2/3 of the power
  • The sidebands will have 1/3 of the power
  • Each sideband has 1/6th of the power.
  • Each sideband has all the information necessary
    to reproduce the signal at the receiver.

Lets try an example
  • If we have a transmitter capable of 100 watts
  • 66 Watts will be in the carrier
  • 33 Watts in the sidebands, or
  • 16.5 Watts in each
  • So the intelligence in a 100 watt signal is all
    riding on only 16.5 watts!

Lets try something
  • If we generate the full AM signal, then filter
    out the waste before amplifying it
  • We can put the entire 100 watts into the single
  • Looking at an equivalent full AM signal, that
    would be like having two sidebands of 100 watts
    each and a carrier of 400 watts.
  • Our single sideband 100 watt signal is now the
    equivalent of a 600 watt AM signal!

  • Since our Single Sideband signal now only takes
    up half as much space in the band, someone else
    can use the other half! We can get twice as many
    signals into the same bandwidth!
  • In the amateur service we usually use only one
    sideband either Upper or Lower depending on the
    band, but thats just common practice. We could
    use either.

Another Bonus!
  • The single sideband is only generated when
    someone is talking. Thus during quieter periods,
    there is less power consumed. A loud voice will
    have a higher power output but a softer voice or
    pauses will have less. Power is thus more
    efficiently used. Batteries last longer,
    interference is less present, and equipment
    doesnt heat up as much.

SSB uses
  • ON the HF amateur Bands, SSB is the most common
    voice mode. On 80 and 40 Meters, LSB is usually
    used, and on the other bands USB is most commonly
  • In commercial and military service, USB is the
    most common.

On the VHF and UHF bands,FM is the most common
voice mode
  • FM is frequency modulation.
  • Instead of using the audio signal to vary the
    Amplitude of the signal, we use it to vary the
    Frequency of the signal.
  • Since Noise is usually Amplitude in nature, FM is
  • FM typically takes a wider chunk of the band
    width for a given application.

Other FM characteristics
  • The Amplitude of FM is constant, since only the
    frequency is varied, there is no change in power
    with modulation, thus none of the advantages of
  • Most commercial two way radios in the VHF and UHF
    range use FM because of the noise immunity.
  • Newer radios are using narrower bandwidth FM due
    to improvements in the technology.

Some FM terms
  • Full Quieting. Used to indicate that the signal
    is strong enough to eliminate all the noise at
    the receiver.
  • Capture. When two signals of different strengths
    hit an FM receiver, the stronger one will be the
    only one heard if it is significantly stronger
    than the other.

Some of the Digital Modes
  • RTTY Short for Radio Teletype Telegraphy. The
    original Teletype. In the past used large clunky
    typewriter type devices to transmit text. Now
    most RTTY signals are sent from and to computers.
  • Packet Radio A modern data transmission system
    similar to the way messages are sent over the
    internet, only using radio waves.

RTTY and Packet modulation
  • Both of these modes use conventional Phone
    modulation schemes, i.e. FM, or SSB. On HF,
    typically SSB, and on VHF and UHF, the use FM.
  • At HF frequencies, they shift rapidly between two
    RF freqs to represent the digital states. This
    is known as FSK or Frequency Shift Keying.

The other method
  • In most cases, they send a digital signal by
    switching between two audio tones to indicate the
    two states of digital. This is known as AFSK or
    Audio Frequency Shift Keying. The AFSK signal is
    fed into the normal microphone input of the
    transmitter. In SSB mode the result is the same
    as FSK.

Advantages of digital modes
  • Both RTTY and Packet can result in rapidly sent
    text messages.
  • Packet can also send data files or other data
    information, i.e. digital pictures, computer
    programs or telemetry.
  • Packet further has the advantage of being able to
    Error correct, that is receive acknowledgment
    from the receiving station of correct reception
    and retry when it does not.

  • Hams can take pride in the fact that Packet Radio
    was developed by Hams (In Tucson largely) and
    used developments also used by internet.
    Internet communications now have evolved using
    some of the developments that the Hams first

Packet in Brief
  • Computer based, the information is packaged into
    fixed length packets.
  • They are bundled with some additional information
    that can indicate to the receiving station what
    the intended receiver should be, who sent it, and
    a check sum to determine if everything came

Packet Continued
  • The packet is then sent out and the receiving
    station receives it, decodes the information, and
    determines if it was received correctly. If so,
    it then sends back an acknowledgement packet and
    the sender knows its OK. If the sender does not
    receive the ACK, then it retries.
  • Packets may be received out of order, but the
    receiving computer can reassemble them correctly
    from the information in the packet.

More Packet
  • The overhead information in a packet can also
    carry routing information. A packet can be sent
    via relays automatically, and the
    acknowledgements return via the same path.
  • Packets can be sent unaddressed, so everyone can
    receive them, but then there is no error

Other Digital Modes
  • There are some other more complex digital modes
    used in the amateur service that use various
    methods and have various advantages and
    disadvantages. Some of these are Amtor, Pactor,
    and PSK.

Amateur TV
  • There are two types of amateur TV used.
  • Because of the tremendous bandwidth necessary to
    transmit a TV signal, on HF a technique called
    slow scan is used.
  • On VHF, the method most commonly used is
    compatible with your home Analog TV sets. This
    is called fast scan TV.

Slow Scan TV
  • This system typically sends a single picture over
    a short period of time, similar to a FAX machine.
    It may take a full minute to transmit one
    picture in full color.
  • This can be done in the same bandwidth as a
    conventional voice signal on HF, and that is the
    FCC requirement.

Slow Scan continued
  • The fast scan signal would be wider than any one
    HF allocation. Power would be spread over a much
    wider bandwidth, and thus would require more
    power to be effective.
  • For the same reason, the pictures sent back from
    our space craft going far out are sent back slow
    scan to conserve batteries and be more efficient.

Fast Scan TV
  • Fast scan TV typically takes 6 MHz or more
    bandwidth. Thats wider than any amateur band
    including the 2 meter and 1 ¼ meter bands. Fast
    scan TV takes place on 440 MHz and higher. It is
    real time, normal TV usually compatible with your
    home TV and can be received on a home TV with
    simple adapters.

TV modulation methods
  • The modulation used for fast scan and slow scan
    TV is conventional AM, FM and SSB. The signals
    are converted from the camera to something that
    can modulate the transmitter, and then recovered
    at the receiver. For slow scan, a receiver that
    stores the picture is necessary.
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