Propositional Logic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Propositional Logic


... p q q r p r Arguments Forms and Fallacies Modus Ponens ... p v ~r p q p___ q p q ~q___ ~p See Modus Ponens in CD? See Modus Tollens in DD? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Propositional Logic

Propositional Logic
  • 6.6 Argument Forms and Fallacies

Arguments Forms and Fallacies
  • Disjunctive Syllogism
  • p v q / q // p test it with a truth

p v q q__ p
Not to be confused with
p v q p__ q
Arguments Forms and Fallacies
  • Pure Hypothetical Syllogism
  • Pure Hypothetical Syllogism requires a chain be
    made where the argument in red fails to make one.

p ? q r ? q p ? r
Not to be confused with
p ? q q ? r p ? r
Arguments Forms and Fallacies
  • Modus Ponens (Method of Affirming)
  • The fallacy in red is called Affirming the

p ? q q___ p
Not to be confused with
p ? q p___ q
Arguments Forms and Fallacies
  • Modus Tollens (Method of Destroying)
  • The fallacy in red is called Denying the

p ? q p__ q
Not to be confused with
p ? q q___ p
Arguments Forms and Fallacies
  • Constructive Dilemma
  • Destructive Dilemma

(p ? q) (r ? s) p v r________ q v s
p ? q p___ q
See Modus Ponens in CD?
p ? q q___ p
(p ? q) (r ? s) q v s______ p v r
See Modus Tollens in DD?
Arguments Forms and Fallacies
  • If we get Hillary, then we get socialism.
  • If we get Obama, then we get naïveté.
  • Were going to get either Hillary or Obama as the
    next president. So, well either have socialism
    or naïveté .
  • Symbolizing
  • (H ? S) (O ? N)
  • H v O_________
  • S v N

Arguments Forms and Fallacies
  • To refute constructive and destructive dilemmas
    (you refute both the same way), you either
  • Grasp by the horns
  • Escape between the horns

For example,
Grasping by the Horns Prove the conjunctive
premise false by proving either conjunct false
(H ? S) (O ? N) T ? F F
Show Hillary is a strong defender of free
markets, say
For example,
Show, say, Edwards is going to win
Escaping between the Horns Prove the disjunctive
premise false
H v O F F F
Refuting Constructive and Destructive Dilemmas
  • If we get Giuliani, then we get a philanderer.
  • If we get Huckabee, then we get a religious nut.
  • Either the US doesnt want a philanderer or it
    doesnt want a religious nut. So, we wont get
    Giuliani or we wont get Huckabee as president.
  • Symbolizing
  • (G ? P) (H ? N)
  • P v N__________
  • G v H

Arguments Forms and Fallacies
  • To refute constructive and destructive dilemmas
    (you refute both the same way), you either
  • Grasp by the horns
  • Escape between the horns

For example,
Grasping by the Horns Prove the conjunctive
premise false by proving either conjunct false
(G ? P) (H ? N) F T ? F
Show Huckabee has reasonable religious views
For example,
Show America minds neither philanderers nor
religious nuts
Escaping between the Horns Prove the disjunctive
premise false
P v N F F F
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