Abdominal wall - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Abdominal wall


Abdominal wall THANK YOU * Paraumbilical hernia of adults : (syn. supra- or inftaumbilical hernia). In adults the hernia does not occur through the umbilical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Abdominal wall

Abdominal wall
  • Paraumbilical hernia of adults
  • (syn. supra- or inftaumbilical hernia). In
    adults the hernia does not occur through the
    umbilical scar. It is a protrusion through the
    linea alba just above or sometimes just below the
    umbilicus. As it enlarges, it becomes rounded or
    oval in shape with a tendency to sag downwards.
    Paraumbilical hernias can become very large. The
    neck of the sac is often remarkably narrow as
    compared with the size of the sac and the volume
    of its contents, which consist of greater omentum
    often accompanied by small intestine and,
    alternatively or in addition, a portion of the
    transverse colon. In long-standing cases the sac
    sometimes becomes loculated due to adherence of
    omentum to its fundus.

  • Clinical features
  • Women are affected five times more
    frequently than men. The patient is usually
    between the ages of 35 and 50. Increasing
    obesity, with flabbiness of the abdominal
    muscles, and repeated pregnancy are important
    antecedents. These hernias soon become
    irreducible because of omental adhesions within
    the sac. A large umbilical hernia causes a local
    dragging pain by its weight. Gastrointestinal
    symptoms are common and are probably due to
    traction on the stomach or transverse colon.
    Often there are transient attacks of intestinal
    colic due to subacute intestinal obstruction. In
    long-standing cases, intertrigo of the adjacent
    surfaces of the skin is a troublesome

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  • Treatment
  • Untreated, the hernia increases in size,
    and more and more of its contents become
    irreducible. Eventually, strangulation may occur.
    Therefore without undue delay operation should
    be advised in nearly all cases. When small, the
    defect can be closed by a simple repair using
    interrupted unabsorbable sutures for larger
    hernias, a Mayo technique is advisable.
  • Or mesh repair can be done

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  • Epigastric hernia
  • A midline epigastric hernia (syn. fatty
    hernia of the linea alba) occurs through the
    linea alba anywhere between the xiphoid process
    and the umbilicus, usually midway between these
    structures. Such a hernia commences as a
    protrusion of extraperitoneal fat through the
    linea alba, where it is pierced by a small blood
  • More than one hernia may be present and
    recurrence can happen due to failure of
    identification of other defect at time of
    original repair.
  • A swelling the size of a pea consists of a
    protrusion of extraperitoneal fat only (fatty
    hernia of the linea alba). If the protrusion
    enlarges, it drags a pouch of peritoneurn after
    it, and so becomes a true epigastric hernia. The
    mouth of the hernia is rarely large enough to
    permit a portion of hollow viscus to enter it
    consequently, either the sac is empty or it
    contains a small portion of greater omentum.

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  • Clinical features.
  • Symptomless. A small fatty hernia of the linea
    alba can be felt better than it can be seen, and
    may be symptomless, being discovered only in the
    course of routine abdominal palpation.
  • Painfnl. Sometimes such a hernia gives rise to
    attacks of local pain (worse on physical
    exertion) and also tenderness to touch and tight
    clothing possibly because the fatty contents
    become nipped sufficiently to produce partial
  • Referred pain (dyspeptic cases). It is not
    uncommon to find that the patient, who may not
    have noticed the hernia, complains of pain
    relating to digestion. Which may simulate
    features of peptic ulcers.
  • Treatment. If the hernia is giving rise to
    symptoms, operation should be undertaken. It is
    essential to mark the hernia before the
    anaesthesia is given as it may be impossible to
    locate the defect if the fatty protrusion
    retracts into the abdomen.

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  • Factors relating to the incidence of burst
    abdomen and incisionsal hernia.
  • Technique of wound closure
  • choice suture materials catgut leads to a
    higher incidence of bursts than the use of
    non-absorbable monofilament polypropylene.

  • method closure interrupted suturing has a
    low incidence. Thru and Thru suturing is good
    for the obstructed case. A one-layer closure has
    low incidence but it is higher than that
    following a two-layered closure. Interrupted far
    and near sutures are a recommended technique for
    single layer mass closures. When continuous
    suturing of layers (one or two) is performed a
    particular fault is the use of a short length of
    material, pulled tightly, for in an anaesthetised
    relaxed patient the incision is shortened
    thereby, and made taut so that the material will
    act as if it were a cheese wire cutter when the
    patient is conscious and coughing.
  • drainage directly through a wound leads to a
    higher incidence of bursts than employing
    drainage through a separate (stab) incision.

  • Factors relating to incisions.
  • Midline and vertical incisions have a tendency to
    burst which is higher than those which are
  • Reason for operation
  • Infected case deep wound infection has a
    notorious reputation for causing burst abdomen
    and/or late incisional hernia. Operations on the
    pancreas, with leakage of enzymes, and on
    obstructed cases are other reasons for
  • Coughing, vomiting distension. At the
    completion of an operation any violent coughing
    set off by the removal of an endotracheal tube
    and suction of the laryngopharynx strains the
    sutures. Likewise cough, vomiting and distension
    (e.g. due to ileus) in the early postoperative
    period. Overvigorous postoperative ventilation in
    sedated patients can lead to wound disruption.

  • Causes of burst abdomen
  • Poor closure technique
  • Deep wound infection
  • Coughing or vomiting
  • Poor metabolic state of patient

  • General condition of the patient.
  • Obesity, jaundice, malignant disease,
    hypoproteinaemia. anaemia are all factors
    conducive to disruption of a laparotomy wound
    Abdominal wounds in pregnancy are notorious for a
    high risk of disruption.

  • Burst abdomen and incisional hernia
  • In 12 of cases, mostly between the sixth and
    eighth day after
  • operation, an abdominal wound bursts open and
    viscera are
  • extruded. The disruption of the wound tends to
    occur a few days
  • Before hand when the sutures apposing the deep
    layers (peritoneum,posterior rectus sheath) tear
    through or even become untied. An incisional
    hernia usually starts as a symptomless partial
    disruption of the deeper layers during the
    immediate or early postoperative period, the
    event passing unnoticed if the skin wound remains
    intact after the skin sutures have been removed.

  • Burst abdomen (syn. abdominal dehiscence)
  • Clinical features. A serosanguineous (pink)
    discharge from the wound is a forerunner of
    disruption in fully 50 per cent of cases. It is
    the most pathognomonic sign of impending wound
    disruption, and it signifies that intraperitoneal
    contents are lying extraperitoneally. Patients
    often volunteer the information that they felt
    something give way. If skin sutures have been
    removed, omentum or coils of intestine may be
    forced through the wound and will be found lying
    on the skin. Pain and shock are often absent. It
    is important to note that there may be symptoms
    and signs of intestinal obstruction.
  • Treatment. An emergency operation is required to
    replace the bowel, relieve any obstruction, and
    to resuture the wound. While awaiting operation,
    reassure the patient and cover the wound with a
    sterile towel. The stomach is emptied by a
    gastric tube and intravenous fluid therapy

  • Incisional hernia (syn. ventral hernia
    postoperative hernia)
  • Aetiology. Incisional hernia occurs most often in
    obese individuals, and a persistent postoperative
    cough and postoperative abdominal distension are
    its precursors. There is a high incidence of
    incisional hernia following operations for
    peritonitis because, as a rule, the wound becomes
    infected. The placing of a drainage tube through
    a separate stab incision, as opposed to bringing
    such a tube through the laparotomy wound, reduces
    the frequency.
  • An incisional hernia usually starts as a
    symptomless partial disruption of the deeper
    layers of a laparotomy wound during the immediate
    or very early postoperative period. Often the
    event passes unnoticed if the skin wound remains
    intact after the stitches have been removed. A
    serosanguineous discharge is often the signal of
    dehiscence, and resuture of the deeper disrupted
    layers of the incision obviates the more
    difficult repair of an established and much
    larger hernia later on

  • Clinical features.
  • There are great variations in the degree of
    herniation. The hernia may occur through a small
    portion of the scar, often the lower end. More
    frequently there is a diffuse bulging of the
    whole length of the incision. A postoperative
    hernia, especially one through a lower abdominal
    scar, usually increases steadily in size, and
    more and more of its contents become irreducible.
    Sometimes the skin overlying it is so thin and
    atrophic that normal peristalsis can be seen in
    the underlying coils of intestine. Attacks of
    subacute intestinal obstruction are common, and
    strangulation is liable to occur at the neck of a
    small sac or in a loculus of a large one,
    Nevertheless, most cases of incisional hernia are
    asymptomatic and broad-necked and do not need

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  • Treatment.
  • Palliative. An abdominal belt is sometimes
    satisfactory, especially in cases of a hernia
    through an upper abdominal incision.
  • Operation. Many procedures are advocated, which
    is testimony to the facts that the repairs may be
    difficult to accomplish and no single procedure
    is dearly superior to the rest.

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