Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Safety & Improvement in General Medical Practice Trigger Review of Clinical Records Paul Bowie Associate Adviser Postgraduate GP Education NHS Education for Scotland – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Safety

Safety Improvement in General Medical
PracticeTrigger Review of Clinical Records
  • Paul Bowie
  • Associate Adviser
  • Postgraduate GP Education
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • 2 Central Quay, Glasgow

Content and Purpose of Session
  • Content
  • Brief presentation Overview of Trigger Review
  • Go over Trigger Review Documentation
  • QA
  • Exercise trigger review of simulated record
  • Group reflection on what was found and the
  • Final questions
  • Purpose
  • To describe the Trigger Review concept and
    provide basic training in applying the Method
  • Learning outcomes
  • You understand the principle of the Trigger
    Review Method
  • You are reasonably confident in your ability to
    try it out back in practice

Brief Summary What is Trigger Review?
  • Reviewing your clinical records is the oldest
    form of audit!
  • Looking for evidence of (undetected) safety
    incidents/latent risks
  • Help you direct safety-related learning and
  • Quick and Structured versus Slow and Open
  • Clinical triggers help you to navigate your
    records quickly
  • Links with SEA and Quality Improvement
  • Evidence for QOF, Appraisal and GPST etc.
  • Random sample of 25 patients high risk groups
    (e.g. gt75 years, multiple morbidity/poly
  • Review the last 12-week period only (x2 6mths
    apart for QOF)
  • Takes between 90 minutes to 3-hours
  • Tested with large groups of GPs, Practice Nurses
    and GP Trainees

Triggers in Clinical Records Triggers are
defined as easily identifiable flags, occurrences
or prompts in patient records that alert
reviewers to actual or potential safety incidents
Sections in GP Records Triggers
Clinical encounters (documented consultations) 3 consultations in 7 consecutive days 
Medication-related (acute and chronic prescribing) Repeat medication item stopped 
Clinical read codes High, medium, low, allergies New high priority or allergy read code 
Correspondence Section Secondary care, other providers OOH / AE attendance / Hospital admission 
Investigations Requests and results eGFR reduce lt5, Hb lt 10.0, INR gt 5.0
Detecting Patient Safety Incidents in GP Clinical
Records Proof of Principle
  • Two GPs reviewed 500 randomly selected electronic
    patient records (100 x 5 Scottish GP practices)
    12-month period.
  • Clinical triggers developed and tested help to
    pinpoint safety incidents
  • 9.5 of records contained evidence of
    unintentional harm to patients
  • 60 were judged to be preventable
  • Most cases low to moderate severity, all severe
    cases originated in secondary care
  • Scope for safety-related learning and improvement
    (in the same way as SEA or Audit)
  • De Wet Bowie, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2009

Safety Incidents in GP Feedback Sources e.g.
What is a trigger review of clinical records?
  • A Trigger is a pre-defined prompt or sign in
    the record that MAY indicate that a patient
    safety incident has occurred roughly defined as
    any incident, however minor, where a patient was
    harmed, may have been (i.e. a near miss), or
    could be in future (i.e. a latent risk)
  • Detected Trigger(s) a signal for the reviewer
    to undertake a more in-depth review of the record
    to determine if evidence of a safety incident
  • For example, an INRgt5.0 (a trigger) was
    detected by a clinical reviewer - further review
    of the record found evidence of the patient
    having suffered a bleed and being admitted to a
    local hospital (a patient safety incident).
  • If a safety incident is uncovered, the
    reviewer makes a professional judgement on
    whether it was avoidable or not, how severe it
    was and if it originated in primary care or
  • Helps to pinpoint incidents where learning and
    improvement are a greater priority - may be
    necessary if multiple incidents are detected.

Why do it?
  • Most evidence about safety incidents is
    detected in the clinical record.
  • Feedback from Pilot Project teams and others
  • - The triggers used are valid i.e. they can be
    detected and may be indicative of safety
    incidents if these actually occurred.
  • - The process is acceptable i.e. GPs and Nurse
    who tried it report that it is of value
    professionally, educationally and to making
    patient care safer.
  • - The process is feasible i.e. GPs and Nurses
    were generally able to apply the method and learn
    from it. Pragmatic issues around time taken and
    the opportunity cost associated with the method
    require further study.
  • The process can lead to improvements. GPs and
    Nurse reported a range of actions and
    improvements undertaken as a result of
  • Note - most detected incidents are of low
    severity or are near misses but offer
    valuable opportunities for learning and
    minimising future risks.
  • Provides opportunities to take PRE-EMPTIVE action
    before incidents occur or pinpoint learning needs
    where patient safety was avoidably compromised.

Examples of Potential High Risk Patient
Sub-Populations to Review
1. Specific, Shared Patient Characteristics 2. Chronic Disease Areas 3. High risk Medications
Nursing Home patients COPD Insulin
gt75years Stroke/TIA Morphine
Last 25 attending out-of-hours CVD Warfarin
Housebound patients Diabetes NSAIDs
Last 25 hospital admissions Heart failure Diuretics(x2)
Last 25 hospital referrals CKD gt5 repeat Medication items
4. Combinations of Groups 1 to 3 e.g. patients over 75 years with CVD, taking gt5 repeat medication items 4. Combinations of Groups 1 to 3 e.g. patients over 75 years with CVD, taking gt5 repeat medication items 4. Combinations of Groups 1 to 3 e.g. patients over 75 years with CVD, taking gt5 repeat medication items
PS1.3 Practice Guidance
  • Patients on DMARD therapy
  • Patients with diagnosis of Left Ventricular
    Systolic Dysfunction
  • Patients on Warfarin therapy
  • Patients with a higher SPARRA score e.g over 40
  • Recent admissions with COPD Care home residents
  • Patients on chronic District nursing caseload
  • Patients aged 75 years on 6 or more medications

How to Undertake a Trigger Review
  • When examining a record, the reviewer looks to
    answer the following 5 questions
  • 1. Can triggers be detected?
  • If yes, the reviewer examines the relevant
    section of the record in more detail to determine
    if the patient came to any harm.
  • If no, move onto the next record - average review
    time is 2 to 3 minutes
  • 2. Did harm occur?
  • If yes, move onto the next question on the
    proforma sheet.
  • If none is detected, move onto the next record.
  • After 20 minutes if unable to decide if harm
    occurred you ignore the record and move on.
  • 3. What was the severity of harm detected?
  • The reviewer should rate the severity of every
    incidence detected.
  • 4. Was the detected harm incident preventable?
  • The reviewer should determine whether the
    detected incident was preventable - based on a
    combination of evidence found and professional
  • 5. Where did the harm incident originate?
  • The circumstances leading to the incident may
    have originated in primary or secondary care, or
    a combination of both.

Examples of improvements made during trigger
  • 1. Nephrotoxic medication discontinued.
  • 2. Drug dosage (warfarin) adjusted.
  • 3. Referral letter to secondary care done (x3).
  • 4. Allergy or adverse reaction code updates.
  • Medication reviews done.
  • Medication adjustments made.
  • 7. Initiated follow up appointment for patients
    requiring review.
  • 8. Cardiotoxic drug discontinued.
  • 9. Updated notes with investigation.
  • 10. Follow up blood test arranged.

What do we find with the Trigger Tool?
  1. An adverse drug reaction to codeine is detected,
    but has not been entered as a clinical read
    code. The clinician enters the appropriate read
    code to help prevent prescription of this item in
    the future.
  2. A harm incident was detected where a patient had
    to be hospitalized after falling and sustaining a
    large laceration. The clinician identifies
    drug-induced postural hypotension as a likely
    contributing factor. She recalls a telephone
    discussion with a relative who expressed concern
    about the patients ability to manage at home
    which had not been documented at the time. She
    takes a few minutes to retrospectively update the
  3. The clinician finds a positive trigger - repeat
    medication item discontinued - but there is no
    reason documented for this change during the
    consultation. She discusses her finding with
    her colleague who made the entry. He clarifies
    the record by retrospectively adding his
    rationale for stopping the medication.

What do we find with the Trigger Tool?
  1. While scanning the medical record for the trigger
    Hblt10, a clinician discovers that an elderly
    patient on Warfarin has not had her haemoglobin
    checked for at least five years. She discusses
    this with the practice nurse who adds this test
    during the patients next phlebotomy appointment.
  2. Detecting information in a record which is
    strongly indicative of preventable harm (but no
    harm incident occurred), may act as a red flag
    that points to other patients in the group under
    review facing increased clinical risk. For
    example, detecting a patient being
    inappropriately co-prescribed Warfarin and
    Aspirin, led to a wider audit which uncovered two
    other similar cases. The practice took immediate
    corrective action for the patients concerned and
    to help prevent future harm from this specific
    safety threat.
  3. A harm incident was detected where a GP
    inappropriately prescribed a high dosage of an
    antipsychotic drug causing increasing confusion,
    falls and injury to a patient in a nursing home.
    A learning need to improve knowledge of patients
    with dementia and problematic behavioural
    symptoms is identified. GP attends a two hour
    evening workshop presented by a local
    psychiatrist dealing with this subject.

Learning from Undertaking Trigger Review
  • Revise medication interaction
  • Importance of highlighting coding as a safety
  • Need to give more attention to OOH summary sheet.
  • Review SIGN and NICE CHD Guidelines.
  • Inaccurate repeat medications reviews and need to
    action more thorough reviews
  • Need to update diabetic guidelines on
    therapeutics and management
  • Need to code adverse reaction.
  • Need to update knowledge on management and
    therapeutics of heart failure.
  • Need for new knowledge on gout management
  • How to liaise with social services re respite.
  • Factors involved (medical social) in Warfarin
  • How different Quality improvement (QI) techniques
    can be used.
  • Recognition of the cascade of error and
    analysis and need for route cause analysis

Learning from Undertaking Trigger Review
  • Need system for dealing with OOH mail
  • Need system for better medication
  • Need for adverse event coding.
  • Need to develop protocol for falls prevention
  • Need for developing more continuity in patient
  • Address appointment availability.
  • Examine how hospital discharge prescriptions are
  • How to highlight medication errors to allow
  • To improve communication within primary care
  • How to carry out QI techniques.

Trigger Review - Truths and Myths
What it Can Do What it Cannot Do
Help find undetected patient safety incidents Detect all incidents
Detect more safety-related incidents than any other method Tell you the why, where, what and what now
It can be fitted into a single session Improve care by itself
Potentially measure harm at regional and national levels Practice level measurement or benchmarking.
  • The focus is patient safety incidents and not
    error. Ask yourself Would I have wanted this
    to happen to me or my family?
  • Only review the specific period in the record
  • Choose full calendar months to facilitate the
  • The maximum time spent on reviewing any record
    should be twenty minutes. The objective is to
    detect obvious problems, rather than every
    single episode.
  • Most records do not contain triggers or evidence
    of incidents these only take a few minutes to
  • If there is reasonable doubt whether a safety
    incident occurred, the incident should not be
  • Use the team to assist in searching (admin) for
    and reviewing (nurse) records

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