Title: John Rodolico, Ph.D
1MarijuanaWeeding Out Fact From Fiction
Short and Long Term Treatment Options
John Rodolico, Ph.D McLean Hospital Harvard
Medical School
2Recent Trends in Marijuana Use
3Recent Trends in Marijuana Use
- Over the last several decades, while MJ use has
continued to increase, albeit slightly, the age
of onset of first use has declined.
- While previous investigations have reported
alterations in both brain structure and function
which are associated with onset of marijuana use,
few have made direct comparisons between early
and later onset MJ smokers.
6Summary Cognitive tasks and MJ use
- Marijuana use among 12-17 year olds rose to 7.3
in 2009, a significant increase from 2008.
Moreover, age of onset of use continues to drop,
with a significant decrease from 2008-2009 from
17.8 to 17.0 years. - Early onset smokers used MJ 1.5 times as
frequently per week and smoked more than 2.5
times as much MJ as later onset MJ smokers. - Early onset MJ smokers demonstrate significantly
worse performance on cognitive tasks,
specifically, those requiring executive function,
relative to later onset MJ smokers and controls. - Significant associations were detected between
performance on neurocognitve tasks and MJ use
patterns (age of onset, number of smokes per
week, and grams used per week)
7Summary Neuroimaging Results
- As hypothesized, early onset MJ smokers
demonstrated poorer performance and altered
patterns of activation during frontal/inhibitory
tasks relative to late onset smokers and control
subjects. - Early age of onset of MJ use is associated with
lower white matter microstructural integrity,
suggesting structural brain changes secondary to
early exposure to MJ. In this group, lower white
matter integrity was associated with higher
levels of impulsivity.
- Early exposure to MJ during a critical period of
development results in more significant
alterations in neurocognitive performance, white
matter microstructure, and brain activation
patterns relative to later onset MJ use. - Brain regions associated with judgment, decision
making and impulsivity are the last to develop,
yet are critical for the ability to reason and
inhibit inappropriate behaviors, making
adolescent or young adults less likely to make
the right choices in stressful situations without
drugs on board. - These findings underscore the importance of early
identification and treatment of early, regular MJ
smokers, as exposure during a period of
developmental vulnerability may result in
neurophysiologic changes, which have long term
9Treatment Considerations
10How do we tell the difference between kids who
smoke and those who dont in a treatment setting?
11Kids who dont smoke pot
12Kids who smoke pot
13Developmental Mismatch
- Most adolescent treatment is based on an adult
model - Operates on a passive vs assertive approach
- Assumption Build it and they will come.
- Reality NO THEY WONT
- This may happen physically but not with overt
14What do we do in Treatment?
- Motivational Interviewing and CBT
15Why use MI
- The perception of harm is low and getting lower
- One of the hardest addictions to treat because of
this - MI is nonjudgmental so you can avoid the
political/its natural discussion - Few adolescents volunteer for treatment they are
usually bumped into treatment
16Spirit of Motivational Interviewing with
- COLLABORATIONCounseling involves a partnership
that honors the clients expertise and
perspectives. The counselor provides an
atmosphere that is conducive rather than coercive
to change - EVOCATIONThe resources and motivation for change
are presumed to reside within the client.
Intrinsic motivation for change is enhanced by
drawing on the clients own perceptions, goals,
and values - AUTONOMYThe counselor affirms the clients right
and capacity for self-direction and facilitates
informed choice - Patience, Patience, Patience
18 Fundamental Processes in MI
19Motivational Interviewing with a Twist
- Should use the same principles of empathy,
discrepancy, evocation, and self-efficacy - Confrontation with a motivational style, creative
empathic reflection - Be sure to keep your integrity with the facts
- Use personal feedback to enhance motivation (DSM
IV Criteria)
20Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Tremendous amount of evidence showing positive
results for adults - Dearth of efficacy trials for adolescents,
however gaining clinical support - Cannabis Youth Treatment Study Showed
significant increase in days of abstinence
(combination of MICBT) - Strategies include self monitoring, altering
reinforcement contingencies, skills training
21Family Therapy
- Many different types of family based treatments
with great success - Community Reinforcement and Family Training
(CRAFT) (Waldron et al, 2007) - Contingency Management Approaches
- Outcome depends on the treatment setting, number
of sessions, and population - As with MI, it improves the potency of all
interventions with adolescent substance abusers
22Self-Help Groups
- Difficult for adolescents to get to
- Not enough groups for young people
- Professional involvement has shown to enhance
outcome - When it works, it works well
- Extends benefits of treatment (Kelly et al, 2010)
- Adolescents should be exposed to the principles
of self-help groups
- Obsession
- Progression
- Losses
- Relapse
- Family Interaction
- Insanity
- Behaviors
- Relapse
- Written history of substance use
- Increases change talk
- Moves patients from one stage of change to
24Cue Exposure
- Rationale Told to avoid cues/triggers, is it
possible for adolescents? Urges decrease while in
residential treatment giving a false sense of
confidence - Exposure Planning Patients develop a list of
triggers and create a trigger hierarchy range
from high to low - Skills Training The first two exposures pts are
encouraged to use skills coaching after that they
will start this process on their own