Title: www.drogovaporadna.cz
1Security, Democracy CitiesDemocracy, Cities
- November 1st, 2006 Saragossa - Spain
- Drug Policy Coordination
- specific experience from CEEC
- www.democitydrug.org
- Mgr. JirĂ Richter
- President A.N.O. Association of NGOs
- Executive Director SANANIM
- e-mail richter_at_sananim.cz
2CEEC Drug policy
- Evaluation of NFP in new EU members states
- Drug Policy Conference, Alexis Goosdeel, Prague,
20 April 2004
3Year 2002
4Year 2002
5SITUATION Operational level NFPs (Dec 04)
High CZ, EE, SI
Medium/high P
Low BG, LV
Very low LT, SK
Not operational H, R
Start activities w/Twinning CY, MT, TR
NFPs being or to be re-located
6SITUATION Main factors
Budgetary and staff limitations EE, SI H, LV, SK
Resources for data collection EE, SI BG, H (?), LV, R
Structural and institutional framework BG, H, LV, LT, R, SK
Weaknesses in implementation H, LV, LT, SK
7European Drug Policy
- Evaluation of national Policies on drugs (based
on EU Strategy and Action plan) - Main characteristics and comparisons
- Danilo Ballotta, Prague 20 April 2004
- Key questions
- How do countries coordinate the multifaceted
issue of drugs? - Do all countries have coordination agencies, and
coordinators, or simply coordination systems?
8Key findings
- increased political attention
- Commitment to drug policy
- Ad-hoc coordination agencies
- National drugs coordinators
- growing management culture
- Business culture enters public policies
- Stated targets may encourage future fine-tuning
- Evaluation as a common element
- Costs are not easy to assess
9Key findings
- Common content to a degree
- Hearings before the adoption of a strategy
- Health and social affairs hold coordination
- Main elements and objectives
- Differences in meanings
- Evaluation or at least monitoring is part of the
new and more modern drug policies - a written, objective driven, overall national
drug strategy - a central coordination mechanism, with ultimately
a national coordinator - a solid monitoring system
10Only CEEC specificities?
- Serious limits (lack)
- in policy, funding, old provisions
- in communication and listening
- of understanding, knowledge, information
- Barriers in lack of professionals, standards,
systematic - 40 (or more) years of broken continuity of NGO,
charity, civic live and - very different stage of development related to
information/knowledge among themselves - very different position in information /
knowledge among themselves
11Only CEEC specificities?
- Structural
- Limits in access to policy, funding, partnership,
equality - Barriers in will or ability to listen and act
- Political
- Barriers in distribution / sharing power and
responsibilities - Political or Social need
- Partnership or Free Market
- Ability of NGOs
12Good municipal practices
- Communication tools
- Drug Forums (platforms)
- Focus on specific topics and subjects
- Focus on specific aims and target population
- Advisory tools
- working groups
- Ad hoc teams
- Mediation (Agora experience)
13Good municipal practices
- Information services
- New technologies used .. (Internet based)
- Information for local administrators
- Tools available e.g. - how to
- Info for all actors involved
- Networking
- Continual education of the national net of
- Continual platform for exchange, education
14Good municipal practices
- Quality
- Minimum Services Standards
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Base for data quality assurance and control
- Base for services stability
15Key factors Policy frames
- Local Policy document
- Local regional strategy Action Plan based on
National Strategy Action Plan - Legal framework (national local)
- for coordination, management, services
- Legal base for alternative/NGOs activities
- Standards, Evaluation
- for services, care, treatment, monitoring
- System of Financing
16Key political factors
- Political attention / commitment
- Policing.. involvement of politicians and elected
officials - Attracting key actors Political awareness
- Management culture Participation
- Integrative approach Shared responsibility
Involvement of all - Proffesional culture expert capacity, training,
research - Communication, Information Networking
- Availability Cooperation Common aim Accepting
variety of needs - Financing
- Adequate funds Equal opportunities access
Clear structure - Media, Marketing, Promotion Public Education
- Necessary conditions for any effective action
17Key factors - mechanisms
- Accepted policy and Management structure
- Communication Policy / Strategy management
- Actors / stakeholders participatory
multi-sectorial involvement - Responsibilities
- Cooperation Networking,
- Evaluation, Standards Quality
- Existence of tools for effectivity quality
measurement - Meeting the existing defined needs
- Services Independency
- Variety and accessibility of services
- services and policy development
- alternative.. to meet all
18Key sources - structural factors
- Adequate human Resources
- all participants.. politicians, experts,
stakeholders involved - experts in various fields (from management to
biology) - Adequate financial Resources
- continuous covering adequately at least basic
network - ideally with space for development, science..
- Adequate service Resources
- range of all types of effective services
- basic network created on evidence based
- accessibility of key services
19Key factors - approaches
- Balanced Multi-sectorial
- Participative
- Networking
- Timing
- Evidence based, accountability
- Adequate to actual needs
- Responsiveness
- Social responsibility