Elementary Breakout ITAG - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Elementary Breakout ITAG


Title: Challenging High-Ability Learners In Mixed- Ability Classrooms Author: Sue Last modified by: Susan Winebrenner Created Date: 5/31/2004 9:13:55 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Elementary Breakout ITAG

Elementary Breakout ITAG
  • Presented by
  • Susan Winebrenner
  • Education Consulting Service, Inc.
  • www.susanwinebrenner.com
  • skwine76_at_gmail.com
  • (760) 510 0066 (Pacific Time)

  • Excuses advanced students from having to repeat
    content they already know and from having to
    proceed with new contact at the same pace as
  • those who are learning at grade level
  • Demonstrates that the teacher values respect for
    individual differences, so all students believe
    they are accepted just the way they are and do
    not have to pretend to be less capable to fit

The Jesse James Syndrome
  • All the time I just sat there..
  • Waiting for something new to learn!
  • My teachers should have ridden
  • with Jesse James
  • For all the learning time
  • they have stolen from me!

A 10 year old boy quoting from Rommel Rides Deep
Into Egypt by Richard Brautigan, American poet
Differentiation Definition
  • To differentiate the learning experience for
    gifted students, we adjust the content, the
    learning processes, the types of products that
    are created, and the learning environment through
    different expectations, work places, and
    assessment practices.

Compacting for Young Gifted Students
  • Do kid watching to find students who catch on
    quickly to new material, appear to already know
    much of the grade level standards, and/or have a
    wide storehouse of general knowledge. Always
    give students full credit for what they have
    already mastered. Do not expect them to finish
    the regular work before working on extension
    activities, nor to help others

Compacting One Lesson at a Time
  • Most Difficult First
  • Teach 10-15 minutes give practice on what has
    just been taught. All students have the option to
  • Those who can complete the MOST DIFFICULT FIRST,
  • legibly, with no more than one wrong, are done
  • With time they buy back, they work on choice
  • Help only those who begin at beginning of the
  • You correct work until model paper is found
  • Appoint CHECKER to check work of other
  • Person can be the checker only once a week
  • Collect their work enter all grades when other
    papers are collected

Compacting One Week at a Time
  • Pre-Test And Choose From Alternate Work
  • (Compacting one week at a time)
  • Offer voluntary pretest at beginning of each unit
  • Do NOT quickly review what will be tested
  • Those who demonstrate 90receive mastery grade
  • They then do choice activities for the rest of
    the week
  • Favorite Activity
  • With partner, choose alternate words learn
    spelling and meaning
  • Partners test each other unmastered words go to
    next list

Differentiating for Young Gifted Students
  • Prepare practice work at two levels- entry and
  • Keep all kids who want to be there at the group
  • Send kids to the table with the work appropriate
    for them red or blue blocks. Switch block
    color daily.

Learning Contract-For One Chapter/Unit
Students Name_______________________________
__ Chapter__________________________
Extension Options Students keep records
or activities done on _____ _____ _____
_____ _____ _____ ______ ______ each
date they work on extensions. _____ _____
_____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
______ _____ _____ Your
Idea _________________________________ _____
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
_____ Working Conditions
Teachers Signature Students Signature

  • Dont bother anyone
  • Dont call attention to yourself
  • Do the work you have selected
  • Keep records of your extension activities
  • When you follow the rules, you get to choose what
    to do.
  • When you do not follow the rules, I will choose
    for you.

Differentiation Definition
  • To differentiate the learning experience for
    gifted students, we adjust the content, the
    learning processes, the types of products that
    are created, and the learning environment through
    different expectations, places to do their work,
    and assessment practices.

Extension Menu Guidelines
  • Each square clearly describes what students are
    to learn about the described topic.
  • Task statements are based upon the use of higher
    level thinking expectations.
  • Students may work on one task only throughout
  • extension work for the unit.
  • Student Choice must be approved by the teacher
    and must follow the general Extension Menu

CREATE a math game your classmates can play               Design a scale model of your classroom the way you think it should be arranged.   Create a vehicle using LEGOs as well as directions to other students so they can do the same thing
    Borrow a menu from your familys favorite restaurant and see how many orders you can create that would only cost your family what they could afford for each person.           STUDENT CHOICE     Use a catalog from a favorite store, create an order for supplying your family with holiday gifts they would enjoy. If the catalog is online, be sure to include the shipping costs. Pretend there is no limit on how much you can spend, OR Spend only what you think you can afford.
  Visit several websites that promise math games and other activities and choose several to share with your classmates.             Create towers from your local center city using various materials available in the classroom   Plan your next birthday party with a catalog from The Party Store online or actual. Ask someone at home to help you estimate how much you can spend and how many people you can afford to invite.
Monthly LA Extension Menu
  RE-WRITE a summary of a story using different words that mean the same thing you find in a thesaurus.           Complete a Super Sentence from the book of the same name. Work with a friend and show your solution to your teacher.     READ a different story by the same author and show how they are the same and how they are different.
  Create a storyboard series of pictures to show the order in which events happened in the story. Use words from the groups word bank.     STUDENT CHOICE     Dictate 6 sentences in your native language that tells the story. Use a digital device for this.
  CREATE your own story that is like the story the class is reading. Either tell it to a recording device or ask the teacher to provide someone to help you write it down.       Using pictures or comics, create a graphic story to match the events in a story the class is reading.   Select 8 vocabulary words from a story or unit of stories that make you want to learn their meaning. Try to use some of them in your own writing.
The 4C Project Planner
C3 Create a way to share what you have learned
C4 Communicate information to an audience
Daily Log of Extension Work
Students Name _________________________
______________________ Project
Topic ________________________________________
Curriculum Differentiation Chart
by Learning Style Preferences
Required Standard Typical Learning Activity Alternate Learning Activity Extension Activity
Following nutritional guidelines is a healthy way to eat. Describe the foods you would choose for a healthy day of eating Find or draw pictures of food that would represent a balanced day of eating. Investigate how some eating plans that dont recommend balanced diets would impact your health.
Junk food is high in calories and low in nutrition. Watch TV ads about junk food and compute the percentage of time in an hour that is devoted to junk food. Separate your home groceries into Junk and Nutritional Foods. Compare also the cost per ounce. Present a lesson to a class to help them understand the facts about junk food.
A lack of energy may be present in people who do not eat a balanced diet. Use the Internet to find documentation of how health and energy are impacted in Third World countries. Prepare and perform a skit that shows how poor food choices can affect ones health and energy. Predict what would happen to your body if you eliminated one specific food group for a month.

Compacting and Differentiation Benefits
  • Students must
  • Know that intelligence is not diminished by
  • Value individual differences
  • Have access to the teacher as they work
  • on extended curriculum

What about cooperative learning?
  • Students experiencing differentiation work
  • Tutoring or helping others learn should be
  • and not daily
  • Avoid group grades find other evaluation methods
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