Title: Story Idea
1Story Idea
- Boy Meets Girl
- Fall in Love
- Marry
2Menander, Old Cantankerous
Theater at Epidaurus
3Menanders Old Cantankerous
4Period Hellenistic Age (326-31 BCE)
- Rise of Macedonia map
- Decline of democracy
- Emergence of philosophy
- Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
- Theophrastus (ca. 370-288/5 BCE)
- Stoics, Epicureans, etc. (200s on)
5Alexanders Empire
6Playwright Menander (342/1-293/89)
- Well-to-do
- student of Theophrastus
- pro-Macedonian
- 105 plays
- 8 victories
7? ???a?d?e ?a? ß?e, p?te??? ??? ?µ?? p?te???
?µ?µ?sat? O Menander and Life Which of you has
imitated the other?(Aristophanes of Byzantium)
8Play Setting, Story
- Setting
- 3 houses diagram
- Phyle (rural Attica - map)
- Story
- a boy, a girl, a grouch the families
9Stage Set
skene (stage building)
Shrine ofPan and the Nymphs
Knemons house
10Setting Phyle, Athenian countryside
Extent of MacedonianConquests
11The Families
- Knemons Household
- Knemon
- "Girl"
- Simiche
- Gorgias Household
- Gorgias
- Myrrhine
- Daos
- Kallipides Household
- Kallipides
- Mother of Sostratos
- Sostratos
- Getas, slave of Kallipides
- Other
- Chaireas
- Pyrrhias
- Sikon
- Pan
12Characters Your Thoughts
- Knemon
- Sostratos
- Gorgias
- Slaves and low characters
13Old Cantankerous asNew Comedy like / unlike
14Old versus New Comedy
- Old (486-380s)
- political
- vulgarity-obscenity-sexual
- look at all the wackiness
- parody/abuse of real persons
- fantasy
- New (330s-200s )
- a-political
- fairly tame
- reliant on plot
- no personal abuse
- realism
15Euripidean Influences
- double recognition-reversal
- Pentheus
- Agave
- poetic justice
- situational, suspenseful
16Slave tells lovers the bad news
17Old Woman(figurine, ca. 300 BCE)
18Menander The Possessed Girl
19Plangon (Philainis daughter)
Philainis (elderly madam)
Pythias(prostitute, friend)
Menander Women at Breakfast
20New Comedy - Formula
- Dilemma
- love thwarted
- extremes unmediated
- social-familial ties weakened
- Solution
- often by low character
- Celebration
- komos
21Themes and Message
22Cantankerous Themes, Message
- basing marriage on love and material
considerations - sociality
- persevere ands work hard!!
- let loose, enjoy, dont work so hard
23meden aganNothing to Excess
Wine-Mixing Bowl(krater), ca. 430 BCE