Title: Principle Skeletal Muscles 1
1Principle Skeletal Muscles 1
- Muscles of Facial Expression, Muscles that Move
the Mandible and Muscles that Move the Eyeballs
2Muscles of Facial Expression
- The muscles of facial expression provide humans
with the ability to express a wide variety of
emotions. The muscles themselves lie within the
layers of superficial fascia. The origins are
generally in the fascia or bones of the skull and
insertions into the skin of the face
3Occipitofrontalis Front and Occipital Bellies
- Front Belly
- Origin Epicranial Aponeurosis
- Insertion Skin superior to orbit
- Action Draws scalp forward, raises eyebrows and
wrinkles skin of forehead horizontally - Occipital Belly
- Origin Occipital and Temporal Bones
- Insertion Epicranial Aponeurosis
- Action Draws scalp backwards
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5Orbicularis Oris
- Origin muscle fibers surrounding opening of
mouth - Insertion Skin at corner of mouth
- Action Closes and protrudes lips, compresses
lips against teeth and shapes lips during speech
6Zygomaticus Major
- Origin zygomatic bone
- Insertion Skin at angle of mouth and
orbicularis oris - Action Draws corners of mouth outward and
upward as in smiling
- Origin Maxilla and Mandible
- Insertion Orbicularis Oris
- Action presses cheeks against teeth and lips,
as in whistling draws corner of mouth laterally,
assists in chewing be keeping food between teeth
- Origin Fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major
muscles - Insertion Mandible, muscles around mouth and
skin of lower face - Action Draws outer part of lower lip downward
and backward as in pouting depresses mandible
9Orbicularis Oculi
- Origin Medial wall of orbit
- Insertion Circular path around orbit
- Action Closes eye wrinkles forehead vertically
10Levator Palpebrae Superioris
- Origin Roof of Orbit
- Insertion Skin of upper eyelid
- Action - Opens Eye
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12Muscles that Move the Mandible
- Also known as muscles of mastication because
they are used for biting and chewing. These
muscles also assist in speech.
- Origin Maxilla and Zygomatic Arch
- Insertion Mandible
- Action Elevates and retracts mandible
- Origin Temporal Bone
- Insertion Mandible
- Action Elevates and retracts mandible
15Medial Pterigoid
- Origin Sphenoid bone and maxilla
- Insertion Mandible
- Action elevates and protracts mandible and
moves mandible from side to side
16Lateral Pterygoid
- Origin Sphenoid Bone
- Insertion TMJ
- Action Protracts mandible, depresses mandible
and moves mandible from side to side
17Muscles that Move the Eyeballs
- Movement of the eyeballs are controlled by three
pairs of extrinsic muscles. These are among the
fastest contracting and most precisely controlled
skeletal muscles of the body.
18Superior Rectus/Inferior Rectus
- Superior
- Origin Tendinous ring attached to bony orbit
around the optic foramen - Insertion Superior and central part of the
eyeball - Action Moves eyeball upward and medially and
rotates its medially - Inferior
- Origin - Tendinous ring attached to bony orbit
around the optic foramen - Insertion Inferior and central part of the
eyeball - Action Moves eyeball downward and medially and
rotates it laterally
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20Lateral/Medial Rectus
- Lateral
- Origin Tendinous ring attached to bony orbit
around the optic foramen - Insertion Lateral Side of Eyeball
- Action Moves eyeball laterally
- Medial
- Origin Tendinous ring attached to bony orbit
around the optic foramen - Insertion Medial Side of Eyeball
- Action Moves eyeball medially
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22Superior/Inferior Oblique
- Superior
- Origin Tendinous ring attached to bony orbit
around the optic foramen - Insertion Eyeball between superior and lateral
recti - Action moves eyeball downward, laterally and
rotates medially - Inferior
- Origin Maxilla
- Insertion eyeball between inferior and lateral
recti - Action moves eyeball upward and laterally and
rotates it laterally
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28Cadaver face dissection
29Principle Skeletal Muscles 2
- Muscles that act on the abdominal wall, muscles
used in breathing and muscles that move the
pectoral girdle
- The anterior abdominal wall is composed of skin,
fascia and 4 pairs of muscles. - Tendinous Intersections bands of connective
tissue that divides the rectus abdominis - Linea Alba tough fibrous band extending from
xiphoid process to pubic symphysis
31Rectus Abdominis
- Origin Pubis and Pubic Symphysis
- Insertion Costal Cartilage and Xiphoid Process
- Action Flexes vertebral column and compresses
32Linea Alba
Tendinous Intersections
33External Oblique
- Origin Lower 8 ribs
- Insertion Crest of Ilium and Linea Alba
- Action Compresses abdomen, flexes vertebral
column. Singularly rotates vertebral column
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35Internal Oblique
- Origin Ilium, inguinal ligament
- Insertion Costal Cartilage and linea alba
- Action - Compresses abdomen, flexes vertebral
column. Singularly rotates vertebral column
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37Transverse Abdominis
- Origin Ilium, inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia,
and costal cartilage - Insertion Xiphoid Process, linea alba and pubis
- Action Compress Abdomen
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40Muscles Used in Breathing
- These muscles alter the size of the thoracic
cavity so that breathing can occur. Inhalation
occurs when the thoracic cavity increases in size
and exhalation occurs when the thoracic cavity
decreases in size
- Origin xiphoid process, costal cartilage and
lumbar vertebrae - Insertion central tendon
- Action increases the vertical dimension of the
thoracic cavity resulting in inhalation.
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43External and Internal Intercostals
- Origin ribs
- Insertion ribs
- Action
- External increases the anteroposterior and
lateral dimensions of thoracic cage resulting in
inhalation - Internal decreases the antroposterior and
lateral dimensions resulting in forceful
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45Muscles that Move the Pectoral Girdle
- These muscles are divided into anterior
(pectoralis minor and serratus anterior) and
posterior (trapezius, levator scapulae and
rhomboid major) thoracic muscles based on their
location. - The main action of the muscles is to hold the
scapula in place so that is can function as a
stable origin for the muscles that move the
46Pectoralis minor
- Origin Ribs 3-5
- Insertion Scapula
- Action depresses scapula, moves it laterally
and forward
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48Serratus Anterior
- Origin Upper 8 or 9 ribs
- Insertion Scapula
- Action Moves scapula laterally and forward.
- AKA the boxers muscle because it is important
in horizontal arm movements like punching.
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- Origin occipital bone, spines of C7 and
thoracic vertebrae - Insertion clavicle and scapula
- Action Elevates clavicle, moves scapula medially
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52Levator Scapulae
- Origin C1 C5
- Insertion Scapula
- Action elevates scapula
53Rhomboid Major
- Origin Spines of T2-T5
- Insertion Scapula
- Action Elevates scapula, moves it medially
54Principle Skeletal Muscles 3
- Muscles that move the Vertebral Column, Muscles
that move the femur, tibia, fibula foot and toes
55Erector Spinae
- Origin All ribs, cervical, thoracic and lumbar
vertebrae - Insertion Occipital Bone, ribs and vertebrae
- Action Extends head extends and laterally
flexes vertebral column
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- Origin sternum and clavicle
- Insertion Mastoid process of temporal bone
- Action flex cervical spine or rotate head
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59Quadratus Lumborum
- Origin Ilium
- Insertion 12th rib and upper 4 lumbar vertebrae
- Action Extend lumbar spine when both are
contracted. Flexes lumbar spine when one is
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61Psoas Major
- Origin Lumbar Vertebrae
- Insertion Femur
- Action Flexes and rotates thigh laterally at
the hip
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- Origin Ilium
- Insertion Femur
- Action Flexes and rotates thigh laterally at hip
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65Gluteal Muscles
- Gluteus Maximus, Minimus and Medius
- Origin Ilium
- Insertion Femur
- Actions
- Maximus Extends and rotates thigh laterally at
hip - Medius and Minimus Abducts and rotates thigh
medially at hip
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67Tensor Fasciae Latae
- Origin Ilium
- Insertion Tibia
- Action Flexes and abducts the thigh at the hip
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69Adductor Longus
- Origin Pubis and Pubic Symphysis
- Insertion Femur
- Action Adducts, medially rotates and flexes
thigh at hip
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71Adductor Magnus
- Origin - Pubis and Ischium
- Insertion Femur
- Action Adducts, flexes, medially rotates and
extends thigh
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- Origin Sacrum
- Insertion Femur
- Action Rotates thigh laterally
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- Origin Pubic Symphysis
- Insertion Tibia
- Action Adducts and medially rotates thigh at
hip and flexes knee
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77Quadriceps Femoris
- Composed of 4 parts
- Rectus Femorus
- Vastus Lateralis
- Vastus Medialis
- Vastus Intermedius
- Action Extend leg at knee joint
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- Origin Ilium
- Insertion Tibia
- Action Flexes leg at knee, abducts and
laterally rotates thigh at hip joint (like
corssing legs)
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- Group of 3 muscles
- Biceps Femoris
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Action flexes leg at knee, extends thigh at hip
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83Tibialis Anterior
- Origin Tibia
- Insertion 1st metatarsal and 1st cuniform
(tarsal) - Action dorsiflex and invert foot
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85Peroneus Longus
- Origin Fibula and Tibia
- Insertion 1st metatarsal and 1st cuniform
- Action Plantar flexes and everts foot
- Origin Femur
- Insertion Calcaneus
- Action Plantar Flexion flexes leg at knee
- Origin Fibula and Tibia
- Insertion Calcaneus
- Action Plantar Flexion
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89Flexor Digitorum Longus
- Origin Tibia
- Insertion Distal Phalanges
- Action Flexes toes
90Principle Skeletal Muscles
91Biceps brachii
- Origin Scapula
- Insertion Radius
- Action Flexes and supinates forearm at elbow
- Origin Humerus
- Insertion Ulna
- Action Flexes forearm at elbow joint
- Origin Humerus
- Insertion Radius
- Action Flexes forearm at elbow joint
94Triceps Brachii
- Origin Scapula and Humerus
- Insertion Ulna
- Action Extends forearm at elbow joint
- Origin Humerus and Ulna
- Insertion Radius
- Action Supinates Forearm
96Pronator teres
- Origin Humerus and Ulna
- Insertion Radius
- Action Pronates Forearm
97Pronator Quadratus
- Origin Ulna
- Insertion Radius
- Action Pronates Forearm
- Origins Humerus or Humerus and Ulna
- Insertions Carpals, metacarpals and phalanges
- Actions Flexes wrist, hands and fingers
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- Origins Humerus or Humerus and Ulna
- Insertions Metacarpals and phalanges
- Actions Extends, adducts and abducts wrist,
hands and fingers
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102Pectoralis Major
- Origin Clavicle, sternum and 6th 7th ribs
- Insertion Humerus
- Action Adducts and rotates arm medially
103Pectoralis Minor
- Origin 3rd 5th ribs
- Insertion scapula
- Action depresses scapula
104Latissimus Dorsi
- Origin Spines of lower vertebrae
- Insertion Humerus
- Action Extends, adducts and rotates arm at
- Origin Clavicle and scapula
- Insertion Humerus
- Action Abducts, flexes, extends and rotates arm
at shoulder
- Origin Scapula
- Insertion Humerus
- Action Rotates arm medially
- Origin Scapula
- Insertion Humerus
- Action flexes and adducts arm at shoulder
108Serratus Anterior
- Origin Upper 8 ribs
- Insertion Scapula
- Action Moves scapula laterally and forward
(horizontal arm movement)
- Origin Occipital Bone and spines of thoracic
vertebrae - Insertion Clavicle and Scapula
- Action Elevates clavicle, moves scapula
medially, extends head
110Levator Scapulae
- Origin Upper 4 or 5 cervical vertebrae
- Insertion Scapula
- Action elevates scapula