Title: Teaching Students In An Inclusive Setting
1Teaching Students In An Inclusive Setting
Suzanne Larocque Lorraine OReilly
So you have a gifted student in your class
Dont panic.
- What the Ministry says
- Who are the gifted and what do they need?
- Where to start
- Program differentiation
- How do I assess?
- 3 BIG ideas (What do you think they are?)
- Questions
4 The Ministry Says
Giftedness is defined as an unusually advanced
degree of general intellectual ability that
requires differentiated learning experiences of a
depth and breadth beyond those normally provided
in the regular school program to satisfy the
level of educational potential indicated.
5Who Are The Gifted? What Do They Need?
6Cognitive Domain Characteristics
- COGNITIVE ABILITY Positive Aspects
- learns quickly and easily when interested
- processes information quickly
- unusual ability to abstract generalize
- progresses at more rapid pace than peers
- Difficult Aspects
- bored by routine and repetitive tasks
- may dominate others
- intolerant of those less able
7Cognitive Domain Characteristics
- asks many questions
- interested in wide variety of subjects
- has high tolerance for ambiguity
- Difficult Aspects
- pursues individual interests over class
activities - impatient with details and restrictions
- remains unfocused and scattered
8 Cognitive Domain- Needs
- access to challenging curriculum
- interact with intellectual peers
- pacing work according to abilities
- be allowed to solve problems in diverse,
creative ways - be exposed to varied subjects and areas of
9Affective Domain Characteristics
- Positive Aspects
- heightened self-awareness
- unusually sensitive to expectations, feelings of
others - strong idealism and sense for justice
- leadership abilities
- keen sense of humour
- Difficult Aspects
- intolerant of those not sharing similar views
- may be self-critical
- high expectations frustration, perfectionism
10Affective Domain - Needs
- learn to set realistic expectations and goals
- learn self-advocacy
- opportunities to study real world issues,
generate - solutions and plans of action
- emotional intelligence learning
11Where To Start
12 First Steps
- Review IEP
- Conference with student
- Survey strengths, needs (can be the same) and
interests - How student learns best
- What accommodations worked for student in the
past - Plan how and when to differentiate students
program. Include student.
13Needs - IEP
- The needs of gifted students often result from
their strengths. On the IEP, the strength and
need may be identical. - In most cases, needs do not change over time
- The identified exceptionality should be evident
from the statement of needs - Areas of need should make evident the reasons why
the student requires a special education program
and/or services - Area of need should be drawn from the assessment
data -
14Program Differentiation
- Students formally identified through the IPR
process as intellectually gifted (require IEP) - Students who have met Board criteria for
giftedness but are not formally identified
(require IEP) - Students who just missed meeting the gifted
criteria - (should have an IEP)
- Students who are bright in a particular subject
area - (should have an IEP)
- To assist students in reaching their full
potential by matching students ability levels
with appropriate programming - To meet the individual needs of students
- To motivate and challenge students
- To reduce the number of underachieving gifted
- On a regular basis, as required
- Students who are gifted or bright, are that way
all the time, not just while attending
specialized programs
18How? Blooms Taxonomy
- Gifted students should be spending the majority
of their time at the - Applying/Application Level or above.
19Suggestions for Evaluation (http//www.teachers.as
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products
judgeselectchoosedecidejustifydebateverifyarguerecommendassessdiscussrateprioritisedetermine Is there a better solution to...Judge the value of...Can you defend your position about...?Do you think ... is a good or a bad thing?How would you have handled...?What changes to ... would you recommend?Do you believe?Are you a ... person?How would you feel if...?How effective are...?What do you think about...? Prepare a list of criteria to judge a ... show. Indicate priority and ratings.Conduct a debate about an issue of special interest.Make a booklet about 5 rules you see as important. Convince others.Form a panel to discuss views, eg "Learning at School."Write a letter to ... advising on changes needed at...Write a half yearly report.Prepare a case to present your view about...
- Content
- Process
- Product
- Evaluation
21Change .
- Content
- Kind move from fact-concept-generalization-theory
- Breadth divergent, multidisciplinary
- Depth convergent, intense interest
- Pace fast or slow dependent on scope and
complexity - Strategies compacting, acceleration, broad-based
theme, interdisciplinary study, in-depth study of
topic, self-selected topic, independent projects
22Change .
- Product based on learning styles
- Kind designate audience - feelings, attitudes
- Breadth advanced technical skills, creative,
participatory - Depth independent, productive, creative thinking
- Pace opportunities to transfers skills to new
situations - Examples
- 3-D models
- Multi-media computer presentations
- Oral - podcasts
23Change .
- Process
- Kind move from basic thinking skills to
integrated inquiry models - Breadth complexity of thinkingmultidisciplinary
- Depth intensity of thinking application of
higher-order thinking, self-directing - Pace move towards independent thinking, learning
- Strategies higher-order thinking, creative
thinking, problem-solving skills, open-ended
24Change .
- Evaluation
- Kind teacher, teacher/pupil, pupil leading to
independent learner - Breadth co-evaluation
- Depth self-evaluation
- Pace continuous assessment/evaluation
- Strategies teacher evaluation, peer evaluation,
self evaluation, external evaluators,
co-evaluation, criteria checklists, rating
scales, rubrics, tests, inventories
25Guiding Principle
Always remember gifted students must be
evaluated against grade level expectations, even
when working above and beyond.
26 First Steps
- Determine student competency in subject area
(i.e. pretest, demonstration of evidence). - If level 4 competency is demonstrated, this
should be reflected in evaluative mark given. - Plan for differentiation with the student.
- Provide assessment feedback (i.e. rubric,
criteria checklists, conferencing).
27What Students Gain
- Chance to further develop
- Critical thinking
- Inquiry learning
- Creativity
- Project management
- Team skills
- Leadership
- Self-esteem
28Big Ideas
- Being Gifted Its Not Easy! We are Not Perfect
and We Dont Know Everything! - Needs and Strengths Can Be the Same
- Being Gifted Means Different, Not More of the
29Resources - Books
- Being Smart About Gifted Children (2005),
Matthews, Foster, Great Potential Press
Incorporated - Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom
(2001), Susan Winebrenner, Free Spirit
Publishing - Teaching Young Gifted Children in the Regular
Classroom (1997), Smutny, Walker, Meckstroth,
Free Spirit Publishing - The Schoolwide Enrichment Model A How-To Guide
for Educational Excellence (2nd edition) (1997),
Joseph S. Renzulli Sally M. Reis, Creative
Learning Press - When Gifted Kids Dont have All the Answers
(2002), Jim Delisle, Judy Galbraith, Free Spirit
30Resources - Journals
- Journal for the Education of the Gifted. The
official quarterly publication for The
Association of the Gifted (a division of the
Council for Exceptional Children). - Gifted Child Today. Quarterly publication for
parents, teachers and professionals interested in
gifted education. - The National Voice for Kids Creative Kids.
Quarterly magazine showcasing student work.
31Resources - Websites
- http//www.abcontario.ca/
- The Association for Bright Children of Ontario is
an all-volunteer, provincially incorporated
support and advocacy group to support parents of
bright and gifted children. - http//www.nagc.org/
- NAGC (National Association of Gifted Children) is
an American resource that supports gifted
education and explains what's at stake if
high-potential learners are not challenged and
encouraged. - http//www.teachers.ash.org.au/researchskills/dalt
on.htm - This site provides suggestions of questions to
ask potential activities.
32Give me an education that fits my needs, and you
give me a chance to change the world!