Title: 6 Programmable modules - introduction
1Lecture 6
- 6 Programmable modules - introduction
- 6.1 Corporations, products
- 6.2 Common features
- 7 LOGO!
2Programmable modules Corporations, products-1
Telemecanique - Zelio Logic France
3Programmable modules Corporations, products-2
Siemens AG LOGO! Germany
4Programmable modules Corporations, products-3
Mitsubishi Electric - Alpha Japan
5Programmable modules Corporations, products-4
6Programmable modules Corporations, products-5
Moeller EASY Germany
7Programmable modules Corporations, products-6
8Programmable modules Corporations, products-7
9Programmable modules Corporations, products-8
Crouzet Millenium II France www.crouzet.com
10Programmable modules Common features
Power supply
Push buttons for programmingand parameter
setting Display
PC Interface
Memory card interface
11 7. LOGO!
- Golden medal on
- International Fair
- BRNO 2003
- www.siemens.de
12LOGO! - 2
13 LOGO! - 3
- New modulary solution
- Basic modul (8I/4Q)
- type Logo!Pure (without buttons and display)
- type Logo!Basic (with buttons and display)
- modules for expansion (4I/4Q)
14 LOGO! - 4
- Expansion modules
- ½ of the basic module size
- digital modules (allways 4I/4O)
- analog modules (two inputs 0 - 20mA
- or 0 -10V)
- Communicating modules (AS-i, EIB, LON)
15LOGO! - 5 Typical applications
- Control tasks in installation technology both in
private houses  and in public buildings
(lightning of the rooms, shop windows, Venetian
blinds, blinds, shutters, gates manipulating,
airing, home water tanks,..) - Smaller control tasks in machinery (pumps,
compressors, mixers, tanks, containers, silos,
escalators, conveyors,.) - Control of testing machines (furniture, cars)
16LOGO! - 6 One block on the display
17LOGO! 7Programming -from the last block
Block numbers
18LOGO! 8Structure of the menu for the direct
Program mode
Parameters mode
19LOGO! - 9Program example in LOGO!Soft Comfort
on PC
20How to find all about LOGO!
- www.siemens.de
- Suche LOGO! (exclamation mark important)
- 1.LOGO! Innovative switching and control
LOGO! - - DemoSoftware
- Manuals
- ..
21How to install demo Software
- www.siemens.de
- Suche LOGO! (exclamation mark important)
- 1.LOGO! Innovative switching and control LOGO!
- DemoSoftware (Deutch, English)
- Manuals
- ..
22How to run examples
- Start
- Program Files
- Siemens
- LogoSoftV4
- Samples
- Doc
- Applications_en.pdf
- Example1(open in
AcrobatReader) - Programm
- Ex_01.lsc (open in SW Tool
23How to learn more
- www.siemens.de
- Suche LOGO! (exclamation mark important)
- 1.LOGO! Innovative switching and control LOGO!
- DemoSoftware (Deutch, English)
- Manuals
- Training Transparencies (German, English,French)
.as ppt file zipped
24Lectures at disposal
- Password 24PLC13
- Not public, only for our course !
- (first edition)
- Simple web page
- Lecture1
- Lecture2
- ..