CS 2710, ISSP 2160 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 2710, ISSP 2160


CS 2710, ISSP 2160 The Situation Calculus KR and Planning Some final topics in KR * The DPLL algorithm Determine if an input propositional logic sentence (in CNF) is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 2710, ISSP 2160

CS 2710, ISSP 2160
  • The Situation Calculus
  • KR and Planning
  • Some final topics in KR

Situation Calculus
  • Planning in propositional logic Section 7.7
    through 7.7.2
  • Section 10.4.2
  • Handouts
  • Note Fall 2015 you are only responsible for
    some of these notes, specifically what we covered

Other topics in KR
  • Semantic Networks 12.5.1
  • Description Logic 12.5.2 we didnt cover this
  • Satisfiability and WalkSat Intro to Section
    7.6 7.6.2 we didnt cover this

Actions, Situations, and EventsThe Situation
  • The robot is in the kitchen.
  • in(robot,kitchen)
  • He walks into the living room.
  • in(robot,livingRoom)
  • in(robot,kitchen,202pm)
  • in(robot,livingRoom,217pm)
  • But what if you are not sure when it was?
  • We can do something simpler than rely on time
  • The Situation Calculus is a logic formalism for
    representing and reasoning about dynamic domains.

Situation Calculus Ontology
  • Actions terms, such as forward and
  • Situations terms initial situation, say s0,
    and all situations that are generated by applying
    an action to a situation. result(a,s) names the
    situation resulting when action a is done in
    situation s.

Situation Calculus Ontology continued
  • Fluents functions and predicates that vary from
    one situation to the next. By convention, the
    situation is the last argument of the fluent.
  • Atemporal or eternal predicates and functions do
    not change from situation to situation.
    gold(g1). lastName(wumpus,smith).

Sequences of Actions
  • Also useful to reason about action sequences
  • All S resultSeq(,S) S
  • All A,Se,S resultSeq(ASe,S)
  • resultSeq(a,b,c,so) is
  • result(c,result(b,result(a,s0)

Modified Wumpus World
  • Fluent predicates at(O,X,S) and holding(O,S)
  • In our simple world, only the agent can hold a
    piece of gold, so for simplicity, only the gold
    and situation are arguments
  • Initial situation at(agent,1,1,s0)
  • But we want to exclude possibilities from the
    initial situation too

Initial KB
  • All O,X (at(O,X,s0) ?? (Oagent X 1,1) v
    (Og1 X 1,2))
  • All O holding(O,s0)
  • Eternals
  • gold(g1) adjacent(1,1,1,2)
    adjacent(1,2,1,1) etc.

Goal g1 is in 1,1
  • Planning by answering the query
  • Exists S at(g1,1,1,resultSeq(S,s0))
  • Solution
  • At(g1,1,1,resultSeq(go(1,1,1,2),grab(g1),go
  • The situation designated by the second term
  • result(go(1,1,1,2),result(grab(g1),result(go(
  • Lets look at what has to go in the KB for such
    queries to be answered...

Possibility and Effect Axioms
  • Possibility axioms
  • Preconditions ? poss(A,S)
  • Effect axioms
  • poss(A,S) ? changes that result from that action

Axioms for our Wumpus World
  • For brevity we will omit universal quantifies
    that range over entire sentence. S ranges over
    situations, A ranges over actions, O over objects
    (including agents), G over gold, and X,Y,Z over

Possibility Axioms
  • The possibility axioms that an agent can
  • go between adjacent locations,
  • grab a piece of gold in the current location, and
  • release gold it is holding

Effect Axioms
  • If an action is possible, then certain fluents
    will hold in the situation that results from
    executing the action
  • Going from X to Y results in being at Y
  • Grabbing the gold results in holding the gold
  • Releasing the gold results in not holding it

Frame Problem
  • We run into the frame problem
  • Effect axioms say what changes, but dont say
    what stays the same
  • A real problem, because (in a non-toy domain),
    each action affects only a tiny fraction of all

Frame Problem (continued)
  • One solution approach is writing explicit frame
    axioms, such as
  • (at(O,X,S) (Oagent) holding(O,S)) ?
  • If something is at X in S, and it is not the
    agent, and also it is not something the agent
    holds, then O is still at X if the agent moves
  • F fluents and A actions O(FA) axioms needed
  • We can do something more efficient than this

Frame Problem
  • What stays the same?
  • A actions, F fluents, and E effects/action (worst
    case). Typically, E ltlt F
  • That is, the effects of an action are typically
    only a small set of all the things that could
  • Want O(AE) versus O(AF) solution

Solving the Frame Problem
  • For each fluent, have successor-state axioms
  • Action is possible ?
  • (fluent is true in result state ??
  • actions effect made it true v
  • it was true before and action left it alone)
  • Each of the E effects of each of the A actions is
    mentioned exactly once, so O(AE) axioms needed
  • Note we will return to this point later, after
    going through the wumpus world example

Initial KB (reminder)
  • All O,X at(O,S,s0) ?? Oagent X 1,1) v
    (Og1 X 1,2)
  • All O holding(O,s0)
  • Eternals
  • gold(g1) adjacent(1,1,1,2)
  • Trace through reasoning so far on board
  • state space handed out
  • At this point, we are switching to variables
    being small case, constants upper case, following
    the text

4-5 are Successor-State Axioms
  • At(Agent, x, s) ? Adjacent(x,y) ? Poss(Go(x,y),s)
  • Gold(g) ? At(Agent,x,s) ? At(g, x, s) ?
  • Holding(g,s) ? Poss(Release(g),s)
  • Poss(a,s) ? Holding(g,Result(a,s)) ?
    a Grab(g) v
    (Holding(g,s) ? a ? Release(g)))
  • Poss(a,s) ? (At(o,y,Result(a,s)) ? (a Go(x,y)
    ? (o Agent v Holding(o,s)))
    v (At(o,y,s) ? (?z y ? z ? a Go(y,z) ?
    (o Agent v

More explicit version Replaced existential with
universal in 5
  • All x,y,s ((At(Agent, x, s) ? Adjacent(x,y)) ?
  • All g,x,s ((Gold(g) ? At(Agent,x,s) ? At(g, x,
    s)) ? Poss (Grab(g),s))
  • All g,s (Holding(g,s) ? Poss(Release(g),s))
  • All a,s,g (Poss(a,s) ? (Holding(g,Result(a,s)) ?
    Grab(g) v (Holding(g,s) ? a ? Release(g))))
  • All a,s,o,y,z (Poss(a,s) ? (At(o,y,Result(a,s))
    ? ((a Go(x,y) ? (o Agent v Holding(o,s)))
    v (At(o,y,s) ? (a
    Go(y,z) ? y ? z ?
    (o Agent v Holding(o,s)))))))
  • Justification previous 5 has (?z the change
    is justified because this is equivalent to all z

Same as previous, but without comments
  1. All x,y,s ((At(Agent, x, s) ? Adjacent(x,y)) ?
  2. All g,x,s ((Gold(g) ? At(Agent,x,s) ? At(g, x,
    s)) ? Poss (Grab(g),s))
  3. All g,s (Holding(g,s) ? Poss(Release(g),s))
  4. All a,s,g (Poss(a,s) ? (Holding(g,Result(a,s)) ?
    Grab(g) v (Holding(g,s) ? a ? Release(g))))
  5. All a,s,o,y,z (Poss(a,s) ? (At(o,y,Result(a,s))
    ? ((a Go(x,y) ? (o Agent v Holding(o,s)))
    v (At(o,y,s) ? (a
    Go(y,z) ? y ? z ?
    (o Agent v Holding(o,s)))))))

A return to complexity
  • Each of the E effects of each of the A actions is
    mentioned exactly once, so O(AE) axioms needed
  • Notes
  • an effect may be to make a fluent true (add it)
    or to make it false (delete it)
  • Counting axioms is a bit arbitrary, since a
    single axiom may mention a disjunction of add
    effects and/or a disjunction of delete effects
    (see the holding axiom for the blocks world)
  • It is true that each of the add or delete effects
    of each action is mentioned once

A return to complexity
  • Each of the E effects of each of the A actions is
    mentioned exactly once, so O(AE) axioms needed
    total action mentions
  • Another schema for successor state axioms
  • Action is possible ?
  • (fluent is true in result state ??
  • (action is one of the actions that makes it
    true (add effect) v
  • it was true before and action is not one of
    the actions that makes it false (delete effect))
  • Thus, for each fluent (possible effect), we
    mention exactly once each action that has it as
    an effect (either making it true or making it
  • Or, for each action, it is mentioned exactly once
    in a successor state axiom for each of its

Fall 2014
  • In class exercise the blocks world handout

Qualification Problem
  • Ensuring that all necessary conditions for an
    actions success have been specified. No
    complete solution in logic. KR/planning
    designers have to decide how much detail to go

What did we see?
  • A sophisticated KR scheme
  • Important Problems in planning
  • Addressed by successor-state axioms (Reiter 1991)
  • Frame Problem (what stays the same?)
  • Ramification Problem (implicit effects, such as
    that gold moves too if the agent moves and it is
    holding the gold)
  • Not addressed completely in logic
  • Qualification Problem
  • Concepts for planning, such as fluents and
  • Planning as search

Stopped here, Fall 2014
Semantic Networks
  • Graphical aids for visualizing the knowledge base
  • Efficient algorithms for inferring properties
    based on category membership
  • Often, correspond to a subset of first-order
  • Many variants
  • All distinguish among individual objects,
    categories of objects and relations among objects

  • See figure 12.5 (next slide)
  • Specify what edges and nodes mean
  • In Figure 12.5, indivs and categories look the
  • memberOf(indiv,category)
  • sisterOf(indiv,indiv)
  • subsetOf(category,category)
  • hasMother(indiv,indiv)

(No Transcript)
Semantic Networks
  • Is hasMother(persons,femalePersons) consistent
    with the representation?
  • Nope hasMother is a relation between
  • cat1-- label ? cat2 means
  • all X (X in cat1 ? (all Y label(X,Y) ? Y in
  • (Note this does not say that each person has a

Semantic Networks
  • cat label ? value
  • All X (X in cat ? label(X,value))

  • Inheritance is efficient and convenient
  • Trace paths from individuals to categories,
    inheriting properties as you go
  • In Figure 12.5, how many legs does John have?
    Most specific (nearest) information wins

Semantic Networks
  • In this type of semantic network, only binary
    relations are possible
  • A richer representation is possible by reifying
    propositions and events (example SNePS)
  • This forces creation of a rich ontology of
    reified concepts many current ideas originated
    in semantic network systems

Description Logics
  • http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Description_logic
  • This wont be tested on the exam, but I want you
    to know what description logics are
  • Subset of full first order logic a family of
    logics of increasing expressiveness well
    studied most are decidable good link between
    theory and practice.

  • We stopped here Fall 2012.

Proof methods
  • Proof methods divide into (roughly) two kinds
  • Application of inference rules
  • Legitimate (sound) generation of new sentences
    from old.
  • Resolution
  • Forward Backward chaining
  • Model checking
  • Searching through truth assignments.
  • Improved backtracking Davis--Putnam-Logemann-Love
    land (DPLL)
  • Heuristic search in model space Walksat.

Model Checking
  • Two families of efficient algorithms
  • Complete backtracking search algorithms DPLL
    algorithm. You read this on your own for the
  • Incomplete local search algorithms
  • WalkSAT algorithm

The DPLL algorithm
  • Determine if an input propositional logic
    sentence (in CNF) is
  • satisfiable. This is just backtracking search for
    a CSP.
  • Improvements
  • Early termination
  • A clause is true if any literal is true.
  • A sentence is false if any clause is false.
  • Pure symbol heuristic
  • Pure symbol always appears with the same "sign"
    in all clauses.
  • e.g., In the three clauses (A ? ?B), (?B ? ?C),
    (C ? A), A and B are pure, C is impure.
  • Make a pure symbol literal true
  • 3 Unit clause heuristic
  • Unit clause only one literal in the clause
  • The only literal in a unit clause must be true.
  • Note literals can become a pure symbol or a
  • unit clause when other literals obtain truth
    values. e.g.

The WalkSAT algorithm
  • Incomplete, local search algorithm
  • Evaluation function The min-conflict heuristic
    of minimizing the number of unsatisfied clauses
  • Balance between greediness and randomness
  • See figure 7.18 (on your own)

WrapUp Situation Calculus
  • Planning in propositional logic Section 7.7
    through 7.7.2
  • Section 10.4.2
  • Handouts

WrapUp Other topics in KR
  • Semantic Networks 12.5.1 not covered Fall
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