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Part Three


... Jupiter Indiges (meaning unknown) Juno Associated with marriage Juno Lucina, goddess of childbirth, at the Matronalia in March Juno Moneta ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Part Three

Part Three
The Nature of Roman Mythology
Chapter 26 Roman Mythology and Saga
Fundamental Differences Roman gods not as
anthropomorphic as Greek gods Roman gods more
associated with cult than myth Influence of
Greek culture by third century B. C. Many Roman
legends are adaptations of Greek
legends. Importance of Vergil and Ovid Roots of
Roman religion Traditions of pre-Roman Italic
peoples Identification of native Italic gods
with Greek Jupiter or Iovis/Zeus Juno/Hera
Vesta/Hestia Minerva/Athena Ceres/Demeter
Diana/Artemis Venus/Aphrodite Mars/Ares
Mercurius/Hermes Neptunus/Poseidon Vulcanu
s/Hephaestus Apollo Myths transferred to
Roman counterparts Cults and rituals Ovids
Fasti descriptions of the Roman religious
calendar Legends of early Roman
history Aeneas Romulus and Remus Idealizatio
n of the past Revival under Augustus (27 B. C.
to A. D. 14) Livys preface to his history,
Ab urbe condita (From the Founding of the
Roman Mythology
The Italian Gods Janus Janus, first in formal
prayers Ancient deity Presides over
beginnings Janus??January Connection with
water and bridges Connection with
boundaries Shrine near the Argiletum serving
as entrance to the Forum Gates open in war,
closed in peace A janus was defined as a
crossing-place with a roadway Later
significance as a god of going in and coming
out Association with doors, entrances, and
beginnings As the god Portunus, he was
connected to harbors Few legends Capture
of the Capitol by Sabines Janus prevents
entrance to the Forum Two four-faced herms
on the Pons Fabricius in Rome Two-faced god
on coins
Roman Mythology
Mars (Mavors) More important that
Ares Agricultural deity Association with
spring March, beginning of Roman year in the
pre-Julian calendar Association with Silvanus
and Flora Magical flower and Junos conception
of Mars Nerio, Sabine fertility goddess as
consort, sometimes identified with Minerva Anna
Perenna (ancient goddess of the year) and the
origin of obscene jests at marriage parties Mars
becomes a war god Sacrifices before
battle Temple of Mars Ultor (avenger) Campus
Martius (field of Mars) field for practice of
military skills Gradivus (the
marcher) Association with Quirinus, a Sabine
war deity and later identified with
Romulus Bellona, a personification of war Enyo
(title of Ares, Enyalios) Association with the
wolf and the woodpecker The Latin king Picus
(picus is woodpecker in Latin) Canens
(singer), wife of King Picus Transformation
into a woodpecker by Circe who tried to seduce
him Canens transformed into just a voice
Roman Mythology
Jupiter Sky-god Temple of Jupiter Optimus
Maximus (best and greatest) on the Capitoline
Hill Temple shared with Juno (goddess of women)
and Minerva (goddess of handicrafts and
wisdom) The Capitoline Triad Triumphal
procession King Numa Sacrifice after
lightning strike The advice of the nymph
Egeria Capture of Picus and Faunus Summons
of Jupiter Comic exchange between Jupiter and
Numa Sign of the shield (ancile), talisman of
Roman power The twelve ancilia in the Regia
(office of Pontifex Maximus, the official head of
the hierarchy of the state religion) Priest
s of Mars, the Salii, and the sacred war dance in
the spring Jupiter Latiaris (god of the Latins)
on the Mons Albanus Association with Fides
(good faith) and Dius Fidius Semo Sancus (from
sancire to ratify an oath) Jupiter Indiges
(meaning unknown) Juno Associated with
marriage Juno Lucina, goddess of childbirth, at
the Matronalia in March Juno Moneta (adviser)
on the Arx (citadel) connection with the Roman
mint Juno Regina (Queen Juno) Livy Juno
persuaded to leave the town of Veii after its
defeat in 396 B. C. Camillus dedication of a
temple to Juno on the Aventine Evocatio
calling a god to leave his city Wife and sister
to Jupiter Role in Vergils Aeneid
Roman Mythology
Minerva Introduced by the Etruscans Identified
with Athena Shared festival with Ares, the
Quinquatrus Goddess of skills of the
mind Patroness of craftspeople Goddess of
schoolchildren Divinties of Fire Vesta,
Vulcan, and Cacus Vesta Etymologically
connected with Hestia Goddess of the hearth
and the fire burning there, symbolic center of
family life Temple of Vesta in the Roman
Forum, tended by six Vestal Virgins Strict
vow of chastity King Numa founded the cult of
Vesta Vesta and Priapus Connected with
the Penates (gods of the storeroom or
cupboard) Attempt to remove them from
Lavinium to Alba Longa Identification with
the Trojan gods brought by Aeneas Penus
Vestae (sacred repository in the temple of
Vesta) The Palladium L. Caecilius
Metellus and the burning of the temple in 241 B.
C. Vulcan (Volcanus) Chief
fire-god God of destructive fire Mulciber
(he who tempers) Vergils description,
Aeneid , Book 8 Cacus Association with
Vulcan Conflict with Heracles after his labor
with Geryon Heracles worship at the Ara
Maxima, between the Aventine and Tiber Scalae
Caci (steps of Cacus) on the Palatine Hill
Roman Mythology
Agricultural and Fertility Divinities Saturn,
Ceres, and their associates Saturn, perhaps of
Etruscan origin Temple dates to the early
Republic, with the state treasury
beneath Agricultural deity Saturnalia
celebrated on December 17, perhaps connected with
winter grain sowing Relaxation of the normal
social inhibitions Saturnalia linked with
the festival of Ops Identified with Greek
Cronus and the Golden Age Rhea, consort of
Cronus, linked with Ops, Italian goddess of
plenty Cult partner was Lua, whose consort
in the cult of Ops was Consus Consualia
festival in August and December Ceres Tem
ple on the Aventine dating to 493 B. C.
political and commercial center Ceres
(Demeter), Liber (Dionysus), and Libera (Kore or
Persephone) Wine-god Liber without ecstatic
aspects of Dionysus Association with Tellus
Mater (earth mother) and the festival of the
sowing of the seed (feriae
sementivae) Pales Livestock and the
farm Originally a pair, then one deity,
either male or female Festival of Pales, the
Parilia (Palilia) celebrated in April
Roman Mythology
Forest Divinities Silvanus and Faunus Silvanus
(Forester) and Faunus (Favorer) were the gods of
the woods and forests. Vergils Aeneid Faunus,
son of Picus and father of Latinus by Marica, an
Italian birth-goddess The consort of Faunus was
Fauna, who was identified with Bona Dea (good
goddess). Faunus and Silvanus identified with
Pan Oracular powers of Faunus Connected with
the Lupercalia in February Lupercal, cave where
the she-wolf (lupa) was believed to have suckled
Romulus and Remus Luperci two young noblemen
who smeared themselves with sacrificial blood and
ran around the Palatine naked, striking women
with leather straps Story of Faunus and
Hercules Garden Divnities Venus and
Priapus Venus Italian fertility
goddess Protectress of gardens Venus
Obsequens (Venus who is favorable) Temple
to Venus Erycina on the Capitoline Hill dedicated
by Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator Eryx, in
Sicily, site of temple to Phoenician Astarte,
identified with Aphrodite, and then
Venus Lectisternium festival at which statues
of gods were placed on couches Venus paired
with Mars Lucretius De rerum natura and the
invocation to Venus Venus Victrix (bringer
of victory) dedicated by Pompey Julian family
traced its ancestry back to Venus. Temple to
Venus Felix (bringer of success) and Roma
Aeterna dedicated by Hadrian Venus Cloacina,
after Cloacina goddess of the Cloaca, the
Etruscan drainage system for the Forum
area Priapus Protector of gardens Wooden
statue, painted red, with erect phallus Cult
at Lampsacus
Roman Mythology
Water Gods Portunus and Gods of Rivers and
Springs Tiberinus, god of the Tiber
propitiation by dummies Neptunus, identified
with Poseidon Portunus, originally god of the
gates (portae), but later of harbors
(portus) Tiberinus, the most significant of the
river-gods appearance to Aeneas in the
Aeneid Juturna and the Juturnalia, the spring of
Juturna in the Forum Camenae, water-nymphs,
identified with the Muses water used for
purification Egeria, nymph, counselor and
consort of Numa, helper of pregnant
women Carmentis (or Carmenta), associated with
water and birth Parcae, Roman birth-goddesses
identified with the three Fates Diana Worshiped
at Aricia Lake Nemi, Dianas Mirror Sir James
Frazers The Golden Bough Rex Nemorensis (king
of the grove), priest of Nemi and a fugitive
slave Diana concerned with the life of women,
and identified with Lucina, who brought children
into the light (in Latin, lux,
lucis) Worshiped at Mt. Tifata Association with
Artemis Horaces Carmen Saeculare At Aricia,
Hippolytus identified with Virbius Mercury God
of trading and profit (Latin merces,
merchandise) Identified with Hermes and all
his attributes
Roman Mythology
Divinities of Death and the Underworld Vergils
Aeneid and Aeneas journey to the
Underworld Parentalia, worship of spirits of
dead ancestors Lemuria, ritual to drive out
spirits who can harm the household Lemures,
identified with the Manes, spirits of the
dead Origin of the gladiatorial games Etruscan
ritual of spilling blood on the earth to
propitiate the dead Orcus, the Roman name for
the Underworld Dis Pater, ruler of Orcus (Dis
dives, wealth) Libitina, goddess of
burial Lares and Genius Lares, linked with the
Penates Lares, household spirits, bringers of
prosperity Compitalia (crossroads
festival) Lares honored at the crossroad with a
shrine Lar familiaris spirit of the house Lar
praestites, or guardian Lares of the
city Lares viales or protectors of travelers
by land Lares permarini or protectors of
travelers by sea Genius creative power of a
man Lectus genialis, or marriage bed
Roman Mythology
Non-Italian Gods Hercules Story of
Cacus The precinct of Hercules, the Ara Maxima
(greatest altar) Bringer of luck and profit,
and patron of traders The Dioscuri Castor
and Pollux Appearance at the battle of Lake
Regillus (496 B. C.) Patrons of horsemen and
of knights (i.e., the economic and social class
below the senators) The Sibylline
oracles Associated with Cumae and the
Sibyl The Sibyl and Tarquinius Superbus, last
king of Rome Apollo and Aesculapius Apollo
introduced as a result of plague Apollo
Medicus (the healer) Ludi Apollinares
(games of Apollo) Asclepius introduced in
293 B. C. after an epidemic Roman name
Aesculapius Cybele Importation of the
Phrygian mother-goddess Cybele Magna Mater
(great mother) Black stone from Pessinus in
Phrygia Megalensia Priests (Galli), who
castrated themselves Catullus (Poem
63) Importation of Egyptian Isis, Asiatic Ma,
Syrian Baal, and Persian Mithras
Roman Mythology
Legends of the Founding of Rome Aeneas and
Romulus Origins of Rome Aeneas and his son
Iulus (Ascanius) Ancestor of the gens
Iulia Traditional date for the founding of
Rome, 753 B. C. Iulus founds Alba
Longa Romulus founds Rome Early control of
Rome in the hands of Etruscans Roman
independence by the earth fifth century B.
C. Historical/legendary elements Aeneas
the tradition before Vergil Aeneas, son of
Aphrodite and Anchises The prophecy of
Poseidon in Homers Iliad Flight from
Troy Wanderings through the Aegean and
Mediterranean Legends of his arrival in Italy
established early Hellanicus, Greek historian
of the fifth century Statuettes at Veii found
depicting Aeneas carrying Anchises from
Troy Early epics of Naevius and
Ennius Early Roman historian Fabius
Pictor Cato the Elder and his
Origines Aeneas arrival in Italy, marriage to
Lavinia, founding of Laurolavinium Presence of
Latinus, Turnus, and Mezentius in the legendary
evolution Ascanius leaves Laurolavinium to
found Alba Longa Basic foundation myth
available to Vergil
Roman Mythology
Vergils Aeneid Great nation epic Combination
of Homeric conventions, Greek mythology, and
Roman ethical and historical insights Establishme
nt in the mythical past of the destiny of Rome to
be achieved in Vergils own time by
Augustus Aeneas sails to Delos and receives an
oracle about returning to the land of
Dardanus Arrival in Crete and the vision of the
Penates At Epirus Aeneas receives the prophecy
of the white sow from Helenus Aeneas sails to
Sicily encounter with Achaemenides a survivor of
Odysseus wandering Anchises dies and is
buried From Sicily to North Africa encounter
with Dido, queen of Carthage and the story of her
flight from her original home in Tyre and the
death of her husband, Sychaeus Aeneas received
by Dido narration of the fall of Troy Didos
destructive passion for Aeneas Mercury commands
Aeneas to set sail again Another stay in
Sicily Funeral games for Anchises Reaching
Italy at Cumae The Cumaean Sibyl the
presentation to Aeneas in the Underworld of the
future greatness of Rome Sailing to the mouth of
the Tiber and the fulfillment of
prophecies Latium, King Latinus and Queen Amata,
and the princess Lavinia Turnus, prince of the
Rutulians Junos intervention the Fury Allecto
maddens both Turnus and Amata War begins between
the Latins and the Trojans, who are aided by the
Etruscans and the forces of King Evander
Pallanteum and the future site of
Rome Mezentius, a man hostile to the gods, and
his son Lausus Pallas, son of Evander, given to
the charge of Aeneas but eventually killed by
Turnus Turnus killed by Aeneas
Roman Mythology
Jupiter in the Aeneid Identification with fate
or destiny Intertwining of mythology and Roman
history Jupiter much more powerful a figure than
Zeus in Homer Aeneas a new epic hero Pietas,
devotion to family, country and gods A man
following a destiny he cannot see clearly A
combination of Odysseus and Achilles, but
different Quintessential image of Aeneas in
flight from a burning Troy, carrying his father
on his back (who is sometimes himself carrying
statuettes of the gods), and leading his young
son into an unknown future The end of the
Aeneid Dido Queen of Carthage Obstacle to the
destiny of Aeneas Sympathetic figure,
overwhelmed by forces outside her control Didos
curse against Aeneas foreshadowing the Punic
Wars Other characters in the Aeneid King
Evander Juno Allecto Turnus, a victim of
destiny like Dido Nisus and Euryalus and their
tragic death Camilla, the warrior
maiden Mezentius, impious to the gods and a foil
to Aeneas pietas The death of Aeneas After
Vergils Aeneid ends Aeneas marries
Lavinia Founding of Lavinium Death and
transformation into a god, Indiges
Roman Mythology
Anna and Anna Perenna Ovids Fasti Tradition
of the flight of Anna, Didos sister Connection
with Anna Perenna, goddess of the New
Year Romulus and the Earliest Legends of
Rome Romulus and Remus Amulius, the last
king of Alba Longa Numitor, rightful
king Rhea Silvia (or Ilia), daughter of
Numitor Romulus and Remus, sons of Rhea
Silvia and Mars Exposure of the
infants The she-wolf Faustulus, a
shepherd who finds the twins, and Acca Larentia,
his wife Death of Amulius the restoration of
Numitor Romulus and Remus to found their own
city Fraternal rivalry and the death of
Remus Romulus and the Sabines Asylum on
the Capitoline The abduction of the Sabine
women A series of conflicts with the
Sabines The origin of the spolia
opima The treachery of Tarpeia The story
of Marcus Curtius Quirites, name for Roman
citizens Disappearance of Romulus Apotheos
is as the god Quirinus
Roman Mythology
Other characters in the legend of
Romulus Faustulus, connected with
Faunus Acca Larentia connected with mater
Larum (mother of the Lares) Hersilia, the
wife of Romulus became Hora Quirini (hora, the
power or the will of Quirinus Tarpeia and
the Tarpeian Rock Legends of the Regal
Period The Horatii Tullus Hostilius The
destruction of Alba Longa The Curiatii and the
Horatii Horatius and the death of his
sister Ritual of purification and the tigillum
sororium The Tarquins and Servius
Tullius The last three kings of Rome
Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, and
Tarquinius Superbus Servius, second only to
Romulus as founder and organizer of Roman
institutions Lucretia and the end of the
Monarchy The siege of Ardea Tarquinius
Collatinus and Sextus Tarquinius, son of King
Tarquinius Superbus Lucretia, wife of
Tarquinius Collatinus The rape of Lucretia by
Sextus and her suicide The expulsion of the
last king, Tarquinius Superbus, and the
institution of the Roman Republic
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