Title: Peter
1 Peters Calling Luke 51-11
Peters Calling Luke 51-11
2Outline of Luke
Prologue 11-4 Pre-Public Life (15-413) Galilean
Ministry (414-950) Travelogue to Jerusalem
(951-1927) Entrance into Jerusalem
(1928-2138) Passion Narrative (221-2453)
3Galilee north
Samaria central
Judea south
4- Galilee
- Northern region
- Capernaum HQ
- gt50 parables here
- Most miracles here
- Sea of Galilee great fishing on the north end
5(No Transcript)
6Peters Callings
1). John 1 John the Baptist Jordan River
7John 135-42 (paraphrased) (At Bethany by the
Jordan 128) John (the Baptist) was standing
with two of his disciples and he looked upon
Jesus as He walked and said, Behold the Lamb of
God! And the two disciples heard him speak and
they followed Jesus.
8John 135-42 (paraphrased) (At Bethany by the
Jordan 128) One of the two disciples (of John
the Baptist) was Andrew, Simon Peters brother.
He found first his own brother Simon and said to
him, We have found the Messiah. He (Andrew)
brought him (Simon Peter) to Jesus. Jesus looked
at him and said, You are Simon son of John you
shall be called Cephas (which translated means
9Peters Callings
2). Matt 4 Mark 1
3). Luke 51-11
1). John 1 John the Baptist Jordan River
10Big Idea of Luke 51-11 This private miracle,
focused on Peter, was designed to seal his call
to apostolic ministry and teach him that Christ
is his real source in all matters, primarily
- His competency
- His identity
- His calling
11Outline of Luke 51-11 Setting (51-3) Miracle
of the Catch (54-7) Response to the Miracle
12- Luke 51-11
- Setting Sea of Galilee (51-3)
- Multitude pressing in
- Two boats fishermen washing nets
- Jesus Peter in the boat
- And He got into one of the boats, which was
Simons (Peter) and ask him to put out a little
way from the land
13(No Transcript)
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17- Luke 51-11
- Miracle of the Catch (54-7)
- Jesus Command (54)
- To Simon (Peter)
- Put out into Deep Water
- Let down your nets
- For a catch promise?
18- Luke 51-11
- Miracle of the Catch (54-7)
- Jesus Command (54)
- Peters Trust (55)
- We worked hard ALL NIGHT
- But at your bidding, I will let down the
1910 Things in Peters Mind
Nobody fishes the deep in the day Fish can see
our nets in the day Fish are mobile in the
day Each boat needs up to 4 guys We have worked
hard all night
2010 Things in Peters Mind
We caught nothing aint bitin Our nets need
washing drying We would have to reload the
nets Theres a lot of people watching What does
Jesus know about fishing?
21Luke 51-11 Miracle of the Catch (54-7) Jesus
Command (54) Peters Trust (55) Great Supply
22The Details of Luke 56-7
- And when they had done this, they enclosed a
great quantity of fish and their nets began to
break and they signaled to their partners in the
other boat, for them to come and help them. And
they came, and filled both of the boats, so that
they began to sink.
23- Luke 51-11
- Response to the Miracle (58-11)
- Peters Confession (58-10a)
- Awareness of his sinful state
- Amazement fear by all
- Promise of New Fish (510b)
- Peter No Catch
- Jesus Fish Men Caught
- Departure to Follow Christ (511)
24Application Thoughts
Is my core competency mine or His? Is my core
competency preventing me from fully following the
Lord? Is the Lord welcome in my work? Is the
Lord asking me to go fishing with Him in the deep
during the day?
25 Peters Calling Luke 51-11