Title: Sarah, Plain and Tall
1Sarah, Plain and Tall
Written by Patricia McLaughlin
Sarah is a mail-order bride from Maine who comes
to live with her new family on the prairie. She
is a little scared at first but she soon comes to
love them all.
Sarah has been living with her brother in Maine,
but he is going to get married soon. Sarah has to
look for a new place to live. One day she finds
an advertisement in the newspaper placed by a man
in Kansas who is looking for a wife. She decides
to reply to the ad and go and live with the
family for a one month trial period. After this
period, they will decide if she will stay or go.
4Its a long journey
Jacob lost his wife during a very difficult birth
of their second child, Caleb. It has been
several years since this terrible accident, and
Jacob has decided that his children need a
mother. He has also decided that it might not be
so bad for him to have a new wife. Jacob has put
an ad in the paper looking for a new wife and
6Caleb and Anna
After a few weeks of waiting, Jacob receives a
reply. Caleb, his son, is very excited. His
daughter, Anna is a little upset over the idea of
someone trying to replace her mother. Jacob
doesnt really show any emotion at all. It is
hard to tell at this point how things will go for