Title: Technology Innovation Towards a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Economy
1Institute of Transportation StudiesUniversity of
California, Davis
Technology Innovation Towards A Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Economy
Anthony Eggert Sustainable Transportation Energy
Pathways (STEPS) March 22, 2007
2Experience curves and early markets
RD Investment gt Cumulative Production
Source Modified from PCAST 1999
3Experience curves and early markets
Source Ballard (Stack only) and TIAX (Carlson,
4Experience curves and early markets
Time gt Investment gt Production
RD3 Investment gt Production
5Experience curves and early markets
Time gt Investment gt Production
RD3 Investment gt Production
6Experience curves and early markets
RD3 Investment gt Production
7Experience curves and early markets
RD3 Investment gt Production
8What are the early markets?
Premium/ Back-up Power
Decreasing FC System Cost
Auxiliary Power Units
Material Handling
Transit Bus
9Experience curves and early markets
RD3 Investment gt Production
10How will we know when were there?
Source Wene (2000) referenced from BCG (1968)
11Thank you!
Contact information Anthony Eggert E-mail
areggert_at_ucdavis.edu http//steps.its.ucdavis.edu/