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New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 6 As His Name Is, So Is He! Book 2 Unit 6 New Horizon College English – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Book 2

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As His Name Is, So Is He!
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As His Name Is, So Is He!
  • Background information?
  • Watch and Discuss ?
  • Culture differences ?
  • Fun Time ?
  • Text
  • Compound Dictation ?

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Background Information
For this reading passage, we have many proper
names, which contain cultural background. The
following is a brief explanation of the names
that appeared in the reading passage. 
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
English names and their implications
  • Alan
  • Charles
  • David
  • Edward
  • John
  • ????
  • ????
  • ????
  • ??????
  • ?????

Hi, I am Alan.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Michael Richard Robert Stephen
William Victor
????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Alice Angela Anna Catherine
Diana Elizabeth
?? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
  • Helen
  • Lily
  • Mary
  • Ruth
  • Sarah
  • Susanna
  • ??
  • ???
  • ????
  • ??
  • ??
  • ?????

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Other information for reference
Etymological Elements in First Names Behind the
Name Most Popular Names for Births in the United
States in 2002 Middle Names Names and
Behavior Names and Personal Identity
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Lead-in Questions
1. How to address your family members?
2. How to address your close friends and
other people?
3. What is the meaning of your Chinese name?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
How to Address People
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
How to address people ?
Relation Ways to address them
Family members Grandfather/mother, mum, dad, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, cousin, etc.
Those you are not familiar with 1. Title last name Mr./Mrs./Miss Smith
Those you are not familiar with 2. For the people having a job or a high status e.g. Doctor/Judge/Professor Lin
Those you are not familiar with 3. An informal way call last name at work, on sports team or when talking about sports.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
A Video Clip The Most Attractive Name
Whose name is the most attractive one for you?
Enjoy the video clip and exchange your ideas.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
The Most Attractive Name
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Watch Discuss
Directions Watch the video and then discuss
the topics as follows
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As an important identity of a person in society,
a name carries no other social functions.
However, when choosing names for themselves or
for their children, people generally enrich the
names with special implied meanings, expecting
that the names could reflect something more
favorable. Thus, throughout history, every
country has formed their own system of names. In
English-speaking countries, for example, people
take into account the following factors. First
names must sound pleasant and attractive. Second
names carry special implications. Besides,
choosing names is also affected by the concept of
social values. For instance, Americans tend to
name people after heroes.
Book 2 Unit 6
New Horizon College English
In the traditional Chinese culture, people
attached great importance to names, as evidenced
in the old saying Its more important to teach
children skills than grant them a thousand pieces
of gold, whereas its even more important to
bestow good names on children than teach them
skills(????,??????????,??????). People believe
a name reveals ones emotion, will and ambition,
and symbolizes ones image, qualities and tastes.
An elegant name which fits a person can imply
psychological guidance, give him self-confidence,
contribute to his success and accompany him for
the whole life. As a result, people make
painstaking efforts to choose
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
A distinctive and meaningful name is
characteristic or descriptive of a person.
Although people choose names for varying
preferences, a good name may shape an image of
statesman of great ambition and impressive
carriage, or businessman of extraordinary
intelligence and capability, or scholar of great
attainments and high moral characters. Just as an
Chinese saying goes You hear the name as if you
meet the person.(???????), a pleasing name can
leave good impression, promote interpersonal
relationship and guarantee successful
communication. However, an unsuitable name may
result in bias against the person, just as shown
in the video.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
We all admit that names do influence us in
different ways, but any overestimation of their
effects on us , as many people put it, is just a
fatalism(???). No matter what differences names
make to our life and career, their symbolic
function can never be changed. As a matter of
fact, names themselves by no means lead to
success or professional achievements in ones
life. Therefore, if your name fits you, keep it
if you dont feel like your name, change it for a
better one.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Culture differences
  1. An English name consists of first / given name,
    middle name and family name /surname

William Jeremy Smith (full name)William (first
name/given name) Mr. Smith (titlesurname)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
My name is Diane Nora James. What do people call
me before I get married ?
  • Nora
  • Diane
  • Miss James
  • I will adopt my
  • husbands family
  • name.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Fun Time ?
Loneliness knows me by name
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Fun Time ?
Loneliness knows me by name by Westlife
Loneliness is always looking for a friend It
found me once and it has been around since then
Loneliness is never waiting by the door It
sweeps right through and it will never be
ignored Why, why was I chosen? Why am I left
without? The love of my life, the love that I need
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
The love that they say is in life for free The
love of my dreams, the love that I
want Loneliness knows me by name Loneliness knows
everything I keep inside My endless thoughts in
the silence of the night Loneliness is the one
who made me see In nobody else who can make a
change but me
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Why, why was I chosen? Why am I left
without? The love of my life, the love that I
need The love that they say is in life for
free The love of dreams, the love that I
want Loneliness knows me by name
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Less is more and that would be the vacant space
The cried out tears and a never ending maze I
have found what only loneliness provides A
strength within knowing I will find The love of
my life, the love that I need The love that they
say is in life for free The love of dreams, the
love that I want Loneliness knows me by name
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
New Words Text Learning Paragraph Writing Chinese
Equivalents of English Text Understanding
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
1. elegant a. ??????
2. application n. C,U??????
3. impulsively ad. ???
4. substitute vt./n. ??/C??????
5. professional a./n. ??????/C????
6. talent n. C,U??,??U??
7. Bible n. (the ?)??
8. definition n. C ????
9. characteristic a./n. ??????/C??
10. descriptive a. ??????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
11. approval n. U????????
12. disapproval n. U?????
13. reserve n./vt. U??C??/????
14. plainness n. U?????
15. convey vt. ????
16. specific a. ????????????
17. latter a./n. (???)???/??
18. qualify v. (?)???????
19. critic n. C ??????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
20. prominent a. ??????
21. by-line n. C ?????
22. refine vt. ?????????
refined a. ???????
23. attractive a. ????????
24. impressive a. ???????
25. stereotype vt./n. ????/C??????
26. extent n. sing., U ??
27. confess v. ??????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
28. carpenter n. C ??,??
29. physicist n. C ????
30. Pope n. C ??
31. nursery n. C ???
nursery school n. C ???
32. thoughtful a. ?????????
33. creature n. C ???
34. award vt./n. ????/C????
35. Dr. abbr. ????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
for better or (for) worse ????????
even so ????????
turn down ??
come up to ??,??
press for ??????
ill at ease ???
free from ??????
take charge of ????
be stuck with ???????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Debbie ??(??)
Lynne ??(??)
Webster ????(??)
Joe ?(??)
Arthur ??(??)
Adrian ????(??)
Susan ??(??)
Harry ??(??)
Nigel ???(??)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As His Name Is, So Is He !
Para. 1 For her first twenty-four years, shed
been known as Debbiea name that didnt suit her
good looks and elegant manner. My name has
always made me think I should be a cook, she
complained. I just dont feel like a Debbie.
Para. 2a One day, while filling out an
application form for a publishing job, the young
woman impulsively substituted her middle name,
Lynne, for her first name Debbie.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 2b That was the smartest thing I ever
did, she says now. As soon as I stopped calling
myself Debbie, I felt more comfortable with
myself ... and other people started to take
me more seriously. Two years after her
successful job interview, the former waitress is
now a successful magazine editor. Friends and
associates call her Lynne.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 3a Naturally, the name change didnt cause
Debbie/Lynnes professional achievementbut it
surely helped if only by adding a bit of
self-confidence to her talents. Social scientists
say that what youre called can affect your life.
Throughout history, names have not merely
identified people but also described them.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 3b As his name is, so is he. says the
Bible, and Websters Dictionary includes the
following definition of name a word or words
expressing some quality considered characteristic
or descriptive of a person or a thing, often
expressing approval or disapproval. Note well
approval or disapproval. For better or worse,
qualities such as friendliness or reserve,
plainness or charm may be suggested by your name
and conveyed to other people before they even
meet you.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 4a Names become attached to specific
images, as anyone whos been called a plain
Jane or just an average Joe can show. The
latter name particularly bothers me since my name
is Joe, which some think makes me more qualified
to be a baseball player than, say, an art critic.
Yet, despite this disadvantage, I did manage to
become an art critic for a time.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 4b Even so, one prominent magazine
consistently refused to print Joe in my
by-line, using my first initials, J. S.,
instead. I suspect that if I were a more
refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would
have appeared complete.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 5a Of course, names with a positive sense
can work for you and even encourage new
acquaintances. A recent survey showed that
American men thought Susan to be the most
attractive female name, while women believed
Richard and David were the most attractive for
men. One woman I know turned down a blind date
with a man named Harry because he sounded dull.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 5b Several evenings later, she came up to
me at a party, pressing for an introduction to a
very impressive man theyd been exchanging
glances all evening. Oh, I said. You mean
Harry. She was ill at ease.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 6a Though most of us would like to think
ourselves free from such prejudiced notions,
were all guilty of name stereotyping to some
extent. Confess Wouldnt you be surprised
to meet a carpenter named Nigel? A physicist
named Bertha? A Pope Mel?
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 6b Often, we project name-based
stereotypes on people, as one woman friend
discovered while taking charge of a nursery
schools group of four-year-olds. There I was,
trying to get a little active boy named Julian to
sit quietly and read a bookand pushing a
thoughtful creature named Rory to play ball. I
had their personalities confused because of their
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 7a Apparently, such prejudices can affect
classroom achievement as well. In a study
conducted by Herbert Harari of San Diego State
University, and John McDavid of Georgia State
University, teachers gave consistently lower
grades on essays apparently written by boys named
Elmer and Hubert than they awarded to the same
papers when the writers names were given as
Michael and David. However, teacher prejudice
isnt the only source of classroom difference.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 7b Dr. Thomas V. Busse and Louisa
Seraydarian of Temple University found those
girls with names such as Linda, Diane, Barbara,
Carol, and Cindy performed better on objectively
graded IQ and achievement tests than did girls
with less appealing names. (A companion study
showed girls popularity with their peers was
also related to the popularity of their
namesalthough the connection was less clear for
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 8 Though your parents probably meant your
name to last a lifetime, remember that when they
picked it theyd hardly met you, and the hopes
and dreams they valued when they chose it may not
match yours. If your name no longer seems to fit
you, dont despair you arent stuck with the
label. Movie stars regularly change their
names, and with some determination, you can, too.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Chinese Equivalents of English
  1. fill out an application form
  2. take sb. seriously
  3. identify people
  4. more qualified to be a player
  5. encourage new acquaintances
  1. ?????
  2. ??????
  3. ???
  4. ???????
  5. ????????

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Paragraph Writing
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Point of view A general point of view is stated
at the beginning of the paragraph
Comparison Next comes the specific illustration
through comparison
Result At last comes the conclusion related to
the topic
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Example However, teacher prejudice isnt the
only source of classroom difference. (Point of
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Dr. Thomas V. Busse and Louisa Seraydarian of
Temple University found those girls with names
such as Linda, Diane, Barbara, Carol, and Cindy
performed better on objectively graded IQ and
achievement tests than did girls with less
appealing names. (Comparison 1) (Result)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
(A companion study showed girls popularity with
their peers was also related to the popularity of
their namesalthough the connection was less
clear for boys.) (Comparison 2) (Result)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
???? Directions Have a look at the following
outline and the sample paragraph which presents a
point of view followed by a comparison and a
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Point of view Speaking is imitation.
Comparison ? Speaking native language use the
same grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation as
people around ? Speaking foreign language
imitate grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of
native speakers
Result correct and natural way of speaking
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Sample Composition Speaking is
imitation. (Point of view) When you speak your
native language, you dont make up your own
grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation. You use
the same grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation
as the people around you.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Similarly, when trying to speak a foreign
language, your goal is to imitate the grammar,
vocabulary, and pronunciation of native speakers.
(Comparison) In this way, you can speak in a
correct and natural way, either your native
language or a foreign language. (Result)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Writing Assignment Directions Write a
comparative paragraph on one of the following
topics. One topic has been given a detailed
outline that you can follow.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
1. Detailed outline Point of view My hometown
is very much like my college town.
Comparison My hometown small town located in
rural area surrounded by farmland My college
town small town lies in the center of farmland
Result My college town makes me feel at home.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
2. Detailed outline
Point of view Books is very much like friends

Comparison Books good friends, dear to us, give
us pleasure and advice, turn to them for help
when coming across difficulties Friends dear to
us, give us advice, help us when we are in
trouble Result Books are our good friends
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
???? My hometown and my college town have
several things in common. (Point of view) First,
my hometown is a small town. It has a population
of only about 10,000 people. Located in a rural
area, it is surrounded by many acres of farmland
which are devoted mainly to growing corn and
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As for my college town, it is small too. Having a
population of about 11,000 local residents, it
lies in the center of farmland which is used to
raise hogs and cattle. (Comparison) Therefore
living in my college town makes me feel at home.
I enjoy it. (Result)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
????   Para.1
?????????????, ????,????????????? Para.2a
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 2b ???????????????, ????????,???????????,
??????? ?????????????????

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 3a ??,??(???)?????????????,????????????,????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 3b???????????,????????????????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 4a ????????????,???????????????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 4b ????,????????????????????,??????????
J. S. ???????,?????????????????????,??????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 5a ??,???????????????,????????????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 5b ??????????????,??????,?????????????????
???????????????, ?????????? ??????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 6a ?????????????????????,???????,??????????
?????????,?????????????????????? ?????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 6b ?????????????????????????????,??????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 7a ???,???????????????????????????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 7b ?????????V??????????????????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Para. 8 ??????????????????,???,??????????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to add sth. to sth. else
A succession of little successes adds confidence
to his striving for a greater one.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
for better or (for) worse
For better or worse, peoples sincere concern for
each other will add to their friendship.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to convey sth. to sb.
It is through a constant flow of short messages
that he conveys to the girl his strong attachment
to her.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to become attached to
The saddest thing about women is that they become
attached to men.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to work for
What most works for ones growth is honest advice
unpleasant to the ear.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to press for
It is ironic that what you press for now is just
what you once failed to cherish.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to be ill at ease
Standing in anothers shoes helps us learn how to
ease those ill at ease.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to project sth. on sb.
What matters is that parents project their
one-sided wishes on their children.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to take charge of
to take charge of
Once every citizen knows to take charge of his
words and deeds, it will be the day when honesty
comes back into society.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
to be stuck with sth.
Stuck with the fixed pattern of thinking, she
could not lift herself out of her pain.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As His Name Is, So Is He!
As sth. be / do, so be / do sth. else. ?????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As ways of heaven are, so are rewards for
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
One day, while filling out an application form
for a publishing job, the young woman impulsively
substituted her middle name, Lynne, for her first
name Debbie.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
One day, while doing sth., sb. impulsively did
sth. else. ??,?????,????????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
One day, while resting under an apple tree,
Newton impulsively asked himself why the apples
fell down to the earth.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As soon as I stopped calling myself Debbie, I
felt more comfortable with myself
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As soon as one stops doing sth. / stops to do
sth., one feels comfortable / uncomfortable with
oneself. ?????????/???????,???????/????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
As soon as he stopped to play online games, he
felt very comfortable with himself.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
??,?????????? J. S. ????
I did manage to become an art critic for a time.
Even so, one prominent magazine consistently
refused to print Joe in my by-line, using my
first initials, J. S., instead.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Sb. do sth. Even so, sb. else refuse to do sth.
else. ???????????,???????????
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
He did express his apology in public for his
conduct. Even so, the national team refused to
forgive him.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Though most of us would like to think ourselves
free from such prejudiced notions, were all
guilty of name stereotyping to some extent.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Though sb. would like to think himself free from
, sb. be . ??????????,??(????)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
????????????????,??????????, ??????
Though we all like to think ourselves free from
the lure of money, we are often stuck in money
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
If your name no longer seems to fit you, dont
despair you arent stuck with the label.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
If sth. no longer seem to do sth., there is no
need to do sth. else . (??/??)
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
If the target for your life no longer seems to
fit you, there is no need to compel yourself.
Youd better entertain an alternative target.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Text Understanding
Although names are generally used as signs in
social life to distinguish one person from
another, they can make a great difference to a
person. Life will be different because of
changing an appealing name. The text shows us
some examples. Now make lists of the major
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Part I The importance of names (Para. 13)
1. Whos Debbie? Why didnt she like this name?
  • A former waitress.
  • It didnt suit her good looks and elegant
  • manner.
  • It made her think she should be a cook.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
2. According to Debbie, what difference did it
make when she changed her name to Lynne?
  • Felt more comfortable.
  • Other people started to
  • take her more seriously.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
3. What did the writer think of Debbies name
  • No use for Debbies professional
  • achievement.
  • Add a bit of self-confidence to her talents.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Part II. The positive and negative effects of
names on life. (Para. 47)
4. Which name bothers the art critic a lot?
Jane, Joe, Arthur or Adrian? Why?
  • Average Joe
  • Not qualified to be

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
5. What did the woman feel when she knew the
impressive man was Harry? Why?
  • Ill at ease
  • Turn down a blind date with him because of
    his name.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
6. Whats the personality of Julian? What
about Rory ?
  • Julian active
  • Rory quiet thoughtful

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
7. Why do some students do better than others
on the same essay?
  • Boys with less appealing names will be given
    lower grades.
  • Name prejudices affect classroom achievement.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Part III. The necessity of changing names.
8. According to the writer, what can you do
if your name doesnt seem to fit you?
  • With some determination, you can change
  • your name.

New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
This writer describes ways names can make a
difference. One woman didnt like her _____ name
because it didnt suit her ___________ or elegant
manner and made her think she should be a cook.
When she used her _______ name for her first, she
felt more comfortable with herself, other people
started to take her more ________ and gave her
added __________. So some social scientists say
that what youre called can affect your life. One
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
magazine consistently refused to print the
writers name because his name made him more
________ to be a baseball player than an art
critic. Other names would have been printed
completely. At a party, another woman was ill
_______ because the man whom she wanted the
writer to introduce her to was the same person
she had ___________ for a blind date because
at ease
turned down
of his name.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Compound Dictation ?
Directions You will hear a
passage three times. When the passage is read for
the second time, you are required to fill in the
blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact
words you have just heard. For blanks numbered S9
to S11 you are required to fill in missing
information. For these blanks, you can either use
the exact words you have just heard or write down
the main points in your own words. Now listen to
the passage.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Compound Dictation ?
Whats the big question US presidential
candidates should be asking themselves? Is my
name short enough? You only have to S01
______ at the credits on a Hollywood S02 _____
to see the polysyllabic, ethnic diversity of
surnames in the great S03 _______ pot of the
United States. But when it comes to S04 ______
for a president, the gene pool shrinks rapidly,
and the S05 __________ is for monikers that are
blunt and Anglo-Saxon.
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Compound Dictation ?
So if you want to find a way of S06 __________
who is going to win the race for the presidency,
look at the lengths and S07 ______ of their
names. The pattern since World War II has been
for candidates with increasingly S08 _____ ,
poster-friendly names. And preferably sounding
like they could be the leaders in a mini-series.
In the last electoral battle, in 2000, S09
___________________________________ with a
two-syllable play-off between George Bush and AL

the names couldnt have got any shorter
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Compound Dictation ?
In the three decades since Richard
Nixon was turned out of office, Ronald Reagan
______________________________. Coincidence?
Perhaps the Republicans have already
rumbled this short-name advantage

has been the only
Republican candidate with a surname longer than
one syllable
New Horizon College English
Book 2 Unit 6
Thank you
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