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Integrated Research Report


INTEGRATED RESEARCH REPORT Nursing 335 Introduction to Nursing Research Laura Tipton TOPIC OF INTEREST PICO Question - In Post-op cardiac/thoracic patients, what is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Integrated Research Report

Integrated Research Report
  • Nursing 335 Introduction to
  • Nursing Research
  • Laura Tipton

Topic of Interest
  • PICO Question - In Post-op cardiac/thoracic
    patients, what is the effect of pharmacologic
    interventions compared with non pharmacologic
  • This topic is significant to my own nursing
    practice. I work on a cardiac step down unit.
    When patients are coming out of chest/thoracic
    surgery they all have pain of some degree. Some
    people are hesitant about using pharmacologic
    pain control and I wanted to become educated on
    this because it is so important for breathing,
    activity, and healing to have good pain
    management post chest/thoracic surgery.

Article 1 Summary
  • Research Question To discuss/investigate the
    pain after a thoracotomy and what relieves it.
  • Variables
  • Independent Pressure on surgical site, activity,
    talking about pain
  • Dependent - Pain Relief
  • Subjects/ParticipantsConsent was obtained by the
    Akdeniz University and the University gave
    permission for the study to take place.
    Participants volunteered to participate. 70
    patients who underwent a thoracotomy, 68 of
    patients were male with the mean age of 49.9.
    They all received there surgery at Akdeniz
    University Hospital between November 2007 to
    November 2008. The mean duration of their
    surgeries was 90 minutes. The patients chosen
    were extubated without complication 2-3 hours
    after surgery.

Article 1 Summary
  • Research Design Quantitative
  • Data Collection The Behavioral Scale filled out
    by the researcher
  • The factors used were blood pressure, heart
    rate, O2 sat, and body temperature.
  • Verbal Category Scale patient discusses their
  • Each tool was tested and now is used in hospitals
    for assessing pain.

Article 1 Summary
  • Results There were marked increases in blood
    pressure and heart rate following surgery. The
    patients stated pain was the worst 2 hours
    following surgery with a marked decrease in pain
    the 48th hour following surgery. Factors that
    increased pain were movement, walking, position
    changes, coughing, and chest tube movement.
    Factors that relieved pain that received the
    greatest scores were drugs and position. Both
    pharmacologic and non pharmacologic interventions
    were noted to increase and decrease pain.
  • Answer to Questions Both pharmacologic and non
    pharmacologic interventions were noted to
    increase and decrease pain. Sharp, stabbing, and
    throbbing pain was described following a
  • Threats Patients changing their response because
    they are being studied. The time frame when the
    data collection is taken. If the data is not
    taken say for instance the same time after a drug
    is given pain can be different for anyone.

Article 1 Summary
  • Conclusion Conclusion is that pain following a
    thoracotomy is intense and one of the most
    intense pain there is following any surgery
    because of what goes on during the procedure.
    Ribs are separated and nerves are cut, the chest
    tube can limit the movement of the diaphragm
    making breathing difficult. Immobilization is a
    huge concern for patients in the post op phase
    and this research study evaluated what
    interventions and activities can help with the
  • Recommendations Talking to a health
    professional, changing position, receiving drugs
    before moving, creating a calm and quiet
    environment, and using pressure on thoracotomy
    site are all interventions for post op pain
  • Limitations Limitations were not noted in the
    research study. There could include the area and
    population tested. Pain threshold of each
    patient. The atmosphere would be different for
    each patient and their experiences would all be
    different. A huge limitation would include if
    there was existing pain before surgery for each

Article 2 Summary
  • Research Question The ability of critical care
    nurses to assess pain and promote pain relief.
  • Variables
  • Independent Critical care nurses knowledge and
    ability to treat pain, their techniques and views
  • Dependent -Pain relief in post op patients
  • Subjects/Participants Participants were
    volunteers and were encouraged to talk about
    their experiences. The head nurse of the ICU sent
    out 7 requests with critical care nurses and 6
    replied back they were interested and signed
    consent forms.
  • Ages were 31-48 years old and median years of
    experience was 12.

Article 2 Summary
  • Research Design Qualitative design
  • Data Collection The data was collected through a
    private interview with each nurse. The interviews
    lasted 20-70 minutes. There was a questionnaire
    that was a guide to the interview. The nurses
    were asked to expand on their experiences with
    assessing, treating, and evaluating pain in
    post-op patients. How they felt about pain, about
    their relationships with patients, and how they
    felt about treating pain. This tool is reliable
    for a qualitative research design. The more
    quality in answers the better

Article 2 Summary
  • Results The results indicated that a good
    relationship is essential to treat pain, trust
    has to be in between nurse, patient, and doctor,
    nurse needs to see the patients experience as one
    of a kind, and that drugs is not effective alone
    in treating pain.
  • Answer to Questions Critical care nurses use
    their Visual Scale and assessing abilities to
    treat post op pain. Pharmacology is definitely
    not the only intervention the nurses used. The
    importance landed on having a good relationship
    with the patient and using good communication
    about pain and treatment.
  • First choice of drug was morphine, it has been
    tested and viewed as effective. If that did not
    work on to the next and then a call to the doctor
    if pain is not relieved.
  • Older patients tend to not be able to communicate
    their pain effectively and the nurses have to use
    their assessment skills to help the patient relax
    and maybe use new positions to help them.

Article 2 Summary
  • Conclusion Conclusion is that critical care
    nurses use analgesics for pain treatment as
    number one and that there is not enough time for
    non pharmacologic interventions.
  • Recommendations The need for nurses to be
    competent in treating pain because it means
    shorter hospital stays and a better well being.
  • Threats Could be the nurses feeling like they
    have to answer a certain way for the research
    report to reflect what they feel it should
  • Limitations Limitations included in the article
    were that only 6 nurses were interviewed.

Article 3 Summary
  • Research Question To assess what nurses
    knowledge is when it comes to patient education
    for post op pain relief.
  • Variables
  • Independent Nurses knowledge of pain
  • Dependent - Patients knowledge on post op pain
  • Subjects/Participants Subjects were full time
    nurses in a large university affiliated hospital
    in Toronto Canada.
  • 22 nurses were interviewed form 40-50 minutes
    with a interviewer.

Article 3 Summary
  • Research Design A descriptive qualitative design
  • Data Collection The pain belief scale used to
    assess nurses and nursing students beliefs and
    conceptions on pain. Nurses were to answer
    true/false/unsure for each question. 20 total.
    Possible points 20.

Article 3 Summary
  • Results The finding was that the mean score for
    the pan belief scale for nurses was a 14. One of
    the problem areas was the belief that 1
    intervention at a time works best. This was a
    false statement that many got wrong.
  •  There was a misbelief that the younger
    population had more pain because they used more
    medication for pain and that the older population
    had less pain because they did not request has
    much pain medication.
  • Answer to Questions There is a knowledge deficit
    for post op cardiac nurses for pain and pain

Article 3 Summary
  • Threats The study was done in Canada, education
    can be different and monitored differently. One
    hospital may have different policy/procedures
    than other hospitals.
  • Recommendations The need for continuing
    education for cardiac nurses about post op pain
    and when to educate our patients.
  • Limitations Limitations included that there was
    only 2 wards of the hospital interviewed that
    could affect the results. The strength was it was
    close to real life as possible. The nurses
    involved did not know the interviewer and the
    range of experience in nurses was very wide
    making it more real life as well.

Article 4 Summary
  • Research Question Will massage offer pain relief
    for thoracic surgery patients post op?
  • Variables
  • Independent massage
  • Dependent - pain relief
  • Subjects/Participants 160 participants were
    given a massage post thoracic surgery. Nurses
    identified with the massage therapist what kind
    of pain they were having and a therapist gave 4
    massages in the morning to have direct feedback
    to the doctors rounding.

Article 4 Summary
  • Research Design Quantitative
  • Data Collection Patients were asked to rate
    their pain 1-10 pre and post massage.

Article 4 Summary
  • Results The decrease in pain was around -3.4
    after the massage. If a patient was asleep or
    somber they would skip asking the question
    because they were pain free.
  • Massage helped decrease pain and anxiety in post
    thoracic patients.
  • Answer to Questions Massage decreases pain in
    thoracic surgery patients
  • Conclusion No limitations were noted .Conclusion
    made were that massage will benefit this
    population of patients. There was a marked
    decrease in pain and anxiety.

Article 4 Summary
  • Recommendations Hospitals to start using
    massages for this patient population.
  • Threats Only identifying patients that had
    relief. Not being able to massage patients who
    could not even move because they had so much

Conclusions from Research
  • Post op chest/thoracic patients always have some
    degree of pain. Patients may not be educated on
    post op pain and not know how important it is to
    manage pain. This can lead to shallow
    respirations, less activity, and impaired gas
    exchange. It is very important after this kind of
    surgery to get moving after, lungs need exercised
    and strength to return to the body.
  • Prior to surgery patients need educated on what
    pain is going to be like and how we are going to
    help manage it. Everyone has pain no matter the
    age of the patient. As nurses our job is to
    assess the patients pain and help manage it
    pharmacologically or not. Some patients may have
    never taken pain medication and need extra
    education on them.
  • Nurses can use both pharmacologic and non
    pharmacologic interventions for pain but some
    times there not be enough time to sit down and
    try both.

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