ITEC 502 ??? ??? ? ?? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ITEC 502 ??? ??? ? ??


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ITEC 502 ??? ??? ? ??

ITEC 502 ??? ??? ? ??
  • Chapter 3-1
  • Process Synchronization
  • Mi-Jung Choi
  • DPNM Lab. Dept. of CSE, POSTECH

  1. Race Conditions
  2. Critical Regions
  3. Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting
  4. Sleep and Wakeup
  5. Semaphores
  6. Mutexes

  • Concurrent access to shared data may result in
    data inconsistency
  • Maintaining data consistency requires mechanisms
    to ensure the orderly execution of cooperating
  • Suppose that we wanted to provide a solution to
    the consumer-producer problem that fills all the
  • We can do so by having an integer counter that
    keeps track of the number of items in the buffer
  • Initially, counter is set to 0.
  • It is incremented by the producer after it
    produces a new item
  • It is decremented by the consumer after it
    consumes a item

Interprocess Communication
  • IPC for short
  • Race conditions
  • may occur in a system where multiple processes
    work together
  • situations where the final outcome depends on who
    runs precisely when
  • Example spool system

Race Condition (1)
  • Although the producer and consumer routines are
    correct separately, they may not function
    correctly when executed concurrently
  • Suppose
  • that the value of the variable counter is
    currently 5 and
  • that the producer and consumer execute the
    statements counter and counter--
  • Following the execution of these two statements,
    the value of the variable counter may be 4, 5,
    or 6
  • Why?

Race Condition (2)
  • We would arrive at this incorrect state
  • Because we allowed both processes to manipulate
    the variable counter concurrently
  • Race Condition
  • Several processes access and manipulate the same
    data concurrently and the outcome of the
    execution depends on the particular order in
    which the access takes place
  • To prevent the race condition
  • We need to ensure that only one process at a time
    can manipulate the variable counter
  • We require that the processes be synchronized in
    some way

Critical-Region (CR) Problem
  • A system consisting of n processes P0, P1, ,
  • Each process has a segment of code, called a
    critical region, where the process may change
    common variables, updating a table, writing a
    file, and so forth
  • The system requires that no two processes are
    executing in their critical region at the same
  • Solution to the critical-region problem
  • To design a protocol that the processes can use
    to cooperate
  • Each process must request permission to enter
    its CR
  • The section of code implementing this request is
    the entry section
  • The CR may be followed by an exit section
  • The remaining code is the remainder section

Critical-Region Problem
  • The general structure of a typical process Pi

Critical Regions (1)
  • Mutual exclusion to avoid race conditions
  • Four conditions to provide mutual exclusion
  • C1 No two processes simultaneously in CR
  • C2 No assumptions about speeds or numbers of
  • C3 No process outside its CR may block another
  • C4 No process should have to wait forever to
    enter its CR

Critical Regions (2)
  • Mutual exclusion using critical regions
  • - This is what we want

Solution to Critical-Region Problem
  • A solution to the critical-region problem must
    satisfy the following three requirements
  • 1. (c1) Mutual Exclusion - If process Pi is
    executing in its critical region, then no other
    processes can be executing in their critical
  • 2. (c3) Progress - If no process is executing in
    its critical region and there exist some
    processes that wish to enter their critical
    region, then the selection of the processes that
    will enter the critical region next cannot be
    postponed indefinitely deadlock-free condition
  • 3. (c4) Bounded Waiting - A bound must exist on
    the number of times that other processes are
    allowed to enter their critical regions after a
    process has made a request to enter its critical
    region and before that request is granted
    starvation-free condition
  • (c2) Assume that each process executes at a
    nonzero speed
  • (c2) No assumption concerning relative speed of
    the n processes

Petersons Solution for critical region problem
  • Two process Pi, Pj solution
  • Software-based solution
  • Assume that the LOAD and STORE instructions are
    atomic that is, cannot be interrupted
  • The two processes share two variables
  • int turn
  • Boolean flag2
  • The variable turn indicates whose turn it is to
    enter the critical region
  • The flag array is used to indicate if a process
    is ready to enter the critical region
  • flagi true implies that process Pi is ready!

Algorithm for Process Pi
  • do
  • flagi TRUE
  • turn j
  • while ( flagj turn j)
  • CRITICAL Region
  • flagi FALSE
  • REMAINDER Section
  • while (TRUE)

// entry section
// exit section
Petersons Solution satisfies 3 conditions
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Each Pi enters its critical region only if either
    flagjfalse or turni
  • Each Pi enters its critical region with
  • Both Pi and Pj cannot enter their critical region
    at the same time
  • Progress
  • Pi can be stuck only if either flagjtrue and
  • Bounded Waiting
  • Pi will enter the critical region after at most
    one entry by Pj

Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting (1)
  • Disabling interrupts
  • disable interrupts while a process in CR
  • what happens if there is another CPU?? ? violates
  • Lock variables
  • shared (lock) variable, initially 0
  • set it to 1 to enter and to 0 to leave CR
  • do not solve the problem at all!
  • Strict alternation
  • processes A and B enter CR alternatively
  • violates C3

Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting (2)
  • Peterson's solution for achieving mutual exclusion

Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting (3)
TSL RX, LOCK (1) copy value at LOCK to RX
(2) store non-zero at LOCK these two steps
are indivisible!
  • Entering and leaving a critical region using the
    TSL instruction

Sleep and Wakeup (1)
  • Both Petersons and TSL solutions are correct,
  • they require busy waiting ? waste CPU cycles
  • also, the priority inversion problem may occur!
  • ? Blocking sys. calls preferable to busy-waiting
  • Sleep()
  • block itself
  • Wakeup(pid)
  • unblock another process pid

Sleep and Wakeup (2)
  • Producer-consumer problem with fatal race

Semaphore (1)
  • The various hardware-based solutions to the
    critical region problem
  • complicated for application programmers to use
  • To overcome this difficulty
  • Semaphore may be used
  • Semaphore is
  • Synchronization tool that does not require busy
  • Semaphore S integer variable
  • Two standard operations to modify S down() and
  • The modification of the semaphore is atomic
  • When one process modifies the semaphore value, no
    other process can simultaneously modify that same
    semaphore value
  • less complicated to use

Semaphore (2)
  • Semaphore Alphabet

Semaphores (3)
  • Problem with sleep/wakeup
  • wakeup signal can be lost ? wakeup waiting bit
  • what if there are many processes involved??? we
    need a counter for wakeups!? motivation of
  • Semaphores
  • integer variables with atomic operations down()
    and up()
  • down(s)
  • If (s 0) then sleep()
  • else s s-1
  • up(s)
  • s s1
  • if there is another process sleeping on s, wake
    it up

Usage of Semaphore (1)
  • Binary semaphore
  • Integer value can range only between 0 and 1
  • Which is refer to as mutex locks
  • Binary semaphore for solving the critical-region
    problem for multiple processes
  • n processes share a semaphore, mutex
  • mutex is initialized to 1
  • The structure of a process Pi

do down (mutex) CRITICAL Region
up (mutex) REMAINDER Section while
Usage of Semaphore (2) - Binary Semaphore
  • Does previous code satisfy three requirements of
    CR problem
  • Mutual exclusion
  • Progress
  • Bounded waiting
  • The third requirement is not guaranteed as a
  • It usually depends on the implementation of
    down() function
  • Ex, Linux sem_wait() does not guarantee the
    bounded waiting request

Semaphores (4)
  • The producer-consumer problem using semaphores

Semaphores (5)
void producer(void) int item while
(TRUE) item produce_item()
down(empty) down(mutex)
insert_item(item) up(mutex)
void consumer(void) int item while
(TRUE) down(full) down(mutex)
remove_item(item) up(mutex)
up(empty) consume_item(item)
define N 100 typedef int semaphore semaphore
mutex 1 semaphore empty N semaphore full
  • The producer-consumer problem using semaphores

  • Implementation of mutex_lock and mutex_unlock
  • ? Can be easily implemented in user space with
    the help of TSL

  • Cooperating processes that share data have
    critical region of code each of which is in use
    by only one process at a time
  • Three requirements for critical region problem
  • Mutual Exclusion, Progress, Bounded Waiting
  • The main disadvantage of these solution is that
    they all require busy waiting. Semaphore overcome
    this difficulty
  • In the next class
  • Semaphore can be used to solve various
    synchronization problems
  • The bounded-buffer, The readers-writers, The
    dining-philosophers problem problems
  • Those are examples of a large class of
    concurrency-control problems
  • The solution should be deadlock-free ad

  1. Race Conditions
  2. Critical Regions
  3. Mutual Exclusion with Busy Waiting
  4. Sleep and Wakeup
  5. Semaphores
  6. Mutexes
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