A revision of the concept of the CBM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A revision of the concept of the CBM


A revision of the concept of the CBM MVD Or: Do we need an intermediate pixel detector? M. Deveaux, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main Why a revision of the concept? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A revision of the concept of the CBM

A revision of the concept of the CBM MVDOr Do
we need an intermediate pixel detector?
M. Deveaux, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
  • Why a revision of the concept?
  • Strategies to improve detector resolution
  • Occupancy and consequences
  • Summary and conclusion

Why a revision?
Sufficient S/B
Harder impact parameter-cut
Conclusion To measure ?c CBM needs thin (less
200?m !) MAPS detectors.
Why a revision
Optimistic estimate of the material budget of the
first MVD-station
M. Deveaux et al. RD activities for the CBM
Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) CBM collaboration
meeting, 25. 28. Feb 2008, GSI, Darmstadt
There is an obvious misfit between required and
possible material budget Revise global MVD concept
Standard detector layout (reminder)
MVD 1 z10cm
MVD 2 z20cm
Strip 1 z30cm
Detector resolution?
  • A good detector resolution.
  • Detector needs to be better than a standard MVD
    with a first station at 10 cm and 200 µm silicon.
  • What does this means in terms of resolution?

Primary Vertex
Secondary Vertex
Lets calculate the impact parameter resolution
of the MVD
What do we need?
Impact parameter resolution
We are multiple scattering dominated. We have to
reach an IP-resolution of 45 µm (Easy if first
station at z5 cm). Open Can one put the first
station to 5 cm?
A vertex detector at z 5cm?
Detector lifetime? _at_10 cm gt 12.0 x 1011 min.
bias collisions _at_ 5 cm gt 4.4 x 1011 min. bias
collisions (46 days at 105 coll/s)
Open issue
Cluster merging?
Assume We want a lt 1 probability for cluster
merging. How to estimate max. occupancy?
Cluster merging?
Track matching probability
MVD 1 z 5 cm
MVD 2 z ???
Strip 1 z30cm
To avoid this scenario, pointing resolution of
station 2 to station 1 must be sufficiently
good. Assume Search cone cluster size ( 20
µm) gt PAmb lt 1
What about track matching?
Material budget X0
Detector Position cm
Station 3 has to be placed at z 11.5 cm, mat.
budget 700 µm Si equivalent Hit density 1.2 /
mm² / coll.
MVD STS Track matching
z 11.5 cm
z 7.5 cm
500 µm Si
z 5 cm
STS 1, z 30 cm
Summary and conclusion
  • Higher, realistic material budget reduces the
    selectivity of the MVD
  • To remain sensitive for open charm, the MVD must
    be placed closer to the target
  • Close distance to target delta electrons
    generate very high occupancy
  • Hit finding and track matching become crucial
    already at 105 coll. /s
  • A compact MVD design is seems required for
    reasonable track matching in MVD
  • Intermediate pixel detectors might be needed for
    STSgt MVD track matching.
  • Assumptions made are conservative
  • Hot spot occupancy is assumed
  • Option to detect/reject bad clusters or
    ambiguous tracks is ignored
  • Might clever algorithms allow for gt 105 col/s
    operation? Needs to be simulated.
  • Neglect the occupancy from delta electrons in
    simulation is not justified.
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