Title: Practical X-Ray Diffraction
1Practical X-Ray Diffraction
- Prof. Thomas Key
- School of Materials Engineering
2Instrument Settings
- Source
- Cu Ka
- Slits
- Less than 3.0
- Type of measurement
- Coupled 2?
- Detector scan
- Etc.
- Angle Range
- Increment
- Rate (deg/min)
- Detector
- LynxEye (1D)
Bruker D8 Focus
3Coupled 2? Measurements
Motorized Source Slits
X-ray tube
- In Coupled 2? Measurements
- The incident angle w is always ½ of the detector
angle 2q . - The x-ray source is fixed, the sample rotates at
q /min and the detector rotates at 2q /min. - Angles
- The incident angle (?) is between the X-ray
source and the sample. - The diffracted angle (2q) is between the incident
beam and the detector. - In plane rotation angle (F)
4Braggs law and Peak Positions.
- For parallel planes of atoms, with a space dhkl
between the planes, constructive interference
only occurs when Braggs law is satisfied. - First, the plane normal must be parallel to the
diffraction vector - Plane normal the direction perpendicular to a
plane of atoms - Diffraction vector the vector that bisects the
angle between the incident and diffracted beam - X-ray wavelengths l are
- Cu Ka11.540598 Å and Cu Ka21.544426 Å
- Or Cu Ka(avg)1.54278 Å
- dhkl is dependent on the lattice parameter
(atomic/ionic radii) and the crystal structure - IhklIopCLPFhkl2 determines the intensity of
the peak
5Sample Preparation(Common Mistakes and Their
- Z-Displacements
- Sample height matters
- Causes peaks to shift
- Sample orientation of single crystals
- Affects which peaks are observed
- Inducing texture in powder samples
- Causes peak integrated intensities to vary
- Tetragonal PZT
- a4.0215Å
- b4.1100Å
It is important that your sample be at the
correct height
7Z-Displacements vs. Change in Lattice Parameter
Change In Lattice Parameter Strain/Composition?
- Lattice Parameters
- a4.0215 Å
- c4.1100 Å
a4.07A c4.16A
Tetragonal PZT
Z-Displaced Fit Disp.1.5mm
Shifts due to z-displacements are systematically
different and differentiable from changes in
lattice parameter
8Sample Preparation
- Crystal Orientation Matters
9Orientations Matter in Single Crystals(a big
piece of rock salt)
The (200) planes would diffract at 31.82 2q
however, they are not properly aligned to produce
a diffraction peak
The (222) planes are parallel to the (111)
At 27.42 2q, Braggs law fulfilled for the (111)
planes, producing a diffraction peak.
10For phase identification you want a random powder
(polycrystalline) sample
- When thousands of crystallites are sampled, for
every set of planes, there will be a small
percentage of crystallites that are properly
oriented to diffract - All possible diffraction peaks should be
exhibited - Their intensities should match the powder
diffraction file
11Sample Preparation
- Inducing Texture In A Powder Sample
12Preparing a powder specimen
- An ideal powder sample should have many
crystallites in random orientations - the distribution of orientations should be smooth
and equally distributed amongst all orientations - If the crystallites in a sample are very large,
there will not be a smooth distribution of
crystal orientations. You will not get a powder
average diffraction pattern. - crystallites should be lt10mm in size to get good
powder statistics - Large crystallite sizes and non-random
crystallite orientations both lead to peak
intensity variation - the measured diffraction pattern will not agree
with that expected from an ideal powder - the measured diffraction pattern will not agree
with reference patterns in the Powder Diffraction
File (PDF) database
13An Examination of Table Salt
- Salt Sprinkled on double stick tape
- What has Changed?
With Randomly Oriented Crystals
Hint Typical Shape Of Crystals
Its the same sample sprinkled on double stick
tape but after sliding a glass slide across the
14Texture in Samples
- Common Occurrences
- Plastically deformed metals (cold rolled)
- Powders with particle shapes related to their
crystal structure - Particular planes form the faces
- Elongated in particular directions (Plates,
needles, acicular,cubes, etc.)
- How to Prevent
- Grind samples into fine powders
- Unfortunately you cant or dont want to do this
to many samples.
15A Simple Means of Quantifying Texture
- Lotgering degree of orientation (ƒ)
- A comparison of the relative intensities of a
particular family of (hkl) reflections to all
observed reflections in a coupled 2? powder x-ray
diffraction (XRD) Spectrum - ƒ is specifically considered a measure of the
degree of orientation and ranges from 0 to
100 - po is p of a sample with a random
crystallographic orientation.
Where for (00l)
- Ihkl is the integrated intensity of the (hkl)
Jacob L. Jones, Elliott B. Slamovich, and Keith
J. Bowman, Critical evaluation of the Lotgering
degree of orientation texture indicator, J.
Mater. Res., Vol. 19, No. 11, Nov 2004
16Phase Identification
- One of the most important uses of XRD
17 For cubic structures it is often possible to
distinguish crystal structures by considering
the periodicity of the observed reflections.
18Identifying Non-Cubic Phases
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21Phase Identification
- One of the most important uses of XRD
- Typical Steps
- Obtain XRD pattern
- Measure d-spacings
- Obtain integrated intensities
- Compare data with known standards in the
- JCPDS file, which are for random orientations
- There are more than 50,000 JCPDS cards of
inorganic materials
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23Measuring Changes In A Single Phases Composition
24Vegards Law
Good for alloys with continuous solid solutions
- Ex) Au-Pd
- To create the plot on the right
- Using the crystal structure of the alloy
calculate a for each metal - Draw a straight line between them as shown on the
chart to the left. - To calculate the composition
- Calculate a from d-spacings
- a will be an atomic weighted fraction of a of
the two metal
25Measuring Changes In Phase Fraction
- Using I/Icor
- and
- Direct Comparison Method
26Phase Fractions
- Using I/Icorr
- Where
- ? weight fraction
- I(hkl)References relative intensity
- Iexp(hkl)Experimental integrated intensity
27Phase Fractions
- Direct Comparison Method
- Where
- vVolume fraction
- VVolume of the unit cell
28Strain Effects
- Peak Shifts
- and
- Peak Broadening
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30Other Factors contributing to contribute tothe
observed peak profile
31Many factors may contribute tothe observed peak
- Instrumental Peak Profile
- Slits
- Detector arm length
- Crystallite Size
- Microstrain
- Non-uniform Lattice Distortions (aka non-uniform
strain) - Faulting
- Dislocations
- Antiphase Domain Boundaries
- Grain Surface Relaxation
- Solid Solution Inhomogeneity
- Temperature Factors
- The peak profile is a convolution of the profiles
from all of these contributions
32Crystallite Size Broadening
- Peak Width B(2q) varies inversely with
crystallite size - The constant of proportionality, K (the Scherrer
constant) depends on the how the width is
determined, the shape of the crystal, and the
size distribution - The most common values for K are 0.94 (for FWHM
of spherical crystals with cubic symmetry), 0.89
(for integral breadth of spherical crystals with
cubic symmetry, and 1 (because 0.94 and 0.89 both
round up to 1). - K actually varies from 0.62 to 2.08
- For an excellent discussion of K,
- JI Langford and AJC Wilson, Scherrer after sixty
years A survey and some new results in the
determination of crystallite size, J. Appl.
Cryst. 11 (1978) p102-113. - Remember
- Instrument contributions must be subtracted
33Methods used to Define Peak Width
- Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM)
- the width of the diffraction peak, in radians, at
a height half-way between background and the peak
maximum - Integral Breadth
- the total area under the peak divided by the peak
height - the width of a rectangle having the same area and
the same height as the peak - requires very careful evaluation of the tails of
the peak and the background
34Williamson-Hull Plot
Grain size and strain broadening
Grain size broadening
Gausian Peak Shape Assumed
35Which of these diffraction patterns comes from a
nanocrystalline material?
Hint Why are the intensities different?
- These diffraction patterns were produced from the
exact same sample - The apparent peak broadening is due solely to the
instrumentation - 0.0015 slits vs. 1 slits
36Remember, Crystallite Size is Different than
Particle Size
- A particle may be made up of several different
crystallites - Crystallite size often matches grain size, but
there are exceptions
37Anistropic Size Broadening
- The broadening of a single diffraction peak is
the product of the crystallite dimensions in the
direction perpendicular to the planes that
produced the diffraction peak.
38Crystallite Shape
- Though the shape of crystallites is usually
irregular, we can often approximate them as - sphere, cube, tetrahedra, or octahedra
- parallelepipeds such as needles or plates
- prisms or cylinders
- Most applications of Scherrer analysis assume
spherical crystallite shapes - If we know the average crystallite shape from
another analysis, we can select the proper value
for the Scherrer constant K - Anistropic peak shapes can be identified by
anistropic peak broadening - if the dimensions of a crystallite are 2x 2y
200z, then (h00) and (0k0) peaks will be more
broadened then (00l) peaks.
39Reporting Data
40Diffraction patterns are best reported using dhkl
and relative intensity rather than 2q and
absolute intensity.
- The peak position as 2q depends on instrumental
characteristics such as wavelength. - The peak position as dhkl is an intrinsic,
instrument-independent, material property. - Braggs Law is used to convert observed 2q
positions to dhkl. - The absolute intensity, i.e. the number of X rays
observed in a given peak, can vary due to
instrumental and experimental parameters. - The relative intensities of the diffraction peaks
should be instrument independent. - To calculate relative intensity, divide the
absolute intensity of every peak by the absolute
intensity of the most intense peak, and then
convert to a percentage. The most intense peak of
a phase is therefore always called the 100
peak. - Peak areas are much more reliable than peak
heights as a measure of intensity.
41Powder diffraction data consists of a record of
photon intensity versus detector angle 2q.
- Diffraction data can be reduced to a list of peak
positions and intensities - Each dhkl corresponds to a family of atomic
planes hkl - individual planes cannot be resolved- this is a
limitation of powder diffraction versus single
crystal diffraction
Raw Data
Reduced dI list
Position 2q Intensity cts
25.2000 372.0000
25.2400 460.0000
25.2800 576.0000
25.3200 752.0000
25.3600 1088.0000
25.4000 1488.0000
25.4400 1892.0000
25.4800 2104.0000
25.5200 1720.0000
25.5600 1216.0000
25.6000 732.0000
25.6400 456.0000
25.6800 380.0000
25.7200 328.0000
hkl dhkl (Å) Relative Intensity ()
012 3.4935 49.8
104 2.5583 85.8
110 2.3852 36.1
006 2.1701 1.9
113 2.0903 100.0
202 1.9680 1.4
42Extra Examples
- Crystal Structure
- vs.
- Chemistry
43Two Perovskite Samples
- What are the differences?
- Peak intensity
- d-spacing
- Peak intensities can be strongly affected by
changes in electron density due to the
substitution of atoms with large differences in
Z, like Ca for Sr.
Assume that they are both random powder samples
SrTiO3 and CaTiO3
2? (Deg.)
44Two samples of Yttria stabilized Zirconia
Why might the two patterns differ?
- Substitutional Doping can change bond distances,
reflected by a change in unit cell lattice
parameters - The change in peak intensity due to substitution
of atoms with similar Z is much more subtle and
may be insignificant
10 Y in ZrO2 50 Y in ZrO2
R(Y3) 0.104Å R(Zr4) 0.079Å
46Supplimental Information
47Free Software
- Empirical Peak Fitting
- XFit
- WinFit
- couples with Fourya for Line Profile Fourier
Analysis - Shadow
- couples with Breadth for Integral Breadth
Analysis - PowderX
- succeeded by PROFILE
- Whole Pattern Fitting
- Fullprof
- Reitan
- All of these are available to download from
48Dealing With Different Integral Breadth/FWHM
Contributions Contributions
- Lorentzian and Gaussian Peak shapes are treated
differently - BFWHM or ß in these equations
- Williamson-Hall plots are constructed from for
both the Lorentzian and Gaussian peak widths. - The crystallite size is extracted from the
Lorentzian W-H plot and the strain is taken to be
a combination of the Lorentzian and Gaussian
strain terms.
Lorentzian (Cauchy)
Integral Breadth (PV)
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