Title: Object-oriented Testing
1Object-oriented Testing
- To cover the strategies and tools associated with
object oriented testing - Analysis and Design Testing
- Class Tests
- Integration Tests
- Validation Tests
- System Tests
3Object-oriented Testing
- When should testing begin?
- Analysis and Design
- Testing begins by evaluating the OOA and OOD
models - How do we test OOA models (requirements and use
cases)? - How do we test OOD models (class and sequence
diagrams)? - Structured walk-throughs, prototypes
- Formal reviews of correctness, completeness and
consistency - Programming
- How does OO make testing different from
procedural programming? - Concept of a unit broadens due to class
encapsulation - Integration focuses on classes and their context
of a use case scenarioor their execution across
a thread - Validation may still use conventional black box
4Testing Analysisand Design
- Syntactic correctness
- Are UML and ADT notation used correctly?
- Semantic correctness
- Does the model reflect the real world problem?
- Is UML used as intended by its designers?
- Is the ADT design complete (capturing all the
classes and operations in UML diagram) and
understandable? - Testing for consistency
- An inconsistent model has representations in one
part that are not reflected in other portions of
the model
5Testing the Class Model
- Revisit the Use Cases, CRC cards and UML class
model. Check that all collaborations are
properly represented. Inspect the description of
each CRC index card to make sure a delegated
responsibility is part of the collaborators
definition. - Example in a point of sale system.
- A read credit card responsibility of a credit
sale class is accomplished if satisfied by a
credit card collaborator - Invert connections to ensure that each
collaborator asked for a service is receiving
requests from a reasonable source - Example a credit card being asked for a purchase
amount - Have you tested your analysis and design?
- If not, who will do it?
6Testing OO Code
Integration tests
Validation tests
System tests
7Object-oriented Testing Strategies(1)
- Unit Testing
- Smallest testable unit is the encapsulated class
or object - Test each operation as part of a class hierarchy
because its class hierarchy defines its context
of use - Driven by class operations and state behavior,
not algorithmic detail and data flow across
module interface - Approach
- Test each method (and constructor) within a class
- Test the state behavior (attributes) of the class
between methods - Complete test coverage of a class involves
- Testing all operations
- Setting and interrogating all object attributes
- Exercising the object in all possible state
- Test sequences are designed to ensure that
relevant operations are exercised - State of the class is examined to determine if
errors exist
8Object-oriented Testing Strategies(2)
- Unit Testing
- How is class testing different from conventional
testing? - Conventional testing focuses on
input-process-output, whereas class testing
focuses on each method, then designing sequences
of methods to exercise states of a class - But white-box testing can still be applied
9Object-oriented Testing Strategies(3)
- Integration Testing
- OO does not have a hierarchical control structure
so conventional top-down and bottom-up
integration tests have little meaning - Focuses on groups of classes that collaborate in
some manner - Integration of operations one at a time into a
class is often meaningless - Because of direct and indirect interaction of
components - Thread-based testing
- Testing/integrate the set of classes required to
respond to one input or event - Use-based testing (integrates classes required by
one use cas - Begins by testing independent classes that use
very few of server classes - Next layer of classes (dependent classes) that
use the independent classes are tested next - Cluster testing
- Groups of collaborating classes are tested for
interaction errors - Regression testing is important as each thread,
cluster or subsystem is added to the system
10Object-oriented Testing Strategies(4)
- Validation Testing
- Are we building the right product?
- Validation succeeds when software functions in a
manner that can be reasonably expected by the
customer. - Focuses on visible user actions and user
recognizable outputs - Validation tests are based on the use-case
scenarios, the object behavior model, and the
event flow diagram - Apply
- Use-case scenarios from the software requirements
spec - Black-box testing to create a deficiency list
- Acceptance tests through alpha (at developers
site) and beta (at customers site) testing with
actual customers
11Object-oriented Testing Strategies(5)
- Software may be part of a larger system. This
often leads to finger pointing by other system
dev teams - Finger pointing defence
- Design error-handling paths that test external
information - Conduct a series of tests that simulate bad data
- Record the results of tests to use as evidence
- Types of System Testing
- Recovery testing how well and quickly does the
system recover from faults - Security testing verify that protection
mechanisms built into the system will protect
from unauthorized access (hackers, disgruntled
employees, fraudsters) - Stress testing place abnormal load on the system
- Performance testing investigate the run-time
performance within the context of an integrated
12Test Case Design(1)
- Each test case should be uniquely identified and
be explicitly associated with a class to be
tested - the purpose of the test should be stated
- A list of testing steps should be developed for
each test and contains - A list of specified states for the object that is
to be tested - A list of messages and operations that will be
exercised as a consequence of the test - A list of exceptions that may occur as the object
is tested - A list of external conditions needed to be
changed for the test - Supplementary information required to understand
or implement the test - OO testing focuses on designing appropriate
sequences of operations
13Testing Methods at the Class Level(1)
- Random Testing requires large number of data
permutation and combination - Identify operations applicable to a class
- Define constraints on their use e.g. the class
must always be initialized first - Identify a minimum test sequence an operation
sequence that defines the minimum life history of
the class - Generate a variety of random test sequences this
exercises more complex class instance life
14Testing Methods at the Class Level(2)
- Example of Random Testing
- 1) consider an account class that has the
following operations - open, setup, deposit, withdrawal, balance,
summarize, credit Limit, close - 2) The account must be opened first and closed
on completion
15Testing Methods at the Class Level(3)
- Example of Random Testing
- 3) a variety of behaviors may occur
- opensetupdepositdeposit withdrawal
balance summarize credit limitnwithdrawalclo
se -
- 4) different operation sequences can be
generated randomly - test case 1 opensetupdepositdeposit
balance summarize - withdrawalclose
- test case 2 opensetupdepositwithdrawal
deposit balance - credit
16Testing Methods at the Class Level(4)
- Partition Testing reduces the number of test
cases required to test a class (remember ECP) - Input and output are categorized
- Deriving partitioning categories
- State-based partitioning
- Categorizes class operations based on their
ability to change the state of the class - Tests designed in way so that operations that
cause state changes are tested separately from
those that do not - Example
- Test case sp1 opensetupdepositdeposit
withdrawal withdrawalclose - Test case sp2 opensetupdepositsummarize
credit limit - withdrawalclose
17Testing Methods at the Class Level(5)
- Deriving partitioning categories
- Attribute-based partitioning
- Categorizes class operations based on the
attributes that they use and modify - Tests designed in way so that operations that use
or modify attributes are tested separately from
those that do not use or modify attributes - Example
- for the account class, the attributes balance
and credit limit can be used to define
operations. Operations are divided into three
partitions - 1) operations that use credit limit
- 2) operations that modify credit limit
- 3) operations that do not use of modify credit
18Testing Methods at the Class Level(6)
- Deriving partitioning categories
- Category-based partitioning
- Categorizes class operations based on the generic
function that each performs such as
initialization, computation, query, termination - Example
- operations in the account class can be
categorized as - 1) initialization (open, setup)
- 2) computation (deposit, withdraw)
- 3) queries (balance, summarize, credit limit)
- 4) termination (close)
19Interclass Test Case Design(1)
- Test case design becomes more complicated as
integration of the OO system begins testing of
collaboration between classes - Refer to diagram
20Interclass Test Case Design(2)
- Multiple class testing
- For each client class, use the list of class
operators to generate a series of random test
sequences that send messages to other server
classes - For each message generated, determine the
collaborator class and the corresponding operator
in the server object - For each operator in the server object (invoked
by a client object message), determine the
message that it transmits - For each of the message, determine the next level
of operators that are invoked and incorporate
these into the test sequence.
21Interclass Test Case Design(3)
- Multiple class testing example
- Consider a sequence of operations for the bank
class relative to an ATM class - verifyAcctverifyPinverifyPolicywithdrawReq
depositReq AcctInfoReqn - A random test case for the bank class might be
- Test case r3 verifyAcctverifyPin depositReq
- The collaborators invoked for the above test case
are ValidationInfo to execute verifyAcct and
verifyPin. Collaborate with Account to execute
depositReq - Thus a new test case is
- Test case r4 verifyAcctBankvalidAcctValidation
22Interclass Test Case Design(4)
- Test derived from behavior models
- Use the state transition diagram as a model
- Test cases must cover all states
- Breadth first traversal of the state model can be
used (test one transition at a time and only make
use of previously tested transitions when testing
a new transition
23Testing MethodsApplicable at Interclass Level(1)
- Cluster Testing
- Concerned with integrating and testing clusters
of cooperating objects - Identify clusters using knowledge of the
operation of objects and the system features that
are implemented by these clusters - Approaches to cluster testing
- Use-case or scenario testing
- Testing is based on a user interactions with the
system - Has the advantage that it tests systems features
as experienced by users - Thread testing tests the systems response to
events as processing threads through the system - Object interaction testing test sequences of
object interactions that stop when an object
operation does not call on services from another
24Testing MethodsApplicable at Interclass Level(2)
- Use Case/Scenario-based Testing
- Based on
- Use cases
- Corresponding sequence diagrams
- Identify scenarios from use-case and supplement
these with interaction diagrams that show the
objects involved in the scenario - Concentrates on functional requirements
- Every use case
- Every fully expanded (ltltextendgtgt) combination
- Every fully expanded (ltltusesgtgt) combination
- Tests normal as well as exceptional behavior
25OO Test Design Issues
- White-box testing methods can be applied to
testing the code used to implement operations - Black-box testing methods are appropriate for
testing OO systems - OO programming brings additional testing concerns
- Classes may contain operations that are inherited
from superclass - Subclasses may contain operations that were
redefined rather than inherited - All classes derived from a previously tested base
class need to be thoroughly tested.
- One strategy is a bottom-up approach class,
integration, validation and system level testing