Expository Writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Expository Writing


Title: Day 2 with the Persuasive Essay Author: Teacher Last modified by: EPISD Created Date: 10/20/2005 1:12:59 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Expository Writing

Expository Writing
It is nonfiction
  • Nonfiction writing is about finding information
    in a variety of sources, searching for the facts,
    and doing research to gain insight (knowledge)
    about a particular subject. P. 424

What is nonfiction?
  • Writing that is based on facts about real people,
    places, events, or things.
  • What is a thesis statement? the main message,
    lesson, or opinion

Types of nonfiction
  • Essay examines and discusses a focused topic,
    often including authors personal viewpoint
  • Article provides information about a topic, a
    person, or event
  • Speech written to be read aloud presents a
    topic and may persuade, inform, explain, or
    entertain p. 428

Writers contribute more than info
  • Style the particular way a writer uses
    language reflects authors personality through
    figurative language and diction
  • Tone the authors attitude toward both the
    subject and the readers/listeners linked to the
    words the author uses
  • Perspective the viewpoint or opinion the author
    expresses about the subject
  • Purpose the authors reason for writing
  • P. 428

Common purposes
  • To inform (expository)
  • To persuade (persuasive)
  • To honor
  • To entertain
  • To explain
  • To warn

What is expository writing?
  • Presents information or discusses ideas
  • Uses description including imagery and figurative
  • Uses comparison and contrast
  • Sometimes it is written in the form of cause and
  • Has a main, or controlling, idea (central message
    or opinion) p. 465

Rhetoric in persuasive speeches
  • Goal to try to convince listeners of an opinion
    and a call to action
  • Using rhetorical devices patterns of words and
    ideas that create emphasis and stir emotion
  • Ethos appeal to credibility / authority
  • Pathos appeal to emotions
  • Logos appeal to reason supported by evidence p.

Types of rhetorical devices
  • Parallelism repeating a grammatical structure
    or an arrangement of words
  • Repetition using the same words frequently to
    reinforce concepts
  • Analogy drawing comparisons that shows
    similarities between two unlike things
  • Restatement expressing the same ideas in
    different words to stress key points p. 539

  • When you are right you cannot be too radical
    when you are wrong, you cannot be too
    conservative."(Martin Luther King, Jr.)
  • "New roads new ruts."(G. K. Chesterton)
  • "I dont want to live on in my work. I want to
    live on in my apartment."(Woody Allen)
  • "Buy a bucket of chicken and have a barrel of
    fun."(slogan of Kentucky Fried Chicken)

  • Patrick Henrys Speech to the Virginia Convention
  • We listened to the gun fire beyond the walls. We
    listened to the walls being hit by shrapnel,
    ricochets, and blind fire, at least it's what I
    thought it could of been. We listened to the
    creaking the windows made when they opened and
    shut due to the wind from the outside. We
    listened to the cries of our men, and the prayers
    they made to their gods. We listened, but said

Repetition in I Have a Dream
  • I have a dream that one day this nation will rise
    up and live out the true meaning of its creed
    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
    all men are created equal."
  • I have a dream that one day on the red hills of
    Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons
    of former slave owners will be able to sit down
    together at the table of brotherhood.
  • I have a dream that one day even the state of
    Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of
    injustice, sweltering with the heat of
    oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of
    freedom and justice.
  • I have a dream that my four little children will
    one day live in a nation where they will not be
    judged by the color of their skin but by the
    content of their character.

  • Hunting is to a tiger as working is for people.
  • What key is to a lock, password is to a mobile
  • What ground is to a penguin, sky is to an eagle.
  • What time is to a watch, light is to the sun.
  • What moon is to the night, the sun is to the day.
  • Swamper is to handyman as bindlestiff is

Restatement FDRs Inaugural Address
  • I will address them with a candor
  • This is the time to speak the truth, the whole
    truth, frankly and boldly
  • Nor need we shrink from honestly facing

FDRs First Inaugural Address
  • Q. p. 553
  • Short answer question on p. 559
  • Make sure you answer the question first in
    complete sentence and provide evidence from the
  • This time, also add some commentary after the
    evidence where you explain why this call to
    action is relevant or important.

Answer with evidence on p. 559
  • FDR calls on Congress to adopt his measures or to
    grant him broad executive powers so that he can
    act on his own. According to his first inaugural
    address, FDR states I shall ask Congress for the
    one remaining instrument to meet the crisis
    broad executive power to wage war against the
    emergency as great as the power that would be
    given me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign
    foe. FDR wants more power so that he can do
    everything possible to solve the economic crisis
    during the Great Depression.

3 on p. 560
  • Roosevelt says that Americans from earlier
    periods in history conquered perils because they
    did not have fears. Roosevelt wrote in his speech
    that compared with the perils which our
    forefathers conquered because they believed and
    were not afraid, we have much to be thankful
    for. Roosevelt is encouraging his audience to
    not be fearful of the tragedies caused by the
    Great Depression.

Cross-over question
  • How do Steinbecks Of Mice and Men and FDRs
    First Inaugural Address show the moral decline
    of the American Dream?
  • Answer Of Mice and Men
  • Evidence Of Mice and Men
  • Answer Inaugural Address
  • Evidence Inaugural Address

The Expository Essay
What is an expository essay?
  • An expository essay explains, or acquaints the
    reader with knowledge about the topic. Expository
    essays use facts and statistical information,
    cause and effect relationships, or examples.

Types of Expository Writing
  • Informative
  • Directions
  • Opinions
  • Persuasion

Examples of Informative Writing
  • Informative speeches
  • Research
  • Essays
  • Brochures
  • Memoirs
  • Letters
  • Biographies
  • Autobiographies

Examples of Directions
  • How-to paragraphs
  • Recipes
  • Travel directions
  • Instructions
  • Game rules
  • Commands
  • Drills
  • Orders

Examples of Opinions
  • Personal Opinions
  • Reviews
  • Comparisons
  • Speeches
  • Letters
  • Recommendations

Examples of Persuasion
  • Debates
  • Political Rallies
  • Sales-Pitches
  • Advertising
  • Travel brochures
  • Speeches

Expository essay on STAAR
  • Since the expository writing prompt on STAAR will
    be in the form of an informative essay, we will
    focus on writing to inform and to explain.

What is an expository essay?
  • Since expository essays are factual, they are
    written without emotion and usually written in
    the third person. That means that the use of the
    pronoun "I" is not usually found within the
    essay. They are written with the intention of

Expository essays also have a distinct format.
  • The central concept (thesis statement) must be
    narrow enough to be supported within the essay.
  • Each supporting paragraph must have a main
    supporting idea and all other sentences must
    relate directly to it.
  • Transition words or phrases are important as they
    help the flow and reinforce the logic.

Expository essays also have a distinct format.
  • Finally, the conclusion paragraph should restate
    the central concept (thesis) in a different way
    and connect it to the supporting ideas. Finish
    with a statement that reinforces your position in
    a meaningful and memorable way.
  • Never introduce new material in the conclusion.


  • __________________________
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  • __________________________

Thesis statement (central concept) (will become
basis for introductory paragraph)
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
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Expository Prompt
  • Read At the thematic core of Of Mice and Men
    lies a story about friendship in a world where
    people do not seem to care about each other.
  • Think Why is friendship important and valuable?
  • Write Write an essay explaining how friendship
    is important or valuable.

Expository Prompt
  • Directions for Writing
  • Think about examples from literature, movies,
    television, games, or experiences youve had that
    demonstrate how friendship is important.
  • Explain and support your reasons with examples
    and details


  • __________________________
  • __________________________
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  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
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  • __________________________

Transition Word

Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Having a friend allows you to grow and
meet goals.
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
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  • __________________________


  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • I didnt know what to study
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
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  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • Friends help you succeed
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • Friends help you succeed
  • Learn new things from them
  • __________________________


  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • Friends help you succeed
  • Learn new things from them
  • Lend a helping hand

Transition Word For instance,

Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Having a friend allows you to grow and
meet goals.
  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • Friends help you succeed
  • Learn new things from them
  • Lend a helping hand

Transition Word For instance,
Transition Word Furthermore,

Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Having a friend allows you to grow and
meet goals.
Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Friends are necessary to feel
protected. It is a relief when someone has your
  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • Friends help you succeed
  • Learn new things from them
  • Lend a helping hand

Transition Word For instance,
Transition Word Furthermore,

Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Having a friend allows you to grow and
meet goals.
Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Friends are necessary to feel
protected. It is a relief when someone has your
  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
Transition Word Truly,
Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Friends can also educate you about
different topics that can make you knowledgeable.
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • Friends help you succeed
  • Learn new things from them
  • Lend a helping hand

Transition Word For instance,
Transition Word Furthermore,

Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Having a friend allows you to grow and
meet goals.
Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Friends are necessary to feel
protected. It is a relief when someone has your
  • I didnt know what to study
  • My friend John encouraged me to join the student
  • As a result I found my calling to study writing
    and literature
  • In The Lord of the Rings Frodo and Sam take care
    of each other
  • Frodo has a mission and faces dangers, and Sam
    saves him.
  • If it wasnt for Sam, Frodo would have not

Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
Transition Word All in all,
Transition Word Truly,
Conclusion (Complete sentence) Friends have the
power to influence you in many positive ways.
They can empower you to make good choices in life
and see things differently.
Supporting reason or idea 1 (Complete
Sentence) Friends can also educate you about
different topics that can make you knowledgeable.
  • My friend Kiko is a music enthusiast and goes to
  • He taught me about music history and bought me
    books on music.
  • Kikos passion for music has rubbed off on me
    he influenced me
  • Friends help you succeed
  • Learn new things from them
  • Lend a helping hand

Developing the introductory paragraph.
Thesis statement In a society where we are
dependent on others for information and valuable
lessons, friendship is critical in order to grow
and meet goals, to have protection, and be
  • Use a HOOK to engage the reader
  • The Hook (PowerPoint  Download)

Ways to start
  • Start with a metaphor or simile
  • Friends are like the moon on a dark night. They
    illuminate you.
  • Friends are like a warm blanket in the winter.
    They keep you protected.
  • A friend is a like a shelter during a storm. They
    are there to guide and protect you during the
    toughest times.

Or start with a quote.
  • There is an old saying that says that a friend
    is someone who knows the song in your heart, and
    can sing it back to you when you have forgotten
    the words. True friends are the ones that bring
    out the best in you and make you a(n) better
    auspicious person.

Check out thesaurus.com !
Start with a truism
  • A friend is someone who walks in when the rest of
    the world walks out.
  • A friend is someone who believes in you when you
    have ceased to believe in yourself.
  • Friendship is one mind in two bodies.

The concluding paragraph
  • The concluding paragraph
  • Restates the main idea or thesis
  • Summarizes the supporting ideas
  • Ends with a punch!

Expository Essay Graphic Organizer
  • Utilize the four square graphic organizer
    template to develop an expository essay.

Print the Expository Graphic Organizer
Expository Essay Resources
  • The Expository Essay
  • Expository Writing Prompts
  • Expository Essay
  • Transition Words
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