Title: Sawtooth-like phenomena in LHD
1- Sawtooth-like phenomena in LHD
- S. Ohdachi, S.Yamamoto, K. Toi, K. Y.Watanabe,
S.Sakakibara, H. Yamada, LHD Exp.Group
- MHD stability in LHD.
- Sawtooth activities in high density plasma with
pellet injection. - Observations with a tangentially viewing SX
camera. - Edge activities in inward shifted plasmas.
3Large Helical Device(LHD)
L 2, m10 Heliotron type device R 3.5 -
3.9m, a 0.6m Bt 0.5 2.8 T NBI 9MW,
ICH2.5MW, ECH1.9MW Te lt 10keV, Ti lt 5keV
Best performance of plasma can be produced with
Rax 3.6m configuration where anomalous/neo-class
ical transports are improved.
Superconducting coil system
Poloidal Coil
Vacuum Vessel
Helical Coil
4MHD stability and Magnetic Axis Position
- In inward shifted plasma (Rax 3.6m), magnetic
hill region is wider. - Magnetic well region extend as the beta
increases. - We have rational surfaces, i n/m (1/2), 2/3,
1/1, 4/3, 3/2, in the hill region at b
1(3.6m). - PP0(1-r8)2 is assumed.
5Coherent Modes in inward-shifted plasmas
- Operation with Mercier Unstable conditions. (Rax
3.53m 3.6m) - Many coherent modes are simultaneously observed.
(broad density profile) - However, they do not affect the confinement so
much. - There are several case where MHD instabilities
lead to sawtooth-like collapse.
6Operation Regime
7Sawtooth-like activity
Satooth-like activities are observed in pellet
injected high-density plasmas.
While the electron density decreases after pellet
injection the electron pressure profile become
peaked gradually. Sawtooth activities around i
1/2 surface can be seen.
8Inversion radius and i profile
- Difference between before and after are shown.
- Inversion radius is around i 1/2.
9Pressure gradient and Magnetic shear
Small change in iota profile(10kA). Shear at the
rational surface is affected.
10Electron temperature profile with/without
sawtooth activitiy
- With ST activities, the electron temperature
profile becomes flat.
11Fluctuation with ST
- Fluctuations are analyzed by SVD.
- Slightly inside the inversion radius, m2
oscillations are seen. Its amplitude decreases
with ST crash. - Heat pulse triggered by ST crash excite edge mode
with m/n 1/1.
12Sawtooth observed by a fast framing tangentially
viewing SX camera
Framing rate 4.5kHz(256x256) 13.5kHz(128x128)
Response of phosphor is fast enough ( ms order).
Sample Image
Two dimensional image with a framing rate of
4.5kHz can be measured with this system without
complicated tomographic reconstruction.
13Energy flow with ST crash
- Energy flow seems to be isotropic.
14Core Fluctuations with Rax 3.53m
- In Rax3.53 another collapse are found with lower
beta plasma. In this case, energy flow is m2
15SVD component
- 4-5 component represent represent m2 rotation
mode. (r0.5 Dr0.1) - Exhaust from the core region can be seen in .3
component, which synchronizes with the m2
rotation. - We are trying to find out the detailed structure
like this event, at ST-crash with faster camera.
16i 4/3 and 1/1
- In further inward shifted plasma, Rax 3.53 and
3.6m, collapse events in the peripheral region
also can be seen. - The effect on the plasma performance, e.g., the
stored energy is larger.
17Summary 1
- Sawtooth-like events observed in LHD is similar
to the sawtooth in tokamks. - It is localized on i 1/2 surface with revered
shear (tokamaks). - When pressure gradient exceed the limit,
activities are exited. Critical pressure gradient
are affected by the local magnetic shear.
18Summary 2
- One events takes ms order. Slower than tokamak
sawtooth. - Energy flow at the events seems to be isotropic.
- Events at various rational surface can be
observed in inward-shifted plasma with Mercier
unstable conditions.
19Sawtooth and pre/post Cursor
- m2 pre/post cursor can be seen in SX
fluctuations. - In high beta discharges (Bt 1.3, 1.5T),
- magnetic flucutuations with n/m 1/2
- syncronized with SX fluctuations are observed.