de Contas da UniãoBrazilMay, 2008
- PAS and PSC surveys - general facts
- Current use of guidelines to support Performance
Auditing - Understanding the demand for ISSAI 3000
supplementing guidelines
3PSC survey
- From November 2006 to February 2007
- Needs and priorities of the SAIs regarding
guidelines - The survey covered 3 main themes
- What standards and guidelines are used by SAIs?
- What are the needs for audit guidance for the
public sector? - How may INTOSAI's standards and guidelines be
improved in the coming years? - 100 SAIs answered the survey,
- 54 of the 186 members of INTOSAI.
- 76 SAIs use INTOSAI Auditing Standards
- 64 SAIs have answered that there is a need for
further guidelines on performance auditing -
4PAS survey
- PAS mini-survey questionnaires were sent to 74
SAIs - 64 respondents of the PSC survey
- there is a need for further guidelines
- 10 more SAIs that do not share this view but are
PAS members - 35 respondent countries
- 4 do not perform Performance Audits
- 3 countries provided invalid (or all in blank)
answers - 32 sets of valid responses
- response rate of 43
5Initial remarks
- INTOSAI performance audit community is still
relatively small - around 1/3 of the 186 INTOSAI members
- around 70 SAIs?
- PAS mini-survey reflects the view of 1/2 this
community - 32 SAIs
- Member participation in PAS activities needs
improvement if we are to develop new
achievements. - 60 is less than we expected...
6Current use of guidelines to support Performance
- questions 1 to 4
- Investigate about the use of INTOSAI guidelines
- and other documents
- Universe of analysis is 31 SAIs
- 1 does not conduct Performance Audits
7Current use of guidelines to support Performance
- The use of SAI specific documents or guides is
not bad news - The bad news is
- 11 out 31 SAIs (35) use other documents but do
not use ISSAI 3000 - The reasons for that are still not know to PAS
- acknowledging this will be important
- to determine our strategy
- and work plan for the next years
- Use of ISSAI 3000 compared to other supporting
8Current use of guidelines to support Performance
- Result of the prospecting effort carried out by
PAS - compilation of complimentary documents used by
SAIs - on-line library hosted in our recently created
PAS website - First step to help publicize all avaiable
material - that could help SAIs to better conduct
performance audits. - It is our aim to include
- all documents used by rspondent countries
- links to all ISSAI 3000 reference documents
- PAS website already contains links to 35
documents. Browsed by - country - 9
- language - 7
- or INTOSAI regional - 3
9Understanding the demand for Issai 3000
supplementing guidelines
- What exactly should be the scope and content of
the ISSAI 3000 suplementing guidelines? - 5. What part of the performance audit phases is
seen as a priority to be addressed by the
supplementary guidelines? - (from 1, the least important, to 7, the most
important) - 6. What audit methods and techniques in
increasing order of priority should be addressed
by the supplementary guidelines? - (from 1, the least important, to 14, the most
important) - 7. Should the supplementary guidelines focus on
specific methods like the ones presented in the
question above?
Comments on Data Normalisation averages
scaled from 1 to 10
10What audit phase is a priority?
No clear priority pattern?
11What audit phase is a priority?
12What audit phase is a priority?
What will we decide?
Preferred audit phases and normalized average
13ISSAI 1000-2999 implementation guidelines on
Financial Audit
14Should the guidelines focus on audit methods and
- Specific guidance on audit methods and techniques
is already well documented in the social sciences
literature - This fact does not prevent SAIs to consider that
INTOSAI guidelines on these matters will be
15What method or technique is a priority?
Clearer priority pattern?
16What method or technique is a priority?
17What method or technique is a priority?
What will we decide?
Preferred audit phases and normalized average
18Decisions PAS has to make
- What topics should suplementing ISSAI 3000
guidelines cover? - Audit phases?
- Methods and Techniques?
- One or many documents with guidelines sets?
- How can we work together for that?
- Wich countries would volunteer?
- Who is going to coordinate the effort?
- How does this task will relate to others in our
work plan?
19PAS website
- http//psc.rigsrevisionen.dk/composite-170.htm